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为明确不同寄主和不同信息化合物对豆大蓟马的行为影响,本文应用"Y"型嗅觉仪测定了豆大蓟马雌成虫对两种寄主植物花和不同浓度(v/v)下11种化合物的趋向性反应,结果表明:豆大蓟马对豇豆花、10-4烟酸乙酯、10-6烟酸乙酯、10-2橙花醇、10-2芳樟醇、10-6邻茴香醛和10-23-苯丙醛、10-43-苯丙醛具有极显著的趋向反应;对四季豆花和10-4橙花醇具有显著的趋向反应;10-4β-香茅醇、10-6β-香茅醇和10-6苯甲醛对豆大蓟马具有显著的驱避反应。不同浓度同一化合物对豆大蓟马的吸引作用也存在显著差异。实验结果可为进一步开发利用信息化合物田间防治豆大蓟马提供参考。  相似文献   
Executive functions consist of multiple high-level cognitive processes that drive rule generation and behavioral selection. An emergent property of these processes is the ability to adjust behavior in response to changes in one’s environment (i.e., behavioral flexibility). These processes are essential to normal human behavior, and may be disrupted in diverse neuropsychiatric conditions, including schizophrenia, alcoholism, depression, stroke, and Alzheimer’s disease. Understanding of the neurobiology of executive functions has been greatly advanced by the availability of animal tasks for assessing discrete components of behavioral flexibility, particularly strategy shifting and reversal learning. While several types of tasks have been developed, most are non-automated, labor intensive, and allow testing of only one animal at a time. The recent development of automated, operant-based tasks for assessing behavioral flexibility streamlines testing, standardizes stimulus presentation and data recording, and dramatically improves throughput. Here, we describe automated strategy shifting and reversal tasks, using operant chambers controlled by custom written software programs. Using these tasks, we have shown that the medial prefrontal cortex governs strategy shifting but not reversal learning in the rat, similar to the dissociation observed in humans. Moreover, animals with a neonatal hippocampal lesion, a neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia, are selectively impaired on the strategy shifting task but not the reversal task. The strategy shifting task also allows the identification of separate types of performance errors, each of which is attributable to distinct neural substrates. The availability of these automated tasks, and the evidence supporting the dissociable contributions of separate prefrontal areas, makes them particularly well-suited assays for the investigation of basic neurobiological processes as well as drug discovery and screening in disease models.  相似文献   
This protocol describes how the Open-field Tower Maze (OFTM) paradigm is used to study spatial learning in rodents. This maze is especially useful for examining how rats learn to use a place- or response-learning to successfully navigate in an open-field arena. Additionally, this protocol describes how the OFTM differs from other behavioral maze paradigms that are commonly used to study spatial learning in rodents. The OFTM described in this article was adapted from the one previously described by Cole, Clipperton, and Walt (2007). Specifically, the OFTM was created to test spatial learning in rodents without the experimenter having to consider how “stress” might play a role as a confounding variable. Experiments have shown that stress-alone can significantly affect cognitive function1. The representative results section contains data from an experiment that used the OFTM to examine the effects of estradiol treatment on place- and response-learning in adult female Sprague Dawley rats2. Future studies will be designed to examine the role of the hippocampus and striatum in place- and response-learning in the OFTM.  相似文献   
Abstract The whitefly Bemisia tabaci has a global distribution and extensive genetic diversity. Recent phylogenetic analyses as well as crossing experiments suggest that B. tabaci is a complex composed of > 20 cryptic species, but more crossing studies are required to examine the reproductive compatibility among the putative species and thus further clarify the systematics of this species complex. We conducted crossing experiments and behavioral observations to investigate the reproductive compatibility between the Mediterranean, Asia II 3, and Asia II 1 putative species of B. tabaci collected from Zhejiang, China. Female progeny were never produced in inter-species crosses, demonstrating a lack of egg fertilization; while 55%–75% females were produced in all the intra-species treatments. Continuous behavioral observations showed that frequent courtship events occurred in both intra-species treatments and inter-putative species crosses. However, copulation events occurred only in the three intra-species treatments with one exception: that one copulation event occurred between Asia II 3 and Mediterranean in the crosses where two cohorts of females and males of different putative species were enclosed together in a small arena but were not allowed access to their intra-specific mates for a long period of time. These data demonstrated complete reproductive isolation between the Mediterranean, Asia II 3, and Asia II 1 putative species, and further showed that the isolation is due to lack of copulation. Demonstration of reproductive isolation between the Mediterranean and two indigenous putative species from China provides further evidence for the existence of cryptic species within the B. tabaci complex.  相似文献   
