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Milne RI  Abbott RJ 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(4):1108-1121
Hybrids between the acid-loving species Rhododendron ferrugineum and the basic soil species Rhododendron hirsutum occur on soils of intermediate pH in the European Alps. Material from two hybrid zones ~500 m apart, and also nearby populations of each parent species, was surveyed for presence/absence of 31 random amplified polymorphic DNA markers that distinguish parents. Based on morphological assessment, the material comprised 51 putative hybrids, 18 putative R. ferrugineum individuals and 26 putative R. hirsutum plants. RAPD data were analysed using a Bayesian approach implemented by the program newhybrids , and also by principal coordinates analysis. The identity of all R. ferrugineum plants examined was confirmed; however, of the putative R. hirsutum individuals examined, two were certainly and 11 possibly hybrid derivatives. Among all hybrid derivatives examined, about half were designated as F1s or a similar class, otherwise backcrosses to R. hirsutum appeared to be common whereas other hybrid classes were rare and backcrosses to R. ferrugineum possibly absent. Despite this, artificially generated seed of F2 class and backcrosses in each direction showed greater viability than one parent ( R. hirsutum ). Introgression from R. ferrugineum was also detected in a population that from morphology appeared to contain only R. hirsutum . Hence, the direction of backcrossing might be highly asymmetric within hybrid zones, causing unidirectional gene flow from R. ferrugineum into R. hirsutum . Conversely, the rarity of backcrosses to R. ferrugineum , F2s and later hybrid generations, which might be due to phenology effects and habitat-mediated selection, could play a part in restricting gene flow towards R. ferrugineum .  相似文献   
Nicotiana section Alatae contains eight species with variable flower sizes and morphologies. Section members readily hybridize in the glasshouse, but no hybrids have been observed in natural sympatric and parapatric populations. To investigate interspecific crossing relationships with respect to mechanisms preventing hybridization, all members of section Alatae were intercrossed in a complete diallel. We found positive correlation between the pistil length of the pollen donor and interspecific seed set relative to the conspecific cross. Pollen tube growth rate and pollen donor pistil length were positively correlated as well. Furthermore, pollen from short-pistil members of section Alatae could only grow a maximum distance proportional to, but greater than, their own pistil lengths. Our results show that pollen tube growth capacity (i.e., rate and distance), provides a hybridization barrier in long-pistil species × short-pistil species crosses. We also found another hybridization barrier not specifically related to pollen tube growth capacity in short-pistil species × long-pistil species. Taken together, these barriers can generally be described by a ‘pistil-length mismatch’ rule; in section Alatae, pollen has the most success fertilizing ovules from species with pistil lengths similar to their own. This rule could contribute to hybridization barriers in Section Alatae because the species display dramatically different pistil lengths. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Floral-colour polymorphism in rewardless orchids has been hypothesized to be maintained by means of naïve insects, which after visiting a flower without reward will tend to fly elsewhere, looking for a flower of a different colour. In this study, levels of male and female reproductive success were monitored in Southern Italy populations of the deceptive orchid Dactylorhiza sambucina, through field observations over 3 years. These populations were characterized by the presence of a rare pink morph which is sympatric with the more frequent yellow and red morphs. In addition, final plant fertility was evaluated through percentages of embryo-containing seeds produced in both natural conditions and hand-pollination experiments. Results showed that pollinator preferences were independent of the morph frequencies and thus do not promote the predicted negative frequency-dependent selection. Although yellow and pink morphs showed significantly higher male reproductive success (RS), we found comparable levels of female RS, which suggest that pollinator behaviour cannot be the main mechanism which maintains this polymorphism. Interestingly, we found different percentages of embryo-containing seeds in fruits set under natural conditions as well as in those obtained from experimental crosses. In particular, pink morph showed a very low intrinsic fertility. Moreover, fertility in intra- was higher than in inter-morph crosses. To our knowledge, this is the first study pointing out the occurrence in the orchid family of post-pollination reproductive barriers. Findings are discussed in light of present hypothesis on the evolution and maintenance of colour polymorphism in deceptive orchids and other angiosperms.  相似文献   
