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Hydrilla verticillata (L. f.) Royle tubers from monoecious plants andPotamogeton gramineus L. winter buds were sprouted and allowed to grow in the dark for 120 days. We measured plant length and counted the number of leaves at 2–3 day intervals.Hydrilla grew most rapidly during the first 16–17 days andPotamogeton grew most rapidly during the first 16–25 days. Measurement of propagule carbon content over time indicated that cessation of rapid growth coincided with depletion of tuber carbon by one-half forHydrilla. ForPotamogeton, growth was reduced after 16 to 25 days while the winter bud C half-life was 37 days. Calculations indicated thatHydrilla mobilized 49% andPotamogeton 39% of the initial propagule carbon to support growth. In a second experiment, in which plants were grown in substrate the plants grew taller and produced slightly more leaves per plant.Potamogeton removed from darkness after specified time periods, and allowed to grow for 21 days in a greenhouse recovered from 20–30 days in the dark. Similarly treatedHydrilla plants recovered from up to 80 days in the dark.Potamogeton had mobilized 79% of initial C by the time it was unable to recover from the dark treatment. Combined results for both species indicate that the majority of propagule C was utilized in the first 16 to 30 days following sprouting. In conjunction with an understanding propagule sprouting requirements, this information will be useful in the timing of application for management techniques. The U.S. Government right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledged. The U.S. Government right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   
Insect herbivores can increase their detoxification activities against a particular plant poison in response to prolonged ingestion of the same compound. For example, larval tobacco hornworms (Manduca sexta) experience a dramatic increase in cytochrome P450 activity against nicotine after ingesting nicotine. While it is generally assumed that this induction process permits increased consumption of toxic plant tissues, we are not aware of any direct experimental support for this assumption. Using a two-tiered approach, we examined the functional significance of P450 induction to M. sexta larvae ingesting a toxic but non-deterrent concentration of nicotine. First, we related the time-course of P450 induction in midgut microsomes to changes in nicotine consumption. When offered a nicotine diet, larvae failed to show a significant increase in consumption before 36 h, which was coincident with the time-course of the induction of midgut P450 activities against aldrin and nicotine. Second, we determined whether inhibiting the induced P450 activities affected nicotine consumption. We found that the increase in nicotine consumption following the induction of nicotine metabolism could be strongly inhibited by treatment with piperonyl butoxide, which by itself did not inhibit consumption. These results provide direct evidence for a causal connection between P450-mediated detoxification activity and consumption of a toxic plant compound.Abbreviation PB piperonyl butoxide  相似文献   
Recent investigations concentrate on the correlation between the myocardial expression of the inducible 70-kDa heat shock protein (HSP70i) by different stress conditions and its possible protective effects. Only few studies have focused on the involvement of small heat shock proteins in this process. We analyzed the location of the small heat shock protein HSP25 in isolated cardiomyocytes as well as its location and induction in isolated perfused hearts of rats. By immunofluorescence microscopy HSP25 was found to colocalize with actin in the I-band of myofibrils in cardiomyocytes of isolated perfused hearts as well as in isolated neonatal and adult cardiomyocytes. Hyperthermic perfusion of isolated hearts for 45 min resulted in modulation of different parameters of heart function and in induction of HSP25 and HSP70i. Temperatures higher than 43°C (44–46°C) were lethal with respect to the contractile function of the hearts. Compared to control hearts perfused at 37°C, significant increases during hyperthermic perfusion at 42°C and 43°C were obtained for heart rate, contraction velocity and relaxation velocity. In response to hyperthermia at 43°C and after subsequent normothermic perfusion for 135 min at 37°C, left ventricular pressure, contraction velocity and relaxation velocity remained significantly elevated. However, heart rate returned to control values immediately after the period of heat treatment. HSP25 is constitutively expressed even in normothermic perfused hearts as shown by Western blotting. Hyperthermia increased the content of HSP25 only in the left ventricular tissue. In contrast, HSP70i was strongly induced in all analyzed parts of the myocardium (left ventricle, right ventricle, septum). Our findings suggest a differential regulation of HSP25 and HSP70i expression in response to hyperthermia in isolated perfused hearts. The constitutively expressed HSP25 seems to be located adjacent to the myofibrils which implies a specific role of this protein even under unstressed conditions for the contractile function of the myocardium.  相似文献   
Evidence that cytokinin controls bud size and branch form in Norway spruce   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Shoot elongation in many coniferous species is predetermined during bud formation the year before the shoot extends. This implies that formation of the primordial shoot within the bud is the primary event in annual shoot growth. Hormonal factors regulating bud formation are consequently of utmost importance. We followed the levels of the endogenous cytokinins zeatin riboside (ZR) and isopentenyladenosine (iPA) in terminal buds, whorl buds and lower lateral buds of the uppermost current-year whorl shoots of 15- to 20-year-old trees of Norway spruce [ Picea abies (L.) Karst.] from June to September. Cytokinins were isolated with affinity chromatography columns, purified by high performance liquid chromatography, and quantified by ELISA. The level of ZR was low in June but increased gradually in all buds until September. Throughout the measurement period, the ZR level was highest in terminal buds and lowest in the scattered lateral, buds, with the whorl buds intermediate. The level of iPA peaked in July and decreased later without any consistent differences among the three classes of buds. The development of different kinds of buds was followed by scanning electron microscopy. We found that bud growth was greatest during August and September. The final size of primordial shoots within the buds varied considerably and the weight of the terminal bud was three times that of the whorl buds and more than five times that of the other lateral buds.
