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Population densities and total phosphorus concentrations in samples from different lakes of south-eastern Norway were determined. In addition some transplant experiments with dilute phytoplankton populations were carried out. A laboratory batch culture method was used.The diatoms studied may be divided into three ecological groups based on their cell densities and total phosphorus concentrations in the samples. This classification was supported by the experimental results. Cyclotella spp., Asterionella formosa and Tabellaria fenestrata did not grow or had low growth rates above pH 9. Synedra cf. acus and Fragilaria crontonensis had often high growth rates within the pH 9–10 range, but were not able to grow at pH values above 10. High pH-values had no effect on the growth rate of Oscillatoria. Oscillatoria, Synedra and Stephanodiscus were severely growth-limited in filtered water from oligotrophic lakes. Maximum growth rates of all the populations studied were often obtained after addition of phosphate and chelated iron (FeEDTA) in combination to filtered water samples from oligotrophic/mesotrophic lakes.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of pH was tested on the junction between crayfish lateral axons. By means of a glass capillary inserted into one of the axons, one side of the nunction was perfused with solutions of known pH while the junctional resistance,R j, was monitored. Integrity of the gap junction was checked electron microscopically.R j remained unchanged when the pH of the perfusate was lowered from 7.1 to 6.0. However, when the pH of the unperfused side of the junction was lowered by substituting acetate for chloride in the external solution,R j rose, attesting to the integrity of the junction and its capacity to uncouple in the perfused state. We suggest that H+ does not affect the junctional channels directly, but acts through an intermediary which is inactivated or removed by the perfusion.  相似文献   
Summary Suspensions of LLC-PK1 cells (a continuous epitheliod cell line with renal characteristics) are examined for mechanisms of intracellular pH regulation using the fluorescent probe BCECF. Initial experiments determine suitable calibration procedures for use of the BCECF fluorescent signal. They also determine that the cell suspension contains cells which (after 4 hr in suspension) have Na+ and K+ gradients comparable to those of cells in monolayer culture. The steady-state intracellular pH (7.05±0.01,n=5) of cells which have recovered in (pH 7.4) Na+-containing medium is not affected over several minutes by addition of 100 M amiloride or removal of extracellular Na+ (Na o + /H i + and Na i + /H o + exchange reactions are functionally inactive (compared to cellular buffering capacity). In contrast, Na o + /H i + exchange is activated by an increased cellular acid load. This activation may be observed directly either as a stimulation of net H+ efflux or net Na+ influx with decreasing intracellular pH. The extrapolation of this latter data suggests a set point of Na+/H+ exchange of approximately pH 7.0, consistent with the observed resting intracellular pH of approximately 7.05.  相似文献   
Dihydrotetrabenazine Binding and Monoamine Uptake in Mouse Brain Regions   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
The objective of the present study was to estimate extracellular pH (pHe) and intracellular pH (pHi) during near-complete forebrain ischemia in the rat, and to evaluate the relative importance of lactic acidosis and rise in tissue Pco2 (Ptco2) in causing pHe and pHi to fall. The animals, which were ventilated, normoxic, normocapnic, and normothermic, were subjected to 15 min of ischemia, either without or with 30-60 min of recirculation. Ptco2 was measured with a tissue electrode, pHe with a double-barrel liquid ion-exchanger microelectrode, changes in extracellular fluid (ECF) volume by impedance measurements, tissue CO2 content by a microdiffusion technique, and labile tissue metabolites by enzymatic fluorometric methods. Ischemia caused Ptco2 to rise to between 95 and 190 mm Hg (mean 149 mm Hg), and pHe to fall by 0.45-1.05 units (mean 0.70 units). During recovery, Ptco2 normalized within 5 min and pHe after 15-30 min. During ischemia, high-energy phosphates were depleted and tissue lactate content increased to 15 mumol X g-1. The total CO2 content (Tco2) was minimally or moderately reduced (normal, 11.9 mumol X g-1; range of ischemic values, 7.9-12.1 mumol X g-1), this range probably reflecting variable amounts of remaining blood flow. Impedance measurements demonstrated that ECF volume during ischemia was reduced to 55% of control, with gradual normalization during the first 15-30 min of recirculation. From values for Ptco2, Tco2, [HCO3-]e, and ECF volume, [HCO3-]i and pHi could be calculated. These values pertain to an idealized homogeneous intracellular compartment, and the methods used cannot detect whether different intracellular compartments diverge in their acid-base responses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Résumé Vingt souches deFrankia, isolées à partir de 7 espèces différentes de plantes actinorhiziennes ont été cultivées sur des milieux maintenus à des pH constants de 5; 4,8; 4,6 et 4,2. Chaque souche a été cultivée 2 à 3 fois consécutives à un même pH. Quatorze souches ne montrent aucune croissance à pH 5. Seules 3 souches résistent à un séjour de plusieurs semaines à pH 4,6. Aucune souche ne demeure viable après un séjour dans un milieu à pH 4,2. Les 3 souches acido-résistantes supportent également la présence d'Al+++ libre dans le milieu de culture. Une forte concentration d'H+ dans le milieu stimule beaucoup la sporogénèse. Inoculée dans un sol acide une souche acido-résistante conserve une chance de survie nettement supérieure à celle d'une souche neutrophile maintenue dans les mêmes conditions.   相似文献   
