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Chlorophyll loss in leaves of cut flowers of alstroemeria (Alstroemeria pelegrina L. cv. Westland) was rapid in darkness and counteracted by irradiation and treatment of the flowers with gibberellic acid (GA3). The mechanism of the effect of GA3 under dark conditions was investigated. The content of various carbohydrates in the leaves under dark conditions rapidly decreased; this was not influenced by treatment with GA3. indicating that the loss of carbohydrates in the leaves did not induce the loss of chlorophyll. Placing the cut flowers in various solutions of organic and inorganic nutrients exhibited no significant effect on the retention of chlorophyll in leaves of dark-senescing flowers. The total nitrogen content in leaves of dark-senescing cut flowers decreased with time. Leaves of GA3-treated flowers retained more nitrogen. In contrast, the buds of GA3-treated flowers retained less nitrogen during senescence in the dark than control buds. To investigate whether GA3 affects export of assimilates from the leaf to various parts of control and GA3-treated flowers, we labelled one leaf with radioactive carbon dioxide. 14C-assimilates accumulated preferentially in the flowers, in which the relative specific activity of the youngest floral buds was highest. No significant differences were observed in the distribution of 14C-labelled compounds between the buds of control and GA3-treated flowers. To establish the importance of source-sink relations for the loss of leaf chlorophyll we removed the flower buds (i. e. the strongest sink) from the cut flowers. This removal only slightly delayed chlorophyll loss as compared to the large delay caused by GA3-treatment. In addition, detached leaf tips exhibited chlorophyll loss in the dark, which was delayed by GA3-treatment in a fashion comparable with that in flowers. Together these data demonstrate that interactions of the leaves with other plant organs are not essential for chlorophyll loss during senescence in the dark. Additionally, we have found no evidence that GA3 delays the loss of chlorophyll by affecting the transport of nutrients within the cut flowers.  相似文献   
The rate of senescence and the two-dimensional pattern of soluble proteins from detached oat leaves senescing in either darkness or light were analyzed, and compared to those of leaves in which senescence was delayed by application of the cytokinin benzyladenine or enhanced through the action of abscisic acid.Senescence of detached leaves in light did not differ significantly from senescence in attached leaves on intact plants. In darkness, protein was lost at a higher rate than in light, but several individual proteins showed relative increases. Notably, proteins previously characterized as high-molecular-weight proteins and senescence-associated proteins (Klerk et al., 1992) increased. Changes observed during incubation in light or darkness appeared to be related to this condition rather than the rate or progress of senescence. Cytokinins delayed and abscisic acid accelerated the changes in protein pattern compared to water. Beside changes previously identified in leaves senescing on the plant, detached leaves show alterations that reflect their condition of incubation rather than their developmental progress.Abbreviations 2D-PAG two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - ABA abscisic acid - BA N6-benzyladenine - BSA bovine serum albumin - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - IEF isoelectric focusing - Rubisco ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - Tris tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane  相似文献   
渍水对冬小麦生长的危害及其生理效应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
小麦受渍后叶片的光合和蒸腾速率迅速下降,而后则显微弱的回升趋势。渍害不仅削弱小麦光合产物的积累,并且改变光合产物在地上部分和根系中的分配比例;植株根/冠比下降,而黄叶的发展与根/冠比的变化呈显著负相关;渍害改变小麦的发育进程,尤其是后期渍害明显促使小麦早衰。认为清水使叶片光合速率降低、光合有效面积损失和衰老加速,从而危害小麦的生长。  相似文献   
Deborah Ann Roach 《Genetica》1993,91(1-3):53-64
Senescence is a decline in age-specific survival and reproduction with advancing age. Studies of evolutionary plant senescence are designed to explain this decline in life history components within the context of natural selection. A review of studies of plant demography reveals senescent declines in both annual and perennial plants, but also suggests that there are some plant species which may not be expected to show senescence. Thus, future comparative studies of closely related species, with and without senescence, should be possible. The assumptions of the major evolutionary theories of senescence are evaluated for their validity with respect to plants. Different plant species violate one or more of the assumptions of the theories, yet the consequences of violating these assumptions have never been investigated. Whereas, to date, evolutionary senescence has been studied only indirectly in plants, it is concluded that plants provide good experimental systems for clarifying our understanding of senescence in natural populations.  相似文献   
