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Artificial RING fingers (ARFs) are created by transplanting active sites of RING fingers onto cross‐brace structures. Human hydroxymethylglutaryl‐coenzyme A reductase degradation protein 1 (HRD1) is involved in the degradation of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proteins. HRD1 possesses the RING finger domain (HRD1_RING) that functions as a ubiquitin‐ligating (E3) enzyme. Herein, we determined the solution structure of HRD1_RING using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Moreover, using a metallochromic indicator, we determined the stoichiometry of zinc ions spectrophotometrically and found that HRD1_RING binds to two zinc atoms. The Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool database predicted the structure of HRD1_RING as a typical RING finger. However, it was found that the actual structure of HRD1_RING adopts an atypical RING‐H2 type RING fold. This structural analysis unveiled the position and range of the active site of HRD1_RING that contribute to its specific ubiquitin‐conjugating enzyme (E2)‐binding capability.  相似文献   
Reproductive investment is a central life history variable that influences all aspects of life. Hormones coordinate reproduction in multicellular organisms, but the mechanisms controlling the collective reproductive investment of social insects are largely unexplored. One important aspect of honey bee (Apis mellifera) reproductive investment consists of raising female‐destined larvae into new queens by alloparental care of nurse bees in form of royal jelly provisioning. Artificial selection for commercial royal jelly production over 40 years has increased this reproductive investment by an order of magnitude. In a cross‐fostering experiment, we establish that this shift in social phenotype is caused by nurse bees. We find no evidence for changes in larval signalling. Instead, the antennae of the nurse bees of the selected stock are more responsive to brood pheromones than control bees. Correspondingly, the selected royal jelly bee nurses are more attracted to brood pheromones than unselected control nurses. Comparative proteomics of the antennae from the selected and unselected stocks indicate putative molecular mechanisms, primarily changes in chemosensation and energy metabolism. We report expression differences of several candidate genes that correlate with the differences in reproductive investment. The functional relevance of these genes is supported by demonstrating that the corresponding proteins can competitively bind one previously described and one newly discovered brood pheromone. Thus, we suggest several chemosensory genes, most prominently OBP16 and CSP4, as candidate mechanisms controlling queen rearing, a key reproductive investment, in honey bees. These findings reveal novel aspects of pheromonal communication in honey bees and explain how sensory changes affect communication and lead to a drastic shift in colony‐level resource allocation to sexual reproduction. Thus, pheromonal and hormonal communication may play similar roles for reproductive investment in superorganisms and multicellular organisms, respectively.  相似文献   
In finger vein authentication technology, near‐infrared rays penetrate the finger and are absorbed by the hemoglobin in blood. The veins appear as dark areas. The finger vein pattern images of patients with various diseases were acquired; a new evaluation method applying image processing technique (“E value”) was developed, and it was examined whether the patterns have any characteristics differentiating them from those of healthy volunteers. As a result, low E values appeared in systemic sclerosis, mixed connective tissue disease, Sjögren's syndrome, and polymyositis/dermatomyositis. No statistical reduction in E value was shown in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, pernio (without rheumatic diseases), arteriosclerosis obliterans, diabetes, hypertension, hypothyroidism and alopecia areata. This technology could be used for screening and evaluation of some diseases and their conditions with impaired peripheral venous circulation. E value may be useful as an indicator of venous circulation.   相似文献   
Though initially identified as necessary for neural migration, Disconnected and its partially redundant paralog, Disco-related, are required for proper head segment identity during Drosophila embryogenesis. Here, we present evidence that these genes are also required for proper ventral appendage development during development of the adult fly, where they specify medial to distal appendage development. Cells lacking the disco genes cannot contribute to the medial and distal portions of ventral appendages. Further, ectopic disco transforms dorsal appendages toward ventral fates; in wing discs, the medial and distal leg development pathways are activated. Interestingly, this appendage role is conserved in the red flour beetle, Tribolium (where legs develop during embryogenesis), yet in the beetle we found no evidence for a head segmentation role. The lack of an embryonic head specification role in Tribolium could be interpreted as a loss of the head segmentation function in Tribolium or gain of this function during evolution of flies. However, we suggest an alternative explanation. We propose that the disco genes always function as appendage factors, but their appendage nature is masked during Drosophila embryogenesis due to the reduction of limb fields in the maggot style Drosophila larva.  相似文献   
