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1. Although the biomass of freshwater macrophytes consumed by invertebrate herbivores (excluding crayfish) is usually low, there is growing evidence that invertebrates do exert a structuring effect on macrophyte communities. To explain this, we postulated that the effect of invertebrates may be concentrated on macrophytes during their regenerative phase.
2. We tested this hypothesis by means of a mesocosm-based experiment, in which we investigated the effects of different densities of pond snails [ Lymnaea stagnalis (L.)] on macrophytes regenerating from the natural sediment propagule bank.
3. After 2 months, a diverse macrophyte community had established in the absence of snails, mainly from sexual propagules. Under moderate snail grazing (4 individuals m−2), the ultimate biomass of macrophytes was similar, but its species composition differed dramatically. Only a few unpalatable taxa, such as Ceratophyllum demersum and Nymphaeaceae, persisted. Moreover, the relative success of macrophytes regenerating from vegetative rather than sexual propagules improved. Under higher snail grazing (20 m−2), all macrophytes disappeared before the end of the experiment.
4. These results confirm that snails at natural densities can have a strong effect on the ultimate structure of macrophyte communities by selectively consuming some species at a juvenile stage. Therefore, the regenerative phase can be seen as a window of opportunity for invertebrate grazers, which can have a qualitative effect on communities that is disproportionate to the biomass consumed.  相似文献   
潘韬  吴绍洪  戴尔阜  王昊  赵东升 《生态学报》2008,28(12):6060-6069
以云南亚热带南部沿温度带分布的35个表土孢粉样品和7个植被样方调查为基础,计算了代表性孢粉类型的百分比和孢粉浓度,及常见孢粉的R值,并分析了影响R值的因素;同时,研究了植物群落和样方内孢粉组合的相似度。结果表明,云南亚热带南部表土样品孢粉产量丰富,蕨类植物孢子产量较高,具有典型的亚热带特征,且山地垂直分异显著;木本、草本植物花粉基本代表了区域内乔木和草本植物特征,蕨类植物孢子则具有超代表性;表土孢粉组合与植物群落间的相似系数绝大部分都在70%以上,表土孢粉组合基本上可以反映植物群落面貌;表明云南亚热带地区表土孢粉与现代植被之间具有较好的对应关系,这对在该区利用化石孢粉资料定量恢复古植被和重建古气候有重要意义。  相似文献   
In this paper, the results of a study on the ecology, floristic composition and spatial assemblages of temporary limestone rock pool plant communities of a central Mediterranean area (S Sicily, the Maltese Islands and Lampedusa) are presented. A total of 76 temporary pools were studied, distributed between the infra-mediterranean and thermo-mediterranean bioclimatic belt. For each temporary rock pools, the floristic composition and cover of the species were determined using standard relevé methods. Moreover, for 50 of these pools, pH, conductivity, soil depth, water-level, altitude and floristic richness and diversity index were assessed. The plant communities were analysed using unweighted pair group method using arithmetic averages and Euclidean distance classification and ordination methods such as canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). A total of four plant communities with specific floristic composition were established, each one with a different dominant species: Callitriche truncata; Elatine gussonei; Tillaea vaillantii and Lythrum hyssopifolia. According to the CCA, the spatial patterns of plant communities follow an ecological gradient related to water level and depth/size of the rock pools: these are the main ecological features affecting the distribution of the plant communities of rock pools. In addition, floristic richness and diversity index showed a slight increase in trend from temporary pools submerged for long periods towards pools submerged for short periods.  相似文献   
Aims The fauna of mountains and their surrounding regions are likely to be influenced principally by two biological processes: horizontal colonization along similar altitudinal levels by elements originating from lineages inhabiting higher latitudes; and vertical colonization by lineages from the same latitude, but at lower altitudes. We examine whether the expected patterns derived from the latter process can be observed in mountain dung beetle assemblages. Specifically, we study the variation in species composition and richness with altitude in five regions spanning elevation gradients, analysing whether the altitudinal rates of change in the number of species and genera differ, and whether beta‐diversity scores for adjacent sites in each altitudinal gradient are different for species and genera. Location Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes. Methods Field work was carried out in 1997–99 at 27 sites in five regions with elevation gradients, with 10–32 pitfall traps placed in each site. For each altitudinal level the numbers of species and genera were analysed with respect to altitude, and the slope of the linear regression between these