Upstream movements and migrations of benthic macroinvertebrates are an important component of running water dynamics. Many lotic organisms perform upstream movements at some stage in their life-cycle. We investigated whether a boulder ramp and a concrete bypass fishway on two streams in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, are successfully used by benthic invertebrates to reach upstream areas. We compared macroinvertebrate distribution at sites upstream and downstream of the fishways, rated the fishways according to their constructional features and conducted migration experiments with marked Gammaridae in the passages. The number of taxa and densities of macroinvertebrates did not significantly differ between upstream and downstream sites in both rivers. Constructional features and the results of the mark-recapture experiments indicated that the boulder ramp allows upstream migrations in principal, whereas the bypass is more difficult for macroinvertebrates to ascend. Both fishways immediately exit into an impoundment, which is a potential barrier for migrating invertebrates. High average current velocities, lack of lenitic banks and sheltered interstices, as well as problems caused by the operation of a power plant are factors explaining why the Enz River bypass is only marginally functional for invertebrates. The investigation concludes that in constructing fishways suitable for upstream movements of lotic invertebrates, more attention should be paid to their specific requirements.  相似文献   
Abstract: Previous investigations from our laboratory have demonstrated that the covalent modification of a variety of proteins, including antioxidant enzymes, with the naturally occurring polyamines—putrescine (PUT), spermidine, and spermine—dramatically increases their permeability coefficient-surface area product (PS) at the blood-brain and blood-nerve barriers after parenteral administration. In the present study, we have covalently modified nerve growth factor (NGF) with PUT by targeting carboxylic groups for their graded modification by controlling the ionization of these groups with pH. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, western, and isoelectric focusing analyses demonstrated conversion of NGF to its polyamine-modified derivatives at different pH values. Although the immunoreactivity of PUT-NGF determined by ELISA and western analysis decreased with decreasing pH, the biological activity of PUT-NGF was not affected at any pH as determined by survival and neurite extension of dorsal root ganglia and PC12 cultures. Plasma pharmacokinetics after a single intravenous bolus administration revealed intact PUT-NGF through 10 min and 73–82% intact protein at 15 min. The PS value for PUT-NGF was maximized and the residual plasma volume (Vp) of the protein in the blood vessels minimized when the pH of the modification reaction was >6.4. The biodistribution of PUT-NGF at 15 min showed 22–33% intact protein in different brain regions, which represented 0.4–5.9 ng of PUT-NGF in different brain regions, a physiological dose that is capable of eliciting a bioresponse. The design of this polyamine-modified NGF derivative that has enhanced permeability at the blood-brain and blood-nerve barriers with retained bioactivity may obviate the necessity to create small-molecule mimics of NGF and may be applicable to neurotrophins, engineered multifunctional chimeric neurotrophins, antioxidant enzymes, and other therapeutic proteins with specific clinical application to neurological diseases.  相似文献   
Aim The oriental magpie‐robin (Copsychus saularis) of South and Southeast Asia is a phenotypically variable species that appears to be closely related to two endemic species of the western Indian Ocean: the Madagascar magpie‐robin (Copsychus albospecularis) and the Seychelles magpie‐robin (Copsychus sechellarum). This unusual distribution led us to examine evolutionary relationships in magpie‐robins, and also the taxonomic significance of their plumage variation, via a molecular phylogenetic and population genetic analysis of C. saularis and C. albospecularis. Location Southern Asia from Nepal across Indochina to southern China, and the Indian Ocean from Madagascar to the Greater Sunda and Philippine islands. Methods We sequenced 1695 nucleotides of mitochondrial DNA comprising the complete second subunit of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase (ND2) gene and 654 bases of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) region in 51 individuals of eight C. saularis subspecies, 10 individuals of C. albospecularis (one subspecies) and single individuals of two other Copsychus species as outgroups. The data were analysed phylogenetically, with maximum likelihood, Bayesian, relaxed clock and parsimony methods, and geographically for patterns of genetic diversity. Results Phylogenetic analysis indicated that C. albospecularis lies within the nominal