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The advent of the X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) has made it possible to record diffraction snapshots of biological entities injected into the X-ray beam before the onset of radiation damage. Algorithmic means must then be used to determine the snapshot orientations and thence the three-dimensional structure of the object. Existing Bayesian approaches are limited in reconstruction resolution typically to 1/10 of the object diameter, with the computational expense increasing as the eighth power of the ratio of diameter to resolution. We present an approach capable of exploiting object symmetries to recover three-dimensional structure to high resolution, and thus reconstruct the structure of the satellite tobacco necrosis virus to atomic level. Our approach offers the highest reconstruction resolution for XFEL snapshots to date and provides a potentially powerful alternative route for analysis of data from crystalline and nano-crystalline objects.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

The importance of cell division models in cellular pattern studies has been acknowledged since the 19th century. Most of the available models developed to date are limited to symmetric cell division with isotropic growth. Often, the actual growth of the cell wall is either not considered or is updated intermittently on a separate time scale to the mechanics. This study presents a generic algorithm that accounts for both symmetrically and asymmetrically dividing cells with isotropic and anisotropic growth. Actual growth of the cell wall is simulated simultaneously with the mechanics.


The cell is considered as a closed, thin-walled structure, maintained in tension by turgor pressure. The cell walls are represented as linear elastic elements that obey Hooke''s law. Cell expansion is induced by turgor pressure acting on the yielding cell-wall material. A system of differential equations for the positions and velocities of the cell vertices as well as for the actual growth of the cell wall is established. Readiness to divide is determined based on cell size. An ellipse-fitting algorithm is used to determine the position and orientation of the dividing wall. The cell vertices, walls and cell connectivity are then updated and cell expansion resumes. Comparisons are made with experimental data from the literature.

Key Results

The generic plant cell division algorithm has been implemented successfully. It can handle both symmetrically and asymmetrically dividing cells coupled with isotropic and anisotropic growth modes. Development of the algorithm highlighted the importance of ellipse-fitting to produce randomness (biological variability) even in symmetrically dividing cells. Unlike previous models, a differential equation is formulated for the resting length of the cell wall to simulate actual biological growth and is solved simultaneously with the position and velocity of the vertices.


