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棕果蝠取食对两种榕树种子萌发行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在实验室利用聚果榕(Fieus racemosa)和对叶榕(Fieus hispida)成熟的果实饲喂笼养棕果蝠(Rousettus leschenaulti),比较了不同处理的3组种子的萌发行为:(1)棕果蝠粪便中的种子;(2)被吐出的果渣中的种子;(3)成熟果实中的种子(对照)。棕果蝠取食行为显著影响了两种榕树种子的萌发过程,3种不同处理的种子萌发过程及最终萌发率(GP)之间都存在显著的差异。聚果榕种子经过棕果蝠消化道后GP显著降低,而对叶榕种子的GP显著提高。棕果蝠粪便中的聚果榕种子萌发开始(GS)和最短萌发时间(Tmin)均比对照种子延迟了2d,但其粪便中的对叶榕种子G5比对照种子提前了1d,Tmin提前了2d;与之相似,前者种子萌发比果实中种子提前2d达到萌发总量的50%(T50),但后者没有改变T50。不同种榕果果渣中的种子萌发行为也有重大差异:聚果榕果渣中种子的Tmin和T50均比对照种子延迟1d,GS没发生改变;而对叶榕果渣中种子的Tmin比对照种子提前了3d,GS提前1d,T50没有改变。棕果蝠取食两种榕果后在飞行过程中排泄,进而有效的散布种子;而且通过消化明显改变了种子萌发行为,使种子萌发类型更为多样,增加了种子在不同时空条件下萌发的可能性。  相似文献   
为了研究普氏蹄蝠(Hipposideros pratti)下丘(IC)中恒频-恒频(CF-CF)联合敏感神经元声反应特性,以及易化型和抑制型CF-CF联合敏感神经元在IC高频表征区神经元中所占的比例,实验记录了普氏蹄蝠IC神经元在不同频率和声强下的单声反应以及在不同延迟下的双声反应。本实验采用在体细胞内电生理技术从7只听力正常的蝙蝠上共获得77个IC声敏感神经元。所获得的数据经过处理并应用Sigma Plot 10.0软件作图。研究结果显示,77个神经元中37(48.1%)个为CF-CF联合敏感神经元,且多数为抑制型(24/37),少数为(13/37)易化型。实验结果说明普氏蹄蝠IC中既存在易化型也存在抑制型CF-CF联合敏感神经元,其中抑制型CF-CF联合敏感神经元比易化型所占比例更高。这些CF-CF联合敏感神经元有助于蝙蝠在巡航过程中处理回声信息时进行频谱和时相的整合。  相似文献   
Ecological niche models have become very popular for analysing the potential distribution of species. Nevertheless, models are strongly influenced by many factors, such as spatial resolution, environmental variables and the quality of distribution records. In this paper, we evaluated how ecological niche models changed with the addition of records accumulated over four decades. Our model species was the stripe‐headed round‐eared bat (Tonatia saurophila). Thus, with data organized in chronological order, we could observe how the models changed in predicting distributions over time in comparison with all known point locations. We tested if partial models could predict the occurrence of new unpublished records for savannah areas in central Brazil, considering that the species is typically associated with forest environments. Our results indicate a high omission rate for models built with point localities from the 1970s and 1980s (58.5% and 50.0% of all known points respectively), and predicted that the species could occur in central Brazil. Although T. saurophila has indeed been recorded recently in central Brazil, it was found in places different from those predicted by the models using these restricted earlier data. Nevertheless, the environmental suitability of such areas is significantly different from sites largely described in earlier records from the Amazonia region, as shown by principal components analysis. We argue that populations of T. saurophila that occupy open habitats in central South America (including Caatinga, Cerrado, Chaco and semi‐deciduous interior forests) deserve further study at the genetic level to determine if bats in these very different habitats are taxonomically distinct from Amazonian populations. Our results also suggest that models based on very limited datasets for species occurrence can lead conservationists or decision makers to wrong conclusions.  相似文献   
中国部分地区蝙蝠携带病毒的宏基因组学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蝙蝠携带有60多种病毒,其中许多对人有高度致病性.为了解中国蝙蝠携带病毒的自然本底、蝙蝠病毒的多样性和挖掘潜在的病毒病原,通过基于Solexa高通量测序的病毒宏基因组学技术对从吉林、云南、湖南采集的蝙蝠组织进行病毒组学研究,获得了11 644 232条读长(Reads),并拼接出44 872条重叠序列(Contig).通过核酸序列注释发现,其中8.2%(4 002/44 872)的重叠序列与病毒相关,能进一步注释到36个病毒科,包括19种脊椎动物病毒、6种植物病毒、4种昆虫病毒和4种噬菌体.通过对重叠序列的遗传进化分析、多序列比对显示,被注释为细小病毒、腺联病毒、博卡病毒、腺病毒、小双节RNA病毒等的重叠序列与已知病毒相似,部分序列却又呈现出明显的序列差异.通过对腺病毒和博卡病毒进一步的PCR扩增证实了此研究方法可靠.旨在了解我国蝙蝠携带病毒组的构成,对建立高效的野生动物源人兽共患病的监测方法提供参考.  相似文献   
Hibernation is a physiological adaptation that allows animals to survive adverse environmental conditions. A commonly assumed cost of hibernation is impaired memory retention. So far, however, the effects of hibernation on memory retention have been assessed on only a few behavioral tasks, and exclusively under laboratory conditions. Taking advantage of the longevity and strict colony fidelity of female Bechstein's bats, we were able to evaluate memory retention in the same individuals over two consecutive summers in the field. We used a pairwise roost choice experiment with automatic monitoring of RFID-tagged bats. Roosts’ suitability as day roost was associated with a distinctive external echo-acoustic cue. Experiments were separated by a natural hibernation period of eight months. We determined associative learning and memory retention by comparing the bats’ proportion of visits to suitable roosts within and between breeding seasons, respectively. During the first breeding season, bats quickly learned to associate the suitable roosts with their external cue. After hibernating, we found no evidence that individuals remembered the association between the roosts’ suitability and their respective external cue, suggesting a lack of memory retention. Nevertheless, bats quickly re-learned the same association during the second breeding season, emphasizing the high behavioral flexibility of Bechstein's bats.  相似文献   
