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Unrelated male primates frequently cohabit in bisexual groups and, despite being reproductive competitors, have been shown to cooperate in ways that are associated with reproductive success. Such coalitions between males are common in some taxa, where they can serve two primary functions – status management and improved mating opportunities – that subserve long‐ and short‐term objectives. Here, we use observational data to provide information on male coalitions in vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus), a guenon with a multimale group structure. We recorded a total of 62 coalitions from two troops across a 10‐mo period at Samara Game Reserve, South Africa. We found that males who were more frequently associated spatially and who had groomed one another were more likely to form coalitions and did so against higher‐ranking opponents. This was not linked to any evidence that coalitionary aggression provided either short‐ or long‐term reproductive benefits for the aggressors and coalitions were not restricted to the mating season. There was little evidence that particular individuals were targeted, reciprocation between partners was not observed, and recent immigrant males were not targeted disproportionately. Our data suggest that within‐group coalition formation between vervet males may represent something close to an ancestral state whereby males form ad hoc coalitions opportunistically, joining an ongoing dyadic contest to target an opponent without facing the possible risks of dyadic contest, such as a greater chance of injury.  相似文献   
When individuals mate outside the pair bond, males should employ behaviours such as aggression or vocal displays (e.g. duetting) that help assure paternity of the offspring they care for. We tested whether male paternity was associated with aggression or duetting in the red-backed fairy-wren, a species exhibiting high rates of extra-pair paternity. During simulated territorial intrusions, aggression and duetting were variable among and repeatable within males, suggesting behavioural consistency of individuals. Males with quicker and stronger duet responses were cuckolded less often than males with slower and weaker responses. In contrast, physical aggression was not correlated with male paternity. These results suggest that either acoustic mate guarding or male–female vocal negotiations via duetting lead to increased paternity assurance, whereas physical aggression does not.  相似文献   
Observation of the sexual interactions of Sepioteuthis sepioidea squid during the short reproductive stage of their lives showed a scramble competition system, with both male and female polygyny. Mature females were faithful to a specific location in the daytime, whereas males moved from group to group and formed short-term consortships with females. Males defended females from other males, particularly with an agonistic Zebra display. Male–female pairs exchanged Saddle-Stripe displays, after which males might display an on–off Flicker. There was considerable female choice. Only if a female responded to this display with a parallel Rocking action would she pair and would the male deposit spermatophores at the base of her arms, and only 50% of the time did females move the spermatophores internally to where sperm might be released and stored in the oviducal gland for later fertilization of eggs. This long-term set of interactions and solitary deposition of hidden egg strings contrasts with the attraction of both sexes to a common ‘egg mop’ laid by many females which was a site of competition in other loliginid squid. Since Sepioteuthis is a primitive genus within the family Loliginidae, it may represent a generalist reproductive strategy that evolved into a specialized localization one.  相似文献   
Sexual selection is considered a potent evolutionary force in all sexually reproducing organisms, but direct tests in terms of experimental evolution of sexual traits are still lacking for simultaneously hermaphroditic animals. Here, we tested how evolution under enforced monogamy affected a suite of reproductive traits (including testis area, sex allocation, genital morphology, sperm morphology and mating behaviour) in the outcrossing hermaphroditic flatworm Macrostomum lignano, using an assay that also allowed the assessment of phenotypically plastic responses to group size. The experiment comprised 32 independent selection lines that evolved under either monogamy or polygamy for 20 generations. While we did not observe an evolutionary shift in sex allocation, we detected effects of the selection regime for two male morphological traits. Specifically, worms evolving under enforced monogamy had a distinct shape of the male copulatory organ and produced sperm with shorter appendages. Many traits that did not evolve under enforced monogamy showed phenotypic plasticity in response to group size. Notably, individuals that grew up in larger groups had a more male‐biased sex allocation and produced slightly longer sperm than individuals raised in pairs. We conclude that, in this flatworm, enforced monogamy induced moderate evolutionary but substantial phenotypically plastic responses.  相似文献   
