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In this paper, we derive and analyze a mathematical model for the interactions between phytoplankton and zooplankton in a periodic environment, in which the growth rate and the intrinsic carrying-capacity of phytoplankton are changing with respect to time and nutrient concentration. A threshold value: “Predator’s average growth rate” is introduced and it is proved that the phytoplankton–zooplankton ecosystem is permanent (both populations survive cronically) and possesses a periodic solution if and only if the value is positive. We use TP (Total Phosphorus) concentration to mark the degree of eutrophication. Based on experimental data, we fit the growth rate function and the environmental carrying capacity function with temperature and nutrient concentration as independent variables. Using measured data of temperature on water bodies we fit a periodic temperature function of time, and this leads the growth rate and intrinsic carrying-capacity of phytoplankton to be periodic functions of time. Thus we establish a periodic system with TP concentration as parameter. The simulation results reveal a high diversity of population levels of the ecosystem that are mainly sensitive to TP concentration and the death-rate of zooplankton. It illustrates that the eruption of algal bloom is mainly resulted from the increasing of nutrient concentration while zooplankton only plays a role to alleviate the scale of algal bloom, which might be used to explain the mechanism of algal bloom occurrence in many natural waters. What is more, our results provide a better understanding of the traditional manipulation method.  相似文献   
Hodgkin and Huxley (HH) discovered that voltages control ionic currents in nerve membranes. This led them to describe electrical activity in a neuronal membrane patch in terms of an electronic circuit whose characteristics were determined using empirical data. Due to the complexity of this model, a variety of heuristics, including relaxation oscillator circuits and integrate-and-fire models, have been used to investigate activity in neurons, and these simpler models have been successful in suggesting experiments and explaining observations. Connections between most of the simpler models had not been made clear until recently. Shown here are connections between these heuristics and the full HH model. In particular, we study a new model (Type III circuit): It includes the van der Pol-based models; it can be approximated by a simple integrate-and-fire model; and it creates voltages and currents that correspond, respectively, to the h and V components of the HH system.  相似文献   
Previously, we showed that inoculation of tobacco with Pseudomonas syringae incompatible pv. maculicola results in a rapid and persistent burst of superoxide (O2) from mitochondria, no change in amount of mitochondrial alternative oxidase (AOX) and induction of the hypersensitive response (HR). However, inoculation with incompatible pv. phaseolicola resulted in increased AOX, no O2 burst and no HR. Here, we show that in transgenic plants unable to induce AOX in response to pv. phaseolicola, there is now a strong mitochondrial O2 burst, similar to that normally seen only with pv. maculicola. This interaction did not however result in a HR. This indicates that AOX amount is a key determinant of the mitochondrial O2 burst but also that the burst itself is not sufficient to induce the HR. Surprisingly, the O2 burst normally seen towards pv. maculicola is delayed in plants lacking AOX. This delay is associated with a delayed HR, suggesting that the burst does promote the HR. A O2 burst can also be induced by the complex III inhibitor antimycin A (AA), but is again delayed in plants lacking AOX. The similar mitochondrial response induced by pv. maculicola and AA suggests that electron transport is a target during HR‐inducing biotic interactions.  相似文献   
Campylobacter jejuni is a foodborne bacterial pathogen, which is now considered as a leading cause of human bacterial gastroenteritis. The information regarding ribonucleases in C. jejuni is very scarce but there are hints that they can be instrumental in virulence mechanisms. Namely, PNPase (polynucleotide phosphorylase) was shown to allow survival of C. jejuni in refrigerated conditions, to facilitate bacterial swimming, cell adhesion, colonization and invasion. In several microorganisms PNPase synthesis is auto-controlled in an RNase III (ribonuclease III)-dependent mechanism. Thereby, we have cloned, overexpressed, purified and characterized Cj-RNase III (C. jejuni RNase III). We have demonstrated that Cj-RNase III is able to complement an Escherichia coli rnc-deficient strain in 30S rRNA processing and PNPase regulation. Cj-RNase III was shown to be active in an unexpectedly large range of conditions, and Mn2+ seems to be its preferred co-factor, contrarily to what was described for other RNase III orthologues. The results lead us to speculate that Cj-RNase III may have an important role under a Mn2+-rich environment. Mutational analysis strengthened the function of some residues in the catalytic mechanism of action of RNase III, which was shown to be conserved.  相似文献   
