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海南岛热带山地雨林林分生物量估测方法比较分析   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
李意德 《生态学报》1993,13(4):313-320
本文通过对海南岛热带山地雨林林分生物量估测方法的比较分析,表明材积转换法不适宜估算海南岛热带山地雨林林分生物量,其结果与皆伐法相比较一般偏高20%—40%;而用实测资料建立的生物量回归模型,对原始林林分有较好的估测结果,除树枝和树叶生物量外,树干、树皮及地上部分生物量的回归模型值,与皆伐法的结果比较,相对误差一般在±10%以内,为允许误差范围,而对热带山地雨林的更新林生物量的估测则效果较差,应建立相应的估测模型。平均木法有工作量小的优点,且误差也在16%以下,但要注意取样的树种多样性和取样强度,在实际中应当慎用。另外本文对测定热带山地雨林生物量(原始林)的所需面积大小问题作了研究,提出了生物量-面积曲线的概念,确定其最小调查面积为2500m~2以上。  相似文献   
The mechanisms responsible for regulating epithelial ATP permeability and purinergic signaling are not well defined. Based on the observations that members of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC)1 family of proteins may contribute to ATP release, the purpose of these studies was to assess whether multidrug resistance-1 (MDR1) proteins are involved in ATP release from HTC hepatoma cells. Using a bioluminescence assay to detect extracellular ATP, increases in cell volume increased ATP release ∼3-fold. The MDR1 inhibitors cyclosporine A (10 μm) and verapramil (10 μm) inhibited ATP release by 69% and 62%, respectively (p < 0.001). Similarly, in whole-cell patch-clamp recordings, intracellular dialysis with C219 antibodies to inhibit MDR1 decreased ATP-dependent volume-sensitive Cl current density from −33.1 ± 12.5 pA/pF to −2.0 ± 0.3 pA/pF (−80 mV, p≤ 0.02). In contrast, overexpression of MDR1 in NIH 3T3 cells increased ATP release rates. Inhibition of ATP release by Gd3+ had no effect on transport of the MDR1 substrate rhodamine-123; and alteration of MDR1-substrate selectivity by mutation of G185 to V185 had no effect on ATP release. Since the effects of P-glycoproteins on ATP release can be dissociated from P-glycoprotein substrate transport, MDR1 is not likely to function as an ATP channel, but instead serves as a potent regulator of other cellular ATP transport pathways. Received: 20 November 2000/Revised: 25 May 2001  相似文献   
The lifestyle of extinct tetrapods is often difficult to assess when clear morphological adaptations such as swimming paddles are absent. According to the hypothesis of bone functional adaptation, the architecture of trabecular bone adapts sensitively to physiological loadings. Previous studies have already shown a clear relation between trabecular architecture and locomotor behavior, mainly in mammals and birds. However, a link between trabecular architecture and lifestyle has rarely been examined. Here, we analyzed trabecular architecture of different clades of reptiles characterized by a wide range of lifestyles (aquatic, amphibious, generalist terrestrial, fossorial, and climbing). Humeri of squamates, turtles, and crocodylians have been scanned with microcomputed tomography. We selected spherical volumes of interest centered in the proximal metaphyses and measured trabecular spacing, thickness and number, degree of anisotropy, average branch length, bone volume fraction, bone surface density, and connectivity density. Only bone volume fraction showed a significant phylogenetic signal and its significant difference between squamates and other reptiles could be linked to their physiologies. We found negative allometric relationships for trabecular thickness and spacing, positive allometries for connectivity density and trabecular number and no dependence with size for degree of anisotropy and bone volume fraction. The different lifestyles are well separated in the morphological space using linear discriminant analyses, but a cross-validation procedure indicated a limited predictive ability of the model. The trabecular bone anisotropy has shown a gradient in turtles and in squamates: higher values in amphibious than terrestrial taxa. These allometric scalings, previously emphasized in mammals and birds, seem to be valid for all amniotes. Discriminant analysis has offered, to some extent, a distinction of lifestyles, which however remains difficult to strictly discriminate. Trabecular architecture seems to be a promising tool to infer lifestyle of extinct tetrapods, especially those involved in the terrestrialization.  相似文献   
Assay conditions for the short-term, radiochemical, in vitro determination of the spontaneous rate of juvenile biosynthesis by isolated corpora allata from Leptinotarsa decemlineata have been further improved, permitting the measurement of juvenile hormone biosynthesis by individual pairs of corpora allata. The final incubation product has been identified as juvenile hormone III with the aid of High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and juvenile hormone esterase degradation. Using the new assay conditions, the activities of adult corpora allata during maturation were found to be significantly higher in reproductive, long-day animals than in pre-diapause, short-day beetles. During diapause no activity was detectable, whereas corpora allata from post-diapause beetles were reactivated totally after 5 days. Simultaneous determination of the in vitro rates of juvenile hormone biosynthesis and corpus allatum volumes revealed no clear correlation although the results suggest that the volume may be indicative of the maximal capacity for juvenile hormone production. Corpora allata from a population of beetles did not display any synchronous diurnal rhythmicity.  相似文献   
