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Principal component analysis of compositional data   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
AITCHISON  J. 《Biometrika》1983,70(1):57-65
Some optimal multivariate tests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
JOHN  S. 《Biometrika》1971,58(1):123-127
Measurements of N2O emission fluxes from a 3 ha field of winter wheat were measured using eddy covariance and relaxed eddy accumulation continuously over 10 days during April 1994. The measurements averaged fluxes over approximately 105 m2 of the field, which was fertilised with NH4NO3 at a rate of 43 kg N ha-1 at the beginning of the measurements. The emission fluxes became detectable after the first heavy rainfall, which occured 4 days after fertiliser application. Emissions of N2O increased rapidly during the day following the rain to a maximum of 280 ng N m-2s-1 and declined over the following week. During the period of significant emission fluxes, a clear diurnal cycle in N2O emission was observed, with the daytime maximum coinciding with the soil temperature maximum at 12 cm depth. The temperature dependence of the N2O emission was equivalent to an activation energy for N2O production of 108 kJ mol-1. The N2O fluxes measured using relaxed eddy accumulation, averaged over 30 to 270 min, were in agreement with those of the eddy covariance system within 60%. The total emission of N2O over the period of continuous measurement (10 days) was equivalent to about 10 kg N2O-N, or 0.77% of the N fertiliser applied.  相似文献   
Soil and atmospheric droughts increasingly threaten plant survival and productivity around the world. Yet, conceptual gaps constrain our ability to predict ecosystem-scale drought impacts under climate change. Here, we introduce the ecosystem wilting point (ΨEWP), a property that integrates the drought response of an ecosystem's plant community across the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum. Specifically, ΨEWP defines a threshold below which the capacity of the root system to extract soil water and the ability of the leaves to maintain stomatal function are strongly diminished. We combined ecosystem flux and leaf water potential measurements to derive the ΨEWP of a Quercus-Carya forest from an “ecosystem pressure–volume (PV) curve,” which is analogous to the tissue-level technique. When community predawn leaf water potential (Ψpd) was above ΨEWP (=−2.0 MPa), the forest was highly responsive to environmental dynamics. When Ψpd fell below ΨEWP, the forest became insensitive to environmental variation and was a net source of carbon dioxide for nearly 2 months. Thus, ΨEWP is a threshold defining marked shifts in ecosystem functional state. Though there was rainfall-induced recovery of ecosystem gas exchange following soaking rains, a legacy of structural and physiological damage inhibited canopy photosynthetic capacity. Although over 16 growing seasons, only 10% of Ψpd observations fell below ΨEWP, the forest is commonly only 2–4 weeks of intense drought away from reaching ΨEWP, and thus highly reliant on frequent rainfall to replenish the soil water supply. We propose, based on a bottom-up analysis of root density profiles and soil moisture characteristic curves, that soil water acquisition capacity is the major determinant of ΨEWP, and species in an ecosystem require compatible leaf-level traits such as turgor loss point so that leaf wilting is coordinated with the inability to extract further water from the soil.  相似文献   
The use of regression techniques for estimating the direction and magnitude of selection from measurements on phenotypes has become widespread in field studies. A potential problem with these techniques is that environmental correlations between fitness and the traits examined may produce biased estimates of selection gradients. This report demonstrates that the phenotypic covariance between fitness and a trait, used as an estimate of the selection differential in estimating selection gradients, has two components: a component induced by selection itself and a component due to the effect of environmental factors on fitness. The second component is shown to be responsible for biases in estimates of selection gradients. The use of regressions involving genotypic and breeding values instead of phenotypic values can yield estimates of selection gradients that are not biased by environmental covariances. Statistical methods for estimating the coefficients of such regressions, and for testing for biases in regressions involving phenotypic values, are described.  相似文献   
