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From various oxic or anoxic habitats several strains of bacteria were isolated which in the absence of molecular oxygen oxidized phenol to CO2 with nitrate as the terminal electron acceptor. All strains grew in defined mineral salts medium; two of them were further characterized. The bacteria were facultatively anaerobic Gramnegative rods; metabolism was strictly oxidative with molecular oxygen, nitrate, or nitrite as electron acceptor. The isolates were tentatively identified as pseudomonads. Besides phenol many other benzene derivatives like cresols or aromatic acids were anaerobically oxidized in the presence of nitrate. While benzoate or 4-hydroxybenzoate was degraded both anaerobically and aerobically, phenol was oxidized under anaerobic conditions only. Reduced alicyclic compounds were not degraded. Preliminary evidence is presented that the first reaction in anaerobic phenol oxidation is phenol carboxylation to 4-hydroxybenzoate.  相似文献   
Summary DNA sequence analysis of genetic deletions in bacteriophage T7 has shown that these chromosomal rearrangements frequently occur between directly repeated DNA sequences. To study this type of spontaneous deletion in more quantitative detail synthetic fragments of DNA, made by hybridizing two complementary oligonucleotides, were introduced into the non-essential T7 gene 1.3 which codes for T7 DNA ligase. This insert blocked synthesis of functional ligase and made the phage that carried an insert unable to form plaques on a host strain deficient in bacterial ligase. The sequence of the insert was designed so that after it is put into the T7 genome the insert is bracketed by direct repeats. Perfect deletion of the insert between the directly repeated sequences results in a wild-type phage. It was found that these deletion events are highly sensitive to the length of the direct repeats at their ends. In the case of 5 bp direct repeats excision from the genome occurred at a frequency of less than 10−10, while this value for an almost identical insert bracketed by 10 bp direct repeats was approximately 10−6. The deletion events were independent of a hostrecA mutation.  相似文献   
Summary M1 is a virulent bacteriophage of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum strain Marburg. Restriction enzyme analysis of the linear, 30.4 kb phage DNA led to a circular map of the 27.1 kb M1 genome. M1 is thus circularly permuted and exhibits terminal redundancy of approximately 3 kb. Packaging of M1 DNA from a concatemeric precursor initiates at the pac site which was identified at coordinate 4.6 kb on the circular genome map. It proceeds clockwise for at least five packaging rounds. Headful packaging was also shown for M2, a phage variant with a 0.7 kb deletion at coordinate 23.25 on the map.  相似文献   
Summary Ochre suppressor mutations induced by UV in the Escherichia coli glnU tRNA gene are CG to TA transitions at the first letter of the anticodon-encoding triplet, CAA. Premutational UV photoproducts at this site have long been known to exhibit an excision repair anomaly (mutation frequency decline or MFD), whereby post-irradiation inhibition of protein synthesis enhances their excision and reduces suppressor mutation yields ten-fold. We sought to clarify the basis of this unique repair response by determining the spectrum of UV photoproducts on both strands of a 36 by region of glnU which includes the anticodon-encoding triplet. We found that four different photolesions are produced within the 3 by sequence corresponding to the tRNA anticodon: (i) on the transcribed strand, TC (6–4) photoproducts and TC cyclobutane dimers are formed in equal numbers at the site of the C to T transition, indicating that this site is a hotspot for the usually less frequent (6–4) photoproduct; (ii) on the nontranscribed strand, TT dimers are found opposite the second and third letters of the anticodon-encoding triplet, adjacent to the mutation site; and (iii) on the nontranscribed strand, an alkali-sensitive lesion other than a (6–4) photoproduct is formed, apparently at the G in the mutation site. We suggest that mutation frequency decline may reflect excision repair activity at closely spaced UV lesions on opposite strands, resulting in double-strand breaks and the death of potential mutants.  相似文献   