Biomineralization processes have traditionally been grouped into two distinct modes; biologically induced mineralization (BIM) and biologically controlled mineralization (BCM). In BIM, microbes cause mineral formation by sorbing solutes onto their cell surfaces or extruded organic polymers and/or releasing reactive metabolites which alter the saturation state of the solution proximal to the cell or polymer surface. Such mineral products appear to have no specific recognized functions. On the other hand, in BCM microbes exert a great degree of chemical and genetic control over the nucleation and growth of mineral particles, presumably because the biominerals produced serve some physiological function. Interestingly, there are examples where the same biomineral is produced by both modes in the same sedimentary environment. For example, the magnetic mineral magnetite (Fe 3 O 4 ) is generated extracellularly in the bulk pore waters of sediments by various Fe(III)-reducing bacteria under anaerobic conditions, while some other anaerobic and microaerophilic bacteria and possibly protists form magnetite intracellularly within preformed vesicles. Differences in precipitation mechanisms might be caused by enzymatic activity at specific sites on the surface of the cell. Whereas one type of microbe might facilitate the transport of dissolved Fe(III) into the cell, another type will express its reductive enzymes and cause the reduction of Fe(III) external to the cell. Still other microbes might induce magnetite formation indirectly through the oxidation of Fe(II), followed by the reaction of dissolved Fe(II) with hydrolyzed Fe(III). The biomineralization of magnetite has significant effect on environmental iron cycling, the magnetization of sediments and thus the geologic record, and on the use of biomarkers as microbial fossils.  相似文献   
The metabolism of dissimilatory iron-reducing bacteria (DIRB) may provide a means of remediating contaminated subsurface soils. The factors controlling the rate and extent of bacterial F(III) mineral reduction are poorly understood. Recent research suggests that molecular-scale interactions between DIRB cells and Fe(III) mineral particles play an important role in this process. One of these interactions, cell adhesion to Fe(III) mineral particles, appears to be a complex process that is, at least in part, mediated by a variety of surface proteins. This study examined the hypothesis that the flagellum serves as an adhesin to different Fe(III) minerals that range in their surface area and degree of crystallinity. Deflagellated cells of the DIRB Shewanella algae BrY showed a reduced ability to adhere to hydrous ferric oxide (HFO) relative to flagellated cells. Flagellated cells were also more hydrophobic than deflagellated cells. This was significant because hydrophobic interactions have been previously shown to dominate S. algae cell adhesion to Fe(III) minerals. Pre-incubating HFO, goethite, or hematite with purified flagella inhibited the adhesion of S. algae BrY cells to these minerals. Transposon mutagenesis was used to generate a flagellum-deficient mutant designated S. algae strain NF. There was a significant difference in the rate and extent of S. algae NF adhesion to HFO, goethite, and hematite relative to that of S. algae BrY. Amiloride, a specific inhibitor of Na + -driven flagellar motors, inhibited S. algae BrY motility but did not affect the adhesion of S. algae BrY to HFO. S.algae NF reduced HFO at the same rate as S. algae BrY. Collectively, the results of this study support the hypothesis that the flagellum of S. algae functions as a specific Fe(III) mineral adhesin. However, these results suggest that flagellum-mediated adhesion is not requisite for Fe(III) mineral reduction.  相似文献   