C. saularis, making C. saularis polyphyletic. Malagasy and non‐Philippine Asian populations form a monophyletic group that is sister to a clade of Philippine populations. Within non‐Philippine Asian populations, two groups are evident: black‐bellied birds in the eastern Greater Sunda islands and white‐bellied birds in the western Sundas and on mainland Asia. Main conclusions The phylogeny of magpie‐robins suggests a novel pattern of dispersal and differentiation in the Old World. Ancestral magpie‐robins appear to have spread widely among islands of the Indian Ocean in the Pliocene, probably aided by their affinity for coastal habitats. Populations subsequently became isolated in island groups, notably the Philippines, Madagascar and the Greater Sundas, leading to speciation in all three areas. Isolation in the Philippines may have been aided by competitive exclusion of C. saularis from Palawan by a congener, the white‐vented shama (Copsychus niger). In the Greater Sundas, white‐bellied populations appear to have invaded Borneo and Java recently, where they hybridize with resident black‐bellied birds.  相似文献   
The Crassulacean genus Aeonium is a well‐known example for plant species radiation on oceanic archipelagos. However, while allopatric speciation among islands is documented for this genus, the role of intra‐island speciation due to population divergence by topographical isolation or ecological heterogeneity has not yet been addressed. The aim of this study was to investigate intraspecific genetic structures and to identify spatial and ecological drivers of genetic population differentiation on the island scale. We analyzed inter simple sequence repeat variation within two island‐endemic Aeonium species of La Palma: one widespread generalist that covers a large variety of different habitat types (Ae. davidbramwellii) and one narrow ecological specialist (Ae. nobile), in order to assess evolutionary potentials on this island. Gene pool differentiation and genetic diversity patterns were associated with major landscape structures in both species, with phylogeographic implications. However, overall levels of genetic differentiation were low. For the generalist species, outlier loci detection and loci–environment correlation approaches indicated moderate signatures of divergent selection pressures linked to temperature and precipitation variables, while the specialist species missed such patterns. Our data point to incipient differentiation among populations, emphasizing that ecological heterogeneity and topographical structuring within the small scales of an island can foster evolutionary processes. Very likely, such processes have contributed to the radiation of Aeonium on the Canary Islands. There is also support for different evolutionary mechanisms between generalist and specialist species.  相似文献   
Understanding the evolution of reproductive isolation is tantamount to describing the origin of species. Therefore, a primary goal in evolutionary biology is to identify which reproductive barriers are most important to the process. To achieve this goal, the strength of multiple forms of isolation must be compared in an equivalent manner. However, a diversity of methods has been used to estimate barrier strength, falling into several mathematically distinct categories. This study provides a unified method for calculating isolation that relates the amount of gene flow experienced by taxa to random expectations in a simple linear framework. This approach has three distinct advantages over previous methods: (1) it is directly related to gene flow, (2) it is symmetrical, such that measures in both the positive and negative range are comparable, and (3) it is equivalent between broad categories of reproductive isolation, allowing for appropriate comparisons. This linear formulation can be adjusted for use in all forms of isolation, and can accommodate cases in which null expectations for con‐ and heterospecific gene flow differ. Additionally, this framework can be used to calculate total reproductive isolation and the relative contributions of individual barriers.  相似文献   
This article elaborates an integrated policy framework, including policy features and specific measures that can be implemented to mitigate the barriers to eco‐innovations. We claim that factors inhibiting the development and uptake of eco‐innovations are multifaceted and stem from different sources. This systems view, which highlights the multilayered conception of the obstacles to eco‐innovation, calls for a combination of environmental and technology policies adapted to the different barriers and characteristics of the technologies. Drawing on evolutionary economics, the article sheds light on the appropriate combinations of framework conditions and instruments that are most effective to promote eco‐innovation, considering different barriers and eco‐innovation types (process/product, mature/immature, and radical/incremental).  相似文献   
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