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竹叶精油和头香的CGC-MS-DS研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Studies that examine the shear- and abrasion-sensitivity of proliferating cells are important in order to understand the behavior of hybridoma cells in bioreactor culture and metastasizing cancer cells in the bloodstream. Little is known about the link between morphology, structure, and mechanical properties of a given cell line, especially with respect to variations throughout the cell cycle. In our experiments with GAP A3 hybridoma cells, distinct cell morphologies were identified and correlated with phases of the cell cycle by video microscopic observation of synchronized cells, and of individual cells that were followed throughout their cell cycle. Micropipet manipulation was used to measure the geometrical (cell volume) and mechanical (apparent cell viscosity) properties of single cells. As the cell cycle progressed at 37°C, an increase in cell volume from 1400 μm3 to 5700 μm3 was accompanied by an increase in apparent cell viscosity from 430 poise to 12,000 poise, consistent with an accumulation of more cytoplasmic material in the “older” cells. Hybridomas are representative of the various leukemias derived from hemopoietic cells, and even though as a whole, they appeared to be rather shear-insensitive, the wide range of property values demonstrates that a given cell line cannot be characterized by a single value for any one property, and that properties must be related to the cell cycle when considering proliferating cells. It is interesting to see if distinct stages in the metastatic sequence of events might correlate with any of these physical features of the cell cycle, irrespective of cell type or cell line. For example, the cytokinetic doublet could represent a fragile structure that may fail and produce cell death under fluid-shear conditions that would not affect the cells at any other stage in the cell cycle. Identifying such cell cycle-dependent features in metastasizing cancer cells could lead to a better understanding of the metastatic process and to possible clinical treatments directed at making cells more shear- and abrasion-sensitive, and therefore, more likely to be killed by the natural hydrodynamic forces of the circulatory system.  相似文献   
红火蚁蚁丘大小与诱集工蚁数量的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用诱饵诱集法研究了荒地、绿化带生境中红火蚁蚁丘体积、蚁丘表面基部面积与诱集工蚁数量之间的关系.结果表明:在荒地生境中,随着蚁丘体积的增大,诱集工蚁数量表现为先迅速增加、后增大减缓、最终趋于平衡的规律,当蚁丘体积、蚁丘表面基部面积分别为11634 cm3、1308 cm2时,诱集工蚁数达到最大值,为每诱饵291 头;在绿化带生境中,随着蚁丘体积的增大,诱集工蚁数量动态与荒地生境相似,当蚁丘体积>18089 cm3时,诱集工蚁数量的增幅明显变缓,当蚁丘体积为25974 cm3时,诱集工蚁数达到最大值,为每诱饵232头.韦布尔函数方程可较好地描述诱集的红火蚁工蚁数量与蚁丘体积、蚁丘表面基部面积间的关系.  相似文献   
In Aiolopus thalassinus (Fabr.), the changes in the volume of the corpora allata (CA), in the concentration of juvenile hormone III (JH III) in the hemolymph, and in protein content in the terminal (t) oocytes were studied during the first gonadotropic cycle. These parameters could be better related to the volume of t-oocytes than to age after emergence. The JH III titer curve was maximum (2.9 pmol/10 μl) at an oocyte volume of 1.2 mm3. Before oviposition (days 10–16) the JH III titer decreased to 0.65 pmol/10 μl hemolyph. The increase in JH III titer reflected a period of high protein storage in the t-oocytes. The largest volume of the CA was reached at the beginning of yolk storage in the t-oocytes. The highest JH III titer did not correspond with the largest volume of CA, which occurred much earlier. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Prenatal exposure to alcohol causes a wide range of deficits known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs). Many factors determine vulnerability to developmental alcohol exposure including timing and pattern of exposure, nutrition and genetics. Here, we characterized how a prevalent single nucleotide polymorphism in the human brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene (val66met) modulates FASDs severity. This polymorphism disrupts BDNF's intracellular trafficking and activity‐dependent secretion, and has been linked to increased incidence of neuropsychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety. We hypothesized that developmental ethanol (EtOH) exposure more severely affects mice carrying this polymorphism. We used transgenic mice homozygous for either valine (BDNFval/val) or methionine (BDNFmet/met) in residue 68, equivalent to residue 66 in humans. To model EtOH exposure during the second and third trimesters of human pregnancy, we exposed mice to EtOH in vapor chambers during gestational days 12 to 19 and postnatal days 2 to 9. We found that EtOH exposure reduces cell layer volume in the dentate gyrus and the CA1 hippocampal regions of BDNFmet/met but not BDNFval/val mice during the juvenile period (postnatal day 15). During adulthood, EtOH exposure reduced anxiety‐like behavior and disrupted trace fear conditioning in BDNFmet/met mice, with most effects observed in males. EtOH exposure reduced adult neurogenesis only in the ventral hippocampus of BDNFval/val male mice. These studies show that the BDNF val66met polymorphism modulates, in a complex manner, the effects of developmental EtOH exposure, and identify a novel genetic risk factor that may regulate FASDs severity in humans.  相似文献   