Cultured cerebellar granule neurons exposed to gradual reductions in osmolarity (-1.8 mOsm/min) maintained constant volume up to -50% external osmolarity (pi(o)), showing the occurrence of isovolumetric regulation (IVR). Amino acids, Cl-, and K+ contributed at different phases of IVR, with early efflux threshold for [3H]taurine, D-[3H]aspartate (as marker for glutamate) of pi(o) -2% and -19%, respectively, and more delayed thresholds of -30% for [3H]glycine and -25% and -29%, respectively, for Cl- (125I) and K+ (86Rb). Taurine seems preferentially involved in IVR, showing the lowest threshold, the highest efflux rate (five-fold over other amino acids) and the largest cell content decrease. Taurine and Cl- efflux were abolished by niflumic acid and 86Rb by 15 mM Ba2+. Niflumic acid essentially prevented IVR in all ranges of pi(o). Cl--free medium impaired IVR when pi(o) decreased to -24% and Ba2+ blocked it only at a late phase of -30% pi(o). These results indicate that in cerebellar granule neurons: (i) IVR is an active process of volume regulation accomplished by efflux of intracellular osmolytes; (ii) the volume regulation operating at small changes of pi(o) is fully accounted for by mechanisms sensitive to niflumic acid, with contributions of both Cl- and amino acids, particularly taurine; (iii) Cl- contribution to IVR is delayed with respect to other niflumic acid-sensitive osmolyte fluxes (osmolarity threshold of -25% pi(o)); and (iv), K+ fluxes do not contribute to IVR until a late phase (< -30% pi(o)).  相似文献   
In mouse mammary C127i cells, during whole-cell clamp, osmotic cell swelling activated an anion channel current, when the phloretin-sensitive, volume-activated outwardly rectifying Cl(-) channel was eliminated. This current exhibited time-dependent inactivation at positive and negative voltages greater than around +/-25 mV. The whole-cell current was selective for anions and sensitive to Gd(3)+. In on-cell patches, single-channel events appeared with a lag period of approximately 15 min after a hypotonic challenge. Under isotonic conditions, cell-attached patches were silent, but patch excision led to activation of currents that consisted of multiple large-conductance unitary steps. The current displayed voltage- and time-dependent inactivation similar to that of whole-cell current. Voltage-dependent activation profile was bell-shaped with the maximum open probability at -20 to 0 mV. The channel in inside-out patches had the unitary conductance of approximately 400 pS, a linear current-voltage relationship, and anion selectivity. The outward (but not inward) single-channel conductance was suppressed by extracellular ATP with an IC(50) of 12.3 mM and an electric distance (delta) of 0.47, whereas the inward (but not outward) conductance was inhibited by intracellular ATP with an IC(50) of 12.9 mM and delta of 0.40. Despite the open channel block by ATP, the channel was ATP-conductive with P(ATP)/P(Cl) of 0.09. The single-channel activity was sensitive to Gd(3)+, SITS, and NPPB, but insensitive to phloretin, niflumic acid, and glibenclamide. The same pharmacological pattern was found in swelling-induced ATP release. Thus, it is concluded that the volume- and voltage-dependent ATP-conductive large-conductance anion channel serves as a conductive pathway for the swelling-induced ATP release in C127i cells.  相似文献   
The shape of the resting eggs of a large branchiopod crustacean, the Anostraca Tanymastix stagnalis , is represented very accurately by analytical expressions. The occurrence of atypical shape of some T. stagnalis eggs may be viewed as a simple change of the analytical expression describing the usual egg shape. Their unusual shape may be explained by a higher embryo volume within an envelope of a given size. Biological implications are briefly discussed and hypothesized in an evolutionary point of view.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 90 , 55–60.  相似文献   
Pan H L  Liu X L  Cai X H  Du Z  He F  Wang L  Cheng J  Li M H 《农业工程》2009,29(2):144-149
