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Male solitary bees typically use emergence‐nesting areas and/or flower patches of food plants, where receptive females are relatively numerous, as rendezvous sites. However, mate‐seeking males have been also observed at food‐deceptive orchid patches, where numerous encounters with foraging females can hardly be expected, owing to the lack of floral rewards. Here, we describe the male mate‐seeking and mating behaviors of the Japanese long‐horned bee Eucera nipponensis at habitats of the food‐deceptive orchid Cymbidium goeringii. On the basis of the results, we report empty flower patches are not necessarily fruitless sites for mate‐seeking males because naive female bees, which are highly likely to be recently emerged and unmated, can be attracted to non‐rewarding orchids. We also suggest a possibility that a small number of the males could receive a “sexual reward” (i.e. mating opportunities), owing to the food‐deceptive orchid, in return for their pollination work. This occasional interaction could represent the initial stage in the evolution of sexually deceptive orchids from food‐deceptive orchids.  相似文献   
《Journal of Asia》2022,25(2):101882
Honey bees and stingless bees are generalist visitors of several wild and cultivated plants. They forage with a high degree of floral fidelity and thereby help in the pollination services of those plants. We hypothesized that pollination efficiency might be influenced by flowering phenology, floral characteristics, and resource collection modes of the worker bees. In this paper, we surveyed the foraging strategies of honey bees (Apis cerana, Apis dorsata, and Apis florea) and stingless bees (Tetragonula iridipennis) concerning their pollination efficiencies. Bees showed different resource gathering strategies, including legitimate (helping in pollination as mixed foragers and specialized foragers) and illegitimate (serving as nectar robbers and pollen thieves) types of flower visitation patterns. Foraging strategies are influenced by the shape of flowers, the timing of the visitation, floral richness, and bee species. Honey bees and stingless bees mainly acted as legitimate visitors in most plants studied. Sometimes honey bees served as nectar robbers in tubular flowers and stingless bees as pollen thieves in large-sized flowers. Among the legitimate categories, mixed foragers have a comparatively lower flower visitation rate than the specialized nectar and pollen foragers. However, mixed foragers have greater abundance and higher values of the single-visit pollination efficiency index (PEi) than nectar and pollen foragers. The value of the combined parameter ‘importance in pollination (PI)’ was thus higher in mixed foragers than in nectar and pollen foragers.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to evaluate different concentrations of royal jelly (RJ) supplemented extenders for post-thawing quality of drone sperm. Semen samples were collected from sexually mature drones. Pooled semen was diluted with extender without RJ (control) or supplemented with different concentrations of RJ (1, 2, 4 or 8%). Sperm motility, plasma membrane functional integrity, and acrosomal integrity were evaluated. At post thaw, the highest sperm motility and acrosomal integrity rates were obtained in the RJ1 group. Functional integrity of sperm membrane was better preserved in the RJ1 and RJ2 groups compare to the other groups. The study shows that RJ supplemented extenders have beneficial effects on drone semen parameters. The results of the present study demonstrated advantage of using 1% RJ supplemented extender.  相似文献   
Bait traps are effective and commonly used method in the studies of orchid bees. Important questions in the context of this method, including those related to bait dispersion, how long baits remain attractive, the distance from which males are supposed to be attracted to lures and so on, are still open subjects. Data on the attractiveness of bait traps that have remained in the field during two weeks in a large Atlantic forest preserve are presented. Four main results emerge from the data: (i) the abundance of specimens collected per day decreased in all the attractants as the traps were left on the field; (ii) despite this decrease, the absolute number of individuals collected after eight and fifteen days is remarkably, mostly in eugenol and vanillin baits; (iii) the vast majority of species, 22 of 25, was already collected on the first sample day; (iv) a consistent variation in the relative abundance of individuals collected in each scent as collections were made. We urge that bait traps should not be left in the field beyond what is strictly necessary since there is a real possibility of collecting a significant number of individuals as these traps remain available.  相似文献   
