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Northern forest ecosystems are exposed to a range of anthropogenic processes including global warming, atmospheric deposition, and changing land‐use. The vegetation of northern forests is composed of species with several functional traits related to these processes, whose effects may be difficult to disentangle. Here, we combined analyses of spatio‐temporal dynamics and functional traits of ground flora species, including morphological characteristics, responses to macro‐ and microclimate, soil conditions, and disturbance. Based on data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory, we compared changes in occurrence of a large number of ground flora species during a 20‐year period (1994–2013) in boreal and temperate Sweden respectively. Our results show that a majority of the common ground flora species have changed their overall frequency. Comparisons of functional traits between increasing and declining species, and of trends in mean trait values of sample plots, indicate that current floristic changes are caused by combined effects of climate warming, nitrogen deposition and changing land‐use. Changes and their relations with plant traits were generally larger in temperate southern Sweden. Nutrient‐demanding species with mesotrophic morphology were favored by ongoing eutrophication due to nitrogen deposition in the temperate zone, while dwarf shrubs with low demands on nitrogen decreased in frequency. An increase of species with less northern and less eastern distribution limits was also restricted to temperate Sweden, and indicates effects of a moister and milder macroclimate. A trend toward dense plantation forests is mirrored by a decrease of light‐demanding species in both vegetation zones, and a decrease of grassland species in the temperate zone. Although denser tree canopies may buffer effects of a warmer climate and of nitrogen deposition to some extent, traits related to these processes were weakly correlated in the group of species with changing frequency. Hence, our results indicate specific effects of these often confounded anthropogenic processes.  相似文献   
The sectioned thin cell layers (TCL) of flower stalk of Cichorium intybus L. were cultured in MS medium supplemented with NAA and BA or IAA and BA where floral and vegetative buds were developed from the explant. Endogenous IAA, DHZ+DHZR, iPA increased significantly during the floral bud formation, while Z+ZR remained changed. The levels of cytokinins, DHZ +DHZR, iPA, and Z-f-ZR all increased significantly during the vegetative bud formation, however IAA level was reduced during the first 7 days of culture and increased to two-thirds of initial values on the day when the bud primordia were formed. The results suggested that the initiation of floral buds was associated with a high IAA/CTK ratio, whereas the induction of vegetative bud differentiation was related to a low IAA/CTK ratio.  相似文献   
Natural convection from leaves at realistic Grashof numbers   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Abstract. The boundary layer resistance of model leaves was measured in still air, at a range of leaf-to-air temperature differences. The results were compared to those calculated from standard formulae for natural convection. The agreement between observed and calculated was only satisfactory when Grashof numbers exceeded about 105. At the lower Grashof numbers, which often prevail in nature, the observed rates of heat transfer considerably exceeded those calculated.  相似文献   
Reproductive structures and systematics of Buxaceae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Buxaceae belong to a grade of families near the base of eudicots. Flowers of these families are characterized by a variable number and arrangement of floral organs. In this study, the anthetic structure of the gynoecium and androecium of representatives of all genera of Buxaceae were comparatively studied, and observations on the flowering processes and pollination biology were made. Styloceras and Notobuxus were studied in detail for the first time. Various features of the morphological analysis support our earlier molecular phylogenetic study. Shared reproductive characters among Sarcococca , Pachysandra and Styloceras are the occurrence of two (rarely three) carpels, the lack of interstylar nectaries, a micropyle formed by both integuments, attractive stamens in male flowers, and fleshy fruits. In addition, Styloceras and Pachysandra share a secondary partition in the ovary. Notobuxus does not seem to be clearly distinct from Buxus . Both have a similar inflorescence and perianth structure; female flowers have three carpels, interstylar nectaries, micropyles formed by the inner integument, rudimentary arils, and they develop into capsular fruits; in male flowers stamens are sessile and the central pistillode is lacking in some species. Thus, it is questionable to justify a separation of Buxus and Notobuxus at genus level. The results further strongly support the placement of Buxaceae among basal eudicots.  © The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 140 , 193–228.  相似文献   
红壤茶树根层土壤基础呼吸作用和酶活性   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14  
对不同树龄茶树根层土壤的呼吸作用(包括代谢熵qCO2)和土壤酶(脲酶、转化酶和酸性磷酸单酯酶)活性进行了研究、不同树龄茶树根层土壤日基础呼吸作用强度(36.23—58.52mg·kg^-1·d^-1)和日代谢墒(0.30一0.68)都以40和90年茶树较为接近,分别显著大于和小于10年树龄茶树根层土壤;服酶活性(41.48—47、72mg·kg^-1·d^-1)则三者间差异不大,虽然随树龄增长而下降;转化酶活性(189.29—363.40mg·kg^-1·d^-1)也随树龄增长而下降,并且10年茶树根层土壤显著大于40和90年树龄茶树;而酸性磷酸单酯酶活性(444.22—828.32mg·kg^-1·d^-1)相反,随树龄增长而增强.结果表明,土壤基础呼吸作用、代谢熵和3种土壤酶活性都与茶树树龄、土壤pH、土壤有机碳、土壤全氮、土壤可活性酚总量、及土壤微生物生物量密切相关.  相似文献   