Theory indicates that numbers of mating types should tend towards infinity or remain at two. The social amoeba, Dictyostelium discoideum, however, has three mating types. It is therefore a mystery how this species has broken the threshold of two mating types, but has not increased towards a much higher number. Frequency‐dependent selection on rare types in combination with isogamy, a form of reproduction involving gametes similar in size, could explain the evolution of multiple mating types in this system. Other factors, such as drift, may be preventing the evolution of more than three. We first looked for evidence of isogamy by measuring gamete size associated with each type. We found no evidence of size dissimilarities between gametes. We then looked for evidence of balancing selection, by examining mating type distributions in natural populations and comparing genetic differentiation at the mating type locus to that at more neutral loci. We found that mating type frequency varied among the three populations we examined, with only one of the three showing an even sex ratio, which does not support balancing selection. However, we found more population structure at neutral loci than the mating type locus, suggesting that the three mating types are indeed maintained at intermediate frequencies by balancing selection. Overall, the data are consistent with balancing selection acting on D. discoideum mating types, but with a sufficiently weak rare sex advantage to allow for drift, a potential explanation for why these amoebae have only three mating types.  相似文献   
When, how often and for how long organisms mate can have strong consequences for individual fitness and are crucial aspects of evolutionary ecology. Such determinants are likely to be of even greater importance in monandrous species and species with short adult life stages. Previous work suggests that mobility, a key dispersal? related trait, may affect the dynamics of copulations, but few studies have investigated the impact of individual mobility on mating latency, copulation duration and oviposition latency simultaneously. In this paper, we monitored the copulation dynamics of 40 males and 40 females, as well as the oviposition dynamics of the females of the Large White butterfly Pieris brassicae, a facultative long-distance disperser butterfly. Individuals from a breeding were selected to create a uniform distribution of mobility and we recorded the timing, number and duration of all copulations in a semiexperimental system. We showed that mobility, measured as the time spent in flight under stressful conditions (a proxy of dispersal tendency), correlates with all aspects of copulation dynamics: mobile males and females mated earlier and for shorter periods than less mobile individuals. In turn, late mating females increased the time between copulation and oviposition. These results feed the previously described mobility syndrome of R brassicae, involving morphological and physiological characters, with life-history traits. We suggest that the reduction of mating latency and copulation duration has an adaptive value in dispersing individuals, as their life expectancy might be shorter than that of sedentary individuals.  相似文献   
The larval females of Coccophagus sp. nr gurneyi Compere are primary parasitoids of lantana mealybugs, whereas males develop hyperparasitically through other parasitoids (never their own females), so the species is alloparasitic. Males are seldom even reared from lantana mealybugs (<0.3%, n = 4,212), and have not yet been reared from any other host. Adults were sampled in the field to establish that this species is sexual (by assessing female spermathecal content), and to quantify relative abundance of the sexes around host infestations. Adult males were scarce above hosts (3%, n = 314), but were attracted in relatively high numbers to caged virgin females within those infestations. Caged females outside infestations did not attract males, suggesting that mate attraction requires environmental signals other than those from females. Most females collected in the field above host infestations had sperm in their spermathecal capsules. They presumably had mated with males that developed elsewhere (so mate localization might involve searching across substantial distances). Virgin females were present only early in the day and evidently mate soon after eclosion. Evidence of sperm depletion in mated females was not found. The spatial scale of male and female movements needs to be quantified, but the ongoing movement of individuals (as a consequence of their sex‐related host relationships) seems to be a regular aspect of their ecology. The spatial and temporal dynamics across the sexes illustrates that their abilities to localize one another for mating leaves the sexes free to diverge ecologically, and their sex ratios to vary.  相似文献   
Giant water bugs (Heteroptera: Belostomatidae) are aquatic predators of freshwater habitats, and include ca. 150 species distributed throughout the world's subtropical and tropical areas. They have unique mating systems, which involve female competition, and exhibit paternal care, wherein males attend eggs laid by the females on emergent plants (Lethocerinae) or on their backs (Belostomatinae). I review here the studies on the predator–prey relationships, morphology, migration, mating behavior and conservation of this family of insects.  相似文献   
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