This study investigated cardiovascular responses to 2 min sustained submaximal (20% MVC) and maximal (100% MVC) voluntary isometric contractions of the finger flexors in healthy young women. Cardiovascular variables investigated were: heart rate (f c), mean arterial pressure ( a), and stroke volume (SV). Doppler echocardiography was used to estimate SV from measures of aortic diameter (AD) and time-velocity integrals. Preliminary studies indicated that AD did not change significantly after 2 min sustained 100% MVC. Therefore, pre-exercise AD values were used to calculate SV before, during and after exercise. During the 2-min 100% MVC period, f c and aincreased significantly during the first 30 s of contraction. f c then remained constant during the remainder of the 2-min contraction period, while acontinued to rise. SV did not change significantly during the 100% MVC task but increased significantly during recovery from sustained 100% MVC. The data suggest that the magnitude of cardiovascular responses to isometric exercise is dependent on the specific task performed, and that there is a different pattern of response for f c, a, and SV during 20% and 100% MVC tasks. Unlike f c and a, SV did not change significantly during isometric exercise, but increased significantly after sustained 100% MVC.  相似文献   
The glycans of well characterized, [6-3H]galactose-labelled glycopeptides, GC-4 from bovine IgG1 as well as GP-V-2 and GP-V-5 from α1-acid glycoprotein, were liberated by hydrazinolysis. Molecular weights close to the expected values were observed by gel filtration. Desialated glycans of Semliki Forest virus proteins were likewise liberated by hydrazinolysis and subjected to gel filtration. Metabolically labelled [1-3H]galactose-oligosaccharides of the mixed viral proteins revealed an apparent molecular weight of 1800. The bi-antennary glycan liberated from the reference glycopeptide GC-4 was of 1750 daltons. A mixture of [2-3H]mannose-labelled E1-and E2-proteins of the virus contained L-type glycans of 1800 daltons (formerly called A-type), and M-type glycans of 1200 daltons (formerly called B-type). A fraction of the E3-glycans isolated by affinity chromatography on Concanavalin A-Sepharose showed an average molecular weight of 2150, a value intermediate between the three- and four-antennary glycans liberated from the reference glycopeptides GP-V-5 and GP-V-2. The rest of the E3-glycans were of 1850 daltons, a value close to the bi-antennary GC-4 glycan. We suggest that the comparatively large size of the E3-glycans and the exposed position of E3-proteins on the viral surface may be interrelated.  相似文献   
In fishes, the spleen can function as an important reservoir for red blood cells (RBCs), which, following splenic contraction, may be released into the circulation to increase haematocrit during energy-demanding activities. This trait is particularly pronounced in red-blooded Antarctic fishes in which the spleen can sequester a large proportion of RBCs during rest, thereby reducing blood viscosity, which may serve as an adaptation to life in cold environments. In one species, Pagothenia borchgrevinki, it has previously been shown that splenic contraction primarily depends on cholinergic stimulation. The aim of the present study was to investigate the regulation of splenic contraction in five other Antarctic fish species, three red-blooded notothenioids (Dissostichus mawsoni Norman, 1937, Gobionotothen gibberifrons Lönnberg, 1905, Notothenia coriiceps Richardson 1844) and two white-blooded “icefish” (Chaenocephalus aceratus Lönnberg, 1906 and Champsocephalus gunnari Lönnberg, 1905), which lack haemoglobin and RBCs, but nevertheless possess a large spleen. In all species, splenic strips constricted in response to both cholinergic (carbachol) and adrenergic (adrenaline) agonists. Surprisingly, in the two species of icefish, the spleen responded with similar sensitivity to red-blooded species, despite contraction being of little obvious benefit for releasing RBCs into the circulation. Although the icefish lineage lost functional haemoglobin before diversifying over the past 7.8–4.8 millions of years, they retain the capacity to contract the spleen, likely as a vestige inherited from their red-blooded ancestors.  相似文献   
竹类植物是美国采集者在我国采集和引种的一类主要植物。在众多的竹类植物采集者中, 莫古礼(Floyd Alonzo McClure)是最具代表性的一位, 他于1919-1940年在岭南大学开展竹类植物研究, 在此期间多次采集竹类植物标本并引种竹类植物到美国。本研究通过大量文献研究、档案查阅以及实地调研, 整理了莫古礼采集竹类植物的路线和采集地, 并对竹类植物学名进行校对, 分析了莫古礼在华研究、采集和引种竹类植物的历史及其影响。经统计, 莫古礼在华期间竹类植物标本采集地涉及12个省级行政区39个地级市, 主要集中在广东、海南、香港等地; 引种地涉及9个省级行政区的25个地级市; 共采集竹类植物标本727号1,840份, 隶属20属93种(含种下单位, 下同), 分别占我国竹类植物属和种的58.8%和17.4%; 共引种竹类植物255份, 隶属于17属77种, 分别占我国竹类植物属和种的50.0%和14.4%。莫古礼在华采集和引种竹类植物极大地发展了竹类植物分类学, 所采集的竹类植物标本为后人竹类植物研究提供了极大的帮助, 所引种的竹类植物极大丰富了美国竹类植物种类, 也促进了竹类植物在美国的应用。  相似文献   
为了提高竹炭去除废水中重金属离子能力,采用交联法设计合成新型的磁性壳聚糖改性竹炭复合吸附剂,并采用傅里叶红外光谱对改性竹炭复合吸附剂进行表征,同时开展不同Cu2+初始浓度、吸附剂投加量、吸附时间、pH和温度等因素对Cu2+吸附去除率的影响。结果表明,吸附效率与Cu2+初始浓度和吸附剂投加量成正效应;吸附平衡时间约8 h;在作用温度范围内,吸附效率随温度升高而上升;pH为7时吸附效果最好。振荡条件吸附效果优于静置处理。该结果为废水重金属深度处理及水环境保护提供依据。  相似文献   
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