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While NLRP3‐inflammasome has been implicated in cardiovascular diseases, its role in physiological cardiac aging is largely unknown. During aging, many alterations occur in the organism, which are associated with progressive impairment of metabolic pathways related to insulin resistance, autophagy dysfunction, and inflammation. Here, we investigated the molecular mechanisms through which NLRP3 inhibition may attenuate cardiac aging. Ablation of NLRP3‐inflammasome protected mice from age‐related increased insulin sensitivity, reduced IGF‐1 and leptin/adiponectin ratio levels, and reduced cardiac damage with protection of the prolongation of the age‐dependent PR interval, which is associated with atrial fibrillation by cardiovascular aging and reduced telomere shortening. Furthermore, old NLRP3 KO mice showed an inhibition of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway and autophagy improvement, compared with old wild mice and preserved Nampt‐mediated NAD+ levels with increased SIRT1 protein expression. These findings suggest that suppression of NLRP3 prevented many age‐associated changes in the heart, preserved cardiac function of aged mice and increased lifespan.  相似文献   
IntroductionFor patients with brain metastases, palliative radiation therapy (RT) has long been a standard of care for improving quality of life and optimizing intracranial disease control. The duration of time between completion of palliative RT and patient death has rarely been evaluated.MethodsA compilation of two prospective institutional databases encompassing April 2015 through December 2018 was used to identify patients who received palliative intracranial radiation therapy. A multivariate logistic regression model characterized patients adjusting for age, sex, admission status (inpatient versus outpatient), Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS), and radiation therapy indication.Results136 consecutive patients received intracranial palliative radiation therapy. Patients with baseline KPS <70 (OR = 2.2; 95%CI = 1.6–3.1; p < 0.0001) were significantly more likely to die within 30 days of treatment. Intracranial palliative radiation therapy was most commonly delivered to provide local control (66% of patients) or alleviate neurologic symptoms (32% of patients), and was most commonly delivered via whole brain radiation therapy in 10 fractions to 30 Gy (38% of patients). Of the 42 patients who died within 30 days of RT, 31 (74%) received at least 10 fractions.ConclusionsOur findings indicate that baseline KPS <70 is independently predictive of death within 30 days of palliative intracranial RT, and that a large majority of patients who died within 30 days received at least 10 fractions. These results indicate that for poor performance status patients requiring palliative intracranial radiation, hypofractionated RT courses should be strongly considered.  相似文献   
Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (eCO2) is predicted to increase growth rates of forest trees. The extent to which increased growth translates to changes in biomass is dependent on the turnover time of the carbon, and thus tree mortality rates. Size‐ or age‐dependent mortality combined with increased growth rates could result in either decreased carbon turnover from a speeding up of tree life cycles, or increased biomass from trees reaching larger sizes, respectively. However, most vegetation models currently lack any representation of size‐ or age‐dependent mortality and the effect of eCO2 on changes in biomass and carbon turnover times is thus a major source of uncertainty in predictions of future vegetation dynamics. Using a reduced‐complexity form of the vegetation demographic model the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator to simulate an idealised tropical forest, we find increases in biomass despite reductions in carbon turnover time in both size‐ and age‐dependent mortality scenarios in response to a hypothetical eCO2‐driven 25% increase in woody net primary productivity (wNPP). Carbon turnover times decreased by 9.6% in size‐dependent mortality scenarios due to a speeding up of tree life cycles, but also by 2.0% when mortality was age‐dependent, as larger crowns led to increased light competition. Increases in aboveground biomass (AGB) were much larger when mortality was age‐dependent (24.3%) compared with size‐dependent (13.4%) as trees reached larger sizes before death. In simulations with a constant background mortality rate, carbon turnover time decreased by 2.1% and AGB increased by 24.0%, however, absolute values of AGB and carbon turnover were higher than in either size‐ or age‐dependent mortality scenario. The extent to which AGB increases and carbon turnover decreases will thus depend on the mechanisms of large tree mortality: if increased size itself results in elevated mortality rates, then this could reduce by about half the increase in AGB relative to the increase in wNPP.  相似文献   
Understory fires represent an accelerating threat to Amazonian tropical forests and can, during drought, affect larger areas than deforestation itself. These fires kill trees at rates varying from < 10 to c. 90% depending on fire intensity, forest disturbance history and tree functional traits. Here, we examine variation in bark thickness across the Amazon. Bark can protect trees from fires, but it is often assumed to be consistently thin across tropical forests. Here, we show that investment in bark varies, with thicker bark in dry forests and thinner in wetter forests. We also show that thinner bark translated into higher fire‐driven tree mortality in wetter forests, with between 0.67 and 5.86 gigatonnes CO2 lost in Amazon understory fires between 2001 and 2010. Trait‐enabled global vegetation models that explicitly include variation in bark thickness are likely to improve the predictions of fire effects on carbon cycling in tropical forests.  相似文献   
Artabotrys comprises a species-poor early divergent grade (EDG) and a main species-rich clade (“main Artabotrys clade,” MAC). All members of the MAC exhibit a remarkably well-conserved floral Bauplan characterized by a tightly enclosed floral chamber with an elaborate rim between the inner petal blade and claw. Conversely, EDG resembles the sister genus Xylopia in lacking the inner petal rim, with one species (Artabotrys brachypetalus) bearing petals that lack the distinction between blade and claw altogether. The floral phenology and pollination ecology of two exemplar species—Artabotrys brachypetalus from the EDG and Artabotrys blumei from the MAC—are compared, including assessment of effective pollinators and their activity patterns, scent chemistry and thermogenesis. Our study revealed that Artabotrys blumei exhibits abbreviated anthesis (c. 27 hr), with a floral phenology and morphology that are clearly consistent with pollinator trapping, and may be pollinated by small beetles. Artabotrys brachypetalus has a typical anthetic duration (c. 45 hr), lacks a pollinator trapping mechanism, and is pollinated by honey bees and curculionid beetles. The “xylopioid” traits of the EDG are likely to be plesiomorphic, whereas the tightly enclosed floral chamber is likely to be apomorphic for the MAC and functionally significant in trapping pollinators.  相似文献   
