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The selective type A and B cholecystokinin (CCK) receptor antagonists L364,718 and L365,260 were used to identify the receptor subtype that mediates the satiety effect of endogenous CCK. Male rats (n = 12–13/group), fed ground rat chow ad lib, received L364,718 (0, 1, 10, 100, or 1000 μg/kg IP) or L365,260 (0, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000, or 10,000 μg/kg IP) 2 h after lights off, and food intake was measured 1.5, 3.5, and 5.5 h later. L364,718 significantly stimulated 1.5-h food intake by more than 40% at 10 μg/kg and higher doses; cumulative intake at 3.5 and 5.5 h remained elevated by about 20% at 1000 and 100 μg/kg of L364,718, respectively. In contrast, L365,260 had no significant stimulatory effect on feeding at any dose. The potency of L365,260 for antagonizing gastrin-stimulated gastric acid secretion was examined in unanesthetized rats. Male rats (n = 14), prepared with gastric and jugular vein cannulas, received doubling doses of gastrin (G-17I) (0.16–5 nmol/kg/h IV), each dose for 30 min, and gastric juice was collected for each 30-min period. G-17I stimulated gastric acid output dose dependently; the minimal effective dose was 0.16 nmol/kg/h, while maximal output (5-fold above basal) occurred at 5 nmol/kg/h. L365,260 (0, 1, 10, 100, 1000, or 10,000 μg/kg IV), administered 30 min before continuous infusion of G-17I (1.25 or 5 nmol/kg/h), significantly inhibited acid output only at 10,000 μg/kg; cumulative 60-min output was decreased by 60%. These results suggest that CCK acts at CCK-A receptors to produce satiety during the dark period in ad lib-feeding rats.  相似文献   
When acutely transferred to diluted seawater (SW), Procephalothrix spiralis and Clitellio arenarius regulate water content (g H2O/g solute free dry wt = s.f.d.w.) via loss of Na and Cl (µmoles/g.s.f.d.w.). The present study extends these observations to a greater range of salinities and determines the effects of long-term, stepwise acclimation to diluted seawaters. Final exposure to a given experimental seawater (70, 50, 30, 15%) was 48 hours. Osmolality (mOsm/kg H2O) and Na, K, and Cl ion concentrations (mEq/l) were determined in total tissue water and in the extracellular fluid of C. arenarius. Extracellular volume was determined as the 14C-polyethylene glycol space. Both species behaved as hyperosmotic conformers in diluted seawaters. However, reduction of the osmotic gradient between worm and medium occurred in P. spiralis, but not C. arenarius, in 30 and 15% SW. In both species, osmolality and Na, Cl, and K concentrations in total tissue water decreased with increased dilution of the SW. Water content increased with dilution of the medium but was lower than that which would be predicted based on approximation of the van't Hoff relation. This indicated the occurrence of regulatory volume decrease (RVD). In P. spiralis, in 70 or 50% SW, RVD was accompanied by loss of Na and Cl contents. However, in 30 or 15% SW, Na and Cl contents increased and in worms in 15% SW K content decreased. The latter movements of Na, Cl and K are indicative of cellular hysteresis and were associated with decreased viability, indicating the lower limits of regulatory ability in this species. In comparison, RVD in C. arenarius occurred in all diluted seawaters and was accompanied by loss of Na and Cl contents. In C. arenarius, evidence for reduced viability was absent. Removal of the supra- and subesophageal ganglia of C. arenarius resulted in retention of water, Na and Cl (g H2O or µmoles/g s.f.d.w.) in worms acclimated to 70% SW. Removal of the cerebral ganglia and cephalic glands of P. spiralis did not significantly influence regulation of water content.  相似文献   
Summary The net loss of KCl observed in Ehrlich ascites cells during regulatory volume decrease (RVD) following hypotonic exposure involves activation of separate conductive K+ and Cl transport pathways. RVD is accelerated when a parallel K+ transport pathway is provided by addition of gramicidin, indicating that the K+ conductance is rate limiting. Addition of ionophore A23187 plus Ca2+ also activates separate K+ and Cl transport pathways, resulting in a hyperpolarization of the cell membrane. A calculation shows that the K+ and Cl conductance is increased 14-and 10-fold, respectively. Gramicidin fails to accelerate the A23187-induced cell shrinkage, indicating that the Cl conductance is rate limiting. An A23187-induced activation of42K and36Cl tracer fluxes is directly demonstrated. RVD and the A23187-induced cell shrinkage both are: (i) inhibited by quinine which blocks the Ca2+-activated K+ channel. (ii) unaffected by substitution of NO 3 or SCN for Cl, and (iii) inhibited by the anti-calmodulin drug pimozide. When the K+ channel is blocked by quinine but bypassed by addition of gramicidin, the rate of cell shrinkage can be used to monitor the Cl conductance. The Cl conductance is increased about 60-fold during RVD. The volume-induced activation of the Cl transport pathway is transient, with inactivation within about 10 min. The activation induced by ionophore A23187 in Ca2+-free media (probably by release of Ca2+ from internal stores) is also transient, whereas the activation is persistent in Ca2+-containing media. In the latter case, addition of excess EGTA is followed by inactivation