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1. Habitat structure long has been identified as a primary factor influencing local assemblage composition. Most evidence has been in the form of correlations of species occurrence and assemblage composition over a range of habitats, with experimental verification of relationships being relatively uncommon because of the difficulties of enacting precise manipulations of habitat structure. 2. Fallen timber (also known as coarse or large woody debris) is one of the few habitat-structural elements in forests and woodlands that can be manipulated with relatively high precision. We report on manipulations of wood-loads on 30 experimental 1-ha plots in floodplain forests of northern Victoria, Australia, over 4 years (one pre- and three post-manipulation). 3. We show that very high wood-loads (80 Mg ha(-1)) and intermediate wood-loads derived from tree crowns (40 Mg ha(-1)) increase species richness (all species and ground-foraging species) and numbers of birds (all species and ground-foraging species) relative to the control plots. 4. Three bird species consistently increased most following manipulations: white-plumed honeyeater Lichenostomus penicillatus (Gould 1837) (fam. Meliphagidae), brown treecreeper Climacteris picumnus (Temm. & Laug. 1824) (fam. Climacteridae) and yellow rosella Platycercus elegans flaveolus (Gould 1837) (fam. Psittacidae). The honeyeater is not considered as a ground or fallen timber dependent species, while the treecreeper and rosella both are regarded as being dependent on ground-layer structure. 5. Fallen timber management needs to be considered in a landscape and temporal context for improving conservation of avian biodiversity.  相似文献   
云南脂松香制备光学纯去氢枞酸的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以松节油作反应溶剂,在硫、碘的催化作用下云南脂松香经催化异构化、脱氢成为脱氢松香酸,通过进一步的提取、纯化等步骤可直接得到纯度高达96%以上的光学纯的去氢枞酸,其收率为26.6g/100g(松香)。  相似文献   
用毛胶薯蓣提取分离毛胶薯蓣多糖胶(DSP)。将DSP与其他四种胶(瓜尔胶、魔芋胶、白芨胶、海藻酸钠)的粘度与浓度、温度、pH、降解时间、冻融变化及耐盐性的关系,以及起泡性能进行了比较研究。结果表明:DSP溶液的浓度与粘度正相关;温度在0~40℃间具有良好的热稳定性,40~90℃间其粘度随温度的升高而降低,且符合阿累尼乌斯动力学曲线;pH的改变、冻融变化和加入氯化钠、氯化钙对DSP粘度的影响甚微;同时DSP还具有优良的起泡性。  相似文献   
搅拌桨是高好氧高黏度微生物发酵实现高效反应必不可少的因素之一,不同搅拌桨组合对发酵过程的影响十分重要。威兰胶是由产碱杆菌在高耗氧高粘度发酵体系下合成的胞外微生物多糖,广泛应用于水泥、石油、油墨、食品等行业中。本研究借助于计算流体力学(Computational fluid dynamics,CFD)的方法,以威兰胶发酵液体系为研究体系,研究了6种不同搅拌桨组合在反应器内流体速率分布、剪切速率、和气含率等参数。将模拟效果较好的3种组合用于威兰胶发酵过程。研究表明MB-4-6搅拌桨组合对改善发酵罐内部的溶氧及流场分布效果最明显,威兰胶产量水平提高了13%。同时在该组合下威兰胶的产品粘度得到有效提高。  相似文献   
Ecological theory predicts that species with narrow niche requirements (habitat specialists) are more vulnerable to anthropocentric disturbances than those with broad niche requirements (habitat generalists). Hence, understanding a species ecological niche and guild membership would serve as a valuable management tool for providing a priori assessments of a species extinction risk. It also would help to forecast a species capacity to respond to land use change, as what might be expected to occur under financial incentive schemes to improve threatened ecological vegetation communities. However, basic natural history information is lacking for many terrestrial species, particularly reptiles in temperate regions of the world. To overcome this limitation, we collated 3527 reptile observations from 52 species across an endangered woodland ecoregion in south‐eastern Australia and examined ecological niche breadth and microhabitat guild structure. We found 30% of species had low ecological niche values and were classified as habitat specialists associated with large eucalypt trees, woody debris, surface rock or rocky outcrops. Cluster analysis separated species into six broad guilds based on microhabitat similarity. Approximately 80% of species belonged to guilds associated with old growth vegetation attributes or non‐renewable litho‐resources such as surface rock or rocky outcrops. Our results suggest that agri‐environment schemes that focus purely on grazing management are unlikely to provide immediate benefits to broad suites of reptiles associated with old growth vegetation and litho‐resources. Our classification scheme will be useful for identifying reptile species that are potentially vulnerable to anthropocentric disturbances and may require alternative strategies for improving habitat suitability and reptile conservation outcomes in grassy woodland ecosystems.  相似文献   