The glycosomes of trypanosomatids are essential organelles that are evolutionarily related to peroxisomes of other eukaryotes. The peroxisomal RING proteins-PEX2, PEX10 and PEX12-comprise a network of integral membrane proteins that function in the matrix protein import cycle. Here, we describe PEX10 and PEX12 in Trypanosoma brucei, Leishmania major, and Trypanosoma cruzi. We expressed GFP fusions of each T. brucei coding region in procyclic form T. brucei, where they localized to glycosomes and behaved as integral membrane proteins. Despite the weak transmembrane predictions for TbPEX12, protease protection assays demonstrated that both the N and C termini are cytosolic, similar to mammalian PEX12. GFP fusions of T. cruzi PEX10 and L. major PEX12 also localized to glycosomes in T. brucei indicating that glycosomal membrane protein targeting is conserved across trypanosomatids.  相似文献   
Reproductive efficiency in the dairy herd is the most important factor for its economic success and a major concern for dairy farmers when using artificial insemination (AI) or natural service (NS). Our objectives were to estimate, compare and analyse the costs associated with breeding cattle by do-it-yourself (DIY) AI and NS and identify the factors that influence them, under typical dairy farming conditions in Greece. A simulation study was designed based on data from 120 dairy cattle farms that differed in size (range 40 to 285 cows) and milk production level (4000 to 9300 kg per cow per year). Different scenarios were employed to estimate costs associated directly with AI and NS as well as potentially extended calving intervals (ECI) due to AI. Results showed that bull maintenance costs for NS were €1440 to €1670 per year ($1,820 to $2,111). Direct AI costs were higher than those for NS for farms with more than 30 cows and ECI constituted a considerable additional burden. In fact, amongst the factors that affected the amount of milk needed to cover total extra AI costs, number of days open was the dominant one. Semen, feed and heifer prices had a very small effect. When, hypothetically, use of NS bulls results in a calving interval of 12 months, AI daughters with a calving interval of 13.5 months have to produce about 705 kg of additional milk in order to cover the extra cost. Their actual milk production, however, exceeds this limit by more than 25%. When real calving intervals are considered (13.0 v. 13.7 months for NS and AI, respectively) AI daughters turn out to produce more than twice the additional amount of milk needed. It was concluded that even under less than average management conditions, AI is more profitable than the best NS scenario. The efficient communication of this message should be a primary concern of the AI industry.  相似文献   
The 131 residues protein encoded by the open reading frame ygiT of E. coli contains two characteristic domains: a zinc finger protein-like structure with two CxxC motives at its N-terminus and a helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif at its C-terminus. We report the backbone and side chain 1H, 13C, and 15N resonances assignment of YgiT.  相似文献   
近年来,我国近海多种重要渔业资源处于不同程度的衰退状态,而短蛸具有生命周期短、生长迅速的特点,在我国近海经济渔获产量中占重要地位。然而,有关短蛸的栖息分布特征及其与环境因子的关系尚缺乏研究,不利于更好地保护和利用其资源。本研究根据2011年和2013—2017年春季海州湾的渔业资源和环境因子调查数据,采用随机森林模型、人工神经网络模型和广义提升回归模型3种机器学习方法分析了短蛸的栖息分布特征及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明: 随机森林模型的拟合效果和预测能力在3种模型中优势较大,选择该模型进行分析表明,底层水温、水深和底层盐度对短蛸的栖息分布有较大影响。短蛸的相对资源密度随底层水温、水深和底层盐度的增加均呈先上升后下降趋势。根据FVCOM模型模拟的环境数据,应用随机森林模型预测了短蛸在海州湾海域的栖息分布,发现短蛸主要分布在34.5°—35.8° N、119.7°—121° E之间的海域。  相似文献   
Augmentative biological control by predaceous ladybird beetles can be improved by using flightless morphs, which have longer residence times on the host plants. The two‐spot ladybird beetle, Adalia bipunctata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), is used for the biological control of aphids in greenhouses and on urban trees. Flightlessness due to truncated wings occurs at very low frequency in some natural populations of A. bipunctata. Pure‐breeding strains of this 'wingless' genotype of A. bipunctata can easily be obtained in the laboratory. Such strains have not been commercialized yet due to concerns about their reduced fitness compared to wild‐type strains, which renders mass production more expensive. Wingless strains exhibit, however, wide intra‐population phenotypic variation in the extent of wing truncation which is related to fitness traits. We here use classical quantitative genetic techniques to study the heritability and genetic architecture of variation in wing truncation in a wingless strain of A. bipunctata. Split‐families reared at one of two temperatures revealed strong family‐by‐temperature interaction: heritability was estimated as 0.64 ± 0.09 at 19 °C and 0.29 ± 0.06 at 29 °C. Artificial selection in opposite directions at 21 °C demonstrated that the degree of wing truncation can be altered within a few generations resulting in wingless phenotypes without any wing tissue (realized h2 = 0.72), as well as those with minimal truncations (realized h2 = 0.61) in two replicates. The latter lines produced more than twice as many individuals. This indicates that selective breeding of wing truncation may be exploited to improve mass rearing of flightless strains of A. bipunctata for commercial biological control. Our work illustrates that cryptic variation can also be a source for the selective breeding of natural enemies.  相似文献   
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