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Soil respiration within riparian buffers and adjacent crop fields   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
Tufekcioglu  A.  Raich  J.W.  Isenhart  T.M.  Schultz  R.C. 《Plant and Soil》2001,229(1):117-124
We quantified rates of soil respiration among sites within an agricultural landscape in central Iowa, USA. The study was conducted in riparian cool-season grass buffers, in re-established multispecies (switchgrass + poplar) riparian buffers and in adjacent crop (maize and soybean) fields. The objectives were to determine the variability in soil respiration among buffer types and crop fields within a riparian landscape, and to identify those factors correlating with the observed differences. Soil respiration was measured approximately monthly over a two-year period using the soda-lime technique. Mean daily soil respiration across all treatments ranged from 0.14 to 8.3 g C m–2 d–1. There were no significant differences between cool-season grass buffers and re-established forest buffers, but respiration rates beneath switchgrass were significantly lower than those beneath cool-season grass. Soil respiration was significantly greater in both buffer systems than in the cropped fields. Seasonal changes in soil respiration were strongly related to temperature changes. Over all sites, soil temperature and soil moisture together accounted for 69% of the seasonal variability in soil respiration. Annual soil respiration rates correlated strongly with soil organic carbon (R = 0.75, P < 0.001) and fine root (<2 mm) biomass (R = 0.85, P < 0.001). Annual soil respiration rates averaged 1140 g C m–2 for poplar, 1185 g C m–2 for cool-season grass, 1020 g C m–2 for switchgrass, 750 g C m–2 for soybean and 740 g C m–2 for corn. Overall, vegetated buffers had significantly higher soil respiration rates than did adjacent crop fields, indicating greater soil biological activity within the buffers.  相似文献   
In a floodplain lake of the Amazon River near the city of Iquitos, northeastern Peru, a one-year monitoring experiment was conducted during which water samples and living bivalves (Anodontites trapesialis) were collected with the aim to investigate seasonal δ18O variation in and fractionation between bivalve aragonite and host water. Both host water and molluscan growth increments show more than 8‰ seasonal variation in δ18O. In the floodplain lake under study the δ18O variation of the water is controlled by contrasting dry and wet season evaporation-precipitation regimes. Molluscan δ18O appears to be in equilibrium with the host water. Although an approximately 4.0‰ offset occurs, δ13C records of water and bivalves are in good agreement, suggesting that both δ18O and δ13C of the shells of freshwater bivalve A. trapesialis are good recorders of (palaeo-)environmental conditions. The δ13C of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) is governed by plant growth and/or by changes in aquatic chemistry, affecting the DIC pool.  相似文献   
大气二氧化碳浓度变化对禾谷缢管蚜种群动态的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张钧  杨惠敏等 《昆虫学报》2002,45(4):477-481
利用开顶式熏气室研究了大气CO2浓度和土壤水分对禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi (L.)种群动态的影响,并分析了禾谷缢管蚜密度与被处理小麦叶片化学成分的关系。结果表明:(1)禾谷缢管蚜种群密度随CO2浓度升高而持续增大并与土壤水分密切相关,各CO2浓度下均以60%田间持水量时的密度最大;(2)CO2和土壤水分对小麦叶片化学成分有明显的影响,麦叶水分、可溶性蛋白质、可溶性糖、淀粉含量随CO2浓度和土壤水分含量上升而增加,纤维素含量随CO2浓度上升而增加、随土壤水分含量上升而降低,单宁、丁布(DIMBOA)含量在CO2浓度为550 μl/L时最高,但单宁含量随土壤水分上升而增加,丁布含量在60%田间持水量时最低;(3)禾谷缢管蚜密度与叶片水分、可溶性蛋白质、可溶性糖、淀粉含量呈正相关,与丁布、单宁含量呈负相关。结论:在未来的气候条件下,随着CO2浓度升高禾谷缢管蚜种群可能会持续增长,这种增长在半干旱区更加突出。禾谷缢管蚜种群增长的原因之一是大气CO2和土壤水分条件改变了植物的化学成分构成。  相似文献   
The effects of elevated [CO2] on 25 variables describing soybean physiology, growth and yield are reviewed using meta‐analytic techniques. This is the first meta‐analysis to our knowledge performed on a single crop species and summarizes the effects of 111 studies. These primary studies include numerous soybean growth forms, various stress and experimental treatments, and a range of elevated [CO2] levels (from 450 to 1250 p.p.m.), with a mean of 689 p.p.m. across all studies. Stimulation of soybean leaf CO2 assimilation rate with growth at elevated [CO2] was 39%, despite a 40% decrease in stomatal conductance and a 11% decrease in Rubisco activity. Increased leaf CO2 uptake combined with an 18% stimulation in leaf area to provide a 59% increase in canopy photosynthetic rate. The increase in total dry weight was lower at 37%, and seed yield still lower at 24%. This shows that even in an agronomic species selected for maximum investment in seed, several plant level feedbacks prevent additional investment in reproduction, such that yield fails to reflect fully the increase in whole plant carbon uptake. Large soil containers (> 9 L) have been considered adequate for assessing plant responses to elevated [CO2]. However, in open‐top chamber experiments, soybeans grown in large pots showed a significant threefold smaller stimulation in yield than soybeans grown in the ground. This suggests that conclusions about plant yield based on pot studies, even when using very large containers, are a poor reflection of performance in the absence of any physical restriction on root growth. This review supports a number of current paradigms of plant responses to elevated [CO2]. Namely, stimulation of photosynthesis is greater in plants that fix N and have additional carbohydrate sinks in nodules. This supports the notion that photosynthetic capacity decreases when plants are N‐limited, but not when plants have adequate N and sink strength. The root : shoot ratio did not change with growth at elevated [CO2], sustaining the charge that biomass allocation is unaffected by growth at elevated [CO2] when plant size and ontogeny are considered.  相似文献   