Summary Detailed growth analysis in conjunction with information on leaf display and nitrogen uptake was used to interpret competition between Abutilon theophrasti, a C3 annual, and Amaranthus retroflexus, a C4 annual, under ambient (350 l l-1) and two levels of elevated (500 and 700 l l-1) CO2. Plants were grown both individually and in competition with each other. Competition caused a reduction in growth in both species, but for different reasons. In Abutilon, decreases in leaf area ratio (LAR) were responsible, whereas decreased unit leaf rate (ULR) was involved in the case of Amaranthus. Mean canopy height was lower in Amaranthus than Abutilon which may explain the low ULR of Amaranthus in competition. The decrease in LAR of Abutilon was associated with an increase in root/shoot ratio implying that Abutilon was limited by competition for below ground resources. The root/shoot ratio of Amaranthus actually decreased with competition, and Amaranthus had a much higher rate of nitrogen uptake per unit of root than did Abutilon. These latter results suggest that Amaranthus was better able to compete for below ground resources than Abutilon. Although the growth of both species was reduced by competition, generally speaking, the growth of Amaranthus was reduced to a greater extent than that of Abutilon. Regression analysis suggests that the success of Abutilon in competition was due to its larger starting capital (seed size) which gave it an early advantage over Amaranthus. Elevated CO2 had a positive effect upon biomass in Amaranthus, and to a lesser extent, Abutilon. These effects were limited to the early part of the experiment in the case of the individually grown plants, however. Only Amaranthus exhibited a significant increase in relative growth rate (RGR). In spite of the transitory effect of CO2 upon size in individually grown plants, level of CO2 did effect final biomass of competitively grown plants. Abutilon grown in competition with Amaranthus had a greater final biomass than Amaranthus at ambient CO2 levels, but this difference disappeared to a large extent at elevated CO2. The high RGR of Amaranthus at elevated CO2 levels allowed it to overcome the difference in initial size between the two species.This study was supported by a grant from the US Department of Energy  相似文献   
Minesoils developed from lignite surface mining in Texas are nutrient-poor and have a high N retention capacity. A major concern of landowners and soil conservationists is the response of Coastal bermudagrass to the application of low rates of ammonium-N fertilizer on these nutrient-poor minesoils. A glasshouse study, using15N-labelled ammonium sulfate fertilizer and lignite minesoil, was conducted to measure Coastal bermudagrass biomass production and fertilizer recovery during establishment in response to clipping at 2, 4, and 8 week intervals. At N rates of 0, 40, and 80 kg N ha–1,increases in N fertilization increased Coastal bermudagrass aboveground biomass 5-fold, but showed only small increases in belowground biomass. Recovery of ammonium-N fertilizer ranged from 54 to 63%. Roots contained approximately the same N content across all fertilizer rates suggesting that young, estabilishing, Coatal bermudagrass roots reserve N until their N requirement is met. As more N is obtained above that which was needed to maintain roots, then additional N taken up by the plant was transported to aboveground plant parts for growth. Frequent clipping intensified N transport to aboveground tissues. Reduced amounts of N were contained in roots after clipping due to reductions in root growth, biomass, and resource demand. Fertilization of Coastal bermudagrass at low N rates with different N fertilizer forms influenced the distribution of N in the plant and affected N recovery by different parts of the plant.  相似文献   
Summary Polymorphism and inheritance of wheat storage protein, gliadin, of durum (macaroni) and carthlicum wheats have been studied. Analysis of gliadin in 78 cultivars and in F2 seeds of intercultivar crosses of durum wheat revealed three different chromosome 1A-encoded blocks of components similar to those found in common wheat (GLD1A2, GLD1A18, GLD1A19). Most of the durum cultivars studied had these three blocks; GLD1A2 was also frequent in common wheat. In contrast, all chromosome 1B-encoded blocks of durum clearly differed in component composition from those found in common wheat. Therefore, durum could not be an ancestor or a derivate of recent bread wheat. Analysis of gliadin in the collection of carthlicum wheat (14 accessions) revealed several suspected chromosome 1A, 1B, and 6A-controlled blocks, some of which were similar to those in common wheat, while others were different. Therefore, carthlicum is likely to be an ancestor or a derivate of some forms of bread wheat. There were also chromosome 1A and 6A-, but not 1B-encoded blocks which were identical in durum and carthlicum wheats. The results confirm that all three wheats share the same genome A, but emphasize the heterogeneity of genotypes among donors of this genome. Discovery of identical blocks in tetraploids and hexaploids indicates polyphyletic [from different genotypes of donor (s)] origin of these wheats.  相似文献   
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