of the Cl transport pathway. These findings suggest that a transient increase in free cytosolic Ca2+ may account for the transient activation of the Cl transport pathway. The activated anion transport pathway is unselective, carrying both Cl, Br, NO 3 , and SCN. The anti-calmodulin drug pimozide blocks the volume- or A23187-induced Cl transport pathway and also blocks the activation of the K+ transport pathway. This is demonstrated directly by42K flux experiments and indirectly in media where the dominating anion (SCN) has a high ground permeability. A comparison of the A23187-induced K+ conductance estimated from42K flux measurements at high external K+, and from net K flux measurements suggests single-file behavior of the Ca2+-activated K+ channel. The number of Ca2+-activated K+ channels is estimated at about 100 per cell.  相似文献   
Glutamine synthetase (EC has been purified from a collagenolytic Vibrio alginolyticus strain. The apparent molecular weight of the glutamine synthetase subunit was approximately 62,000. This indicates a particle weight for the undissociated enzyme of 744,000, assuming the enzyme is the typical dodecamer. The glutamine synthetase enzyme had a sedimentation coefficient of 25.9 S and seems to be regulated by a denylylation and deadenylylation. The pH profiles assayed by the -glutamyltransferase method were similar for NH4-shocked and unshocked cell extracts and isoactivity point was not obtained from these eurves. The optimum pH for purified and crude cell extracts was 7.9. Cell-free glutamine synthetase was inhibited by some amino acids and AMP. The transferase activity of glutamine synthetase from mid-exponential phase cells varied greatly depending on the sources of nitrogen or carbon in the growth medium. Glutamine synthetase level was regulated by nitrogen catabolite repression by (NH4)2SO4 and glutamine, but cells grown, in the presence of proline, leucine, isoleucine, tryptophan, histidine, glutamic acid, glycine and arginine had enhanced levels of transferase activity. Glutamine synthetase was not subject to glucose, sucrose, fructose, glycerol or maltose catabolite repression and these sugars had the opposite effect and markedly enhanced glutamine synthetase activity.Abbreviations GS glutamine synthetase - SMM succinate minimal medium - ASMM ammonium/succinate minimal medium - GT -glutamyl transferase - SVP snake venom phosphodiesterase  相似文献   
Ethanol grown Acetobacter aceti differed from acetate grown. In ethanol grown cells, acetate uptake, caused by the oxidation of acetate, was completely inhibited by ethanol, in acetate grown cells only to 20%. This was correlated with a 65-fold higher specific activity of the membrane bound NAD(P)-independent alcohol dehydrogenase in ethanol grown than in acetate grown cells. In comparison with ethanol grown cells, acetate grown cells showed a 3-fold higher acetate respiration rate and 3-fold higher specific activities of some tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes tested. Both adaptations were due to induction by the homologous and not to repression by the heterologous growth substrate. A. aceti showed a membrane bound NAD(P)-independent malate dehydrogenase and no activity of a soluble NAD(P)-dependent one, as was known before from A. xylinum. A hypothesis was proposed explaining the observed inhibition of malate dehydrogenase and of functioning of the tricarboxylic acid cycle in the presence of ethanol or butanol or glucose by a competition of two electron currents for a common link in the convergent electron transport chains. The electrons coming from the quinoproteins, alcohol dehydrogenase and glucose dehydrogenase on the one side and those coming from the flavoproteins, malate dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase via ubiquinonecytochrome c reductase on the other side are meeting at cytochrome c. Here the quinoproteins may be favoured by higher affinity and so inhibit the flavoproteins. Inhibition could be alleviated in the cell free system by increasing the oxygen supply.Dedicated to Professor Carl Martius on the occasion of his 80th birthday, March 1st 1986  相似文献   
Anti-glutamine synthetase serum was raised in rabbits by injecting purified glutamine synthetase (GS) of the phototrophic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas capsulata E1F1. The antibodies were purified to monospecificity by immunoaffinity chromatography in GS-sepharose gel. These anti-GS antibodies were used to measure the antigen levels in crude extracts from bacteria, grown phototrophically with dinitrogen, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, glutamate, glutamine or alanine as nitrogen sources. The amount of GS detected by rocket immunoelectrophoresis was proportional to Mn2+-dependent transferase activity measured in the crude extracts. Addition of GS inhibitor l-methionine-d,l-sulfoximine (MSX) to the actively growing cells promoted increased antigen levels, that were not found in the presence of glutamine or chloramphenicol. The ammonia-induced decrease in GS relative levels was reverted by MSX. GS levels remained constant when phototrophically growing cells were kept in the dark.Abbreviations GS glutamine synthetase - MOPS 2-(N-morpholine) propane sulfonate - MSX l-methionine-d,l-sulfoximine  相似文献   
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