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利用中国稻/麦轮作FACE(Free-Air Carbon=Dioxide Enrichment)试验平台,研究大气CO2浓度升高200 μmol·mol-1(周围大气中CO2浓度约370 μmol·mol-1)对稻季各生育期不同深度土壤溶液NH4+-N和NO3--N浓度的影响.结果表明:高CO2浓度条件下耕层土壤溶液NH4+-N浓度在水稻生育前期有所增加,但在生育后期明显下降;大气CO2浓度升高增加了稻季5、15、30、60和90 cm处土壤溶液NO3--N浓度,分别比对照平均提高了46.5%、36.8%、23.3%、103.7%和42.7%,在60和90 cm处差异分别达到统计上的极显著和显著水平.  相似文献   
增氮对青藏高原东缘高寒草甸土壤甲烷吸收的早期影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究大气氮沉降对青藏高原高寒草甸土壤CH4吸收的影响,对于揭示氮素调节土壤CH4吸收的机制和评价氮沉降增加背景下大气CH4收支平衡至关重要.通过构建多形态、低剂量的增氮控制试验,测定土壤CH4净交换通量和相关土壤理化性质,分析高寒草甸土壤CH4通量变化特征及其主要驱动因子.研究结果表明:自然状态下高寒草甸土壤是大气CH4汇,CH4平均吸收量为(35.40±1.92) μg· m-2· h-1.土壤CH4吸收主要受水分驱动,其次为土壤NH4+-N和NO3-N含量.NH4+-N抑制CH4吸收,NO3--N促进CH4吸收;不同剂量氮素输入对土壤CH4吸收影响也不尽相同,低氮处理促进土壤CH4吸收,而中氮和高氮处理抑制土壤CH4吸收.结果显示青藏高原高寒草甸土壤是重要的大气CH4汇,在未来大气氮沉降加倍的情景下CH4汇功能增强,但当氮沉降量增加两倍以上时CH4汇功能将会减弱.  相似文献   
Dissolved nutrient inputs in bulk precipitation and outputs in streamwater were measured during 3 years of contrasting hydrological conditions in a 6.3-ha, grazed heathland watershed on schists in the Montseny mountains (NE Spain), drained by an intermittent stream. On average, 39% of the precipitation became streamflow. Bulk precipitation delivered positive net alkalinity (mean 0.22 keq/ha/yr), sulphate input was moderate (9.0 kg SO4-S/ha/yr), and the mean input of inorganic N was not exceptionally high (6.6 kg/ha/yr). Ion concentrations were relatively low in streamwater; SO4 2- was the dominant anion. Most concentrations in streamwater varied seasonally, with maxima in late summer or early autumn and minima in spring. This pattern probably resulted from increased availability of ions for leaching due to decomposition of organic matter and chemical weathering during the warm period. Nitrate concentrations were relatively high in winter and dropped sharply in early spring, probably because of biological uptake. Annual element outputs in streamwater varied between years and seemed to be controlled by both the amount of annual streamflow and its seasonal distribution. Annual inputs exceeded outputs for dissolved inorganic N. The watershed accumulated H+ and Ca2+, had net losses of Na+ and Mg2+, and was close to steady state for K+, SO4 2-, Cl- and alkalinity. The chloride budgets gave no evidence of substantial dry deposition in this system. The cationic denudation rate was negative (-0.14 keq/ha/yr) because Ca2+ retention was higher than net exports of Na+ and Mg2+ from silicate weathering. Low nutrient export and little production of alkalinity suggest that this watershed has a low buffering capacity.  相似文献   
Nitrate uptake and leaching were measured during one year in a declined fir forest on the Vosges highlands (eastern France), in order to investigate whether excess nitrification could be responsible for a deleterious acidification of the ecosystem. Nitrate uptake by the vegetation was active mainly from spring to early fall, and then reached about 66 kg N ha-1. No significant leaching loss occurred during the growth period of the vegetation. Significant nitrate leaching occurred in winter (about 17 kg N ha-1). During fall and winter the nitrification rate was of the same magnitude as values reported for other ecosystems, and, thus, was not considered to be abnormaly strong. No abnormal temporal discoupling of nitrate production and nitrate uptake occurred in the ecosystem, and forest decline must therefore have some other cause.  相似文献   
The input and output flux data of total Hg (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) from three catchments located in different geographical regions in Sweden and one catchment in southern Finland were compared to elucidate the role of current atmospheric Hg/MeHg deposition with regard to waterborne Hg/MeHg output.There was a negative co-variaton between the open field THg inputs and the ratio of THg output to open field input. The highest ratio (and lowest input) occurring in N. Sweden and S. Finland, while the lowest output ratio (and highest inputs) occurred in southwest Sweden. A much larger variation was found in the ratio of output to open field input for MeHg (14 to 160%). Examinations of MeHg input/output data in relation to catchment charateristics suggest that riparian peat, mires and wet organic soil contributed to the large MeHg output from certain catchments, probably due to in situ production of MeHg. This finding is consistent with other studies which have found that catchment characteristics such as wetland area, flow pathways, seasonal temperature and water flow are important in controlling the output of MeHg. These catchment characteristics govern the fate of the contemporary input of Hg and MeHg as well as the mobilization of the soil pools.  相似文献   