Dissimilatory metal reducing bacteria (DMRB) catalyze the reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II) in anoxic soils, sediments, and groundwater. Two-line ferrihydrite is a bioavailable Fe(III) oxide form that is exploited by DMRB as a terminal electron acceptor. A wide variety of biomineralization products result from the interaction of DMRB with 2-line ferrihydrite. Here we describe the state of knowledge on the biotransformation of synthetic 2-line ferrihydrite by laboratory cultures of DMRB using select published data and new experimental results. A facultative DMRB is emphasized ( Shewanella putrefaciens ) upon which most of this work has been performed. Key factors controlling the identity of the secondary mineral suite are evaluated including medium composition, electron donor and acceptor concentrations, ferrihydrite aging/recrystallization status, sorbed ions, and co-associated crystalline Fe(III) oxides. It is shown that crystalline ferric (goethite, hematite, lepidocrocite), ferrous (siderite, vivianite), and mixed valence (magnetite, green rust) iron solids are formed in anoxic, circumneutral DMRB incubations. Some products are well rationalized based on thermodynamic considerations, but others appear to result from kinetic pathways driven by ions that inhibit interfacial electron transfer or the precipitation of select phases. The primary factor controlling the nature of the secondary mineral suite appears to be the Fe(II) supply rate and magnitude, and its surface reaction with the residual oxide and other sorbed ions. The common observation of end-product mineral mixtures that are not at global equilibrium indicates that microenvironments surrounding respiring DMRB cells or the reaction-path trajectory (over Eh-pH space) may influence the identity of the final biomineralization suite.  相似文献   
Neuropilins (Nrp) are type I transmembrane proteins that function as receptors for vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and class III Semaphorin (Sema3) ligand families. Sema3s function as potent endogenous angiogenesis inhibitors but require proteolytically processing by furin to compete with VEGF for Nrp binding. This processing liberates a C-terminal arginine (CR) that is necessary for binding to the b1 domain of Nrp, a common feature shared by Nrp ligands. The CR is necessary but not sufficient for potent Nrp inhibition, and the role of upstream residues is unknown. We demonstrate that the second-to-last residue (C-1), immediately upstream of the CR, plays a significant role in controlling competitive ligand binding by orienting the C-terminus for productive Nrp binding. With the use of a peptide library derived from Sema3F, C-1 residues that preferentially adopt an extended bound-like conformation, including proline and β-branched amino acids, were found to produce the most avid competitors. Consistent with this, analysis of the binding thermodynamics revealed that more favorable entropy is responsible for the observed binding enhancement of C-1 proline. We further tested the effect of the C-1 residue on Sema3F processing by furin and found an inverse relationship between processing and inhibitory potency. Analysis of all Sema3 family members reveals two non-equivalent furin processing sites differentiated by the presence of either a C-1 proline or a C-1 arginine and resulting in up to a 40-fold difference in potency. These data reveal a novel regulatory mechanism of Sema3 activity and define a fundamental mechanism for preferential Nrp binding.  相似文献   
The Shigella flexneri Type III secretion system (T3SS) senses contact with human intestinal cells and injects effector proteins that promote pathogen entry as the first step in causing life threatening bacillary dysentery (shigellosis). The Shigella Type III secretion apparatus (T3SA) consists of an anchoring basal body, an exposed needle, and a temporally assembled tip complex. Exposure to environmental small molecules recruits IpaB, the first hydrophobic translocator protein, to the maturing tip complex. IpaB then senses contact with a host cell membrane, forming the translocon pore through which effectors are delivered to the host cytoplasm. Within the bacterium, IpaB exists as a heterodimer with its chaperone IpgC; however, IpaB's structural state following secretion is unknown due to difficulties isolating stable protein. We have overcome this by coexpressing the IpaB/IpgC heterodimer and isolating IpaB by incubating the complex in mild detergents. Interestingly, preparation of IpaB with n‐octyl‐oligo‐oxyethylene (OPOE) results in the assembly of discrete oligomers while purification in N,N‐dimethyldodecylamine N‐oxide (LDAO) maintains IpaB as a monomer. In this study, we demonstrate that IpaB tetramers penetrate phospholipid membranes to allow a size‐dependent release of small molecules, suggesting the formation of discrete pores. Monomeric IpaB also interacts with liposomes but fails to disrupt them. From these and additional findings, we propose that IpaB can exist as a tetramer having inherent flexibility, which allows it to cooperatively interact with and insert into host cell membranes. This event may then lay the foundation for formation of the Shigella T3SS translocon pore.  相似文献   
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