Evolutionary explanations of aging (or senescence) fall into two classes. First, organisms might have evolved the optimal life history, in which survival and fertility late in life are sacrificed for the sake of early reproduction or high pre-adult survival. Second, the life history might be depressed below this optimal compromise by the influx of deleterious mutations; since selection against late-acting mutations is weaker, deleterious mutations will impose a greater load on late life. We discuss ways in which these theories might be investigated and distinguished, with reference to experimental work withDrosophila. While genetic correlations between life history traits determine the immediate response to selection, they are hard to measure, and may not reflect the fundamental constraints on life history. Long term selection experiments are more likely to be informative. The third approach of using experimental manipulations suffers from some of the same problems as measures of genetic correlations; however, these two approaches may be fruitful when used together. The experimental results so far suggest that aging inDrosophila has evolved in part as a consequence of selection for an optimal life history, and in part as a result of accumulation of predominantly late-acting deleterious mutations. Quantification of these effects presents a major challenge for the future.  相似文献   
1. Trees present herbivorous insects with the greatest diversity of resources of any plant growth form. Both ontogeny and shading can alter suitability for arboreal insect herbivores. 2. We conducted a longitudinal study of tagged ‘mature’ (>12 months old) Eucalyptus camaldulensis leaves to compare the suitability of understorey and canopy trees for the leaf senescence-inducing psyllid, Cardiaspina albitextura. We quantified sugars and tannins as possible predictors of nymphal abundance. 3. Canopy leaves hosted double the number of nymphs as understorey leaves. Variation among individual trees (understorey and canopy) was the most important source of heterogeneity explaining psyllid abundance, although relative leaf age significantly influenced oviposition on canopy leaves. The diversity of foliar sugars was higher among canopy leaves than among understorey leaves. There was significant between-tree diversity in total hydrolysable tannins (HTs) and total condensed tannins (CTs) among understorey trees but not among canopy trees. Heterogeneity among understorey and canopy trees was explained by greater diversity of ellagitannins (HTs) than of CTs. 4. Shading is detrimental to the survival of nymphs on both host types, but sugars are unlikely to explain variation in suitability. Vescalagin (an ellagitannin) was negatively correlated with the abundance of nymphs on both host types.  相似文献   
N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is a dynamic and reversible RNA modification that has emerged as a crucial player in the life cycle of RNA, thus playing a pivotal role in various biological processes. In recent years, the potential involvement of RNA m6A modification in aging and age-related diseases has gained increasing attention, making it a promising target for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying aging and developing new therapeutic strategies. This Perspective article will summarize the current advances in aging-related m6A regulation, highlighting the most significant findings and their implications for our understanding of cellular senescence and aging, and the potential for targeting RNA m6A regulation as a therapeutic strategy. We will also discuss the limitations and challenges in this field and provide insights into future research directions. By providing a comprehensive overview of the current state of the field, this Perspective article aims to facilitate further advances in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying aging and to identify new therapeutic targets for aging-related diseases.  相似文献   
在绿豆子叶衰老达到不归点(萌发后5~6d)前切除上胚轴可使开始衰老的子叶中核酸和蛋白质含量回升,衰老短期逆转。衰老不归点后的子叶中核酸和蛋白质变化的主要特征是:丧失了较多的核主带DNA、25S、18S rRNA以及大部分可溶性蛋白质组分,一种小分子DNA 组分完全消失。不归点前切除上胚轴可使上述核酸和蛋白质组分明显增加,表明子叶衰老的逆转可能与这些重要功能物质的回升有关。在切除上胚轴的茎顶涂抹IAA,能阻止子叶核酸和蛋白质回升,也消除了切除上胚轴对子叶裹老的逆转作用。  相似文献   
Nuclear protein 1 (NUPR1) is a stress-induced protein activated by various stresses, such as inflammation and oxidative stress. We previously reported that Nupr1 deficiency increased bone volume by enhancing bone formation in 11-week-old mice. Analysis of differentially expressed genes between wild-type (WT) and Nupr1-knockout (Nupr1-KO) osteocytes revealed that high temperature requirement A 1 (HTRA1), a serine protease implicated in osteogenesis and transforming growth factor-β signaling was markedly downregulated in Nupr1-KO osteocytes. Nupr1 deficiency also markedly reduced HtrA1 expression, but enhanced SMAD1 signaling in in vitro-cultured primary osteoblasts. In contrast, Nupr1 overexpression enhanced HtrA1 expression in osteoblasts, suggesting that Nupr1 regulates HtrA1 expression, thereby suppressing osteoblastogenesis. Since HtrA1 is also involved in cellular senescence and age-related diseases, we analyzed aging-related bone loss in Nupr1-KO mice. Significant spine trabecular bone loss was noted in WT male and female mice during 6−19 months of age, whereas aging-related trabecular bone loss was attenuated, especially in Nupr1-KO male mice. Moreover, cellular senescence-related markers were upregulated in the osteocytes of 6−19-month-old WT male mice but markedly downregulated in the osteocytes of 19-month-old Nupr1-KO male mice. Oxidative stress-induced cellular senescence stimulated Nupr1 and HtrA1 expression in in vitro-cultured primary osteoblasts, and Nupr1 overexpression enhanced p16ink4a expression in osteoblasts. Finally, NUPR1 expression in osteocytes isolated from the bones of patients with osteoarthritis was correlated with age. Collectively, these results indicate that Nupr1 regulates HtrA1-mediated osteoblast differentiation and senescence. Our findings unveil a novel Nupr1/HtrA1 axis, which may play pivotal roles in bone formation and age-related bone loss.  相似文献   
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