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In recent years, the exposure of organisms to static magnetic fields (SMFs) is continuously increasing. Thus, we investigated the effect of chronic exposure to a 2 mT SMF on in vitro cultured swine granulosa cells (GCs). In particular, the culture expansion (cell viability and doubling time), the cell phenotype (cell morphology and orientation, actin and α-tubulin cytoskeleton), the cell metabolism (intracellular Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+]i and mitochondrial activity) and the cell function (endocrine activity) were assessed. It has been found that the exposure to the field did not affect the cell viability, but the doubling time was significantly reduced (p < 0.05) in exposed samples after 72 h of culture. At the same time, the cell length and thickness significantly changed (p < 0.05), while the cell orientation was unaffected. Evident modifications were induced on actin and α-tubulin cytoskeleton after 3 days of exposure and, simultaneously, a change in [Ca2+]i and mitochondrial activity started to become evident. Finally, the SMF exposure of GCs longer than 72 h determined a significant alteration of progesterone and estrogen production (p < 0.05). In conclusion, our results demonstrate that the chronic exposure of swine GCs to a 2 mT SMF exerts a negative effect on cell proliferation, morphology, biochemistry and endocrine function in an in vitro model.  相似文献   
Experiments were conducted to see whether the cellular response to electromagnetic (EM) fields occurs through a detection process involving temporal sensing. L929 cells were exposed to 60 Hz magnetic fields and the enhancement of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity was measured to determine cellular response to the field. In one set of experiments, the field was turned alternately off and on at intervals of 0.1 to 50 s. For these experiments, field coherence was maintained by eliminating the insertion of random time intervals upon switching. Intervals ≥ 1 s produced no enhancement of ODC activity, but fields switched at intervals ≥ 10 s showed ODC activities that were enhanced by a factor of approximately 1.7. These data indicate that it is the interval over which field parameters (e.g., amplitude or frequency) remain constant, rather than the interval over which the field is coherent, that is critical to cellular response to an EMF. In a second set of experiments, designed to determine how long it would take for cells to detect a change in field parameters, the field was interrupted for brief intervals (25–200 ms) once each second throughout exposure. In this situation, the extent of EMF-induced ODC activity depended upon the duration of the interruption. Interruptions ≥ 100 ms were detected by the cell as shown by elimination of field-induced enhancement of ODC. That two time constants (0.1 and 10 s) are involved in cellular EMF detection is consistent with the temporal sensing process associated with bacterial chemotaxis. By analogy with bacterial temporal sensing, cells would continuously sample and average an EM field over intervals of about 0.1 s (the “averaging” time), storing the averaged value in memory. The cell would compare the stored value with the current average, and respond to the EM field only when field parameters remain constant over intervals of approximately 10 s (the “memory” time). Bioelectromagnetics 18:388–395, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Recent laboratory and epidemiological results have stimulated interest in the hypothesis that human beings may exhibit biological responses to magnetic and/or electric field transients with frequencies in the range between 100 Hz and 100 kHz. Much can be learned about the response of a system to a transient stimulation by understanding its response to sinusoidal disturbances over the entire frequency range of interest. Thus, the main effort of this paper was to compare the strengths of the electric fields induced in homogeneous ellipsoidal models by uniform 100 Hz through 100 kHz electric and magnetic fields. Over this frequency range, external electric fields of about 25–2000 V/m (depending primarily on the orientation of the body relative to the field) are required to induce electric fields inside models of adults and children that are similar in strength to those induced by an external 1 μT magnetic field. Additional analysis indicates that electric fields induced by uniform external electric and magnetic fields and by the nonuniform electric and magnetic fields produced by idealized point sources will not differ by more than a factor of two until the sources are brought close to the body. Published data on electric and magnetic field transients in residential environments indicate that, for most field orientations, the magnetic component will induce stronger electric fields inside adults and children than the electric component. This conclusion is also true for the currents induced in humans by typical levels of 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields in U.S. residences. Bioelectromagnetics 18:67–76, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Previously, we found that whole body exposure to static magnetic fields (SMF) at 10 mT (B(max)) and 25 mT (B(max)) for 2-9 weeks suppressed and delayed blood pressure (BP) elevation in young, stroke resistant, spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). In this study, we investigated the interrelated antipressor effects of lower field strengths and nitric oxide (NO) metabolites (NO(x) = NO(2)(-) + NO(3)(-)) in SHR. Seven-week-old male rats were exposed to two different ranges of SMF intensity, 0.3-1.0 mT or 1.5-5.0 mT, for 12 weeks. Three experimental groups of 20 animals each were examined: (1) no exposure with intraperitoneal (ip) saline injection (sham-exposed control); (2) 1 mT SMF exposure with ip saline injection (1 mT); (3) 5 mT SMF exposure with ip saline injection (5 mT). Arterial BP, heart rate (HR), skin blood flow (SBF), plasma NO metabolites (NO(x)), and plasma catecholamine levels were monitored. SMF at 5 mT, but not 1 mT, significantly suppressed and retarded the early stage development of hypertension for several weeks, compared with the age matched, unexposed (sham exposed) control. Exposure to 5 mT resulted in reduced plasma NO(x) concentrations together with lower levels of angiotensin II and aldosterone in SHR. These results suggest that SMF may suppress and delay BP elevation via the NO pathways and hormonal regulatory systems.  相似文献   