Morphological and life-history traits often vary among populations of a species. Traits generally do not vary independently, but show patterns of covariation that can arise from genetic and environmental influences on phenotype. Covariance of traits may arise at an among-population level when genetically influenced traits diverge among populations in a correlated manner. Genetic correlations caused by pleiotropy and/or gene linkage can cause traits to evolve together, but among-population covariance can also arise among traits that are not genetically correlated. For example, “selective covariance” can arise when natural selection directly causes correlated change in a suite of traits. Similarly, mutation, migration, and drift may also sometimes cause correlated genetic changes among populations. Because covariation of traits among populations can arise by several different processes, the evolution of suites of traits must be interpreted with great caution. We discuss the sources of among-population covariance and illustrate one approach to identifying the sources' using data on floral traits of Dalechampia scandens (Euphorbiaceae).  相似文献   
Sexual signals are important in speciation, but understanding their evolution is complex as these signals are often composed of multiple, genetically interdependent components. To understand how signals evolve, we thus need to consider selection responses in multiple components and account for the genetic correlations among components. One intriguing possibility is that selection changes the genetic covariance structure of a multicomponent signal in a way that facilitates a response to selection. However, this hypothesis remains largely untested empirically. In this study, we investigate the evolutionary response of the multicomponent female sex pheromone blend of the moth Heliothis subflexa to 10 generations of artificial selection. We observed a selection response of about three‐quarters of a phenotypic standard deviation in the components under selection. Interestingly, other pheromone components that are biochemically and genetically linked to the components under selection did not change. We also found that after the onset of selection, the genetic covariance structure diverged, resulting in the disassociation of components under selection and components not under selection across the first two genetic principle components. Our findings provide rare empirical support for an intriguing mechanism by which a sexual signal can respond to selection without possible constraints from indirect selection responses.  相似文献   
选取新疆艾比湖湿地国家级自然保护区荒漠杜加依林为研究对象,利用通量塔连续观测数据分析新疆艾比湖流域内杜加依林冠层界面水热垂直变化和CO_2交换特征,进一步比较了冠层界面湍流碳通量、植物冠层储存碳通量及净碳交换量,探讨了不同时间和垂直空间序列下杜加依林冠层界面温湿廓线与CO_2交换过程的相互关系。结果表明,新疆艾比湖流域内杜加依林冠层上方大气稳定度生长季的6—9月为中性(z/L=0.009),非生长季为不稳定(z/L=-0.449),全年总体呈不稳定水平(z/L=-0.194);冠层界面上气温垂直变幅小于5℃,随高度呈递增趋势,湿度垂直变幅超过40%;地-气碳通量呈秋冬小春夏大规律,年碳收支高于干旱区平均水平,为-0.026 mg CO_2m~(-2)s~(-1),表现为碳汇;垂直空间尺度上垂直温湿度差与生态系统净碳交换量(NEE,Net Ecosystem Exchange)拟合较好,温度拟合结果为R~2=0.7350(P﹤0.01),湿度拟合结果为R~2=0.3627(P﹤0.01),水热变点分别为5%和1℃,而季节尺度上温度拟合结果较好,温度拟合结果为R~2=0. 5221(P﹤0. 01),湿度拟合结果为R~2=0.1716(P﹤0.01),变点为55%和18℃。生长季较小的冠层垂直温差有利于杜加依林对大气CO_2的吸收,而冠层高湿环境则会抑制杜加依林对CO_2的吸收。  相似文献   
太湖生态系统能量闭合特征及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王伟  申双和  刘寿东  张弥  肖薇  王咏薇  李旭辉 《生态学报》2017,37(18):5935-5950
地表能量不闭合不仅限制了涡度相关观测数据在陆面模型发展和验证等应用性研究中的价值,还给生态系统CO2源汇特征辨析带来不确定性。基于太湖避风港站2012年涡度相关通量、辐射、气象和水温梯度观测数据,分析了太湖能量闭合的多尺度(小时、日和月)时间变化特征,阐述了大气稳定度、摩擦风速和湖风对太湖能量闭合状况的影响。结果表明:太湖小时尺度的能量闭合度为0.59,且昼夜差异较小;日尺度的能量闭合度为0.73,在内陆水体观测结果中处于中等水平;月平均能量闭合度呈现冬季高、夏季低的季节变化特征;年平均时太湖仍有27%的能量不闭合。因摩擦风速减小,太湖能量闭合度在大气极不稳定条件下要比弱不稳定条件下结果低0.3;对于太湖这类大型浅水湖泊,其能量闭合度全天都受动力湍流交换强度制约,能量闭合度随摩擦风速增大而显著提高;虽然湖风发生使太湖小时尺度的能量闭合度降低了0.1,但其影响在日尺度上并不明显。  相似文献   
亚热带-暖温带过渡区天然栎林的能量平衡特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛晓栋  刘晓静  刘世荣  孙鹏森 《生态学报》2018,38(18):6701-6711
利用开路涡度相关系统和常规气象观测仪器观测了我国北亚热带-暖温带气候过渡带(河南南阳)的一片锐齿栎天然林的能量通量及常规气象。以一个完整年(2016年10月—2017年9月)的观测数据为依据,定量分析了此锐齿栎林的能量通量的日变化、季节变化以及各能量分量的分配特征,并计算了能量闭合度以及波文比。结果表明:锐齿栎林观测期间一整年净辐射为2626.17 MJ/m~2,感热通量为867.1 MJ/m~2,潜热通量为1417.25 MJ/m~2,土壤热通量为-2.60 MJ/m~2,土壤为热源;各能量分量日变化基本呈单峰型曲线,季节变化特征明显。非生长季,锐齿栎林的能量主要分配给感热通量,占净辐射的54.18%;生长季,能量主要分配给潜热通量,占净辐射的67.48%。观测期间研究区年降雨量较平均值稍大(1231.8 mm),森林蒸散量为579 mm,仅为降雨量的47%。波文比受森林物候变化影响较大,在非生长季平均值约为2.1,生长季约为0.2。土壤热通量在生长季2017年4—9月份为正值,土壤表现为热汇,其余月份皆为热源。土壤热通量的变化过程主要受净辐射调控,森林物候也起了一定的作用。河南宝天曼锐齿栎森林通量观测站全年能量闭合度为67%,在国际同类观测站的范围之内(55%—99%)。不能完全闭合的原因可能与通量源区面积不匹配、计算能量平衡时忽略冠层热存储等有关。  相似文献   
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