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The odonate larval communities in three small rivers in Penang Island were studied. More species of dragonflies were found in the Botanical Garden and Titi Teras rivers (13 and 11 respectively) of relatively similar environmental parameters. Fewer (nine) dragonfly species were collected from the Youth Park River which has a lower dissolved oxygen (DO) and a higher biological oxygen demand (BOD), conductivity and turbidity. A mixture of sand, gravel and pebble substrate of Botanical Garden River with dense growth of submerged Hydrilla, grasses and Cladias (Araceae) provided suitable habitats for the dragonflies. The sandy substrate and relatively fast flowing water of Titi Teras River was highly preferred by gomphids. In the Youth Park River, the small community of dragonfly larvae was dominated by tolerant Pseudagrion rubriceps, P. microcephalum, Orthetrum chrysis and Crocothemis servilia. Based on the larval instar distribution of Ictinogomphus decoratus and O. chrysis, very asynchronous populations of these dragonflies occurred in each river. Young larvae were continuously introduced into the populations resulting in undulating growth rate curves. The growth rates of these two species were higher in the Titi Teras River when compared to those in other rivers. Density-dependent mortality, asynchronous cannibalism and fish predation could play important roles in regulating the larval dragonfly population in these rivers.  相似文献   
祁连山两侧中国沙棘不同居群的遗传多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用RAPD技术研究了祁连山中段中国沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoidoes ssp.sinensis)4个居群和1个对照居群的遗传多样性水平,探讨中国沙棘边缘居群的遗传变异以及天然屏障祁连山对中国沙棘居群遗传结构的影响。结果显示,祁连山地区中国沙棘居群水平的Nei’基因多样度(h)和Shannon多态信息指数(I)分别为0.2070和 0.297 4,基因分化系数(Gst)为0.319 3,均高于中国沙棘整个分布区的平均值,表明该地中国沙棘边缘居群遗传多样性水平及居群间的遗传分化都有增加的趋势;居群间每代迁移数(Nm=1.065 9)显著低于异交风媒植物(Nm= 5.380),表明祁连山的隔离对中国沙棘居群间的基因交流有限制作用,造成了该地中国沙棘边缘居群间较高的遗传分化。  相似文献   
水稻单核苷酸多态性及其应用现状   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘传光  张桂权 《遗传》2006,28(6):737-744
单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs)在水稻中数量多,分布密度高,遗传稳定性高。水稻SNPs的发现方法主要有对样本DNA的PCR产物直接测序、从SSR区段检测SNPs和从基因组序列直接搜索等。目前已有多种基因分型技术运用到了水稻SNPs检测,SNPs检测的高度自动化使水稻SNPs基因分型非常方便。单核苷酸多态性在水稻遗传图谱的构建、基因克隆和功能基因组学研究、标记辅助选择育种、遗传资源分类及物种进化等方面的应用具有巨大潜力。  相似文献   
1株植物乳杆菌生物学特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究1株植物乳杆菌(N3)的生物学特性,实验结果表明该菌能耐受80~85℃的高温和0.20kg/cm2蒸汽压力;直接分解玉米淀粉的乳酸产率为7.05%(36 h)和8.19%(48 h);能耐受pH为4.5的酸性环境;在人工胃液中的活菌数为4.1×106CFU/g;对金霉素、土霉素、痢特灵和氟哌酸等抗生素的敏感性强,而对防霉剂和脱霉素不敏感。植物乳杆菌(N3)是1株优良的益生素生产菌。  相似文献   
露蕊乌头(毛茛科)不同海拔居群的传粉生态学   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对青藏高原东北部两个不同海拔地点(互助,2460m和海北,3200m)的露蕊乌头Aconitum gymnandrum的传粉生态学进行了比较研究。研究结果表明高海拔居群的单花花期、雄性期持续时间、雌性期持续时间比低海拔长。露蕊乌头不存在无融合生殖现象,尽管高度自交亲和,但产生种子必须依赖传粉媒介。熊蜂是露蕊乌头的主要传粉昆虫,两个居群均存在传粉限制。熊蜂取食花蜜为主,在同一个花序上的访问顺序以由下向上为主,但在互助居群和海北居群有3.9%和2.7%的访花是由上向下进行的。统计发现有37.7%和29.3%的访问行为发生在同一植株内;因此,同株异花传粉造成的自交在露蕊乌头中仍然不能避免。低海拔居群的熊蜂种类和访花频率均高于高海拔居群,但自然状态下两个居群的结实率并没有显著差异。高海拔露蕊乌头居群可能具有较长的柱头持续时间,从而补偿了由于访花频率低带来的结实率降低。  相似文献   
李国春  宋华东  李琦  卜书海 《生态学杂志》2017,28(11):3487-3493
采用单变量和双变量O-ring函数对太白山大熊猫栖息地巴山冷杉林主要树种的空间分布格局、种间关联性及其与林下开花箭竹的空间关联性进行了多尺度分析.结果表明: 巴山冷杉林中,巴山冷杉数量最多,但种群结构衰退,白桦种群相对年轻,种群结构稳定,红桦种群也呈衰退趋势;3个主要树种在小尺度上呈聚集分布,随尺度增加,逐渐表现为随机分布.3个树种的空间关联性主要表现在小尺度范围内,随尺度增加,空间分布格局逐渐表现为不关联;巴山冷杉和白桦与开花秦岭箭竹在大、中尺度内呈现正相关,而红桦与开花秦岭箭竹在大、中尺度上表现出负相关.大熊猫栖息地内乔木和林下秦岭箭竹共同推动森林的动态演替和发展,进而影响秦岭大熊猫栖息地的环境变化.  相似文献   
动态适应性生态经济区划模型及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐翀崎  李锋  韩宝龙  陶宇 《生态学报》2017,37(5):1740-1748
提高城市生态经济区划的精确性和动态性,对科学指导城市化发展具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。利用夜间灯光数据与人口密度建立线性模型,探索了以往用行政区域为最小统计单元数据的模拟细化问题;然后通过引入可变参数构建了动态适应性生态经济区划模型,在增强模型动态适应性的同时,将一级区划结果统一划分为生态管控区域、生态优先区域、优化开发区域和重点开发区域4个区域。以广州市增城区为典型案例,通过改进的动态适应性生态经济区划模型,运用GIS将增城区在两种情景下进行了模拟和对比,并提出了政策建议。区划结果符合当地发展特征,也为其他城市与区域的生态经济区划研究提供了科学方法。  相似文献   
