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Fleshy fruits can be divided between climacteric (CL, showing a typical rise in respiration and ethylene production with ripening after harvest) and non-climacteric (NC, showing no rise). However, despite the importance of the CL/NC traits in horticulture and the fruit industry, the evolutionary significance of the distinction remains untested. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that NC fruits, which ripen only on the plant, are adapted to tree dispersers (feeding in the tree), and CL fruits, which ripen after falling from the plant, are adapted to ground dispersers. A literature review of 276 reports of 80 edible fruits found a strong correlation between CL/NC traits and the type of seed disperser: fruits dispersed by tree dispersers are more likely to be NC, and those dispersed by ground dispersers are more likely to be CL. NC fruits are more likely to have red–black skin and smaller seeds (preferred by birds), and CL fruits to have green–brownish skin and larger seeds (preferred by large mammals). These results suggest that the CL/NC traits have an important but overlooked seed dispersal function, and CL fruits may have an adaptive advantage in reducing ineffective frugivory by tree dispersers by falling before ripening.  相似文献   
Abstract: Understanding year-round roost-site selection is essential for managing forest bat populations. From January to March, 2004 to 2006, we used radiotelemetry to investigate winter roost-site selection by Seminole bats (Lasiurus seminolus) on an intensively managed landscape with forested corridors in southeastern South Carolina, USA. We modeled roost-site selection with logistic regression and used Akaike's Information Criterion for small samples (AICc) and Akaike weights to select models relating roost-site selection to plot- and landscape-level variables. We tracked 20 adult male bats to 71 individual roosts. Bats used a variety of roosting structures, including the canopy of overstory trees, understory vegetation, pine (Pinus spp.) needle clusters, and leaf litter. Roost height, structure type, and habitat type were influenced by changes in minimum nightly temperature. On warmer nights, bats selected taller trees in mature forest stands, but when minimum nightly temperatures were <4° C, bats typically were found roosting on or near the forest floor in mid-rotation stands. We recommend avoiding prescribed burning in mid-rotation stands on days when the previous night's temperature is <4 °C to minimize potential disturbance and direct mortality of bats roosting on or near the forest floor. We encourage forest managers to incorporate seasonal changes in roost-site selection to create year-round management strategies for forest bats in managed landscapes.  相似文献   
Flexibility in the echolocation call structure of bats can improve their performances, because, in some situations, some signal designs are better than others. Hence, at least some bats should adjust their echolocation calls according to the setting in which they are operating but also to the specific task at hand, that is their behavioral intention. We studied variation in the echolocation calls of Pipistrellus kuhlii emitted during four flight situations that were similar in setting but differed in behavioral context: emergence from a roost, commuting to and from foraging sites, foraging and returning to a roost. Echolocation calls produced by P. kuhlii differed significantly according to the flight situation. Call types differed most distinctly between foraging and commuting. We also found a high variance in the emergence calls we recorded, perhaps reflecting pre- and post-takeoff calls. Discriminant function analysis on calls emitted while foraging, commuting or returning to the roost classified the calls to the correct group 73.3% of the time. The differences between bats' echolocation calls in different flight situations might indicate an intrinsic change in the bat's behavior. Recognizing these differences could be crucial when using call variables to identify bat species.  相似文献   