Abstract: To compare the loosely associated sulfated proteoglycans with those tightly bound to membranes, retinas from 14-day chick embryos were subjected to progressively disruptive techniques. The most easily removed proteoglycans were isolated from the medium in which the tissue was labeled with [35S]sulfate. On the average, 25% of the glycosaminoglycans were in the labeling medium, 39% were in proteoglycans extracted from the tissue in the balanced salt solution, 32% were in a 4 m -guanidinium chloride (GuCl) fraction, and 4% remained unextracted. These glycosaminoglycans contained, respectively, 28, 28, 40, and 4% of the incorporated [35S]sulfate. On the basis of electrophoretic mobility and TLC of chondroitinase digests, the ratio of 35S in chondroitin sulfate to that in heparan sulfate was 4–7 times higher in the medium and balanced salt extracts than in the GuCl extracts. In both extracts there was more 35S in chondroitin-6-sulfate than in chondroitin-4-sulfate. Dialysis of the extracts against 0.5 M-NaCl resulted in the precipitation of about 12% of the glycosaminoglycans in the saline extracts and about 40% in GuCl extract. These subfractions, which were relatively enriched in heparan sulfate, were largely soluble in dithiothreitol in 8 m -urea (DTT). Similarities between the proteoglycans in the medium and those extracted by balanced salt solutions suggest that the saline-extracted proteoglycans were for the most part loosely associated with cell surfaces or extracellular matrices, whereas the GuCl-extracted proteoglycans probably were bound to membranes.  相似文献   
During rice grain filling, grain moisture content and weight show dynamic changes. We focused on the expression of all 33 rice aquaporins in developing grains. Only two aquaporin genes, OsPIP2;1 and OsTIP3;1, were highly expressed in the period 10–25 days after heading (DAH). High-temperature treatment from 7 to 21 DAH abolished the dynamic up-regulation of OsPIP2;1 in the period 15–20 DAH, whereas OsTIP3;1 expression was not affected. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that OsPIP2;1 was present in the starchy endosperm, nucellar projection, nucellar epidermis, and dorsal vascular bundles, but not in the aleurone layer. OsTIP3;1 was present in the aleurone layer and starchy endosperm. Water transport activity of recombinant OsTIP3;1 was low, in contrast to the high activity of recombinant OsPIP2;1 we reported previously. Our data suggest that OsPIP2;1 and OsTIP3;1 have distinct roles in developing grains.  相似文献   
Sternal pores are important features for identification of male thrips, especially within the subfamily Thripinae. They vary in shape, size and distribution even between species of one genus. Their functional role is speculated to be that of sex- and/or aggregation pheromone production. Yet, sexual aggregations are not reported in Echinothrips americanus, known to have sternal pores, while we observed aggregations in Megalurothrips sjostedti, previously reported to lack them.We examined the sternal glands and pores of the thripine species E. americanus and M. sjostedti males, in comparison with those of Frankliniella occidentalis using light microscopy, as well as scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Pore plates of F. occidentalis were ellipsoid and medial on sternites III–VII, while in E. americanus they were distributed as multiple micro pore plates on sternites III–VIII. In M. sjostedti they appeared as an extremely small pore in front of the posterior margin of each of sternites IV–VII. Pore plate and pore plate area were distributed similarly on sternites III–VII in F. occidentalis. However, in E. americanus the total pore plate area increased significantly from sternites III to VIII. Ultrastructure of cells associated with sternal glands showed typical characteristics of gland cells that differ in size, shape and number. The function of sternal glands is further discussed on the basis of morphological comparisons with other thrips species.  相似文献   
Additives are known to improve the performance of organic photovoltaic devices based on mixtures of a low bandgap polymer, poly[2,6‐(4,4‐bis(2‐ethylhexyl)‐4H‐cyclopenta[2,1‐b;3,4‐b′]‐dithiophene)‐alt‐4,7‐(2,1,3‐benzothiadiazole)] (PCPDTBT) and [6,6]‐phenyl C61‐butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM). The evolution of the morphology during the evaporation of the mixed solvent, which comprises additive and chlorobenzene (CB), is investigated by in‐situ grazing incidence X‐ray scattering, providing insight into the key role the additive plays in developing a multi‐length‐scale morphology. Provided the additive has a higher vapor pressure and a selective solubility for PCBM, as the host solvent (CB) evaporates, the mixture of the primary solvent and additive becomes less favorable for the PCPDTBT, while completely solubilizing the PCBM. During this process, the PCPDTBT first crystallizes into fibrils and then the PCBM, along with the remaining PCPDTBT, is deposited, forming a phase‐separated morphology comprising domains of pure, crystalline PCPDTBT fibrils and another domain that is a PCBM‐rich mixture with amorphous PCPDTBT. X‐ray/neutron scattering and diffraction methods, in combination with UV–vis absorption spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy, are used to determine the crystallinity and phase separation of the resultant PCPDTBT/PCBM thin films processed with or without additives. Additional thermal annealing is carried out and found to change the packing of the PCPDTBT. The two factors, degree of crystallinity and degree of phase separation, control the multi‐length‐scale morphology of the thin films and significantly influence device performance.  相似文献   
Mass transfer limitation of sulfate in methanogenic aggregates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of mass transfer limitation of sulfate as a factor governing the competition between sulfate reducing and methane producing bacteria in methanogenic aggregates was theoretically evaluated by the calculation of steady-state sulfate microprofiles using a reference set of parameters obtained from the literature. The shooting method was used as a numerical technique for solving the mathematical model. The effect of the parameters on mass transport limitation was tested by varying each reference value of the parameters with a factor of 3. Sulfate limitation within granules prevailed at moderate (0.1 kg m(-3)) and low sulfate concentrations in the bulk liquid, at high maximum sulfate utilization rates (3.73 x 10(-5) kg SO(4) (2-) kg(-1) VSS S(-1) or biomass concentrations (40 KG VSS m(-3)), and in large aggregates (radius of 7.5 10(-4) m). The effective diffusion coefficient of sulfate and the affinity constant were less determinative for the penetration depth of sulfate within a granule. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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