The strong altitudinal gradients leading to dramatic variations in environmental conditions in mountain regions provide unique and sometimes the best opportunities to study plant responses and adaptation to global climate change. We investigated the morphological characteristics, aboveground biomass and its allocation of Fargesia angustissima (Mitford) T.P. Yi along an altitudinal gradient ranging from 1200 m (the lowest distribution boundary of F. angustissima) to 1810 m a.s.l. (the uppermost distribution limit) in the Wolong Nature Reserve, southwestern China. Except for a nearly linear increase in internode number and a linear decrease in shoot biomass with increasing elevation, other parameters studied changed non-linearly with increasing elevation. These results may imply that the local-environmental conditions do not change linearly with altitude. The growth of F. angustissima, as a low-altitude species, may be impacted by precipitation rather than by temperature. Hence, this dwarf bamboo species may be more sensitive to change in the amount and pattern of precipitation caused by rapid global climate change.  相似文献   
Bamboo is a special forest type in subtropical regions of china. Its huge biomass and carbon storage and its ecological function play an important role in global carbon sink. In this paper, Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys heterocycla var. pubescens) forest in Anji county, Zhejiang province, China was selected to examine the relationships between Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data, and aboveground biomass (AGB, Kg), This research indicates that (1) near infrared (TM4) and mid-infrared bands (TM5,TM7) are more important in explaining Moso bamboo AGB than the visible bands. In particular, TM band5 has higher path coefficient with AGB than any other TM bands, implying its important role in explaining Moso bamboo AGB; (2) the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) has weak correlation with Moso bamboo AGB, however, other vegetable indices such as Perpendicular Vegetation Index (PVI), Enhanced Vegetation Index(EVI), and Soil Adjust Vegetation Index (SAVI) which are related to soil adjustment parameters are significantly correlated with Moso bamboo AGB; (3) the new vegetation index developed in this paper is significantly correlated with Moso bamboo AGB (correlation coefficient is 0.48), and has higher correlation coefficient (R) than any other selected vegetation indices, implying that this new vegetation index can better explain Moso bamboo AGB than any other vegetation indices.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to examine the effect of an infection with Hymenolepis diminuta on ion transport in an isolated colon and blood picture of rats. Fifty rats were orally infected with five cysticercoids of H. diminuta. The experimental groups of rats were assigned to four groups: group I - 8 days post-infection (dpi), group II - 16 dpi, group III - 40 dpi and group IV- 60 dpi. The control group comprised non-infected rats. The experiments consisted of measuring the transepithelial electrical potential difference (PD) and the transepithelial electrical resistance (R) of the rat colon under controlled conditions as well as during mechanical stimulation (MS) using a modified Ussing chamber. Ion transport was modified using inhibitors of the epithelial sodium channel (amiloride - AMI) and the epithelial chloride channel (bumetanide - BUME), and also using capsaicin (CAPSA), a substance which activates C-fibres. The experimental data presented in this study indicates that experimental hymenolepidosis inhibits sodium and chloride ion transport in the epithelium of the rat colon, with preserved tight junction continuity (except at 40 dpi) and a decreased mechanical sensitivity. The effect of capsaicin on ion transport in the rat colon was varied. In control rats it increased ionic current, and in H. diminuta-infected rats it did not cause any changes in PD.Blood picture in this study showed a statistically significantly lower red blood cells (RBC) count and haemoglobin (HGB) concentration in infected rats in comparison to non-infected. Red cell distribution width (RDW) values and platelet (PLT) count were negatively correlated with the duration of infection, whereas mean corpuscular volume (MCV) value was positively correlated. We did not observe leukocytosis during infection, and amongst the differential leukocyte counts eosinophils and basophils showed statistically significant lower values in infected rats in comparison to non-infected.Our results indicate that hymenolepidosis is associated with the activation of inflammatory mediators and stimulation of nervous fibres, which significantly affects the function of ion channels in the epithelium of the colon in the host. At the same time, a significant decrease in eosinophil count during infection suggests that such an infection did not trigger a strong immunological reaction in rats.  相似文献   
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