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Abstract.  1. The organisation of an ant assemblage inhabiting an olive orchard in central Italy was analysed and patterns of dominance among ant species were described in order to assess (i) the relationship between thermal dependency and degree of behavioural dominance, and (ii) the relationship between dominance and discovery ability.
2. Activity patterns of the most abundant species on trees were examined in a sample of 120 trees during spring and summer. The degree of behavioural dominance and the ability of different species to discover new food sources were assessed using tuna baiting on a subset of 80 trees.
3. Different ant species showed contrasting patterns of activity. Some species (such as Lasius lasioides , Camponotus lateralis , and Camponotus piceus ) were most active during the warmer part of the day, while others restricted their activity to the cooler hours ( Camponotus aethiops and Plagiolepis pygmaea ). Some species (such as Crematogaster scutellaris ) were active irrespective of the time of day.
4. No clear relationship was observed between temperature of maximal activity and degree of behavioural dominance. There was, however, a positive relationship between behavioural dominance and thermal range of activity. A positive relationship between dominance and ability to find resources, with the most behaviourally dominant and aggressive species being most efficient in finding food items, was also observed.
5. The results support the idea that the temperature–dominance relationship is much more complex in Mediterranean-type habitats than in other ecosystems. Of particular interest is the positive dominance–discovery relationship. This finding contrasts with previous investigations, which reported a negative relationship between dominance and discovery ability and suggested that this pattern plays a role in promoting the coexistence of species in ant communities.  相似文献   
通过对山东青东凹陷西部古近纪地层孢粉研究,共建立4个孢粉组合:Ⅰ.Ephedripites-Inaperturopollenites-Ulmipollenites minor,Ⅱ.Pinaceae-Ulmoideipites tricostatus-Taxodiaceaepollenites,Ⅲ.QuercoiditeshenriciTaxodiaceaepollenites hiatus,Ⅳ.Alnipollenites-Juglanspollenites-Polypodiaceaes porites。根据与渤海湾地区的孢粉资料对比,确定4个组合的时代分别为早始新世晚期—中始新世早期、中始新世早—中期、中始新世中—晚期、中始新世晚期—晚始新世。该区古近纪植被类型由落叶、阔叶和灌木混交林逐步转变为落叶、常绿阔叶和针叶混交林,古气候经历了干热的亚热带气候到湿热的亚热带气候再到亚热带型温暖气候的变化。沙四段上部到沙三段下部沉积时期是研究区烃源岩最为发育时期。  相似文献   
放牧是影响草地植被空间异质性的重要生物驱动因素。大型草食动物会通过采食、践踏和排泄粪便等方式影响草地植被空间异质性。同时,植物群落高度是重要的草地结构参数,但目前关于不同放牧方式对草地植物群落高度空间异质性的研究较少。该研究基于传统及地统计学方法,设置未放牧(NG)、牛单牧(CG)、羊单牧(SG)、牛羊混牧(MG) 4种处理,探究科尔沁沙质草地植物群落高度空间异质性对不同放牧方式的响应。结果表明:研究样地内植物群落平均高度为SG (38.86 cm)> NG(21.01 cm)> MG (17.29 cm)> CG (13.36 cm)。各处理下变异系数的结果均为中等变异,且变异范围在37.82%–66.97%之间,依次为NG> MG> CG> SG。通过对半方差函数参数进行最适模型拟合, NG、MG、CG、SG 4种处理分别对应球状模型、指数模型、线性模型、线性模型,且结构比大小为MG (82.7%)> NG (80.3%)> SG (40.2%)> CG (39.1%)。此外,采用Kriging插值法和分形维数对研究样地内植物群...  相似文献   
四川冕宁地区一万年来的植被与环境演变   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
依据彝海洼地钻孔高分辨率的孢粉时间序列,探讨了安宁河谷近10Ka来的古植被及古环境变迁。本区全新世大暖期以山毛榉科花粉连续的大量出现为标志,时间为8.8-2.6KBP,前期温暖湿润,后期温热半湿,且冬季干旱化。气候被动明显存在3.5Ka,1Ka及0.25Ka的准周期。近3Ka年来气候经历了两次大的干湿冷暖变化,可划分为四个气候期,基本为凉湿暖干的组合型式,降水量的变化与南极有可比性。  相似文献   
斋桑盆地自晚白垩世以来即为淡水湖泊环境,其始新世至中新世湖相及湖边缘相沉积物产有丰富的轮藻化石。文中建立三个轮藻化石组合:(1)Harrisichara mitella—Peckisphaera zajsanica组合(中始新世早期);(2)Lychnothamnus formosus—Peckichara组合(中始新世晚期--渐新世早期);(3)Gyrogona aralica—sphaerochara clearus组合(中--晚渐新世)。斋桑盆地轮藻化石出现的最高层位为下中新统且化石稀少,推测系盆地环境日益干旱所致。  相似文献   
Network metrics are widely used to infer the roles of mutualistic animals in plant communities and to predict the effect of species' loss. However, their empirical validation is scarce. Here we parameterized a joint species model of frugivory and seed dispersal with bird movement and foraging data from tropical and temperate communities. With this model, we investigate the effect of frugivore loss on seed rain, and compare our predictions to those of standard coextinction models and network metrics. Topological coextinction models underestimated species loss after the removal of highly linked frugivores with unique foraging behaviours. Network metrics informed about changes in seed rain quantity after frugivore loss. However, changes in seed rain composition were only predicted by partner diversity. Nestedness, closeness, and d’ specialisation could not anticipate the effects of rearrangements in plant–frugivore communities following species loss. Accounting for behavioural differences among mutualists is critical to improve predictions from network models.  相似文献   
长白山针阔叶混交林带花粉通量及垂直散布年际对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长白山针阔叶混交林一号样地2005和2006年气象塔不同高度捕捉器样品花粉分析对比表明:连续两年花粉组成都足以乔木花粉为主,但存在差异,06年乔木花粉百分比较高,灌木、草本较低,同时06年花粉通量也较高,可能与05年花期降水较多,温度较低,花粉产量低有关.连续两年花粉通量在垂直高度上具有较高的一致性,特别是主要乔木花粉类型(白蜡属、桦、栎、松属花粉).这一结果有助于更好理解表土花粉对植被的指示性,森林表土样品中的草本、低矮灌木花粉类型,应主要来自样品点附近的植物;样品中的乔木、较高灌丛花粉类型,可能来自样品点附近或更大范围植物;区域性植物对花粉组合也有一定影响.  相似文献   
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