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CRISPR-Cas immune systems in bacteria and archaea protect against viral infection, which has spurred viruses to develop dedicated inhibitors of these systems called anti-CRISPRs (Acrs). Like most host-virus arms races, many diverse examples of these immune and counter-immune proteins are encoded by the genomes of bacteria, archaea, and their viruses. For the case of Acrs, it is almost certain that just a small minority of nature’s true diversity has been described. In this review, I discuss the various approaches used to identify these Acrs and speculate on the future for Acr discovery. Because Acrs can determine infection outcomes in nature and regulate CRISPR-Cas activities in applied settings, they have a dual importance to both host-virus conflicts and emerging biotechnologies. Thus, revealing the largely hidden world of Acrs should provide important lessons in microbiology that have the potential to ripple far beyond the field.  相似文献   
The effects of mass-produced saprobic rhabditid nematodes, Caenorhabditis elegans on the spread of the bacterial blotch pathogen, Pseudomonas tolaasii , were studied in mushroom growth chambers. C. elegans significantly reduced the intensity of blotch on sporophores. Repeated isolations of the bacterial flora from the gut of C. elegans recovered from mushroom sporophores during cropping, revealed the presence of Pseudomonas fluorescens biovar reactans . All the isolates of P. fluorescens biovar reactans isolated from nematodes were antagonists of P. tolaasii .
C. elegans produced much larger populations in monoxenic cultures with P. fluorescens biovar reactans than with P. tolaasii . It is suggested that as C. elegans selects P. fluorescens biovar reactans rather than P. tolaasii as a food substrate it probably spreads the antagonist in the mushroom crop and may contribute to the control of bacterial blotch.  相似文献   
In N-limited continuous chemostat cultures of the green alga Haematococcus lacustris (Gir.) Rostaf. (UTEX 16), the steady-state astaxanthin content of the cells was determined by the specific growth rate of the cultures. The highest, pigment content was obtained at the lowest dilution rate. The specific rate of astaxanthin accumulation was, however, a function of the photon flux density measured at the illuminated culture surface. In nongrowing Haematococcus cultures, the specific rate of astaxanthin accumulation was determined by the growth rate of the culture during growth phase. The highest possible cellular astaxanthin content of all cultures was comparable and independent of the culture parameters.  相似文献   
Polysaccharide digestion by bacteria is an important activity in many ecosystems, and a number of bacterial genera can perform this function. Although many papers have been published about the properties of isolated polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, relatively little is known about how intact bacteria degrade polysaccharides. This review summarizes recent findings suggesting that there are at least three different strategies. the most familiar one is the excretion of extracellular polysaccharidases, which diffuse to and degrade nearby polysaccharides. An example of this type of strategy is provided by the plant pathogen,Erwinia spp. A second strategy is to have the enzyme exposed to the extracellular medium but attached to the surface of the cell. Examples of this strategy are provided by the pullulanase system ofKlebsiella oxytoca and the cellulosomes ofClostridium thermocellum. A strategy that could be seen as a combination of the extracellular enzyme strategy and the surface organelle strategy is provided byVibrio harveyi, which attaches to its substrate, chitin, via proteins that appear to be specialized for attachment and produces extracellular enzymes that attack the chitin. A third strategy is to import the polysaccharide, as appears to be done byBacteroides spp. In this instance, the polysaccharide is bound to an outer membrane receptor, then passes into the periplasm where the degradative enzymes are located. The ecological advantages and disadvantages of these systems are discussed, and areas where further research is needed are defined.  相似文献   
Rice is a leading grain crop and the staple food for over half of the world population. Rice is also an ideal species for genetic and biological studies of cereal crops and other monocotyledonous plants because of its small genome and well developed genetic system. To facilitate rice genome analysis leading to physical mapping, the identification of molecular markers closely linked to economic traits, and map-based cloning, we have constructed two rice bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries from the parents of a permanent mapping population (Lemont and Teqing) consisting of 400 F9 recombinant inbred lines (RILs). Lemont (japonica) and Teqing (indica) represent the two major genomes of cultivated rice, both are leading commercial varieties and widely used germplasm in rice breeding programs. The Lemont library contains 7296 clones with an average insert size of 150 kb, which represents 2.6 rice haploid genome equivalents. The Teqing library contains 14208 clones with an average insert size of 130 kb, which represents 4.4. rice haploid genome equivalents. Three single-copy DNA probes were used to screen the libraries and at least two overlapping BAC clones were isolated with each probe from each library, ranging from 45 to 260 kb in insert size. Hybridization of BAC clones with chloroplast DNA probes and fluorescent in situ hybridization using BAC DNA as probes demonstrated that both libraries contain very few clones of chloroplast DNA origin and are likely free of chimeric clones. These data indicate that both BAC libraries should be suitable for map-based cloning of rice genes and physical mapping of the rice genome.  相似文献   
