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Genetic diversity and gene flow at 10 allozyme loci were investigated in 13 natural populations of four species of the collembolan genera Tomocerus and Pogonognathellus. Levels of observed heterozygosity were found to vary from 0.033 in P. longicornis to 0.120 in T. vulgaris. Average Nei's genetic distances (D) ranged from D = 0.222 between populations of P. ftavescens to D = 0.647 between populations of T. vulgaris. Genetic distances between species were always 1.000 and the highest value (D = 4.321) was between P. longicomis and one population of T. vulgaris. Values of Fsr were very high in all species (from 0.567 to 0.696) and levels of gene flow (Nm) derived from FST and the private allele method were low (Nm <1). Gene flow was significandy higher only in two subsets of populations of T. vulgaris. The Plio-Pleistocenic geological rearrangements and the effect of stochastic events, such as genetic drift, are invoked to explain the different levels of genetic divergence between and within species. Distance- and character-based approaches were used to reconstruct evolutionary relationships between and within species. While the monophyly of all species was confirmed, the results did not univocally support the monophyly of the two genera, leaving the question of their generic or subgeneric status unresolved.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Isolation and drift are the main causes for geographic structure of molecular variation. In contrast, the one found in a previous survey in Armeria (Plumbaginaceae) for nuclear ribosomal ITS multicopy regions was species-independent and has been hypothesized to be due to extensive gene-flow and biased concerted evolution. Since this was inferred from a genus-level phylogenetic analysis, the aim of this study was to check for the occurrence of such structure and the validity of the proposed model at a local scale, in a southern Spanish massif (Sierra Nevada), as well as to examine the evolutionary implications at the organism level. METHODS: In addition to 117 sequences of direct PCR products from genomic DNA, 50 sequences of PCR products from cloned DNA were obtained to analyse cases of intragenomic polymorphisms for the ITS regions. KEY RESULTS: Sequence data confirm the occurrence of a species-independent structure at a local scale and reveal insights through the analysis of contact areas between different ITS copies (ribotypes). A comparison between cloned and direct sequences (a) confirms that, within these contact areas, ITS copies co-occur both in different individuals and within single genomes; and (b) reveals recombination between different copies. CONCLUSIONS: This study supports the utility of direct sequences for detecting intra-individual polymorphism and for partially inferring the ITS copies involved, given previous knowledge of the variability. The main evolutionary implication at the organism level is that gene-flow and concerted evolution shape the geographic structure of ITS variation.  相似文献   
One of the most exciting challenges in human biology is the understanding of how our genome was constructed during evolution. Here we explore the evolutionary history of the low polymorphic human minisatellite MsH42 and its flanking sequences. We show that the evolutionary birth of MsH42 took place within an intron, early in primate lineage evolution, more than 40 MYA. Then, single base-pair changes and duplications/deletions of repeat blocks by mispairing were probably the main forces governing the generation of this minisatellite and its polymorphism throughout primate evolution. Moreover, we detected several phylogenetic footprints at both sides of MsH42. We believe that our findings will contribute to the understanding of low-variability minisatellite evolution.  相似文献   
Intracellular symbiosis is widespread in the insect world where it plays an important role in evolution and adaptation. The weevil family Dryophthoridae (Curculionoidea) is of particular interest in intracellular symbiosis evolution with regard to the great economical and ecological features of these invasive insects, and the potential for comparative studies across a wide range of host plants and environments. Here, we have analyzed the intracellular symbiotic bacteria of 19 Dryophthoridae species collected worldwide, representing a wide range of plant species and tissues. All except one (Sitophilus linearis) harbor symbiotic bacteria within specialized cells (the bacteriocytes) assembled as an organ, the bacteriome. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rDNA gene sequence of the Dryophthoridae endosymbionts revealed three endosymbiotic clades belonging to gamma3-Proteobacteria and characterized by different GC contents and evolutionary rate. The genus name Candidatus Nardonella was proposed for the ancestral clade infesting Dryophthoridae 100 MYA and represented by five of nine bacterial genera studied. For this clade showing low GC content (40.5% GC) and high evolutionary rate (0.128 substitutions/site per 100 Myr), a single infection and subsequent cospeciation of the host and the endosymbionts was observed. In the two other insect lineage endosymbionts, with relatively high GC content (53.4% and 53.8% GC), competition with ancestral pathogenic bacteria might have occurred, leading to endosymbiont replacement in present-day last insects.  相似文献   
