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Different modes of cell death have been revealed in the regressing hypopharyngeal glands of worker honey bees. The hypopharyngeal gland, which is well developed in young nursing bees to produce protein for larval food, was seen to regress naturally in foraging adult worker bees. A range of techniques including histology, cytochemistry, in situ TUNEL, Annexin V and Comet assays indicated that cells within the gland demonstrate progressive symptoms of apoptosis, necrosis and a vacuolar form of programmed cell death. The latter mode of cell death did not display chromatin margination, but was accompanied by an enhanced level of autophagic and hydrolytic activity in which a cytosolic source of acid phosphatase became manifest in the extra-cisternal spaces. Normal and annexin-positive cells were found to occur in the younger nursing bees, whilst necrosis and an aberrant vacuolar type of apoptosis predominated in the older foraging bees. The relevance of these results to the classification of programmed cell death is discussed.  相似文献   
Crop-weed hybridization can potentially influence the evolutionary ecology of wild populations. Many crops are known to hybridize with wild relatives, but few studies have looked at the long-term persistence of crop genes in the wild. This study investigated one factor in the hybridization process in radish: differential pollinator visitation to wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) vs. crop-wild F1 hybrids (R. sativus x R. raphanistrum). Wild genotypes had yellow flowers, a recessive single-locus trait, whereas hybrids always had white or pale pink flowers. In experimental arrays in northern Michigan, total pollinator visitation was significantly biased toward wild plants when the frequencies of wild and hybrid plants were equal. Syrphid flies, the most frequent visitors, preferred wild plants while bumble bees showed no preference. This pattern was also observed when hybrid plants were overrepresented in the array (12 hybrid:2 wild). In contrast, when hybrid plants were rare (2 hybrid:12 wild), neither morph was preferred by any pollinator group. Later in the summer, pollinators were also observed in a large experimental garden with nearly equal frequencies of wild and hybrid plants. Cabbage butterflies (Pieris rapae) strongly overvisited wild plants, while bumble bees showed a slight preference for hybrids. Taken together, these studies suggest that F1 hybrids may not be at a disadvantage with regard to pollinator visits when they occur at low frequencies or when bumble bees are frequent flower visitors. Thus, variation in the proportion of white-flowered morphs among wild radish populations could be influenced by different histories of crop-to-wild hybridization, as well as by variation in the composition of local pollinator taxa.  相似文献   
The Turonian flora from Sayreville New Jersey includes one of the world's most diverse assemblages of Cretaceous angiosperm flowers. This flora is made even more interesting by its association with a large insect fauna that is preserved by charcoalification as well as in amber. Floral diversity includes numerous representatives of Magnoliidae, Hamamelididae, Rosidae, Dilleniidae, and Asteridae (Ericales sensu lato). Included are hypogynous, five-merous flowers with uniseriate hairs on the pedicels and stamens in bundles most frequently borne opposite the petals. There is considerable variation in filament length, and some filaments are branched. On some anthers, strands of residue, suggesting the former presence of a liquid of unknown nature, partially occlude the apparent zone of dehiscence. In other cases, open anthers are fully occluded by an amorphous substance. pollen is rarely found associated with anthers, but is common on stigmatic surfaces. pollen is prolate and tricolporate with reticulate micromorphology. The superior syncarpous ovary is five-carpellate with axile/intruded parietal placentation and numerous anatropous ovules/carpel. Ovary partitions have closely spaced, parallel ascending channels (secretory canals?), and there are apparent secretory canals/cavities in receptacles, sepals, and petals. Individual stigmas are cuneiform with a central groove and eccentrically peltate. Styles are short and fused. In aggregate, the stigmas form a secondarily peltate stigma. Seeds have a reticulate sculpture pattern, a pronounced raphe, and funicular arils with sculpture similar to the seeds. phylogenetic analyses of several data matrices of extant taxa place this fossil in a monophyletic group with the modern genera Garcinia and Clusia within the Clusiaceae. As such, these fossils represent the earliest fossil evidence of the family Clusiaceae. Some modern Clusiaceae are notable, in particular, for their close relationship with meliponine and other highly derived bee pollinators; the fossil flowers share several characters that suggest a similar mode of pollination. This possibility is consistent with other floral and insect data from the same locality.  相似文献   
Female Osmia repeatedly return to their nest to provision it with food and building material. The present study investigates the bees' nest localization performance by modifying visual cues in the near-vicinity of the nest. Each of several arrays of nesting holes was surrounded by four geometrical shapes. Removing some or all of the shapes reduced the proportion of direct returns but never prevented a bee from finding the appropriate array and, within that array, its own nest. The more the pattern was modified, the higher was the error score and the longer the delay, but no bee failed finally to find its nest. Shifting the pattern as well as the whole array of holes shifted homing orientation accordingly. There was no effect of the positions of the removed shapes, of contrast inversion, or of modifying the holes array. Our data are discussed in the light of the snapshot theory.  相似文献   
An aspect of the round dance, called RATE, was used as quantification of 15 honey bees' (Apis mellifera) perceptions of caloric costs and intakes experienced while foraging at artificial flowers. Caloric intake per floral visit (CALGAIN) was manipulated by varying sucrose concentration. Both flight and handling costs per floral visit (CALCOST) were manipulated. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to quantify the relationship between the dependent variable, RATE, and the two energy variables. There was significant variation among bees in dance behaviour. However, the absolute magnitude of the CLACOST coefficients tended to be larger than CALGAIN coefficients; bees may weight perceptions of costs in relation to intakes. Honey bees were presented with a series of binary choices between yellow or blue tubular artificial flowers in order to assess how cost-intake information is used to make choices among flowers. In eight experiments the 2 flowers had different combinations of volume of sucrose (intake) and tube depth (handling cost). Results are consistent with an assessment of rate of net caloric intake, although they are likely consistent with other possible assessments.  相似文献   