The algorithm presented can produce different tissues varying in topological and geometrical properties. This flexibility to produce different tissue types gives the model great potential for use in investigations of plant cell division and growth in silico.  相似文献   
Anchoring microtubules to the centrosome is critical for cell geometry and polarity, yet the molecular mechanism remains unknown. Here we show that the conserved human Msd1/SSX2IP is required for microtubule anchoring. hMsd1/SSX2IP is delivered to the centrosome in a centriolar satellite‐dependent manner and binds the microtubule‐nucleator γ‐tubulin complex. hMsd1/SSX2IP depletion leads to disorganised interphase microtubules and misoriented mitotic spindles with reduced length and intensity. Furthermore, hMsd1/SSX2IP is essential for ciliogenesis, and during zebrafish embryogenesis, knockdown of its orthologue results in ciliary defects and disturbs left‐right asymmetry. We propose that the Msd1 family comprises conserved microtubule‐anchoring proteins.  相似文献   
Pore-forming toxins (PFTs) are a class of pathogen-secreted molecules that oligomerize to form transmembrane channels in cellular membranes. Determining the mechanism for how PFTs bind membranes is important in understanding their role in disease and for developing possible ways to block their action. Vibrio vulnificus, an aquatic pathogen responsible for severe food poisoning and septicemia in humans, secretes a PFT called V. vulnificus hemolysin (VVH), which contains a single C-terminal targeting domain predicted to resemble a β-trefoil lectin fold. In order to understand the selectivity of the lectin for glycan motifs, we expressed the isolated VVH β-trefoil domain and used glycan-chip screening to identify that VVH displays a preference for terminal galactosyl groups including N-acetyl-d-galactosamine and N-acetyl-d-lactosamine. The X-ray crystal structure of the VVH lectin domain solved to 2.0 Å resolution reveals a heptameric ring arrangement similar to the oligomeric form of the related, but inactive, lectin from Vibrio cholerae cytolysin. Structures bound to glycerol, N-acetyl-d-galactosamine, and N-acetyl-d-lactosamine outline a common and versatile mode of recognition allowing VVH to target a wide variety of cell-surface ligands. Sequence analysis in light of our structural and functional data suggests that VVH may represent an earlier step in the evolution of Vibrio PFTs.  相似文献   
利用红边面积形状参数估测水稻叶层氮浓度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
研究红边面积参数与叶层氮素状况的定量关系, 有助于水稻(Oryza sativa)生长信息的实时无损获取及精确追氮管理。该研究基于多年不同施氮水平和不同水稻品种的冠层高光谱数据, 系统分析了水稻的红边区域光谱、面积形状特征及其与叶层氮浓度的定量关系。结果表明, 水稻冠层红边区域微分光谱随不同氮素水平变化出现“三峰”现象, 峰值分别出现在700、720和730 nm附近, 且3个波段的峰值高低发生交替变化; 同时, 以3个峰值波段为中心与x坐标轴组成的微分光谱面积和形状相应发生变化。发现基于两两峰值波段划分所得红边子面积所构成的比值(双峰对称度)、归一化差值(归一化对称度)参数与叶层氮浓度具有密切的定量关系, 可作为估测水稻叶层氮浓度的红边面积形状参数。经曲线拟合和模型检验的结果显示, 双峰对称度DPS (A675-700, A675-755), 即由675~700 nm区域面积与675~755 nm区域面积的比值, 和DPS (A730-755,A675-700) (由730~755 nm区域面积和675~700 nm区域面积的比值)对水稻叶层氮浓度的估测效果最好, 可用于不同水稻品种和生长条件下的叶层氮浓度估测。  相似文献   
The floral ontogeny and anatomy ofKoelreuteria paniculata have been investigated to understand the developmental basis for the occurring monosymmetry and the origin of the septal cavities. Petals arise sequentially and one petal is missing between sepals 3 and 5, or rarely between sepals 2 and 5. The eight stamens arise sequentially before petal initiation is completed. The last formed petal and one stamen arise on a common primordium. Two stamen positions are empty (opposite the petal between the sepals 2 and 5, and the petal between sepal 1 and 3); consequently two antesepalous stamens have become displaced. The derivation of octandry from a diplostemonous ancestry, and reduction of the petal are discussed. The triangular gynoecium has a strong impact in obliquely reorganizing the symmetry of the flower, loss of organs, and shifts of stamens. The so-called septal slits occurring within the style are a deepreaching non-nectariferous extension of the stigma. Alternating locular furrows are present which could play a role as pollen transmitting tissue and in the loculicid dehiscence of the capsule.  相似文献   
本文运用13-18岁正常He纯纵向样本资料,头颅定位后前位X线头影测量法,分析正常He人上、中面部的对称性与变异,探讨其随生长发育的变化趋势,为客观区分对称对称性的正常变异和不对称畸形提供依据。结果表明:正常He人上、中面部骨骼存在对称性的正常变异,其范围在13-18岁保持稳定,水平向小于8%,垂向不超过9mm;在其相对于颅底的位置关系及其骨骼各对应部位之间,有较好对称性;面部骨骼的生长发育具有潜  相似文献   
本文运用13— 18岁正常纯纵向样本资料 ,头颅定位后前位 X线头影测量法 ,分析正常人上、中面部的对称性与变异 ,探讨其随生长发育的变化趋势 ,为客观区分对称性的正常变异和不对称畸形提供依据。结果表明 :正常人上、中面部骨骼存在对称性的正常变异 ,其范围在13—18岁保持稳定 ,水平向小于8% ,垂直向不超过9mm;在其相对于颅底的位置关系及其骨骼各对应部位之间 ,有较好对称性 ;面部骨骼的生长发育具有潜在的优势特点。  相似文献   
Previous studies with rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) have shown that allozymic heterozygotes have increased developmental stability, as measured by reduced fluctuating bilateral asymmetry. In this paper, we examine the phenotypic effects of null alleles at two lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) loci. If the association between allozymic heterozygosity and developmental stability is due largely to linked chromosomal segments, then we would expect null allele heterozygotes to have increased developmental stability. In contrast, heterozygotes for LDH null alleles in three populations have reduced developmental stability. This suggests that the reduction in enzyme activity at these loci is having a deleterious effect on development that is strong enough to mask any beneficial effects that may be associated with heterozygosity for these chromosomal segments. The LDH loci examined in this study are members of two different paralogous pairs of duplicate genes produced by the polyploidization of the ancestral salmonid genome. The apparent deleterious effects of these null alleles in heterozygotes could retard the possible loss of duplicate gene expression.  相似文献   
Background and AimsFloral diversity as a result of plant–pollinator interactions can evolve by two distinct processes: shifts between pollination systems or divergent use of the same pollinator. Although both are pollinator driven, the mode, relative importance and interdependence of these different processes are rarely studied simultaneously. Here we apply a phylogenetic approach using the Balsaminaceae (including the species-rich genus Impatiens) to simultaneously quantify shifts in pollination syndromes (as inferred from the shape and colour of the perianth), as well as divergent use of the same pollinator (inferred from corolla symmetry).MethodsFor 282 species we coded pollination syndromes based on associations between floral traits and known pollination systems, and assessed corolla symmetry. The evolution of these traits was reconstructed using parsimony- and model-based approaches, using phylogenetic trees derived from phylogenetic analyses of nuclear ribosomal and plastid DNA sequence data.Key ResultsA total of 71 % of studied species have a bee pollination syndrome, 22 % a bimodal syndrome (Lepidoptera and bees), 3 % a bird pollination syndrome and 5 % a syndrome of autogamy, while 19 % of species have an asymmetrical corolla. Although floral symmetry and pollination syndromes are both evolutionarily labile, the latter shifts more frequently. Shifts in floral symmetry occurred mainly in the direction towards asymmetry, but there was considerable uncertainty in the pattern of shift direction for pollination syndrome. Shifts towards asymmetrical flowers were associated with a bee pollination syndrome.ConclusionFloral evolution in Impatiens has occurred through both pollination syndrome shifts and divergent use of the same pollinator. Although the former appears more frequent, the latter is likely to be underestimated. Shifts in floral symmetry and pollination syndromes depend on each other but also partly on the region in which these shifts take place, suggesting that the occurrence of pollinator-driven evolution may be determined by the availability of pollinator species at large geographical scales.  相似文献   
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