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* The past and present occurrence of insect disturbance on white spruce (Picea glauca) trees was evaluated at their northern range limit on the eastern coast of Hudson Bay, and its effects on tree growth and population dynamics studied. * Three sites were sampled along an altitudinal gradient. Ring-width chronologies and stem analysis were used to evaluate tree growth. The occurrence of holes in the bark, of resin pockets and blue-stain fungi, and ring-width evidence for growth releases were used to assess the impact of bark beetle. * The white spruce population was established at these sites in the 17th century. Since their establishment, the spruce trees have developed a tree growth form, except at the uppermost site, where severe growth suppression occurred in the 19th century. Bark beetle and blue-stain fungi occurred with different timing and intensity. Their highest occurrence, associated with high mortality rates, was at the lowest site in the late 20th century. In the uppermost sites, biotic disturbance has occurred since the 18th century, associated with evidence for mechanical disturbance. * The simultaneous arrival of white spruce in the area resulted in a synchronous onset of spruce beetle activity driven by tree ageing. Unfavourable climatic conditions affected tree growth severely in the most exposed sites.  相似文献   
Surrogacy analysis consists of determining a set of biotic or environmental parameters which can be rapidly assessed in the field and reliably used to prioritize places for biodiversity conservation. Whether adequate surrogate sets exist remains an open and relatively unexplored question though its solution is central to the aims of conservation biology. This paper analyses the surrogacy problem by prioritizing places using surrogate lists and comparing these results with those obtained by using more comprehensive species lists. More specifically, it explores (i) the possibility of using bird distributions, which are often easily available, as surrogates for species at risk (endangered and threatened species), which are presumed to be an important component of biodiversity; and (ii) the methodological question of how spatial scale influences surrogate success. The data set analysed, from southern Québec, is one of the most complete biotic data sets available at the regional scale. Contrary to some previous analyses, the results obtained suggest that the surrogacy problem is potentially solvable.  相似文献   
Forest logging has contributed to the decline of several woodland caribou populations by causing the fragmentation of mature coniferous stands. Such habitat alterations could be worsened by spruce budworm (SBW) outbreaks. Using 6201 vegetation plots from provincial inventories conducted after the last SBW outbreak (1968–1992) in boreal forests of Québec (Canada), we investigated the influence of SBW‐caused tree defoliation and mortality on understory vegetation layers relevant to woodland caribou and its main predators. We found a positive association between severe outbreaks and the cover of most groups of understory plant species, especially in stands that were dominated by balsam fir before the outbreak, where a high canopy openness particularly benefited relatively fast‐growing deciduous plants. Such increases in early successional vegetation could provide high‐quality forage for moose, which is likely to promote higher wolf densities and increase predation pressure on caribou. SBW outbreaks may thus negatively affect woodland caribou by increasing predation risk, the main factor limiting caribou populations in managed forests. For the near future, we recommend updating the criteria used to define critical caribou habitat to consider the potential impacts of spruce budworm defoliation.  相似文献   
Although ombrotrophic temperate peatlands are important ecosystems for maintaining biodiversity in eastern North America, the environmental factors influencing their flora are only partly understood. The relationships between plant species distribution and environmental factors were thus studied within the oldest temperate peatland of Québec. Plant assemblages were identified by cluster analysis while CCA was used to related vegetation gradients to environmental factors. Five assemblages were identified; three typical of open bog and two characterized by more minerotrophic vegetation. Thicker peat deposit was encounter underlying the bog assemblages while higher water table level and percentage of free surface water distinguished the minerotrophic assemblages. Overall, the floristic patterns observed were spatially structured along the margins and the expanse. The most important environmental factors explaining this spatial gradient were the percentage of free surface water and the highest water-table level. To cite this article: S. Pellerin et al., C. R. Biologies 332 (2009).  