Summary To elucidate the role of hypothalamic neuropeptides in regulation of reproductive phenomena of seasonally breeding feral mammals, we used Japanese long-fingered bats, Miniopterus schreibersii fuliginosus, for immunocytochemical study of distribution of the following neuropeptides in the hypothalamus: arginin vasopressin, oxytocin, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone, somatostatin, corticotropin-releasing factor, and growth hormone-releasing factor. The size, shape and location of supraoptic, paraventricular, suprachiasmatic, and arcuate nuclei of the bat were determined. Arginin vasopressin-and oxytocin-immunoreactive magnocellular neurons were found in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, where they exhibited separate distribution into two distinct groups. Parvocellular arginin vasopressin neurons occurred only in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. The hibernating bats exhibited slightly increased numbers of vasopressin and oxytocin neurons in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei. The pregnant bat displayed further increased numbers of vasopressin and oxytocin neurons in both nuclei. Somatostatin-immunoreactive neurons in the paraventricular nucleus were also immunopositive to anti-oxytocin serum, while those in the ventromedial and arcuate nuclei reacted solely to anti-somatostatin serum. They projected to the anterior median eminence and infundibular stalk. Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone-immunoreactive perikarya were scattered throughout the basal hypothalamus, being particularly abundant in the arcuate nucleus. They were larger in size in hibernating bats than those in normal (non-pregnant) and pregnant females. They projected fibers mainly to the internal layer of the median eminence and infundibular stalk. A few luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone-reactive fibers were also observed in the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis, lateral habenular nuclei, pineal stalk, retroflexus fasciculus, and olfactory tubercle. Corticotropin releasing factor-immunoreactive perikarya were distributed in the paraventricular nucleus and medial preoptic area and projected into the external layer of the anterior median eminence, while growth hormone-releasing factor-immunoreactive perikarya occurred only in the arcuate nucleus and projected into the posterior part of the median eminence.  相似文献   
In colonial species, recognition of offspring should be under strong selection. For accurate identification to occur offspring must emit individually distinctive signals and parents must be able to discriminate between signals. Female greater spear-nosed bats (Phyllostomus hastatus) roost in stable social groups and use infant vocalizations, termed isolation calls, to locate and identify their young. In this study, we investigate both the production and perception of isolation calls in P. hastatus. First, we measured acoustic features and found that after controlling for ontogenetic effects, sufficient variation exists between pups for isolation calls to function as individual signatures. Moreover, pups from the same social group emit calls with more similar spectral and spectro-temporal features than pups from different social groups, indicating that these features are likely heritable. We used psychoacoustic experiments in the laboratory to determine if adult females could discriminate between calls from pups in the same or different social group. Females discriminated between pups when faced with a template-matching task and their performance was correlated with the salience of spectral and spectro-temporal features. We found no difference in performance when females had to discriminate between pups from the same and different social groups. These results indicate that females should be able to accurately identify their young using isolation calls.  相似文献   
Human-wildlife conflicts (HWC) pose a growing threat to biodiversity worldwide and solutions can be as sound as the understanding of the HWC itself. Conservation biologists therefore must carefully examine their local situations to inform on which approach and strategies may be best. In this context, Mauritius implemented what may be the first mass-culls of an already threatened native species when it culled the flying fox (Pteropus niger) in 2015 and 2016 to try increase fruit producers’ profits. Although the Red List category of the species consequently worsened to ‘Endangered’ and fruit production dropped substantially, a third mass-cull was decided in 2018. A critical analysis is important to draw lessons that may help to prevent recurrences particularly that HWC involving Pteropus spp. are common and set to worsen. We synthesized the best literature available locally and also elsewhere in relevant situations, to critically appraise the setting, nature, timeline of events and outcome of both completed mass-culling campaigns to explore why and how they happened so as to help towards devising better approaches to such conflicts. The idea to cull P. niger originated around 2002 and a small cull was done in 2006. The first mass-cull started immediately after Mauritius’ biodiversity protection law was weakened in 2015 primarily to legalize culls of threatened native species, but still breached the law in place then. The 2016 mass-cull was recommended in line with the law, but was not evidence-based and consequently did not result in improved profits of fruit producers. Appeals supported by best scientific evidence from local and international organizations and conservationists to the effect that culls will not increase fruit production, but instead further endanger the species, were ignored. To forestall recurrences here and elsewhere, it matters to recognize their precursor signs and the conditions that favoured them including why the mass-culls were not stopped. The events provide a rare opportunity to explore the strategy that was used by conservationists and open the way to propose impactful alternatives or additional actions instead. The situation also exemplifies an eroding commitment towards biodiversity conservation, eased by withdrawal from evidence-based policy that suit short term goals of election cycles at the expense of longer term environmental interests.  相似文献   
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