In the tropics the contribution of bees as pollinators of important economic indigenous crops remains largely undocumented. We studied the diversity of bee species visiting indigenous tomato (Solanum lycopersicon) and habanero pepper (Capsicum chinense) in subtropical Yucatán, México. The contribution of two native bees, Exomalopsis (E) and Augochloropsis (AG) was compared with that of the introduced Africanized Apis mellífera (HB) for pollinating unvisited flowers in both crops. Apis mellífera and stingless bees were dominant in habanero pepper but solitary bee species were important visitors of tomato. In spite of both crops being autogamic, there was a significant contribution of native bees for pollination of both tomato and habanero pepper. The comparison of fruit weight, number of seeds, and a pollination index based on the latter showed that E and AG were more effective pollinators compared to HB in both crops (ca. Spear’s index of ca. 0.7 vs. 0.35 respectively). In tomato, a further evaluation of the contribution to pollination provided by the three bee species was made using the rate of visits to flowers. Although E and AG were the most efficient pollinators at single flower visits in tomato, none of the three species (including HB) were able to provide single visits to all flowers per unit time to the crop. Our results underline the importance of maintaining diverse assemblages and abundant populations of bee species that can synergically contribute to the productivity of tomato and hot pepper in the Neotropics.  相似文献   
One of the most commonly seeded crops in Canada is canola, a cultivar of oilseed rape (Brassica napus). As a mass‐flowering crop grown intensively throughout the Canadian Prairies, canola has the potential to influence pollinator success across tens of thousands of square kilometers of cropland. Bumble bees (Bombus sp.) are efficient pollinators of many types of native and crop plants. We measured the influence of this mass‐flowering crop on the abundance and phenology of bumble bees, and on another species of social bee (a sweat bee; Halictus rubicundus), by continuously deploying traps at different levels of canola cultivation intensity, spanning the start and end of canola bloom. Queen bumble bees were more abundant in areas with more canola cover, indicating that this crop is attractive to queens. However, bumble bee workers were significantly fewer in these locations later in the season, suggesting reduced colony success. The median collection dates of workers of three bumble bee species were earlier near canola fields, suggesting a dynamic response of colonies to the increased floral resources. Different species experienced this shift to different extents. The sweat bee was not affected by canola cultivation intensity. Our findings suggest that mass‐flowering crops such as canola are attractive to bumble bee queens and therefore may lead to higher rates of colony establishment, but also that colonies established near this crop may be less successful. We propose that the effect on bumble bees can be mitigated by spacing the crop more evenly with respect to alternate floral resources.  相似文献   
We examined the effect of larval and adult nutrition on worker honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) ovary development. Workers were fed high or low-pollen diets as larvae, and high or low-protein diets as adults. Workers fed low-protein diets at both life stages had the lowest levels of ovary development, followed by those fed high-protein diets as larvae and low- quality diets as adults, and then those fed diets poor in protein as larvae but high as adults. Workers fed high-protein diets at both life stages had the highest levels of ovary development. The increases in ovary development due to improved dietary protein in the larval and adult life stages were additive. Adult diet also had an effect on body mass. The results demonstrate that both carry-over of larval reserves and nutrients acquired in the adult life stage are important to ovary development in worker honey bees. Carry-over from larval development, however, appears to be less important to adult fecundity than is adult nutrition. Seasonal trends in worker ovary development and mass were examined throughout the brood rearing season. Worker ovary development was lowest in spring, highest in mid-summer, and intermediate in fall.  相似文献   
Division of labor is a hallmark of eusocial insects and their ecological success can be attributed to it. Honey bee division of labor proceeds along a stereotypical ontogenetic path based on age, modulated by various internal and external stimuli. Brood pheromone is a major social pheromone of the honey bee that has been shown to affect honey bee division of labor. It elicits several physiological and behavioral responses; notably, regulating the timing of the switch from performing in-hive tasks to the initiation of foraging. Additionally, brood pheromone affects future foraging choice. In honey bees, sucrose response threshold is a physiological correlate of age of first foraging and foraging choice. Brood pheromone has been shown to modulate sucrose response threshold in young bees, but its effects on sucrose response thresholds of bees in advanced behavioral states (foragers) are not known. In this study we examined the sucrose response thresholds of two different task groups, foragers (pollen and non-pollen) and non-foraging bees, in response to honey bee brood pheromone. Sucrose response thresholds were not significantly different between brood pheromone treatment and controls among both non-pollen and pollen foragers. However, the sucrose response threshold of non-foraging bees was significantly higher in the brood pheromone treatment group than in the control group. The switch to foraging task is considered a terminal one, with honey bee lifespan being determined at least partially by risks and stress accompanying foraging. Our results indicate that foragers are physiologically resistant to brood pheromone priming of sucrose response thresholds.  相似文献   
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