Summary Active HCO 3 t- secretion in the anterior rectal salt gland of the mosquito larva,Aedes dorsalis, is mediated by a 11 Cl/HCO 3 exchanger. The cellular mechanisms of HCO 3 and Cl transport are examined using ion- and voltage-sensitive microelectrodes in conjunction with a microperfused preparation which allowed rapid saline changes. Addition of DIDS or acetazolamide to, or removal of CO2 and HCO 3 from, the serosal bath caused large (20 to 50 mV) hyperpolarizations of apical membrane potential (V a) and had little effect on basolateral potential (V bl). Changes in luminal Cl concentration alteredV a in a repid, linear manner with a slope of 42.2 mV/decaloga Cl l –. Intracellular Cl activity was 23.5mm and was approximately 10mm lower than that predicted for a passive distribution across the apical membrane. Changes in serosal Cl concentration had no effect onV bl, indicating an electrically silent basolateral Cl exit step. Intracellular pH in anterior rectal cells was 7.67 and the calculated was 14.4mm. These results show that under control conditions HCO3 enters the anterior rectal cell by an active mechanism against an electrochemical gradient of 77.1 mV and exits the cell at the apical membrane down a favorable electrochemical gradient of 27.6 mV. A tentative cellular model is proposed in which Cl enters the apical membrane of the anterior rectal cells by passive, electrodiffusive movement through a Cl-selective channel, and HCO 3 exits the cell by an active or passive electrogenic transport mechanism. The electrically silent nature of basolateral Cl exit and HCO3 entry, and the effects of serosal addition of the Cl/HCO3 exchange inhibitor, DIDS, on and transepithelial potential (V ic) suggest strongly that the basolateral membrane is the site of a direct coupling between Cl and HCO 3 movements.  相似文献   
Summary A procedure to reconstitute CF0CF1 proteoliposomes by gel filtration through a Sephadex-column pre-equilibrated with valinomycin and potassium is described. Proteoliposomes reconstituted by this procedure catalyze an ATP-induced pH of 2.5 to 3.5 units. pH was measured with either 9-aminoacridine or with the pH indicator pyranine trapped inside the proteoliposomes. CF0CF1 proteoliposomes prepared by conventional techniques catalyzed an ATP-induced formation, but were unable to catalyze an ATP-induced pH even in the presence of valinomycin.The ATP-induced pH was sensitive to uncouplers and energy transfer inhibitors and was increased at low temperatures. It is suggested that ATP-induced pH was observed in these proteoliposomes due to the efficient removal of intravesicular ammonium introduced with the CF0CF1 preparation. The ammonium acted as an internal buffer, and thus prevented an observable pH formation.  相似文献   
Summary We have examined the effect of internal and external pH on Na+ transport across toad bladder membrane vesicles. Vesicles prepared and assayed with a recently modified procedure (Garty & Asher, 1985) exhibit large, rheogenic, amiloridesensitive fluxes. Of the total22Na uptake measured 0.5–2.0 min after introducing tracer, 80±4% (mean±se,n=9) is blocked by the diuretic with aK 1 of 2×10–8 m. Thus, this amiloridesensitive flux is mediated by the apical sodium-selective channels. Varying the internal (cytosolic) pH over the physiologic range 7.0–8.0 had no effect on sodium transport; this result suggests that variation of intracellular pHin vivo has no direct apical effect on modulating sodium uptake. On the other hand,22Na was directly and monotonically dependent on external pH. External acidification also reduced the amiloride-sensitive efflux across the walls of the vesicles. This inhibition of22Na efflux was noted at external Na+ concentrations of both 0.2 m and 53mm.These results are different from those reported with whole toad bladder. A number of possible bases for these differences are considered and discussed. We suggest that the natriferic response induced by mucosal acidification of whole toad urinary bladder appears to operate indirectly through one or more factors, presumably cytosolic, present in whole cells and absent from the vesicles.  相似文献   
Summary The experiments reported here evaluate the capability of isolated intestinal epithelial cells to accomplish net H+ transport in response to imposed ion gradients. In most cases, the membrane potential was kept constant by means of a K+ plus valinomycin voltage clamp in order to prevent electrical coupling of ion fluxes. Net H+ flux across the cellular membrane was examined at pH 6.0 (the physiological lumenal pH) and at pH 7.4 using methylamine distribution or recordings of changes in media pH. Results from both techniques suggest that the cells have an Na+/H+ exchange system in the plasma membrane that is capable of rapid and sustained changes in intracellular pH in response to an imposed Na+ gradient. The kinetics of the Na+/H+ exchange reaction at pH 6.0 [K t for Na+=57mm,V max=42 mmol H+/liter 3OMG (3-O-methylglucose) space/min] are dramatically different from those at pH 7.4 (K t for Na+=15mm,V max=1.7 mmol H+/liter 3OMG space/min). Experiments involving imposed K+ gradients suggest that these cells have negligible K+/H+ exchange capability. They exhibit limited but measurable H+ conductance. Anion exchange for base equivalents was not detected in experiments performed in media nominally free of bicarbonate.  相似文献   
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