Regional migrations are important elements of the biology of bats, but remain poorly understood. We obtained a large dataset of recoveries of ringed Miniopterus schreibersii to study the patterns and drivers of migration of a Mediterranean cave-dwelling bat. In spite of the mildness of Mediterranean winters, in average years bats hibernated, and few movements were recorded during this period. After hibernation, females migrated to spring roosts, and again to maternity roosts just before parturition. This late arrival at nurseries could be a strategy to avoid a harmful build-up of parasites. Soon after the juveniles were weaned, the mothers migrated to the roosts where they spent autumn and sometimes also winter. Juveniles remained in the warm nurseries longer, presumably because high roost temperatures speed up growth. The pattern of migration of males was similar to that of females, but they left hibernacula later and remained more mobile during the maternity season. They also arrived at the hibernacula later, possibly because they needed time to build up fat stores after the energetically costly mating season. Maternity colonies spent the yearly cycle in well-defined home ranges (mean=19 030 km2), which overlapped greatly. Bats were furthest from the maternity sites during hibernation, but even then 80% remained within 90 km of them. Each hibernaculum attracted bats from multiple nurseries, from within a mean range of 10 770 km2. We tested two potential drivers for migration – temperature in the roosts and at the foraging areas – but our results supported only the first one. Bats migrated to reach the roosts most thermally suited for each phase of their life cycle, indicating that roost temperature and associated metabolic advantages are key drivers for regional migrations of cave-dwelling bats.  相似文献   
为了解犬蝠的嗅觉灵敏度,我们以6 只成年犬蝠对不同浓度的成熟香蕉汁和纯水对照的选择倾向和取食时间各进行了连续5 个夜晚的室内观察。香蕉汁的浓度分别为100% (120 g),50% (60 g 香蕉汁和60 g 纯水),25% (30 g 香蕉汁和90 g 纯水),12. 5% (15 g 香蕉汁和105 g 纯水);另取纯水(W)与熟烂的香蕉汁(OR)各120 g 作为对照。将以上食物和对照随机注入不同的容器内,观察犬蝠对不同浓度的香蕉汁、熟烂香蕉汁和纯水的选择。结果表明,犬蝠对纯成熟香蕉汁的选择性最强,取食次数和取食量均最高,而停留时间也最长;说明犬蝠具有分辨不同浓度的气味差异。我们推测犬蝠在野外觅食时可能优先取食成熟水果。  相似文献   
食鱼蝙蝠——大足鼠耳蝠初报   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
大足鼠耳蝠属蝙蝠科,为中国特有种类。食性分析和野外观察证实大足鼠耳蝠为食鱼蝙蝠。室内放养条件下发现大足鼠耳蝠一次进食能连续消耗5.0—10.0g麦穗鱼。本研究首次报道北京房山亦有大足鼠耳蝠分布,并介绍了其地理分布和保护现状。  相似文献   
The bat fauna of the Mora excelsa-dominated rainforest in the Victoria-Mayaro Forest Reserve (VMFR) in south-east Trinidad was assessed over a six-week period. Trapping effort totaled 271 mist net hours and caught 143 bats of 22 species at a rate of one bat every two net-hours. Simpsons diversity index (1/D) was 1.28 for primary Mora forest and extrapolation using Chaos' estimator, a non-parametric method, estimated the total number of species as 39. Phyllostomid bats of the subfamilies Phyllostominae and Stenodermatinae were well represented, and frugivores predominated in number, accounting for 77% of all captures in primary forest. The most abundant bat, the ground-storey frugivore, Carollia perspicillata, accounted for 43% of all captures in primary forest and, in contrast to most bats, was also abundant on man-made paths through the forest. Four species not previously recorded from the reserve, Tonatia bidens, Trachops cirrhosus, a Myotis sp., and the rare Phylloderma stenops, were captured, bringing the total number of bats species known from the reserve to 35. Thus, over half (52%) of Trinidad's 67 bat species occur in this one forest reserve, making it a high priority area for effective protection and management.  相似文献   
南蝠回声定位叫声的分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
蝙蝠科是翼手目中种类最繁多、分布最广泛、进化最成功的科之一 ,全球共有 42属 35 5种(Nowak ,1991)。该类群的大多数物种都以超声波回声定位来进行捕食 ,其回声定位行为的多样性以及捕食策略的多样性 ,一直都是动物生态学中的研究热点。南蝠 (Iaio)属蝙蝠科南蝠属 ,为单型种 ,主要分布于我国 (罗蓉等 ,1993)。它是蝙蝠科中体形最大者 ,以前对其生态学方面的研究非常少 ,而对其回声定位的研究则未见报道。南蝠捕食时的叫声与飞行及悬挂状态下的叫声的基本特征一致 (声谱图及谐波等 ) ,仅在叫声次数上有一定差异。因此本文将录制南…  相似文献   
We recorded and characterized the echolocation calls emitted by the common vampire bat Desmodus rotundus during foraging in natural habitats in Chile. Signal design typically shows multiple harmonics consisting of a brief quasi-constant frequency (QCF) component at the beginning of the pulse followed by a downward frequency modulated component. Calls are characterized by long durations (5.5 ms) and emitted as single pulses or in groups of 2–3 pulses at a repetition rate of 29 Hz. The higher frequency ranges (85–35 kHz) and the unusual QCF component that characterized multiharmonic signals of free-flying D. rotundus in Chile is a remarkable feature for acoustic identification with other Chilean bats.  相似文献   
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