Aims: To improve a commercially used strain for gellan production by exogenous Vitreoscilla haemoglobin (VHb). Methods and Results: VHb gene was expressed in Sphingomonas elodea under the control of constitutive bla promoter. Biochemical activity of expressed VHb was confirmed by CO‐difference spectra analysis that exhibited a characteristic absorption maximum at 419 nm. During cultivation, not only enhanced cell growth was detected, but also 20% improvement in gellan production was observed after 48 h of incubation, with a maximum yield of 16·82 g l?1. Moreover, maximum sucrose conversion efficiency (g gellan per g sucrose) was 57·8, 20% higher than that of the parental strain. We further examined the polysaccharide production of VHb‐expressing strain at different aeration levels in Erlenmeyer flasks. Again, in all cases, a significant enhancement of gellan production was observed, and the enhancement was more significant under oxygen‐limiting conditions (up to 26·8%). Conclusions: VHb exhibited positive effect on cell growth and gellan yield of Selodea, especially under hypoxic conditions. Significance and Impact of the Study: This is the first application of VHb as an effective metabolic engineering strategy in Selodea to regulate cell growth and optimize gellan yield.  相似文献   
AIMS: To determine the possibility of using guar gum, a colloidal polysaccharide, as a cheap alternative to agar for gelling microbial culture media. METHODS AND RESULTS: As illustrative examples, 12 fungi and 11 bacteria were cultured on media solidified with either guar gum or agar. All fungi and bacteria exhibited normal growth and differentiation on the media gelled with guar gum. Microscopic examination of the fungi and bacteria grown on agar or guar gum gelled media did not reveal any structural differences. However, growth of most of the fungi was better on guar gum media than agar, and correspondingly, sporulation was also more advanced on the former. Bacterial enumeration studies carried out for Serratia sp. and Pseudomonas sp. by serial dilution and pour-plate method yielded similar counts on both agar and guar gum. Likewise, a selective medium, succinate medium used for growth of Pseudomonas sp. did not support growth of Bacillus sp. when inoculated along with Pseudomonas on both agar or guar gum supplemented medium. CONCLUSIONS: Guar gum, a galactomannan, which is 50 times cheaper than Difco-bacto agar, can be used as a gelling agent in place of agar in microbial culture media. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: As the media gelled with guar gum do not melt at temperature as high as 70 degrees C, these can be used for isolation and maintenance of thermophiles.  相似文献   
This work focuses on the development of vascular occlusions, which are gels resealing the wounded vascular systems of injured organs, in the common reed Phragmites australis. Their formation seems to be crucial in keeping the internal environment of the plant stable. Histochemical tests, combined with an extraction series, were used to follow changes in the chemical nature of gels during their development. It was found that the first gel material was secreted by living cells in the vicinity of the incision within 1 or 2 d after wounding. Early gels were colourless and mainly composed of acidic polysaccharides interlinked by Ca2+ bridges. The properties of the gel material gradually changed during maturation. The matrix of polysaccharides in the early gels was later modified and interlinked by other components, resulting in a highly resistant material. Structural proteins were identified as the principal interlocking components of the material, and were responsible for its high resistance.  相似文献   
The palisade cell sizes in leaves of Eucalyptus pauciflora were estimated in paradermal sections of cryo-fixed leaves imaged in the cryo-scanning electron microscope, as a quantity called the cell area fraction (CAF). Cell sizes were measured in detached leaves as a function of leaf water content, in intact leaves in the field during a day"s transpiration as a function of balance pressure of adjacent leaves, and on leaf disks equilibrated with air of relative humidities from 100 to 58%. Values of CAF ranged from 0.82 at saturation to approx. 0.3 in leaves dried to a relative water content (RWC) of 0.5, and in the field to approx. 0.58 at 15 bar (1.5 MPa) balance pressure. At a CAF of 0.58, the moisture content of the cell walls is in equilibrium with air at 90% relative humidity, which is the estimated relative humidity in the intercellular spaces. It is shown that at this moisture content, the cell walls could be exerting a pressure of approx. 50 bar on the cell contents.  相似文献   
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