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The densities of alkali fly larvae and pupae were measured in relation to depth and substrate type at six locations around Mono Lake. Samples representing a mixture of different bottom features were taken to a depth of 10 m (33 ft) using SCUBA. This is at or near the depth limit of fly larvae and pupae. The biomass of larvae and pupae on hard substrate were maximum and approximately equal at depths of 0.5 m and 1 m, substantially lower at intermediate depths of 3 m and 5 m, and over an order of magnitude further reduced at 10 m. Densities of flies on hard or rocky substrates (mainly calcareous tufa deposits), were significantly greater than those found on soft substrates such as mud or sand, at all but the greatest depth surveyed.Bathymetric maps of the areas of hard and soft substrate occurring at different lake depths were used to estimate the fly population size over the whole lake, based on the density distribution of larvae and pupae with depth on different substrates. The mapped areas of soft and hard substrates were also calculated for different lake levels, and applying the same procedure, a population model comparing the abundance of flies at different lake levels was developed. This habitat-based population model predicts that the abundance of the alkali fly is maximized at 6380 ft (1945 m) lake surface elevation. Most of the tufa substrate submerged at this lake level will become exposed and unavailable as habitat as the lake declines to 6370 ft (1942 m). In late 1991, the lake level was just over 6374 ft (1943 + m).  相似文献   
Site fidelity in predictable and unpredictable habitats   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Summary Site fidelity, the tendency to return to a previously occupied location, has been observed in numerous species belonging to at least three phyla. In this paper I develop a general model using dynamic programming to investigate conditions under which fidelity to a previously occupied territory will be advantageous. The results predict that site fidelity should be inversely related to heterogeneity in territory quality and the animal's lifespan and positively related to the cost of changing territories, age and probability of mortality in the habitat. The predictability of reproductive outcome (defined as the probability that next period's outcome will be the same as this period's outcome) also affects site fidelity. In predictable habitats, changing territories may be favoured after a bad previous outcome. In contrast, settlement should be independent of the previous outcome in unpredictable habitats. Individuals should also be site-faithful in unpredictable habitats, as long as the mean territory quality is equal among available territories. I also investigate the success of two potential decision rules (always stay and win-stay: lose-switch) relative to the optimal settlement strategy. The results show that these rules may perform as well as the optimal strategy under certain conditions. The always stay strategy does well in unpredictable habitats, when the mean quality within a territory is equal among territories. In contrast, the win-stay: lose-switch strategy performs best in predictable habitats.  相似文献   
Summary Six islands, each less than a hectare in area, were isolated in about 1913 from the mainland of central Panamá by the rising waters of Gatun Lake. By 1980, the diversity of trees on all but one of these islands was far lower than on mainland plots of comparable size. A restricted subset of tree species has spread on these islands, notablyProtium panamense, Scheelea zonensis, Oenocarpus panamanus andSwartzia simplex. We constructed a null model to predict how chance would change tree diversity and the similarity of tree species compositions of different islands, assuming that each mature tree has equal chances of dying and/or reproducing, regardless of its species. This model cannot account for the diminished diversity of the changes in vegetation on these islands: some factors must be favoring a particular set of tree species.Two factors, exposure to wind and absence of mammals, seem needed to bring about the vegetation changes observed on these small islands. Their vegetation shows many signs of wind damage and of adaptation to resist wind, reflecting its exposure to dry season winds and storm winds sweeping across the lake from the west. Their most common tree species appear to have spread because mammals rarely visit these small and isolated islands. Seed of these common species are normally much eaten by mammals and do not need burial by mammals to escape insect attack.A thorough grasp of plant—animal interactions is needed to understand the events that have taken place on these islands. Identifying those keystone animals essential for maintaining plant diversity is a necessary element of reserve design and forest management in the tropics.The US government has the right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper.  相似文献   
Sea urchin overgrazing has caused widespread phase shifts from kelp forests to “urchin barrens” on many temperate reefs, reducing habitat complexity, productivity, and biodiversity. Sea urchin removal is increasingly used for kelp restoration; however, few studies have quantified the efficiency and effectiveness of different removal methods, resulting in limited understanding of their practicality. In this study, the efficiency (removal rate) and effectiveness (proportion removed) of four removal methods were evaluated in northeastern New Zealand. We compared culling or collecting sea urchins by either SCUBA or freediving in 128 small-scale plots (25 m2). We also evaluated the efficiency and effectiveness of culling in four large (1.6–2 ha) barren areas, scales relevant for restoration. On average, culling sea urchins was 1.9–4.4 times faster than collecting, and SCUBA was 1.5–3.3 times faster than freediving. Removal rates increased with sea urchin density, especially for culling on SCUBA, while freediving removal rates increased with experience. Effectiveness was lower in large-scale removals (86–93% of sea urchins ≥40 mm removed) compared to small-scale removals (98–99%), but sufficient for restoration objectives. Estimated time per area (using SCUBA culling) was similar across large-scale removals (49–57 hours/ha), despite an almost 2-fold variation in initial sea urchin densities (approximately 4–8 urchins/m2), suggesting area may better predict total removal time than simply number of sea urchins across low-density ranges. While sea urchin removal provides a rapid, feasible, and effective approach to restoring kelp in urchin barrens, restoration plans need to also address the causes of sea urchin overpopulation to ensure long-term benefits.  相似文献   
