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从2005年3月到2006年5月,在中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园沟谷雨林保护区内研究了两种果蝠——棕果蝠(Rousettus leschenaulti)和犬蝠(Cynopterus sphinx)取食光叶桑(Morus macroura) 果实的行为、夜栖息地分布、散布种子方式及范围等。借助月光对果蝠的行为进行直接观察,发现它们的取食活动一般在天黑20~40 min开始,取食高峰发生在22: 00~22: 30 和23:00~23:30之间,这两个取食高峰期平均取食次数(平均值±标准误)为(13.5±2.5)和(15.0±2.3)次,最低的取食频率发生在19: 00~19: 30和20: 30~21: 00之间,分别取食(0.2±0.2)和(0.7±0.5)次。果蝠很少在母树上取食成熟的果实,相反它们用嘴叼下果实并携带到夜栖息地去进食,通常这些夜栖息地是具有密闭树冠、密集枝条的树种。夜栖息地在母树周围的分布根据环境中适合它们栖息的树种和分布而决定,不同母树周围其夜栖息地分布具有非常大的变异与空间异质性。钝叶榕(Ficus curtipes)、铁力木(Mesua ferrea) 和糖胶树(Alstonia scholaris) 是果蝠最喜爱的夜栖息地。在同样的情况下,尽管需要飞行更远的距离,两种果蝠都比较喜欢寻找具有许多枝条和小枝并且有复杂树冠的树木作为夜栖息地。两种果蝠取食光叶桑果实时,一部分种子通过消化道消化后被排泄出来,另外的一部分伴随着咀嚼后的果渣被吐出来,通过这两种方式,散布了大量的种子,再加上在飞行中也有排泄的习性,它们传播的种子在空间上更广泛。  相似文献   
Parasites represent a large fraction of the world's biodiversity. They control host population sizes and contribute to ecosystem functioning. However, surveys on species diversity rarely include parasitic species. Bats often present traits favoring parasite diversity, such as large home ranges, long life spans, and large colonies. The most conspicuous bat parasites are the highly host-specific, blood-sucking bat flies (Diptera: Streblidae, Nycteribiidae). Recent studies have found a direct effect of habitat alteration on the abundance of bat species. We expected, therefore, that changes in the host community in response to anthropogenic habitat modification will also result in changes in the associated parasite community. We captured bats in three different habitats in Central Panama between 2013 and 2015. We recorded information on prevalence and intensity of bat fly parasitization of the seven most commonly captured bat species. Prevalence and intensity were both significantly influenced by roost type, abundance, and host sex and age. We found that habitat variables and matrix type significantly influenced the prevalence and intensity of parasitization, while the direction of the responses was host species- and parasite species-specific. In general, roosting conditions and behavior of host bats appear to be fundamental in explaining changes in prevalence and intensity of parasitization between different habitat types, as bat flies are bound to the roost during their reproductive cycle. Habitat alterations affect next to the host community composition also the availability of possible roost structures as well as microclimatic conditions, which all three reflect in parasitization.  相似文献   
In eutherian mammals, the male reproductive accessory glands (RAGs) comprise the prostate, bulbourethral glands, ampullary glands, and the seminal vesicles. Their composition, anatomy and function vary widely between species. This study aimed to characterize histologically and compare the RAGs of bats. The RAGs of Noctilio albiventris (Noctilionidae) and Rhynchonycteris naso (Emballonuridae) were studied using anatomical and histological methods, and were reconstructed three dimensionally. The RAGs of N. albiventris and R. naso are composed of a compact glandular complex that surrounds the urethra and a pair of bulbourethral glands, which are extra‐abdominally located in the inguinal region. In both species, the glandular complex is composed of two well‐defined prostatic regions (ventral and dorsal). The ventral region showed an atypical epithelium (holocrine), where no obvious cellular limits were observed, and PAS‐positive secretion. The dorsal region had a pseudostratified cuboidal epithelium, with basal and secretory cells, and PAS‐negative secretion. Noctilio albiventris also had urethral glands (Littre glands) surrounding the urethra, however, R. naso had only muscles. Both species had bulbourethral glands, with simple columnar epithelium and PAS‐positive secretion. In conclusion, the RAGs of N. albiventris and R. naso comprised a pair of bulbourethral glands and an intra‐abdominal complex, composed of a prostate with two different regions (ventral and dorsal), while the ampullary glands and seminal vesicles were missing in both species. This morphology was more closely related between N. albiventris and R. naso, and to species of the family Phyllostomidae than to families Molossidae and Vespertilionidae. J. Morphol. 277:1459–1468, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
With a nearly global distribution the vespertilionid bat Myotis represents one of the most exceptional examples of adaptive radiation among mammals. We investigated the reproductive activity of the vespertilionid bat yellowish myotis, Myotis levis, from a highland area in Southeastern Brazil. The data were obtained through histological analyses of the male and female genital systems from February 2010 to May 2011. The testes of the adult yellowish myotis showed seasonal morphological characteristics which were categorized in the following stages: rest, maturing, mature, and mating. Rest and maturing males were recorded throughout the rainy season (October‐March). In the rest stage no spermatogenesis was observed and the epididymal duct was devoid of spermatozoa. Maturing individuals had started spermatogenesis and few spermatozoa were found in the epididymal duct. Mature males were found toward the end (February‐March) of the rainy season, when full spermatogenic activity was recorded and spermatozoa were packed in the epididymal duct. Although not recorded, mating probably occurred in the middle of the dry season (April–September) when the cauda epididymis was enlarged and packed with sperm. The spermatozoa remained stored in the cauda epididymis for at least three months when the testes entered into regression. The ovaries showed all types of ovarian follicles throughout the study period except mature follicles which were registered only in July (mid‐dry season). Lactating females were captured in the beginning of the rainy season. The seasonal reproductive characteristics of the yellowish myotis from this Neotropical highland area were similar those of epididymal sperm‐storing temperate vespertilionids. J. Morphol. 274:1230–1238, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Although tropical wet forests are generally more diverse than dry forests for many faunal groups, few studies have compared bat diversity among dry forests. I compared ground level phyllostomid bat community structure between two tropical dry forests with different precipitation regimes. Parque National Palo Verde in northwestern Costa Rica represents one of the wettest tropical dry forests (rainfall 1.5 m/yr), whereas the Chamela‐Cuixmala Biosphere Reserve on the Pacific coast of central Mexico represents one of the driest (750 mm/yr). Mist net sampling was conducted at the two study sites to compare changes in ground level phyllostomid bat community structure between regions and seasons. Palo Verde was more diverse than Chamela and phyllostomid species showed low similarity between sites (Classic Jaccard = 0.263). The distinct phyllostomid communities observed at these two dry forest sites demonstrates that variants of tropical dry forest can be sufficiently different in structure and composition to affect phyllostomid communities. At both dry forest sites, abundance of the two most common foraging guilds (frugivores and nectarivores) differed between seasons, with greatest numbers of individuals captured coinciding with highest chiropterophilic resource abundance.  相似文献   
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