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A soil nitrogen model was used for a 4-year simulation of nitrogen dynamics and nitrate leaching, both during grass ley growth and after ploughing a grass ley. Model results were compared with field measurements of soil mineral-N status and leaching. A soil water and heat model provided daily values for abiotic conditions, which were used as driving variables in the nitrogen simulation. Simulated values for mineral-N levels in the soil agreed well with field data for the first 3 years of the simulation. During the final year the model predicted considerably higher levels of soil mineral-N content compared with measurements. To reach the mineral-N level measured at the time of ploughing the ley, the simulated N-uptake by plants had to be increased by 8 g N m−2. Simulations of nitrate leaching suggested that estimates of leaching based on measurements in tile-drained plots can be considerably underestimated. Accurate quantification of leaching in tile-drained plots often requires additional information on water-flow paths. A substantial increase in simulated and measured values for the mineral-N content of the soil occurred after ploughing the ley. In the simulation, most of the increase was due to a high crop residue input and the absence of a growing crop after ploughing. Litter accumulations in the soil during the 4-year period contributed little to the increase in soil mineral-N.  相似文献   
In two experiments, wheat plants growing in solutions of different nitrogen concentration were subjected to root pruning. In higher concentrations of nitrogen the growth rate was higher, and the proportional allocation of growth to shoot higher, but pruning did not affect the allocation of growth at either level of nitrogen. This result gives no support to Thornley's source-sink model of the control of shoot: root ratio.  相似文献   
Almond plants (Amygdalus communis L.) of the Garrigues variety were grown in the field drip irrigated and rainfed. Leaf water potential (Ψ) and leaf conductance (g1) were determined throughout one growing season. Pre-dawn measurement for Ψ in the irrigated treatment was consistent through the growing season, whereas in the rainfed treatment it decreased gradually. Ψ values at midday (Ψ minimum) was closely dependent on atmospheric evaporative demand, and their recovery was quicker in the wet treatment than in the dry. The g1 values were higher in the wet than dry treatments, decreasing in both cases by leaf ageing. Maximum values for g1 were reached when evaporative demand was highest in the day. The relationship between Ψ and g1 revealed a decrease in the hysteresis throughout the growing season, being most marked in the dry treatment. The results highlight the close dependence of Ψ and g1 on evaporative demand, leaf ageing and irrigtion treatment during the growing season.  相似文献   
Almond plants (Amygdalus communis L. cv. Garrigues) were grown in the field under drip irrigated and non irrigated conditions. Leaf water potential () and leaf conductance (g1) were determined at three different times of the growing season (spring, summer and autumn). The relationships between and g1 in both treatments showed a continuous decrease of g1 as decreased in spring and summer. Data from the autumn presented a threshold value of (approx. –2.7 MPa in dry treatment, and approx. –1.4 MPa in wet treatment) below which leaf conductance remained constant.  相似文献   
Summary The Na-dependent transport of a number of organic molecules (d-glucose,l-proline,l-alanine,l-phenylalanine) in brush-border membrane vesicles isolated from the intestine of the eel (Anguilla anguilla) was monitored by recording the fluorescence quenching of the voltage-sensitive cyanine dye 3,3-diethylthiacarbocyanine iodide (DiS-C2(5)). The experimental approach consisted of: a) generating an inside-negative membrane potential mimicking in vivo conditions: b) measuring the rate of membrane potential decay (i.e., the rate of fluorescence quenching decay) due to Na-neutral substrate cotransport. Rates of membrane potential decay showed saturation on substrate concentration andK app values (the substrate concentration giving 50% of the maximal rate) were estimated for Na-dependent transport ofd-glucose (0,099mm),l-alanine (0.516mm),l-proline (0.118mm) andl-phenylalanine (2.04mm). The influence of an inside-negative membrane potential on the affinity of the transporter for glucose and for sodium is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary The water relations parameters and the osmoregulatory response ofEremosphaera viridis were investigated both by using the pressure probe technique and by analyzing the intracellular pool of osmotically active agents. In the presence of various concentrations of different salts a biphasic osmoregulatory response was recorded, consisting of a rapid decrease in turgor pressure due to water loss followed by an increase in turgor pressure to the original turgor pressure value (depending on the salt). The values of turgor pressure, volumetric elastic modulus and hydraulic conductivity depended on the composition of the media. Nonelectrolytes did not cause a turgor recovery after the initial water efflux. The second phase of turgor regulation in the presence of salts was characterised by the intracellular accumulation of ions and sugars and required at least 24 hr. Analysis of the cell sap showed that the increase in the internal osmotic pressure was mainly achieved by accumulation of sucrose. Additionally, accumulation of glucose was observed in illuminated cells in the presence of Rb and K. Electron micrographs suggested that the sucrose was produced by degradation of starch granules. Turgor pressure recovery after salt stress seemed to be dependent on temperature and is well correlated with the according photosynthetic activity. The data suggest that a temperature-dependent enzyme which is activated by potassium or rubidium is involved in the regulatory response.  相似文献   