In order to develop a detailed physical map of the thermo-sensitive genie male-sterile (TGMS) gene-encompassing region and finally clone the TGMS gene, a high-quality rice bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library from TGMS rice 5460S was constructed. The method of constructing BAC library was examined and optimized. The 5460S library consists of 19 584 BAC clones with an average insert size of 110 kb, which represents about 5 times rice haploid genome equivalents. Rice inserts of up to 140 kb and 250 kb were isolated and appeared stable after 100 generations of serial growth. Hybridization of BAC clones with mitochondrial and chloroplastic genes as probes demonstrated that this library has no organellar contamination. The 5460S library was screened with 3 molecular markers linked to tmsl gene as probes and at least 1 BAC clone was identified with each probe. The insert ends of positive clones were successfully isolated using thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR (TAIL-PCR) technique.  相似文献   
Progress in the breeding of plantain and banana has been restricted by the complex genetic structure and behaviour of cultivated polyploid Musa. Genetic improvement has been hindered due to the large amount of space required for growth and maintenance of plant populations, in addition to the long growth cycle and the low levels of fertility and seed viability characteristic of cultivated genotypes. Molecular marker assisted breeding has the potential to dramatically enhance the pace and efficiency of genetic improvement in Musa. This study was conducted to compare different PCR-based marker systems (RAPD, VNTR and AFLP) for the analysis of breeding populations generated from two diverse Musa breeding schemes. All three assays detected a high level of polymorphism between parental genotypes and within progeny populations. As expected, AFLP assays had by far the highest multiplex ratio while VNTR analysis detected the highest levels of polymorphism. AFLP analysis of a full-sib tetraploid hybrid population confirmed previous reports based on VNTR analysis, of a high frequency of recombination during 2n (3x) gamete formation by a triploid plantain landrace. In addition, both VNTR and RAPD analyses of a full-sib triploid hybrid population suggested a high frequency of homoeologous recombination during n (2x) gamete formation by tetraploid hybrids. In general, there was a poor correlation between estimates of genetic similarity based on different types of marker. The implications of these findings for the molecular breeding of Musa crops are discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The construction of hydroelectric dams, pollution of rivers and other environmental changes are responsible for the disappearance of many natural fish stocks. The purpose of this work was to analyze the fish Prochilodus argenteus inhabiting the region of the Três Marias dam in the São Francisco River (Brazil) collected in two sites having distinct environmental characteristics. Three novel homologous and one known cross-specific microsatellites were used to assess genetic variation within and between the two collection sites (namely A and B) in order to confirm the occurrence of population substructuring previously suggested using RAPD markers. A higher number of exclusive alleles and a greater genetic variability in region B strongly reinforce the co-existence of different reproductive units in this area. F ST estimates showed a significant population differentiation between the two sites, indicating the possible existence of distinct gene pools. Considering the economic importance of this fishery resource in the São Francisco River, these findings could provide very important information for fisheries management, aquaculture and conservation of the stocks of this species.  相似文献   
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