The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys Stål (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), is an invasive pest that attacks specialty and row crops in North America and Europe. There has been a concerted effort to reduce frequent broad-spectrum insecticide applications made on vulnerable crops. One tool that has emerged recently is the use of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) as a killing agent. Here, we conducted bioassays to evaluate the effect of direct contact on deltamethrin-impregnated LLINs on the behaviour and survivorship of H. halys nymphs and adults in the laboratory. Following exposure at three different durations (1.25, 4.25 or 7.25 min), vertical and horizontal mobility of adults and nymphs and the flight capacity of adults were recorded and compared with individuals that were not exposed (control). Exposure to LLINs reduced the horizontal distance and velocity and increased the angular velocity of adults only but reduced vertical mobility of adults and nymphs. Adult flights were not significantly affected by LLIN exposure. Mortality of adults and nymphs at 7-day post-exposure ranged from 73% to 77% regardless of exposure time. We discuss our findings within the context of the potential for and limitations of deploying LLINs in vulnerable crops to manage H. halys populations.  相似文献   
Heteranthery, the presence of two or more anther types in the same flower, is taxonomically widespread among bee-pollinated angiosperms, yet has puzzled botanists since Darwin. We test two competing hypotheses for its evolution: the long-standing ‘division of labour'' hypothesis, which posits that some anthers are specialized as food rewards for bees whereas others are specialized for surreptitious pollination, and our new hypothesis that heteranthery is a way to gradually release pollen that maximizes pollen delivery. We examine the evolution of heteranthery and associated traits across the genus Clarkia (Onagraceae) and study plant–pollinator interactions in two heterantherous Clarkia species. Across species, heteranthery is associated with bee pollination, delayed dehiscence and colour crypsis of one anther whorl, and movement of that anther whorl upon dehiscence. Our mechanistic studies in heterantherous species show that bees notice, forage on and export pollen from each anther whorl when it is dehiscing, and that heteranthery promotes pollen export. We find no support for division of labour, but multifarious evidence that heteranthery is a mechanism for gradual pollen presentation that probably evolved through indirect male–male competition for siring success.  相似文献   
Continued Arctic warming and sea‐ice loss will have important implications for the conservation of ringed seals, a highly ice‐dependent species. A better understanding of their spatial ecology will help characterize emerging ecological trends and inform management decisions. We deployed satellite transmitters on ringed seals in the summers of 2011, 2014, and 2016 near Utqia?vik (formerly Barrow), Alaska, to monitor their movements, diving, and haul‐out behavior. We present analyses of tracking and dive data provided by 17 seals that were tracked until at least January of the following year. Seals mostly ranged north of Utqia?vik in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas during summer before moving into the southern Chukchi and Bering Seas during winter. In all seasons, ringed seals occupied a diversity of habitats and spatial distributions, from near shore and localized, to far offshore and wide‐ranging in drifting sea ice. Continental shelf waters were occupied for >96% of tracking days, during which repetitive diving (suggestive of foraging) primarily to the seafloor was the most frequent activity. From mid‐summer to early fall, 12 seals made ~1‐week forays off‐shelf to the deep Arctic Basin, most reaching the retreating pack‐ice, where they spent most of their time hauled out. Diel activity patterns suggested greater allocation of foraging efforts to midday hours. Haul‐out patterns were complementary, occurring mostly at night until April‐May when midday hours were preferred. Ringed seals captured in 2011—concurrent with an unusual mortality event that affected all ice‐seal species—differed morphologically and behaviorally from seals captured in other years. Speculations about the physiology of molting and its role in energetics, habitat use, and behavior are discussed; along with possible evidence of purported ringed seal ecotypes.  相似文献   
High‐throughput high‐density genotyping arrays continue to be a fast, accurate, and cost‐effective method for genotyping thousands of polymorphisms in high numbers of individuals. Here, we have developed a new high‐density SNP genotyping array (103,270 SNPs) for honey bees, one of the most ecologically and economically important pollinators worldwide. SNPs were detected by conducting whole‐genome resequencing of 61 honey bee drones (haploid males) from throughout Europe. Selection of SNPs for the chip was done in multiple steps using several criteria. The majority of SNPs were selected based on their location within known candidate regions or genes underlying a range of honey bee traits, including hygienic behavior against pathogens, foraging, and subspecies. Additionally, markers from a GWAS of hygienic behavior against the major honey bee parasite Varroa destructor were brought over. The chip also includes SNPs associated with each of three major breeding objectives—honey yield, gentleness, and Varroa resistance. We validated the chip and make recommendations for its use by determining error rates in repeat genotypings, examining the genotyping performance of different tissues, and by testing how well different sample types represent the queen's genotype. The latter is a key test because it is highly beneficial to be able to determine the queen's genotype by nonlethal means. The array is now publicly available and we suggest it will be a useful tool in genomic selection and honey bee breeding, as well as for GWAS of different traits, and for population genomic, adaptation, and conservation questions.  相似文献   
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