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The inorganic contents of bone, brain, erythrocyte, heart, kidney cortex, kidney medulla, liver, lung, muscle and plasma from spontaneously hypertensive rats were compared with those of the same tissues from healthy Sprague-Dawley rats. A general inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry method developed for multi-element determinations of most of the elements present in biological tissues was used. Variations were found not only for major elements, as expected, but also for many trace elements in several tissues.  相似文献   
Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) is common and associated with multiple serious public health implications. A consensus definition of TRD with demonstrated predictive utility in terms of clinical decision-making and health outcomes does not currently exist. Instead, a plethora of definitions have been proposed, which vary significantly in their conceptual framework. The absence of a consensus definition hampers precise estimates of the prevalence of TRD, and also belies efforts to identify risk factors, prevention opportunities, and effective interventions. In addition, it results in heterogeneity in clinical practice decision-making, adversely affecting quality of care. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) have adopted the most used definition of TRD (i.e., inadequate response to a minimum of two antidepressants despite adequacy of the treatment trial and adherence to treatment). It is currently estimated that at least 30% of persons with depression meet this definition. A significant percentage of persons with TRD are actually pseudo-resistant (e.g., due to inadequacy of treatment trials or non-adherence to treatment). Although multiple sociodemographic, clinical, treatment and contextual factors are known to negatively moderate response in persons with depression, very few factors are regarded as predictive of non-response across multiple modalities of treatment. Intravenous ketamine and intranasal esketamine (co-administered with an antidepressant) are established as efficacious in the management of TRD. Some second-generation antipsychotics (e.g., aripiprazole, brexpiprazole, cariprazine, quetiapine XR) are proven effective as adjunctive treatments to antidepressants in partial responders, but only the olanzapine-fluoxetine combination has been studied in FDA-defined TRD. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is established as effective and FDA-approved for individuals with TRD, with accelerated theta-burst TMS also recently showing efficacy. Electroconvulsive therapy is regarded as an effective acute and maintenance intervention in TRD, with preliminary evidence suggesting non-inferiority to acute intravenous ketamine. Evidence for extending antidepressant trial, medication switching and combining antidepressants is mixed. Manual-based psychotherapies are not established as efficacious on their own in TRD, but offer significant symptomatic relief when added to conventional antidepressants. Digital therapeutics are under study and represent a potential future clinical vista in this population.  相似文献   
The distribution of an antihypertensive dipeptide, Val-Tyr (VY), in the tissues of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) was investigated in this study. A single oral administration of VY (10 mg/kg) to 18-week-old SHR resulted in a prolonged reduction of systolic blood pressure (SBP) up to 9 h (SBP0h 198.0+/-3.6 mmHg; SBP9h 154.6+/-3.5 mmHg). As a result of VY determination, a roughly 10-fold higher increment of plasma VY level was observed at 1 h than that at 0 h, whereas thereafter the level declined rapidly. In tissues, VY was widely accumulated in the kidney, lung, heart, mesenteric artery and abdominal aorta with the area under the curve over 9 h of more than 40 pmol h/g tissue; of these a higher VY level was observed in the kidney and lung. In addition, a mean resident time (MRT) for each tissue (>5 h except for liver) revealed that VY preferably accumulated in the tissues rather than in the plasma (MRT 3.8 h). Significant reductions of tissue angiotensin I-converting enzyme activity and angiotensin II level were found in the abdominal aorta as well as in the kidney, suggesting that these organs could be a target site associated with the antihypertensive action of VY.  相似文献   
