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For control of the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, and the pathogenic wilt fungus, Fusarium oxysporum, on cotton, soil fumigants were applied in the field at conventional and higher rates. Conventional rates suppressed Fusarium wilt but higher rates gave quicker early growth, better stands, less stand loss over the season, a lower percentage of plants infected with wilt, fewer plants with vascular discoloration, and fewer nematodes. The best treatment about doubled the yields of untreated controls in one experiment and quadrupled them in another.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Nosema parkeri sp. n. is described from nymphs and adults of the argasid tick, Ornithodoros parkeri Cooley, from a laboratory colony. Schizogonic and sporogonic stages are described from various tick tissues. Spores are binucleate, measuring 3.2 (3–4) × 1.9 (1.8–2.5) μm. Transmission is transovarial and transstadial. The parasite does not appear to affect adversely the development or reproduction of the tick. Dermacentor andersoni Stiles was experimentally infected. Attempts to infect Swiss mice by tick feeding or by injection of infected tick suspensions were unsuccessful. The microsporidan differs in structure from Encephalitozoon ixodis Weiser) and Nosema slovaca Weiser & Reháček, the only other microsporidans known from ticks.  相似文献   
寻螨属Zetzellia在中国曾报道了两种:苹果寻螨Z.mail(Ewing)和北京寻螨Z.beijing Wang and Xu1987.本文描述了寻螨属一新种,庐山寻螨Z.lushanensis sp.nov.模式标本保存于江西大学生物系.文内测量单位为μm。  相似文献   
Aminoacylase has been employed as a model system to study its catalytic properties at low water concentrations/water activities with different water-miscible organic cosolvents. Cosolvents assayed were alcohols and polyols with pure logarithm of the partition coefficient (log P) values, on the standard water/octanol system, ranging between -5.2 and 0.24.

Experimental hydrolysis equilibrium constants (Kapp), at a constant water concentration, decreased with the fall in log P of the cosolvent, as well as with reduction of the water concentration/water activity, as would be expected. The enzyme hydrolytic and synthetic activities, measured at a constant water concentration/water activity value, followed a sigmoidal dependence on log P of the cosolvent employed when the water concentration or water activity values were lower than 50% (w/w) or 0.66, respectively. This became a hyperbolic relationship at higher water concentration/water activity values. A linear relationship between the logarithm of the limiting water activity necessary to maintain enzyme activity and log P was obtained. Both hydrolytic and synthetic activities were suppressed for water activities higher than 0.66 and cosolvents with log P lower than -1.6.  相似文献   
抑菌生的研究总结报告   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文报告一种由枯草杆菌制成的生态制剂,并命名为抑菌生(Subtilobiogen)。该制剂对创、烧伤感染有治疗作用。经过安全试验、急性毒性试验、Ames试验和微核试验证明,该制剂是一种无害、无毒和有致突变作用的活菌制剂。抑菌生有膏剂、乳剂及粉剂3种剂型。抑菌生在试管和体内对金黄色葡萄球菌、绿脓杆菌和大肠杆菌均具有抑菌作用。临床观察证明,将抑菌生喷洒在创面上,对浅Ⅱ°度、深Ⅱ°度及混合型烧伤感染均具有明显疗效。实验组(181例)与对照组(174例)相比较,在统计学上具有显著性差异。抑菌生的作用机制,经过初步试验证明,与营养争夺和占位性保护有关,因为枯草杆菌的生长速度超过金黄色葡萄球菌、绿脓杆菌和大肠杆菌的生长速度。  相似文献   
Male and female imagines, and pupal exuviae of Cricotopus (C.) nevadensis sp. n. are described. A discussion on the systematic position, a differential diagnosis and notes on the ecology of this new species are given.  相似文献   
Two Apium accessions were compared with the commercial cultivar Tall Utah 52–70R (A. graveolens [L.]) for resistance to Spodoptera exigua (Hübner)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Oviposition rate was not significantly different between the three genotypes. In all accessions, eggs were usually placed on the upper half of the plants. Implications of this oviposition pattern on S. exigua management in celery are discussed. The wild species A. prostratum ssp prostratum var filiform (A230) showed a significantly higher resistance to S. exigua than 52–70R. The levels of carcinogenic and mutagenic linear furanocoumarins in the commercial cultivar 52–70R (1.41 g/g in the petioles; 5.85 g/g in the leaves) and in the plant accession A. nodiflorum (5.40 g/g in the petioles; 2.99 g/g in the leaves) were far below the concentration reported to produce acute contact dermatitis (18.0 g/g). The levels of furanocoumarins in A. prostratum petioles (186.14 g/g) and leaves (326.45 g/g) were 10 and 18 times higher, respectively, than the concentration known to cause contact dermatitis. However, resistance in A. prostratum was primarily due to non-preference and the linear furanocoumarins did not induce non-preference. Therefore, the resistance shown by this plant accession does not appear to be furanocoumarin-based and may be suitable for transfer to commercial celery for use in S. exigua management.  相似文献   
Summary Conditions have been developed for transforming protoplasts of the perennial ryegrass endophyteAcremonium strain 187BB. Unlike most other ryegrass endophytes, this strain does not produce the lolitrem B neurotoxin and is therefore suitable as a host for surrogate introduction of foreign genes into grasses. Transformation frequencies of 700–800 transformants/g DNA were obtained for both linear and circular forms of pAN7-1, a hygromycin (hph) resistant plasmid. Up to 80% of the linear transformants were stable on further culturing but only 25% of the circular transformants retained hygromycin resistance. Integration of pAN7-1 into the genome was confirmed by Southern blotting and probing of genomic digests of transformant DNA. Both single and tandemly repeated copies of the plasmid were found in the genome and both the number and sites of integration varied among the transformants. At least 13 chromosomes were identified in 187BB using contour-clamped homogeneous electric field (CHEF) gel electrophoresis. Probing of Southern blots of these gels confirmed that pAN7-1 had integrated into different chromosomes. The -glucuronidase (GUS) gene,uidA, was also introduced into 187BB by co-transformation of pNOM-2 with pAN7-1. GUS activity was detected by growing the transformants on plates containing 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl -D-glucuronic acid and by enzyme assays of mycelial extracts. Severalhph- anduidA-containing transformants were reintroduced into ryegrass seedlings and expression of GUS visualized in vivo, demonstrating that 187BB can be used as a surrogate host to introduce foreign genes into perennial ryegrass. Molecular analysis of fungal isolates from the leaf sheath confirmed that the pattern of pAN7-1 and pNOM-2 hybridizing fragments was identical to that observed in the fungus used as inoculum.  相似文献   
The effect of two Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains (D344 and Urbana), on the frequency and intensity of infection by a VAM fungal Glomus sp. and the effect of VAM on biomass production by nodulating plants were tested in soybean growing in a soil containing low levels of accessible P and N. During the initial stage of vegetative growth, mycorrhiza frequency in roots inoculated with the two rhizobial strains did not differ. However, during flowering it was 178% higher in roots with the strain D344 than in the presence of the strain Ubrana. At final harvest (green pods) the VAM frequency did not differ in the presence of either strain. VAM positively affected biomass production, foliar concentrations of P, Zn and Cu, and number and dry matter yield of pods, but did not increase concentrations of total N and K. In nonmycorrhizal plants total nitrogenase activity (not nodule mass) and growth were higher with the rhizobial strain Urbana. The greatest nitrogenase activity, growth and yield occurred in the presence of the VAM fungus, and did not differ for plants with different strains of rhizobia.  相似文献   
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