Publicly available databases are analysed to demonstrate their relevance to life cycle inventory for energy production in the Canadian context. Site specific emissions along with sectoral emissions data are combined with production data to construct an energy production model, which has been applied to air emissions. The allocation procedure leads to reasonable results for coal, natural gas and electricity. The detailed allocation of the inventory among petroleum co-products is outside the scope of this study as it requires incorporating knowledge of physical relationship (unit process) or using economic data.  相似文献   
This research establishes a residential indirect carbon emissions model through input–output structure decomposition analysis (IO-SDA) and LMDI, analyses the influencing factors affecting urban and rural residential carbon emissions indicators in Beijing through input–output tables from 2000 to 2010, and calculates the direct carbon emissions from residential consumption. As the results suggest, the total carbon emissions from residential consumption in Beijing showed volatility. Growing rural and urban differences in direct emissions, and for indirect emissions, mean that urban greatly exceeds rural in this regard. Rising per capita GDP and population, as well as intermediate demand and sectoral emissions intensity change induce growth in indirect emissions in both urban and rural settings: of which, per capita GDP contributes the most. Declining energy intensity contributes the most to emission reductions, followed by residential consumption rates, the rural to urban consumption ratio and consumption structure effects are much smaller.  相似文献   
The shortage of data for emissions from agricultural tractors contributes to LCA results on environmental load from modern crop production possibly having high error levels and high uncertainties. The first part of this work describes measurements and calculations made in order to obtain operation-specific agricultural emission data. Calculations are based on emission data measured on a standard 70 kW tractor of a widely available make. In the second part, results from an LCI on wheat production based on traditionally used emission data are calculated and compared with results obtained when using the emission data for specific working operations derived in part one. One conclusion of the study is that the emission values, when related to the energy in the used fuel, show very large variations between different driving operations. Another conclusion is that the use of the new data results in a marked reduction of the total air emissions produced in the wheat production chain, especially for CO and HC, but also for NOx and SO2.  相似文献   
State of the art and research needs for the impact category eutrophication are discussed. Eutrophication is a difficult impact category because it includes emissions to both air and water — both subject to different environmental mechanisms — as well as impacts occurring in different types of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The possible fate processes are complex and include transportation between different ecosystems. In some recent approaches, transportation modelling of air emissions has been included. However, in general, the used characterisation methods do not integrate fate modelling, which is a limitation. The definition of the impact indicator needs further research, too. The inclusion of other nutrients than those typically considered should also be investigated.  相似文献   
Land use changes sharply under rapid urbanization, yet its ecological and environmental effects are often neglected in land use decisions. Using the case of Hangzhou, China, we analyze the ecological and environmental effects of land use changes, including ecosystem services value (ESV) and carbon emissions, based on Landsat TM images from 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2014. We found significant ecological and environmental effects of land use changes under rapid urbanization. The value of ecosystem services in Hangzhou decreased from 546.7 million USD in 1995 to 448.97 million USD in 2014, and the ratio of ESV to GDP decreased from 5.8% to 0.6%. The net carbon emissions associated with land use changes increased from 4.26 million tons in 1995 to 15.10 million tons in 2014, mainly due to the increase of built-up land carbon emissions and the decrease of forest land carbon sink. The ESV is unevenly distributed spatially and low ESV spread from the central to the peripheral area. We use scenario analysis to illustrate that economic growth and environmental protection could be coordinated by bringing ecological and environmental effects into land use decisions.  相似文献   
For analyzing sustainability of algal biofuels, we identify 16 environmental indicators that fall into six categories: soil quality, water quality and quantity, air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity, and productivity. Indicators are selected to be practical, widely applicable, predictable in response, anticipatory of future changes, independent of scale, and responsive to management. Major differences between algae and terrestrial plant feedstocks, as well as their supply chains for biofuel, are highlighted, for they influence the choice of appropriate sustainability indicators. Algae strain selection characteristics do not generally affect which indicators are selected. The use of water instead of soil as the growth medium for algae determines the higher priority of water- over soil-related indicators. The proposed set of environmental indicators provides an initial checklist for measures of algal biofuel sustainability but may need to be modified for particular contexts depending on data availability, goals of stakeholders, and financial constraints. Use of these indicators entails defining sustainability goals and targets in relation to stakeholder values in a particular context and can lead to improved management practices.  相似文献   
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