Detached leaves of Bryophyllum fedtschenkoi Hamet et Perrier kept in normal air show a single period of net CO2 fixation on transfer to constant darkness at temperatures in the range 0–25 °C. The duration of this initial fixation period is largely independent of temperature in the range 5–20 °C, but lengthens very markedly at temperatures below 4 °C, and is reduced at temperatures above 25 °C. The onset of net fixation of CO2 on transfer of leaves to constant darkness is immediate at low temperatures, but is delayed as the temperature is increased. The ambient temperature also determines whether or not a circadian rhythm of CO2 exchange occurs. The rhythm begins to appear at about 20 °C, is most evident at 30 °C and becomes less distinct at 35 °C. The occurrence of a distinct circadian rhythm in CO2 output at 30° C in the absence of a detectable rhythm in PEPCase kinase activity shows that the kinase rhythm is not a mandatory requirement for the rhythm of PEPCase activity. However, when it occurs, the kinase rhythm undoubtedly amplifies the PEPCase rhythm.Abbreviation PEPCase phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase We thank the Agricultural and Food Research Council for financial support for this work.  相似文献   
The rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta), which has been found to develop spontaneous obesity, non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM; Type 2), and hypertension, was used to evaluate the potential blood pressure-lowering effects of captopril as well as the specific effects, if any, on the prediabetic state. Intravenous and oral glucose tolerance testing was carried out with oral captopril dosing. Results showed that captopril significantly decreased both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in all monkeys and significantly decreased fasting plasma glucose levels. Based on these preliminary studies in monkeys, we conclude that captopril exerted antihypertensive effects without adverse effects on glucose metabolism.  相似文献   
Preeclampsia or pregnancy-induced hypertension is a major cause of both maternal and fetal-neonatal morbidity and mortality. The deficiency of vitamin E can cause accumulation of lipid peroxidation products, which, in turn, can induce vasoconstriction. This study has examined any evidence of increased cellular lipid peroxidation and accumulation of malonydialdehyde (MDA, an end product of lipid peroxidation) in pregnancy-induced hypertension and any relationship between the elevated MDA and lower vitamin E levels with hypertension in pregnant women. EDTA-Blood was collected from pregnant women at the time of delivery. Plasma vitamin E was determined by HPLC; MDA by the thiobarbituric acid-reactivity. Subjects with diastolic blood pressure(DBP) 90 mm Hg were considered hypertensive (HT) and with <90 mm Hg normotensive (NT). Data (Mean±SE) from 49 NT and 11 HT women show that HT has significantly lower vitamin E (22±1 vs 27±1 nmole/ml, p<0.03) and elevated MDA levels (0.56±0.06 vs 0.43±0.02 nmole/ml, p<0.03) compared to NT; the ages and gestational ages of women were similar. Among all women, there was a significant positive relationship between DBP and MDA levels (r=0.27, p<0.05), and a significant negative relationship between vitamin E levels and DBP (–0.36, p<0.005), and a significant negative relationship between MDA and vitamin E levels (r=–0.27, p<0.05). Thus, HT women's plasma has significantly lower E and higher MDA levels, and DBP significantly correlates with the extent of vitamin E deficiency and increased MDA levels. This study suggests a relationship between elevated lipid peroxidation and lower vitamin E levels and hypertension in pregnancy (preeclampsia).  相似文献   
In order to elucidate the relationship between hypertension and hypertrophy in the production of heat shock proteins, we studied the induction of the HSP72 synthesis by the heart and gracilis muscles of normo (WKY) and hypertensive (SHR) rats subjected to hyperthermia (42°C±0.5 for 15 min). Two age groups were investigated in each strain: young (2 months, with developing cardiac hypertrophy) and old (18 months, with fully developed chronic cardiac hypertrophy). The gracilis muscle never developed hypertrophy, independently of hypertension or aging. 72 kDa inducible protein was determined by Western blot analysis using a specific monoclonal antibody. We also used a commercial standard, loaded on each blot, to quantitate densitometrically the signal.The heart of young SHR responds to heat shock more than their normotensive age-matched control (298.8±24.7% vs 88.3 ±8.5%, p<0.001). This response is not maintained during aging as we did not find any significant difference between normo-and hypertensive old rats after exposure to hyperthermia (43.6±5.3% vs 65.3±10.4%).Unlike the heart, the gracilis muscle shows a basal spontaneous HSP72 synthesis in both the SHR (71.4±10.8%) and WKY (40.6±11.7%) animals. There was a significant increase in HSP72 synthesis in the gracilis muscle of young SHR with respect to their control (186.2±18.7% vs 115.8±9.9%, p<0.02) which was maintained also during aging (171.9±17.3% vs 95.2±10.5%, p<0.01).In conclusion, these data show that hypertension results in an increased synthesis of HSP72 both in cardiac and gracilis muscle in response to heat shock. This abnormal response is attenuated by aging in the heart but not in the gracilis muscle. Thus, the abnormality seems to be independent from hypertrophy and linked to genetic determination of the disease.  相似文献   