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Wildlife-vehicle collisions cause numerous human fatalities and injuries, and generate considerable expenses in property damage each year. Certain characteristics of the road and its surroundings are known to have an impact on collision probability. Roadside salt pools increase the risk of collision by attracting moose (Alces alces) to the side of the road. In the Laurentides Wildlife Reserve of Québec, Canada, roadside salt pools were drained and filled with rocks to deter moose from drinking. We surveyed 12 roadside salt pools during 3 consecutive summers (2003–2005) from mid-May to mid-August. Seven salt pools were managed in autumn 2004, and 5 pools were left untreated. We equipped all 12 sites with electronic apparatus that allowed us to detect moose attendance and study their behavior. We also measured physical, chemical, and environmental characteristics of these pools and other unvisited pools in order to correlate moose attendance with specific habitat criteria. We found that moose mostly attended roadside salt pools from mid-June to mid-July, with a decrease in August. Moose attendance was significantly correlated with visual obstruction toward the road and water availability. Management of the pools caused a decrease in mean length of time moose spent at them. Number of visits decreased significantly at night (by 90%), which was when most visits occurred, but not during the day. The proposed management practice prevented all visiting moose from drinking brackish water. These results suggest that moose should eventually lose interest in treated salt pools, therefore decreasing the risk of moose-vehicle collisions on the road.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We developed and validated a density-adjusted spatial model to predict moose (Alces alces) highway-crossing probability to see if the model could be used as an index of moose-vehicle collision risk. We installed Global Positioning System telemetry collars on 47 moose in the north of the Laurentides Wildlife Reserve, Québec, for 2–36 months. We recorded only 84 highway crossings in spring (0.29% of 28,967 2-hr steps) and 122 crossings in summer (0.18% of 68,337 2-hr steps), despite a high sampling effort and having captured moose close to highways. Moose movement rates during movement steps crossing a highway were on average 3 times higher than during the steps preceding or following highway crossing. Paths used by moose when crossing a highway were characterized by a high proportion of food stands, low proportion of lakes and rivers, and topography typical of a valley. Highway-crossing sites were located in valleys with brackish pools and forest stands providing coniferous cover but a low proportion of lakes and rivers. We adjusted moose crossing probability for local variation in moose density using aerial survey data and assessed crossing probability along the highways in the entire Laurentides Wildlife Reserve. We tested the model using moose-vehicle accident data from 1990 to 2002. The relationship between the density-adjusted crossing probability and number of accidents was relatively loose at the 1-km scale but improved markedly when using longer highway sections (5–15 km; r > 0.80). Our results demonstrate that roads and their surroundings are perceived as low-quality habitat by moose. We also conclude that road segments installed along secondary valleys could be a highly strategic site to deploy mitigation measures such as fences and that it could be desirable to increase the width of road shoulders to reduce forest cover and to eliminate brackish pools to reduce cervid-vehicle collisions. We suggest using empirical data such as location of vehicle-wildlife collisions to plan mitigation measures at a fine scale.  相似文献   
The loggerhead shrike (Lanius ludovicianus) is a grassland bird species whose preferred nesting habitat in eastern Canada is pastureland. This species has been extirpated from much of its historical range in this region, and breeding habitat loss is suspected to be an important cause of this decline. We evaluated the availability of suitable breeding habitats in Québec using satellite imagery. Because this species no longer breeds in Québec, we established habitat selection criteria from known nesting sites in the adjacent province of Ontario, from analysis of a Landsat-TM satellite image, and applied these criteria to Landsat-TM images covering southern Québec. We developed regional landscape criteria in 100 km2 plots and patch indices criteria at the pasture level. Spatial analyses were conducted to characterize plots and pastures on the basis of pasture availability and spatial distribution. Pastures suitable for nesting loggerhead shrikes were those fulfilling patch criteria at the pasture level and located in plots fulfilling regional landscape criteria. Overall, 310 out of 1700 plots located in the historical breeding range of the loggerhead shrike in Québec fulfilled landscape criteria, supporting 3988 pastures that fulfilled patch criteria. More than 500 of these pastures were visited to validate their current status. The Outaouais region would be the most suitable region for nesting loggerhead shrikes in southern Québec, where suitable breeding habitat still remains because more than two-thirds of visited sites were still pastureland, hawthorns were well-distributed in the region, and pastureland fragmentation was lowest. We conclude that the availability of breeding habitat does not limit the establishment of a breeding population of loggerhead shrike in southern Québec, as we estimated that thousands of hectares of suitable habitat still remain in that province.  相似文献   
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