variables was calculated. The slope of the curve of the altitude against the cumulative number of species and genera was also calculated for each altitudinal gradient to describe the compositional change between adjacent sites (beta diversity). Species and generic slopes were compared using analysis of covariance. The turnover of species along each altitudinal gradient was measured using presence/absence data and Cody's beta‐diversity index between adjacent pairs of sites. A cluster analysis was used to detect faunistically homogeneous groups of localities. Results Species richness always decreased with altitude, although the slopes did not differ significantly from zero. The number of genera also decreased with increasing altitude, but generally at a significantly slower rate than for species. Variation in the species beta‐diversity scores between altitudinal levels did not follow a homogeneous pattern in the different regions. Two main altitudinal groups of sites with a boundary c. 1500–1750 m a.s.l. can be detected with respect to faunistic similarity. Low‐ and mid‐altitude sites are inhabited by all of the genera (19) and 80% of all species collected. Eight genera and 61 species (c. 60% of the total) are unable to inhabit high‐altitude sites, and only 20 species appear to be exclusive to these high‐altitude environments (> 2000 m a.s.l.). Main conclusions The dominant processes explaining dung beetle composition in the high north‐eastern Andean mountains are probably those of vertical colonization. The limited role of horizontal colonization processes, or colonization from northern or southern lineages, could be a consequence of the isolation and recent geological origin of these mountains.  相似文献   
Aim To test the following hypotheses regarding ichthyofaunal compositions along an extensive tropical coastline. The compositions over soft substrates and reefs: (1) consistently differ markedly; (2) change progressively with latitude and temperature through sequential changes in the abundances of certain species; and (3) vary among bioregions, as those regions differ markedly in their environmental characteristics. Location Tropical north‐western Australia. Methods Similarity matrices, derived from percentage contributions of each fish species to catches obtained over soft substrates by trawling and over reefs by trapping at seven regularly spaced sites along 1500 km of coast, were subjected to cluster analysis, non‐metric multidimensional scaling ordination and associated tests. Results In total, 361 species were obtained by trawling and trapping along the tropical coast of north‐western Australia (NWA). Only 56 species were recorded over both soft substrates and reefs, whereas 229 and 76 species were caught exclusively over soft substrates and reefs, respectively. The Leiognathidae, Carangidae and Terapontidae contributed most individuals (62.2%) to catches over soft substrates, whereas the Lethrinidae and Lutjanidae dominated those over reefs (81.9%). The species compositions in both habitats were related to latitude and water temperature. Ichthyofaunal compositions in the Kimberley region differed markedly from those in the Canning/Pilbara regions further south, which, in turn, each had distinct characters. The vast majority of species found over both habitats also occur in the Pacific Ocean to the north. Main conclusions The most important fish families over soft substrates and reefs in inshore marine waters of tropical NWA differ markedly. The ichthyofaunal compositions of both habitats undergo similar patterns of progressive change with latitude, due to site‐staggered changes in the relative abundances of key fish species in their respective habitats. Ichthyofaunal composition in both habitats was found to be influenced by water temperature. The latitudinal trends exhibited by species composition are overlaid on a strong bioregional effect, reflecting the influence of the very different environmental conditions in those bioregions, which include marked differences in such factors as tidal regime, turbidity and whether mangroves are nearby. The important contribution of species with a Pacific affinity was presumably facilitated by the polewards‐flowing Indonesian Throughflow, which links the Pacific Ocean with waters bordering the NWA coast.  相似文献   