Colominic acid is an 2,8-linked sialic acid polymer produced by Escherichia coli. We found that synthetic sulfated-colominic acids (SC) remarkably inhibited the cytotoxicity of bee and snake venom toward mouse fibroblast cells, but colominic acids showed no inhibition themselves, indicating the important role of sulfate groups in the inhibitory activity of SC. Other sulfated carbohydrates such as chondroitin sulfates, heparin and heparan sulfate showed no inhibition. SC also exhibited potent inhibition of melittin, a highly basic peptide, which is a major cytotoxic component of bee venom. SC did not inhibit phospholipase A2 activity in bee venom. This suggests that the inhibition of bee and snake venom by SC is due to inhibition of melittin and cardiotoxin, which is a cytolytic peptide in snake venom, respectively. SC with a higher sulfur content and a larger molecular mass showed more potent activity. The interaction between SC and melittin basically seems an ionic one, however, the conformation of SC is also likely important. For the binding of SC to melittin leading loss of its cytotoxic activity, the sulfate groups of SC must be properly arranged to interact with lysine and arginine residues of melittin molecules, which play an important role in the cytolytic activity. A higher molecular mass of SC substituted with more sulfate groups is required for more obvious inhibition of the cytotoxic activity.  相似文献   
Naturally occurring odors used by animals for mate recognition, food identification and other purposes must be detected at concentrations that vary across several orders of magnitude. Olfactory systems must therefore have the capacity to represent odors over a large range of concentrations regardless of dramatic changes in the salience, or perceived intensity, of a stimulus. The stability of the representation of an odor relative to other odors across concentration has not been extensively evaluated. We tested the ability of honey bees to discriminate pure odorants across a range of concentrations at and above their detection threshold. Our study showed that pure odorant compounds became progressively easier for honey bees to discriminate with increasing concentration. Discrimination is, therefore, a function of odorant concentration. We hypothesize that the recruitment of sensory cell populations across a range of concentrations may be important for odor coding, perhaps by changing its perceptual qualities or by increasing its salience against background stimuli, and that this mechanism is a general property of olfactory systems.  相似文献   
We examined the effects of Nosema bombi (Microsporidia: Nosematidae) on colonies of bumble bees, Bombus occidentalis Greene (Hymenoptera: Apidae), used to pollinate tomatoes in commercial greenhouses. We assessed methods of detecting N. bombi and tested the effectiveness of fumagillin to control this parasite. N. bombi did not affect adult population size or amount of brood in B. occidentalis colonies. Fumagillin was not effective against N. bombi at the doses we tested, and frass samples did not provide accurate estimates of the intensity of N. bombi infections. The number of N. bombi spores per bee was highly variable among bumble bees within colonies, and accurate estimates could only be obtained by sampling a large proportion of bees in each colony. Therefore, whole bee and frass sampling is useful for determining if N. bombi is present or absent, but not for obtaining accurate estimates of the intensity of N. bombi infections.  相似文献   
Recent studies in honeybees have demonstrated that, when odor-evoked action potentials in antennal lobe neurons are pharmacologically desynchronized, the bees are impaired in their ability to discriminate chemically similar odor stimuli. Using a reduced computational model of the honeybee antennal lobe, we show how changes in spike-synchronization properties alone, independent of changes in overall spike-discharge rate or differences in activity levels among responsive neurons, can produce changes in associative learning similar to those observed experimentally.  相似文献   
The expansion of crop lands and increased logging for charcoal production in the Brazilian savannahs (cerrados) has reduced richness and abundance of Meliponini bees. This may be a consequence of limitation in the availability of potential nesting substrate. The role of a cerrado-tree (Caryocar brasiliense) in providing nesting substrate for Melipona quadrifasciata quadrifasciata was evaluated. Tree (p= 0.006) and branch (p= 0.001) diameters, number of suitable branches (n= 513), height of the trees and availability of trees suitable for bee nesting were all important to the conservation of M. quadrifasciata. However, the high availability of nesting substrate did not seem to limit nest density nor cause the clumped pattern of nest distributions found for the study site. Nests (n= 48) were found mainly in individuals of C. brasiliense (n= 46) suggesting an active tree selection. In addition, nests located on the highest branches (mean = 4.6 m, sd = 1 m, n= 46) had lower probability of being extirpated by human honey collectors.  相似文献   
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