We present evidence supporting the notion that codon usage (CU) compatibility between foreign genes and recipient genomes is an important prerequisite to assess the selective advantage of imported functions, and therefore to increase the fixation probability of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) events. This contrasts with the current tendency in research to predict recent HGTs in prokaryotes by assuming that acquired genes generally display poor CU. By looking at the CU level (poor, typical, or rich) exhibited by putative xenologs still resembling their original CU, we found that most alien genes predominantly present typical CU immediately upon introgression, thereby suggesting that the role of CU amelioration in HGT has been overemphasized. In our strategy, we first scanned a representative set of 103 complete prokaryotic genomes for all pairs of candidate xenologs (exported/imported genes) displaying similar CU. We applied additional filtering criteria, including phylogenetic validations, to enhance the reliability of our predictions. Our approach makes no assumptions about the CU of foreign genes being typical or atypical within the recipient genome, thus providing a novel unbiased framework to study the evolutionary dynamics of HGT.  相似文献   
Closely related species of Drosophila tend to have similar genome sizes. The strong imbalance in favor of small deletions relative to insertions implies that the unconstrained DNA in Drosophila is unlikely to be passively inherited from even closely related ancestors, and yet most DNA in Drosophila genomes is intergenic and potentially unconstrained. In an attempt to investigate the maintenance of this intergenic DNA, we studied the evolution of an intergenic locus on the fourth chromosome of the Drosophila melanogaster genome. This 1.2-kb locus is marked by two distinct, large insertion events: a nuclear transposition of a mitochondrial sequence and a transposition of a nonautonomous DNA transposon DNAREP1_DM. Because we could trace the evolutionary histories of these sequences, we were able to reconstruct the length evolution of this region in some detail. We sequenced this locus in all four species of the D. melanogaster species complex: D. melanogaster, D. simulans, D. sechellia, and D. mauritiana. Although this locus is similar in size in these four species, less than 10% of the sequence from the most recent common ancestor remains in D. melanogaster and all of its sister species. This region appears to have increased in size through several distinct insertions in the ancestor of the D. melanogaster species complex and has been shrinking since the split of these lineages. In addition, we found no evidence suggesting that the size of this locus has been maintained over evolutionary time; these results are consistent with the model of a dynamic equilibrium between persistent DNA loss through small deletions and more sporadic DNA gain through less frequent but longer insertions. The apparent stability of genome size in Drosophila may belie very rapid sequence turnover at intergenic loci.  相似文献   
To better understand the evolutionary dynamics of repetitive sequences in human sex chromosomes, we have analyzed seven new X/Y homologous microsatellites located within PCDHX/Y, one of the two recently described gene pairs in the Xq21.3/Yp11.2 hominid-specific homology block, in samples from Portugal and Mozambique. Sharp differences were observed on X/Y allele distributions, concerning both the presence of private alleles and a different modal repeat length for X-linked and Y-linked markers, and this difference was statistically significant. Higher diversity was found in X-linked microsatellites than in their Y chromosome counterparts; when comparing populations, Mozambicans showed more allele diversity for the X chromosome, but the contrary was true for the Y chromosome microsatellites. Evolutionary patterns, relying on intragenic PCDHX/Y SNPs, also revealed distinct scenarios for X and Y chromosomes. Greater microsatellite diversity was displayed by African X chromosomes within the most common haplotypes shared by both populations, whereas higher microsatellite diversity was found in Portugal for the ancestral Y chromosome haplotype. The most frequent PCDHY haplotype in Portuguese was the derived one, and it was not found in Mozambicans. TMRCA estimated by the rho parameter resulted in 13,700 years (7,500-20,000 years), which is consistent with a recent, post-Out-of-Africa origin for this haplotype. In conclusion, the newly described microsatellite loci generally displayed greater X-linked to Y-linked diversity and this pattern was also detected with slower evolving markers, with a remarkable differentiation between populations observed for Y chromosome haplotypes and, thus, greater divergence among Y chromosomes in human populations.  相似文献   
NUPTs (nuclear plastid DNA) derive from plastid-to-nucleus DNA transfer and exist in various plant species. Experimental data imply that the DNA transfer is an ongoing, highly frequent process, but for the interspecific diversity of NUPTs, no clear explanation exists. Here, an inventory of NUPTs in the four sequenced plastid-bearing species and their genomic organization is presented. Large genomes with a predicted low gene density contain more NUPTs. In Chlamydomonas and Plasmodium, DNA transfer occurred but was limited, probably because of the presence of only one plastid per cell. In Arabidopsis and rice, NUPTs are frequently organized as clusters. Tight clusters can contain both NUPTs and NUMTs (nuclear mitochondrial DNA), indicating that preNUPTs and preNUMTs might have concatamerized before integration. The composition of such a hypothetical preNUPT-preNUMT pool seems to be variable, as implied by substantially different NUPTs:NUMTs ratios in different species. Loose clusters can span several dozens of kbps of nuclear DNA, and they contain markedly more NUPTs or NUMTs than expected from a random genomic distribution of nuclear organellar DNA. The level of sequence similarity between NUPTs/NUMTs and plastid/mitochondrial DNA correlates with the size of the integrant. This implies that original insertions are large and decay over evolutionary time into smaller fragments with diverging sequences. We suggest that tight and loose clusters represent intermediates of this decay process.  相似文献   
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