The Belize atolls—Glovers Reef, Lighthouse Reef and Turneffe Islands—show differences in geomorphology, lagoonal depth, bottom sediment, growth of mangroves and sea-grass, exposure to waves and currents as well as in their sedimentation rates and their age. Bivalve shell assemblages in lagoonal areas reflect these geomorphological differences. On each atoll, 32 to 44 recent sediment samples were taken (total number of samples 111) and bivalve shells subsequently identified. The resulting database (32,122 bivalve shells in total) was analysed using Q-mode cluster analyses. Both the distribution of species characteristic of different lagoonal habitats and the distribution of bivalves with different life and feeding habits were investigated. Epifaunal suspension feeders were found particularly on hard-bottom along the reef-crests or clinging to mangrove roots. Infaunal suspension feeders show a more diverse distribution. Deeper lagoonal parts and areas with mangrove growth are often inhabited by chemosymbiont-carrying bivalves, indicating locations of reduced sediment. Deep burrowing detritus feeders are very abundant in shallow-water areas with moderate to high water agitation and were seldom found in Halimeda-rich sediments.  相似文献   
The influence of factors, both abiotic (light and nutrients) and biotic (meadow structure, herbivory and seagrass shoot length) in the abundance and distribution of epiphytes on the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica was investigated by means of a correlational approach over a spatial scale of ca. 500 km and at two different depths (5 and 15 m). Variability was examined from the double perspective of integrative community measures (biomass, species richness and alpha-diversity) and species composition. We assessed the influence of biotic and abiotic factors on integrative community measures using multiple correlation analyses. The influence of these factors in the structure of the whole community was investigated using a distance-based RDA for a linear model. A total of 129 taxa, mostly epiphytic algae, were recorded across all sites and depths. A large part of the variability in species composition (51%) was explained by the variables investigated. In particular, variability caused by differences in grazing pressure was the most important (25%), followed by variables related to nutrient availability (11%), meadow structure (6%), light (5%) and seagrass shoot length (4%). Among integrative community variables investigated, species richness was also best explained by grazing and nutrients.  相似文献   
The Abri des Pêcheurs has yielded an extraordinary sequence with Middle and Upper Palaeolithic levels. Humans came and stayed in a ditch-cave that has been filled in along time. During Middle Palaeolithic occupations, they used first quartz, and this site is the only case in this area. Assemblages show similar technological behaviour along time. Flint is few employed and arrived as flakes from different areas if we consider its geological variety. Functions of the site are not well established. The base of the sequence has yielded sediments with a mixing of ibex, carnivore bones and artefacts. The study of the lithic assemblages brings information on the processing systems used on quartz and flint during occupations which left few evidence and used local stones while flint is available not far from the site. Hypothesis on short and specialized occupations is discussed.  相似文献   
Reproductive character displacement--the evolution of traits that minimize reproductive interactions between species--can promote striking divergence in male signals or female mate preferences between populations that do and do not occur with heterospecifics. However, reproductive character displacement can affect other aspects of mating behaviour. Indeed, avoidance of heterospecific interactions might contribute to spatial (or temporal) aggregation of conspecifics. We examined this possibility in two species of hybridizing spadefoot toad (genus Spea). We found that in Spea bombifrons sympatric males were more likely than allopatric males to associate with calling males. Moreover, contrary to allopatric males, sympatric S. bombifrons males preferentially associated with conspecific male calls. By contrast, Spea multiplicata showed no differences between sympatry and allopatry in likelihood to associate with calling males. Further, sympatric and allopatric males did not differ in preference for conspecifics. However, allopatric S. multiplicata were more variable than sympatric males in their responses. Thus, in S. multiplicata, character displacement may have refined pre-existing aggregation behaviour. Our results suggest that heterospecific interactions can foster aggregative behaviour that might ultimately contribute to clustering of conspecifics. Such clustering can generate spatial or temporal segregation of reproductive activities among species and ultimately promote reproductive isolation.  相似文献   
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