利用封顶式生长室模拟未来变化的气候条件,研究了亚高山林线优势物种岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)和4种草本植物形态与竞争指标对CO2浓度和温度升高的响应.结果表明:处理2个生长季后,高CO2浓度条件下,岷江冷杉冠体积增加42%,比叶面积、比冠体积和比根长分别增加17%、65%和19%;温度升高使岷江冷杉冠形更纵向生长,冠体积增加22%,根冠比和比根长均比对照增加17%;二者同时升高使岷江冷杉冠体积增加79%,比叶面积、比冠体积和比根长分别增加17%、197%和18%.CO2浓度升高处理下糙野青茅(Deyeuxia scabrescen)的株高、基茎和每株叶片数增加,但比叶面积降低;甘肃苔草(Carexkansuensis)、东方草莓(Fragaria orientali)和紫花碎米荠(Cardamine tangutorum)的各项指标变化与青茅相反.温度升高下青茅、苔草、草莓株高、基茎和根冠比下降.二者同时升高条件下4种草本植物的基茎和每株叶片数增加,但比叶面积和根冠比降低.这表明,在CO2浓度和温度升高处理下,岷江冷杉形成有利于生长的冠层结构且单位质量的竞争力增加,而4种草本植物的形态结构和竞争力均受到不同程度的负面影响.  相似文献   
大气汞循环演化对全球汞的生物地球化学循环起着极其重要的作用。人为活动(化石燃料燃烧、水泥生产、氯碱制造以及金属冶炼与加工等)已成为大气汞的重要来源。在一定条件下,大气中的汞会发生干湿沉降而对某一局部环境——受体产生很大的影响。大气汞沉降在城市和工业区呈现出很强的空间梯度现象,排放源附近的汞沉降量明显较强。利用对受体的研究开展大气汞的源解析工作,是大气汞研究的一个重要领域。本文综述了污染物源解析的受体模型的研究及应用,介绍了化学质量平衡法、因子分析法、正交矩阵因子分解法、多元线性回归法等方法,概括了源解析在大气汞方面的应用成果,对我国区域大气汞源解析受体模型的建立及应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   
Zhang Y  Liu X J  Zhang F S  Ju X T  Zou G Y  Hu K L 《农业工程》2006,26(6):1633-1638
A monitoring network of nine sites was established to determine the spatial and temporal variation of atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition in the North China Plain (NCP) over a two-year period. The annual bulk deposition of inorganic N in the North China Plain ranged from 18.4 to 38.5 kg/hm2 and averaged 28.0 kg/hm2. The concentration of NH4 -N and NO3--N in rainwater averaged 3.76 and 1.85 mg/L, respectively, which were significantly higher than the values at background sites in China (normally less than 0.5 mg/L). Annual bulk deposition of inorganic N in the Beijing area (32.5 kg/hm2) was higher than that in Shandong and Hebei provinces (21.2 kg/hm2 on an average). Also bulk N deposition was much greater in Dongbeiwang and Fangshan than in Yanqing and Shunyi counties. Significant spatial variation of bulk deposition was observed in the Beijing area because of variation of precipitation, and 60% of bulk deposition occurred from June to September. Bulk deposition of NH4 -N was 2.0 times that of NO3--N deposition at the rural monitoring sites. However, the situation was reversed at the Beijing Academy of Agricultural-Forestry Sciences (BAAFS), the unique urban monitoring site. The results suggest that reduced N in precipitation is dominant in rural regions, but oxidized N is the major form in urban regions. The positive relationship between inorganic N deposition and precipitation can be fitted by a power equation (r2= 0.67), showing an increase of NH4 -N and NO3--N inputs with increased precipitation. Wet deposition of N accounted for 73% of the bulk deposition, implying that dry deposition of N, particularly NH4 -N from dust, is important in the North China Plain.  相似文献   
土壤微生物对气候变暖和大气N沉降的响应   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
气候变暖和大气N沉降是近一、二十年来人们非常关注的全球变化现象,它们所带来的一系列生态问题已成为全球变化研究的重要议题。它们不仅影响地上植被生长和群落组成,还直接或间接地影响土壤微生物过程,而土壤微生物对此做出的响应正是生态系统反馈过程中非常重要的环节。该文分别从气候变化对土壤微生物的影响(土壤微生物量、微生物活动和微生物群落结构)和土壤微生物对气候变化的响应(凋落物分解、养分利用与循环以及养分的固持与流失)两个角度,综述近期土壤微生物对气候变暖和大气N沉降响应与适应的研究进展。气候变暖和大气N沉降对土壤微生物的影响更多地反映在微生物群落的结构和功能上,而土壤微生物量、微生物活动和群落结构的变化又会通过改变凋落物分解、养分利用和C、N循环等重要的土壤生态系统功能和过程做出响应,形成正向或负向反馈,加强或削弱气候变化给整个陆地生态系统带来的影响。然而,到目前为止土壤微生物的响应对陆地生态系统产生的最终结果仍是未决的关键性问题。  相似文献   
The temporal and spatial distribution of fires for an area in east-central Senegal was determined on the basis of multi-temporal NOAA AVHRR satellite images. Three years of data (1990–1992) were analyzed defining the boundary between two different fire regimes: very few and scattered fires to the north with the majority of fires south of the boundary. This boundary was stable for the three dry seasons examined and was identical to the northernmost extension of fires as determined by visual inspection of a hard copy Landsat image mosaic. Fire frequencies were analyzed in relation to dominant vegetation types and yearly precipitation, and the findings compared to results of a field survey of the local population's perceptions of the causes and implications of fires. Survey results clearly showed that the use of fire in the study area is closely linked to the utilization of the environment for livestock grazing and crop production. We conclude that the local population has a high degree of awareness about the application of fire, that different fire use practices concerning can be identified respectively in the grasslands of the northern and the savanna of the southern parts of the study area, and that these practices reflect a well adapted production strategy. Finally, we recommend policy decisions be more flexible in the light of local understanding of fire use.  相似文献   
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