Bacillus subtilis or licheniformis facilitated production of soyiru with the best results being given by using both together. Fermentation employing Streptococcus enterococcus was unsuccessful.H.A. Suberu is with the Department of Biological Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. J.A. Akinyanju is with the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Ilorin, P.M.B. 1515, Ilorin, Nigeria.  相似文献   
EnteropathogenicEscherichia coli (EPEC), first described in the 1940's and 1950's, remain an important cause of severe infantile diarrhoea in many parts of the developing world. EPEC do not produce enterotoxins and are not invasive; instead their virulence depends upon exploitation of host cell signalling pathways and the host cell cytoskeleton both as a means of colonizing mucosal surfaces of the small intestine and causing diarrhoea. Following initial mucosal attachment, EPEC secrete signalling proteins and expresss a surface adhesin, intimin, to produce attaching & effacing lesions in the enterocyte brush border membrane characterised by localised destruction of brush border microvilli, intimate bacterial adhesion and cytoskeletal reorganisation and accretion beneath attached bacteria. The pathophysiology of EPEC diarrhoea is also complex and probably results from a combination of epithelial cell responses including both electrolyte secretion and structural damage.  相似文献   
Ethanol-induced lipid peroxidation was studied in primary rat hepatocyte cultures supplemented with ethanol at the concentration of 50 mM. Lipid peroxidation was assessed by two indices: (1) conjugated dienes by second-derivative UV spectroscopy in lipid extract of hepatocytes (intracellular content), and (2) free malondialdehyde (MDA) by HPLC-UV detection and quantitation for the incubation medium (extracellular content). In cultures supplemented with ethanol, free MDA increased significantly in culture media, whereas no elevation of conjugated diene level was observed in the corresponding hepatocytes. The cellular pool of low-mol-wt (LMW) iron was also evaluated in the hepatocytes using an electron spin resonance procedure. An early increase of intracellular LMW iron (≤1 hr) was observed in ethanol-supplemented cultures; it was inhibited by 4-methylpyrazole, an inhibitor of alcohol dehydrogenase, whereas α-tocopherol, which prevented lipid peroxidation, did not inhibit the increase of LMW iron. Therefore, the LMW iron elevation was the result of ethanol metabolism and was not secondarily induced by lipid hydroperoxides. Thus, ethanol caused lipid peroxidation in rat hepatocytes as shown by the increase of free MDA, although no conjugated diene elevation was detected. During ethanol metabolism, an increase in cellular LMW iron was observed that could enhance conjugated diene degradation.  相似文献   
A spontaneous mutant (R/89) of photosynthetic purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26 was selected for resistance to 200 M atrazin. It showed increased resistance to interquinone electron transfer inhibitors of o-phenanthroline (resistance factor, RF=20) in UQo reconstituted isolated reaction centers and terbutryne in reaction centers (RF=55) and in chromatophores (RF=85). The amino acid sequence of the QB binding protein of the photosynthetic reaction center (the L subunit) was determined by sequencing the corresponding pufL gene and a single mutation was found (IleL229 Met). The changed amino acid of the mutant strain is in van der Waals contact with the secondary quinone QB. The binding and redox properties of QB in the mutant were characterized by kinetic (charge recombination) and multiple turnover (cytochrome oxidation and semiquinone oscillation) assays of the reaction center. The free energy for stabilization of QAQB with respect to QA QB was GAB=–60 meV and 0 meV in reaction centers and GAB=–85 meV and –46 meV in chromatophores of R-26 and R/89 strains at pH 8, respectively. The dissociation constants of the quinone UQo and semiquinone UQo in reaction centers from R-26 and R/89 showed significant and different pH dependence. The observed changes in binding and redox properties of quinones are interpreted in terms of differential effects (electrostatics and mesomerism) of mutation on the oxidized and reduced states of QB.Abbreviations BChl bacteriochlorophyll - Ile isoleucine - Met methionin - P primary donor - QA primary quinone acceptor - QB secondary quinone acceptor - RC reaction center protein - UQo 2,3-dimethoxy-5-methyl benzoquinone - UQ10 ubiquinone 50 This work is dedicated to the memory of Randall Ross Stein (1954–1994) and is, in a small way, a testament to the impact which Randy's ideas have had on the development of the field of competitive herbicide binding.  相似文献   
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