Summary The outer membranes of plant cells contain channels which are highly selective for K+. In the giant-celled green algaChara corallina, K+ currents in the plasmalemma were measured during the action potential and when the cell was depolarized to the K+ equilibrium potential in high external K+ concentrations. Currents in both conditions were reduced by externally added tetraethylammonium (TEA+), Ba2+, Na+ and Cs+. In contrast to inhibition by TEA+, the latter three ions inhibited inward K+ current in a voltage-dependent manner, and reduced inward current more than outward. Ba2+ and Na+ also appeared to inhibit outward current in a strongly voltage-dependent manner. The blockade by Cs+ is studied in more detail in the following paper. TEA+ inhibited both inward and outward currents in a largely voltage-independent manner, with an apparentK D of about 0.7 to 1.1mm, increasing with increasing external K+. All inhibitors reduced current towards a similar linear leak, suggesting an insensitivity of the background leak inChara to these various K+ channel inhibitors. The selectivity of the channel to various monovalent cations varied depending on the method of measurement, suggesting that ion movement through the K+-selective channel may not be independent.  相似文献   
Summary Osmotic water permeability of the apical membrane of toad urinary epithelium is increased greatly by vasopressin (VP) and is associated with exocytic addition of granules and aggrephores at the apical surface. To determine the physiological role of granule exocytosis, we measured the osmotic water permeability and membrane fluidity of isolated granules, surface membranes and microsomes prepared from toad bladder in the presence and absence of VP.P f was measured by stopped-flow light scattering and membrane fluidity was examined by diphenylhexatriene (DPH) fluorescence anisotropy. In response to a 75mm inward sucrose gradient, granule size decreased with a single exponential time constant of 2.3±0.1 sec (sem, seven preparations, 23°C), corresponding to aP f of 5×10–4 cm/sec; the activation energy (E a ) forP f was 17.6±0.8 kcal/mole. Under the same conditions, the volume of surface membrane vesicles decreased biexponentially with time constants of 0.13 and 1.9 sec; the fast component comprised 70% of the signal. Granule, surface membrane and microsome time constants were unaffected by VP. However, in surface membranes, there was a small decrease (6±2%) in the fraction of surface membranes with fast time constant. DPH anisotropies were 0.253 (granules), 0.224 (surface membrane fluidity is remarkably lower than that of surface and microsomal membranes, and (4) rapid water transport occurs in surface membrane vesicles. The unique physical properties of the granule suggests that apical exocytic addition of granule membrane may be responsible for the low water permeability of the unstimulated apical membrane.  相似文献   
Summary A systematic study was made of the action of 4-acetamido-4-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid (SITS) and 4,4-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid (DIDS) on active Ca2+ transport of human erythrocytes. Pumping activity was estimated in inside-out vesicles (IOV's) by means of Ca2+-selective electrodes or use of tracer45Ca2+. The stilbenes exhibited an approximately equal inhibitory potency and their action could be overcome by carbonyl cyanidep-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP) at low but not at high stilbene concentrations. In the absence of DIDS. Ca2+ transport was not affected upon addition of valinomycin, but it was appreciably reduced when vesicles were preincubated with low DIDS concentrations. Such an effect was strictly dependent on the external K+ concentration and it was abolished when valinomycin was added together with FCCP. Similar results were obtained using IOV's prepared from intact cells which had been previously exposed to the stilbene. The findings clearly demonstrate the presence in human red cells of a partially electrogenic Ca2+ pump, exchanging one Ca2+ ion for one proton.  相似文献   
A brief review of the photosynthetic apparatus of higher plants is given, followed by a consideration of the modifications induced in this apparatus by changes in light intensity and light quality. Possible strategies by which plants may optimize photosynthetic activity by both long- and short-term modifications of their photosynthetic apparatus in response to changing light regimes are discussed.  相似文献   
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