ATKINSON, RICHARD L, ROY C BLANK, DONALD SCHUMACHER, NIKHIL V DHURANDHAR, DOUGLAS L RITCH. Long-term drug treatment of obesity in a private practice setting. This study evaluated the long-term efficacy and safety of the combination of phentermine and fenfluramine for the treatment of obesity in a private practice setting. A total of 1388 consecutive, qualified patients presenting to a private general internal medicine practice in Charlotte, NC, were enrolled with eligibility criteria including: age 18 years to 60 years, 20% over “desirable” bodyweight or body mass index <27, no serious medical or psychiatric disease, and no contraindications to drug therapy. Patients were instructed in diet, exercise, and behavior modification techniques and received phentermine (15 mg/day to 30 mg/day) and fenfluramine (20 mg/day to 60 mg/day) continuously for over 3 years. Average duration of treatment was 15. 9 months, and average weight loss at the last visit was 11. 6 kg, or 11. 7% of initial bodyweight. For patients completing 1 year of drug treatment, mean weight loss was 16. 5 kg, or 16% of initial weight. Weight loss persisted for 2 years, but partial regain was seen at 3 years. The dropout rates were 18% at 6 months, 39% at 1 year, 68% at 2 years, and 78% at 3 years. At 1 year, blood pressure of hypertensive patients fell from 151/95 mm Hg to 127/78 mm Hg, and serum cholesterol and triglycerides of hyperlipidemic patients fell by 0. 750 mmol/L (29 mg/dL) and 0. 937 mmol/L (83 mg/dL), respectively. Adverse events were modest. We conclude that, in a private practice setting, long-term treatment of obesity with the combination of phentermine, fenfluramine, and a weight maintenance program is generally safe and effective. More research is needed to determine efficacy and safety for longer than 3 years.  相似文献   
Light microscopic autoradiographic techniques have been utilized to demonstrate specific regions of the rat and dog kidney where angiotensin II receptors exist. Slide mounted tissue sections were labeled with [125I]-angiotensin II using conditions which provided for highly specific binding. These angiotensin II binding sites were localized to several distinct renal structures. In the renal cortex, angiotensin II binding sites were found concentrated in all parts of the glomeruli including the vascular components, the macula densa and the juxtaglomerular apparatus. Angiotensin II binding in the medulla was more diffusely associated with the vasa recta, and to a lesser extent, the thick ascending segment of the loop of Henle. Binding sites specific for angiotensin II were also found in the smooth muscle laminae of the ureter. Scatchard analysis of the binding kinetics allowed the demonstration of two subpopulations of binding sites which differ slightly in their affinities for [125I]-angiotensin II. These subpopulations appear to be associated with distinct components of the renal structure.  相似文献   
M Morris  J A Wren  D K Sundberg 《Peptides》1981,2(2):207-211
Hypothalamic and neurophypophyseal levels of catecholamines and peptides were measured in spontaneous and deoxycorticosterone (DOCA)/salt hypertension. Catecholamines, norepinephrine, epinephrine and dopamine were measured by electrochemical detection while the peptides, vasopressin, oxytocin, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH), the enkephalins and somatostatin (SRIF) were measured by radioimmunoassay. Blood pressure was significantly elevated in both groups as compared to their controls. Marked changes in central neural peptides were observed in the SHR, while no differences were seen in DOCA/salt hypertension. Hypothalamic vasopressin, oxytocin, LHRH and SRIF were significantly decreased. In the posterior pituitary, enkephalins were increased twofold in the SHR. With regard to catecholamines, there was no change in hypothalamic content. However, a dramatic decrease in neurohypophyseal dopamine was observed in SHR. Plasma levels of vasopressin were significantly elevated in both types of hypertension while oxytocin was increased only in the DOCA/salt model. These result show that (1) a wide spectrum of neuroendocrine changes are associated with genetic hypertension, (2) there are CNS differences between DOCA/salt and spontaneous hypertension, and (3) central aminergic changes may be involved in th neuroendocrine alterations seen in the SHR.  相似文献   
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