Identifying the drivers of community structure and dynamics is a major pursuit in ecology. Emphasis is typically placed on the importance of local scale interactions when attempting to explain these fundamental ecological patterns. However, regional scale phenomena are also important predictors. The importance of regional scale context should be more evident in assemblages where multiple species are close to their range margins. Here, we test the importance of regional scale context using data from a temperate forest plot that contains two species groups – one near its northern range limit and one near its southern range limit. We show the proximity of species to their southern or northern range margins is linked to local scale co-occurrence, similarity in gene expression responses to a key environmental driver, demographic performance and inter-specific variation in conspecific negative density dependence. In sum, many of the key local scale patterns and processes of interest to community ecologists are linked to biogeographic context that is frequently ignored.  相似文献   
Amphibians and reptiles are sensitive to changes in the thermal environment, which varies considerably in human-modified landscapes. Although it is known that thermal traits of species influence their distribution in modified landscapes, how herpetofauna respond specifically to shifts in ambient temperature along forest edges remains unclear. This may be because most studies focus on local-scale metrics of edge exposure, which only account for a single edge or habitat patch. We predicted that accounting for the combined effect of multiple habitat edges in a landscape would best explain herpetofaunal response to thermally mediated edge effects. We (1) surveyed herpetofauna at two lowland, fragmented forest sites in central Colombia, (2) measured the critical thermal maximum (CTmax) of the species sampled, (3) measured their edge exposure at both local and landscape scales, and (4) created a thermal profile of the landscape itself. We found that species with low CTmax occurred both further from forest edges and in areas of denser vegetation, but were unaffected by the landscape-scale configuration of habitat edges. Variation in the thermal landscape was driven primarily by changes in vegetation density. Our results suggest that amphibians and reptiles with low CTmax are limited by both canopy gaps and proximity to edge, making them especially vulnerable to human modification of tropical forest. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   
The coevolutionary relationship between fungus-growing ants (Formicidae: Attini: Attina) and their symbionts has been well studied in the Panamanian rain forests. To further understand the ecological context of these evolutionary relationships, we have examined the population-genetic structure of the fungus-growing ant species Mycetomoellerius mikromelanos Cardenas, Schultz, Adams 2021 in the Panama Canal Zone. We specifically investigated the presence of population structure, the significance of geographic features (i.e., creeks) limiting gene flow, and relatedness between ant colonies. To accomplish this, we genotyped 85 ant colonies from nine creeks across an approximately 30 km transect in Parque National Soberanía, Panama, using double-digest restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing. We did not find distinct population structure using two genetic clustering methods; however, we did detect an effect of isolation by distance. Furthermore, related colonies were frequently detected on the same creek or neighboring creeks, and some at further geographic distances. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that new colonies tend to establish on natal creeks and occasionally on distant creeks following long-distance dispersal events. We discuss how population-genetic patterns reveal the natural history of M. mikromelanos in Parque National Soberanía and how these results fit into the context of fungus-growing ant mutualisms. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   
Gulls, as largely flexible opportunistic individuals, have been increasingly breeding in many cities around the world, but it is still unclear whether urban habitats are of equal or higher quality than traditional natural habitats or represent an ecological trap with immediate reproductive benefits but longer-term detrimental consequences to health. Here we present a study of breeding parameters (nest density, egg dimensions, clutch size, hatching success and adult body condition) and physiological parameters (erythrocyte sedimentation rate, heterophil/lymphocyte ratio, haemoglobin concentration and measurements of oxidative stress) as indicators of the general health condition of Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis adults and chicks from natural and urban colonies. Yellow-legged Gulls in the largest urban area (Porto) laid smaller eggs and clutches, showed a significantly lower occurrence of inflammatory processes in chicks, and showed a slower early chick growth than in the natural colony of Deserta. This suggests that urban gulls might be facing important trade-offs between the advantages of breeding in lower density urban colonies, with fewer intraspecific interactions and a lower disease transmission probability, and the disadvantages of having an anthropogenic diet usually lower in nutritional value.  相似文献   
Preservation of the genetic diversity of the captive orangutan, especially the wild-caught founders, is critical in maintaining a long-term population in zoological parks. One solution to the problem of maintaining maximum genetic diversity would be to initiate a program of artificial insemination for genetically underrepresented individuals through the banking and interinstitutional use of cryopreserved semen. However, little is known about basic orangutan semen characteristics, and current methodology is inadequate to support such a program. In this paper, we report the results of semen collection from an adult Sumatran orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus abelli), using an artificial vagina without anesthesia or electrical stimulation. A total of 27 ejaculates were evaluated during a 1-year period. The total and liquid volumes of the ejaculates at 1 h following collection were 6.1 ± 0.6 ml and 2.6 ± 0.4 ml, respectively (mean ± SEM). The liquid portion continued to exude semen for 2 h; however, 90% of the motile sperm was exuded within the first 30 min. The total number of sperm in the ejaculate was 164 ± 106 ± 16.5, and the percentage of motile cells was 60 ± 2.7%. We conclude that the artificial vagina provides a promising technique for semen collection in the orangutan, and view these results as an initial step in developing methods for in vitro sperm capacitation, sperm cryopreservation, and artificial insemination. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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