Gastrointestinal (GI) anthrax, caused by the bacterial infection of Bacillus anthracis, posts a significant bioterrorism threat by its relatively high mortality rate in humans. Different from inhalational anthrax by the route of infection, accumulating evidence indicates the bypass of vegetative bacteria across GI epithelium is required to initiate GI anthrax. Previously, we reported that purified anthrolysin O (ALO), instead of tripartite anthrax edema and lethal toxins, is capable of disrupting gut epithelial tight junctions and barrier function in cultured cells. Here, we show that ALO can disrupt intestinal tissue barrier function in an ex vivo mouse model. To explore the effects of ALO in a cell culture model of B. anthracis infection, we showed that anthrax bacteria can effectively reduce the monolayer integrity of human Caco-2 brush-border expressor (C2BBE) cells based on the reduced transepithelial resistance and the increased leakage of fluorescent dye. This disruption is likely caused by tight junction dysfunction observed by the reorganization of the tight junction protein occludin. Consequently, we observe significant passage of vegetative anthrax bacteria across C2BBE cells. This barrier disruption and bacterial crossover requires ALO since ALO-deficient B. anthracis strains fail to induce monolayer dysfunction and allow the passage of anthrax bacteria. Together these findings point to a pivotal role for ALO within the establishment of GI anthrax infection and the initial bypass of the epithelial barrier.  相似文献   
Abstract: We designed a reliable and inexpensive universal trap timer that records the time from the moment a single-live-capture trap is triggered by an animal to when the observer checks the trap. Combined with trapping information, the diel activity pattern of a given species or demographic group can then be described or compared between imposed treatments. The universal trap timer is adaptable to operate reliably with most single-capture trap designs, requires no permanent modification of traps, and is easy to construct.  相似文献   
Improving health of the rapidly growing aging population is a critical medical, social, and economic goal. Identification of genes that modulate healthspan, the period of mid‐life vigor that precedes significant functional decline, will be an essential part of the effort to design anti‐aging therapies. Because locomotory decline in humans is a major contributor to frailty and loss of independence and because slowing of movement is a conserved feature of aging across phyla, we screened for genetic interventions that extend locomotory healthspan of Caenorhabditis elegans. From a group of 54 genes previously noted to encode secreted proteins similar in sequence to extracellular domains of insulin receptor, we identified two genes for which RNAi knockdown delayed age‐associated locomotory decline, conferring a high performance in advanced age phenotype (Hpa). Unexpectedly, we found that hpa‐1 and hpa‐2 act through the EGF pathway, rather than the insulin signaling pathway, to control systemic healthspan benefits without detectable developmental consequences. Further analysis revealed a potent role of EGF signaling, acting via downstream phospholipase C‐γplc‐3 and inositol‐3‐phosphate receptor itr‐1, to promote healthy aging associated with low lipofuscin levels, enhanced physical performance, and extended lifespan. This study identifies HPA‐1 and HPA‐2 as novel negative regulators of EGF signaling and constitutes the first report of EGF signaling as a major pathway for healthy aging. Our data raise the possibility that EGF family members should be investigated for similar activities in higher organisms.  相似文献   
Functional traits and functional diversity measures are increasingly being used to examine land use effects on biodiversity and community assembly rules. Morphological traits are often used directly as functional traits. However, behavioral characteristics are more difficult to measure. Establishing methods to derive behavioral traits from morphological measurements is necessary to facilitate their inclusion in functional diversity analyses. We collected morphometric data from over 1,700 individuals of 12 species of dung beetle to establish whether morphological measurements can be used as predictors of behavioral traits. We also compared morphology among individuals collected from different land uses (primary forest, logged forest, and oil palm plantation) to identify whether intraspecific differences in morphology vary among land use types. We show that leg and eye measurements can be used to predict dung beetle nesting behavior and period of activity and we used this information to confirm the previously unresolved nesting behavior for Synapsis ritsemae. We found intraspecific differences in morphological traits across different land use types. Phenotypic plasticity was found for traits associated with dispersal (wing aspect ratio and wing loading) and reproductive capacity (abdomen size). The ability to predict behavioral functional traits from morphology is useful where the behavior of individuals cannot be directly observed, especially in tropical environments where the ecology of many species is poorly understood. In addition, we provide evidence that land use change can cause phenotypic plasticity in tropical dung beetle species. Our results reinforce recent calls for intraspecific variation in traits to receive more attention within community ecology.  相似文献   
黄体酮(P4)是一种类固醇激素。为了探究P4的内分泌干扰效应, 选择成年斑马鱼(Danio rerio)作为受试生物, 研究了P4对斑马鱼下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴(HPG轴)相关基因转录表达影响。成年斑马鱼在不同浓度P4(2、11和16 ng•L–1)下处理21 d。结果显示: 暴露于高浓度组的P4能够抑制雌鱼大脑中促性腺激素释放激素2(gnrh2)、促性腺激素释放激素3(gnrh3), 卵泡刺激素(fshb)、雌激素受体1(esr1)基因的转录表达; 然而诱导了雄鱼大脑中fshb、黄体生成素(lhb)、雄激素受体(ar)基因的转录表达, 这些转录变化暗示了P4对成年斑马鱼有潜在的弱雄激素效应。此外, P4暴露对雌鱼卵巢和雄鱼精巢类固醇合成途径中固醇激素合成急性调节蛋白(star)、细胞色素p450介导侧链裂解酶(cyp11a1)、17α羟化酶(cyp17)、卵巢细胞色素P450芳香化酶(cyp19a1a)、11β羟化酶(cyp11b)、羟基类固醇3β脱氢酶(hsd3b)、羟基类固醇20β脱氢酶(hsd20b)、羟基类固醇17β脱氢酶3(hsd17b3)、羟基类固醇11β脱氢酶2(hsd11b2)以及受体信号途径中孕激素受体(pgr)、esr1、ar基因的转录表达没有显著影响。可见, 在P4暴露下, 斑马鱼大脑比性腺更加敏感。总而言之, P4能够改变斑马鱼大脑中HPG轴相关基因的转录表达水平, 进而对斑马鱼的内分泌系统具有潜在的危险。  相似文献   
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