We conclude that the increase in ZR level during the period of active bud development is indicative of the importance of cytokinin for this process. Furthermore, the positive correlation between the level of ZR and bud growth during the period of predetermination of next year's branch growth suggests that this hormone indirectly controls the form of single branches in the spruce tree.  相似文献   
Phytochrome control of short-day-induced bud set in black cottonwood   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In trees and other woody perennial plants, short days (SDs) typically induce growth cessation, the initiation of cold acclimation, the formation of a terminal bud and bud dormancy. Phytochrome control of SD-induced bud set was investigated in two northern clones of black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa Torr. & Gray) by using night breaks with red light (R) and far-red light (FR). For both clones (BC-1 and BC-2), SD-induced bud set was prevented when R night breaks as short as 2 min were given in the middle of the night. When night breaks with 2 min of R were immediately followed by 2 min of FR, substantial reversibility of bud set was observed for BC-1 but not for BC-2. By comparing the effects of the R night breaks on bud set and the length of specific internodes, we determined that the R night breaks influenced internode elongation in two opposing ways. First, the addition of a R night break to the SD treatment prevented the cessation of internode elongation that is associated with bud set. Those internodes that would not have elongated under SDs (and would have been found within the terminal bud) elongated in the R treatment. Second, the R night breaks decreased internode length relative to the long-day (LD) control. In contrast to the clonal differences in reversibility that we observed for bud set, the decrease in internode length (i.e. the second effect of R) was R/FR reversible in both clones. Based on these results, we conclude that internode elongation is influenced by two distinct types of phytochrome-mediated response. The first response is a typical response to photpperiod, whereas the second response is a typical “end-of-day” response to light quality. Our results demonstrate that SD-induced bud set in black cottonwood is controlled by phytochrome but that clonal differences have an important influence on the R/FR reversibility of this response. The availability of an experimental system in which SD-induced bud set is R/FR reversible will be valuable for studying the physiological genetics of photoperiodism in trees.  相似文献   
Microspore culture is a very important and useful tool in plant breeding for haploid production and has been developed for many years.Brassica campestris (Brassica rapa L. ssp.oleifera) is an important oilseed crop, but it is relatively recalcitrant in tissue culture including microspore culture. The microspore culture in our laboratory is based on the Canadian protocol. Thirty genotypes ofB. campestris were included in this study; twenty produced embryos. The highest yield was 5930 embryos per 100 buds from Canadian genotype Cv-2, this result was one of the best that had been reported in microspore culture inB. campestris. The buds measuring 2.0 mm to 3.9 mm in length responded best to produce embryos, the optimum timing for microspore culture was confirmed to be during the mid-late to very-late uninucleate stage. The buds could be removed from either the main raceme or lateral racemes. Activated charcoal (150 mg l-1) was added to the liquid NLN medium, it promoted embryogenesis significantly; embryo development was faster and the embryo yield was significantly higher than those cultures without activated charcoal. The donor plant condition was considered an important factor influencing embryogenesis; older donor plants (older than five weeks) and a cold treatment are recommended.  相似文献   
The effect of the growth form of the inducing microorganism on specificTrichoderma harzianum mycolytic enzyme production was studied. The pelleted form ofRhizopus nigricans gave a better product concerning protoplast formation ability. The maximum yield of protoplasts from the target fungusCochliobolus lunatus was 1×108 ml–1. Analysis of individual specific enzyme activities inTrichoderma mycolytic enzyme preparations confirms the importance of high chitinase and low protease activity for high protoplast yields. Supplementation of the production medium with chitin increased the chitinase activity in theTrichoderma exoenzyme mixture.  相似文献   
Summary Chickpea was micropropagated by axillary shoot proliferation (ASP) and modified single node culture (MSNC) methods. Maximum propagule proliferation occurred on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium enriched with 1–10 μM N6-benzyladenine and 0.01 μM α-naphthaleneacetic acid. The propagules were rooted on MS medium containing 1 μM 3-indolebutyric acid and B5 vitamins. Regenerated plants were fertile and phenotypically similar to control plants grown from seed. The MSNC method was four times more efficient than the ASP method in terms of the number of plants produced per explant.  相似文献   
In this study we investigated Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. inflorescence development by characterizing morphological changes at the shoot apex during the transition to flowering. Sixteen-hour photoperiods were used to synchronously induce flowering in vegetative plants grown for 30 d in non-inductive 8-h photoperiods. During the first inductive cycle, the shoot apical meristem ceased producing leaf primordia and began to produce flower primordia. The differentiation of paraclades (axillary flowering shoots), however, did not occur until after the initiation of multiple flower primordia from the shoot apical meristem. Paraclades were produced by the basipetal activation of buds from the axils of leaf primordia which had been initiated prior to photoperiodic induction. Concurrent with the activation of paraclades was the partial suppression of paraclade-associated leaf primordia, which became bract leaves. The suppression of bract-leaf primordia and the abrupt initiation of flower primordia during the first inductive photoperiod is indicative of a single phase change during the transition to flowering in photoperiodically induced Arabidopsis. Morphogenetic changes characteristic of the transition to flowering in plants grown continuously in 16-h photoperiods were qualitatively equivalent to the changes observed in plants which were photoperiodically induced after 30 d. These results suggest that Arabidopsis has only two phases of development, a vegetative phase and a reproductive phase; and that the production of flower primordia, the differentiation of paraclades from the axils of pre-existing leaf primordia and the elongation of internodes all occur during the reproductive phase.  相似文献   
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