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The gross brain morphology, brain proportions, and position of cranial nerves in all four genera (Potamotrygon, Plesiotrygon, Paratrygon, and Heliotrygon) and 11 of the species of the Neotropical stingray family Potamotrygonidae were studied to provide new characters that may have a bearing on internal potamotrygonid systematics. The brain was also studied in four other stingray (Myliobatiformes) genera (Hexatrygon, Taeniura, Dasyatis, and Gymnura) to provide a more inclusive phylogenetic context for the interpretation of features of the brain in potamotrygonids. Our results indicate, based on neuroanatomical characters, that the genera Paratrygon and Heliotrygon are sister groups, as are the genera Potamotrygon and Plesiotrygon, agreeing with previous morphological and molecular phylogenetic studies. Both groups of genera share distinct conditions of the olfactory tracts, telencephalon and its central nuclei, hypophysis and infundibulum, morphology and orientation of the metencephalic corpus cerebelli, orientation of the glossopharyngeal nerve, and overall encephalic proportions. The corpus cerebelli of Paratrygon and Heliotrygon is interpreted as being more similar to the general batoid condition and, given their phylogenetic position highly nested within stingrays, is considered secondarily derived, not plesiomorphically retained. Our observations of the corpus cerebelli of stingrays, including Hexatrygon, corroborate that the general stingray pattern previously advanced by Northcutt is derived among batoids. The morphology of the brain is shown to be a useful source of phylogenetically informative characters at lower hierarchical levels, such as between genera and species, and thus, has significant potential in phylogenetic studies of elasmobranchs. J. Morphol. 277:252–263, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Protrusion of the jaws during feeding is common in Batoidea (rays, skates, sawfishes, and guitarfishes), members of which possess a highly modified jaw suspension. The lesser electric ray, Narcine brasiliensis, preys primarily on polychaete annelids using a peculiar and highly derived mechanism for jaw protraction. The ray captures its prey by protruding its jaws beneath the substrate and generating subambient buccal pressure to suck worms into its mouth. Initiation of this protrusion is similar to that proposed for other batoids, in that the swing of the distal ends of the hyomandibulae is transmitted to Meckel's cartilage. A "scissor-jack" model of jaw protrusion is proposed for Narcine, in which the coupling of the upper and lower jaws, and extremely flexible symphyses, allow medial compression of the entire jaw complex. This results in a shortening of the distance between the right and left sides of the jaw arch and ventral extension of the jaws. Motion of the skeletal elements involved in this extreme jaw protrusion is convergent with that described for the wobbegong shark, Orectolobus maculatus. Narcine also exhibits asymmetrical protrusion of the jaws from the midline during processing, accomplished by unequal depression of the hyomandibulae. Lower jaw versatility is a functional motif in the batoid feeding mechanism. The pronounced jaw kinesis of N. brasiliensis is partly a function of common batoid characteristics: euhyostylic jaw suspension (decoupling the jaws from the hyoid arch) and complex and subdivided cranial musculature, affording fine motor control. However, this mechanism would not be possible without the loss of the basihyal in narcinid electric rays. The highly protrusible jaw of N. brasiliensis is a versatile and maneuverable feeding apparatus well-suited for the animal's benthic feeding lifestyle.  相似文献   
During 1442 h of visual observations over 7 years throughout the World Heritage listed Paranaguá estuarine complex, Brazil, seven occurrences of interactions were observed at a single location involving breaching Manta birostris displacing schools of teleosts, which were subsequently preyed upon by Sotalia guianensis. Although the interactions were not definitively categorized as being amensal, commensal or mutual, their restriction to isolated space (adjacent to a protected area) and time (summer) supports previous assertions the area is important to regional productivity and the continuation of protected‐area status.  相似文献   
In the study, the authors evaluate the spatial distribution pattern of vermiculate electric-ray Narcine vermiculatus using geostatistical techniques to predict its spatial distribution and indicate its reproduction strategy. From January 2008 to December 2009, 3333 specimens of vermiculate electric-ray were caught. Total length (LT), sex, maturity stage, catch location and depth were recorded for each specimen. The LT of vermiculate electric-ray ranged from 6.7–24.6 cm. The authors estimate an irregular spatial structure, with a high-density patch ( 53 ind. ha−1) located on the east coast, which concentrates 65.2% of the specimens. The high-density patch consists mainly of large juveniles (13.3–19.5 cm LT), sub-adults (14.0–19.8 cm LT) and young adults (14.7–21.3 cm LT). Data indicate that adults migrate to the high-density patch to reproduce. Males reached maturity at 14.5 cm LT, whereas females reached maturity at 19.3 cm LT. Vitellogenesis in female vermiculate electric-ray begins in June; ovulation, mating, fertilization and gestation in October and birth begins in February. This indicates an annual cycle with vitellogenesis and consecutive gestation, in females synchronized in reproduction. Fecundity was 1–8 ( 4), and the sex ratio of embryos was 1:1. The birth occurred between February and April, with an average size at parturition of 6.3 cm LT. Incidental capture of sub-adults and adults of N. vermiculatus by bottom trawls threatens the survival of this species.  相似文献   
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