The traditional morphogenetic fields of the human dentition were evaluated by means of factor analysis of dental dimensions taken from a series of human crania. When crown length, crown width and crown index were considered separately, factors emerged which could be identified with the tooth group fields. But a combined crown length-crown width analysis generated factors which extended beyond the regional tooth groups. Crown width itself was revealed to be an important axis of morphologic intergration. It was concluded that univariate methods are not adequate for identifying morphogenetic fields; the teeth must be treated as multidimensional units where the correlation among dimensions is accounted for.  相似文献   
The contingency of variations in amplitude—frequency parameters of the main modes of extremely-low-frequency resonances of an ionospheric waveguide (Schumann resonances) and changes in human encephalograms in the frequency range of 6–16 Hz has been studied. The results obtained with the use of synchronized monitoring suggest that such contingency, expressed as indices of cross-correlation function, is statistically significant, varying from 0.12 to 0.65 at α = 0.95. It has been established that contingency is largely determined by the current level of solar and geomagnetic activity.  相似文献   
The effects of pulsed electric fields of low frequency (50 Hz) on DNA of human lymphocytes were investigated. The influence of additional external factors, such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and γ-irradiation, as well as the repair efficiency in these lymphocytes, was also evaluated. The comet assay, a very sensitive and rapid method for detecting DNA damage at the single cells level was the method used. A significant amount of damage was observed after exposure to the electric fields, compared to the controls. After 2 h incubation at 37°C, a proportion of damage was repaired. H2O2 and γ-irradiation increased the damage to lymphocytes exposed to pulsed electric fields according to the dose used, while the amount of the repair was proportional to the damage.  相似文献   
Serine proteases of the Chymotrypsin family are structurally very similar but have very different substrate preferences. This study investigates a set of 9 different proteases of this family comprising proteases that prefer substrates containing positively charged amino acids, negatively charged amino acids, and uncharged amino acids with varying degree of specificity. Here, we show that differences in electrostatic substrate preferences can be predicted reliably by electrostatic molecular interaction fields employing customized GRID probes. Thus, we are able to directly link protease structures to their electrostatic substrate preferences. Additionally, we present a new metric that measures similarities in substrate preferences focusing only on electrostatics. It efficiently compares these electrostatic substrate preferences between different proteases. This new metric can be interpreted as the electrostatic part of our previously developed substrate similarity metric. Consequently, we suggest, that substrate recognition in terms of electrostatics and shape complementarity are rather orthogonal aspects of substrate recognition. This is in line with a 2‐step mechanism of protein‐protein recognition suggested in the literature.  相似文献   
Several reports have shown that animals will sometimes engage in behaviors that reduce their exposure to a 60 Hz electric field (E-field). The field, therefore, can function as an aversive stimulus. In other studies, the E-field at equivalent strengths failed to function as an aversive stimulus. The present experiment, using rats, demonstrates how factors other than field strength can influence whether a subject engages in behavior that reduces field exposure. The general design consisted of giving the rat a choice between two alternatives, one of which sometimes included an added stimulus. Each subject was trained to press each of two levers to obtain food. Pressing one lever was reinforced intermittently under a variable interval 2 min schedule (VI 2); pressing the other lever was reinforced by a second VI 2 schedule operating independently of the first. Under this concurrent schedule the rat spent 50% of the daily 50 min session responding to each of the levers, indicating that they were equally “valued.” Next, while the schedules remained in effect, the first response to one of the levers turned on a 100 kV/m E-field which remained on until the rat pressed the other lever. The time spent responding under the schedule associated with the field was reduced by about 5–10%. When the procedure was changed so that no lever presses produced food, i.e., extinction, but the added stimulus contingency remained, the rats spent even less time in the presence of the field. Similar outcomes were observed during both the concurrent food or extinction schedules when incandescent light was used. Thus, both an E-field and incandescent light functioned as aversive stimuli, but the magnitude of the aversiveness was small. Aversiveness depended not only on stimulus intensity, but also on behavioral factors. Bioelectromagnetics 19:210–221, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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