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Abstract. 1. An investigation was conducted to determine the effects of variation among individual plants of Rudbeckia laciniata L. on the distribution and abundance of the aphid Uroleucon rudbeckiae (Fitch).
2. Wild plants were examined repeatedly for up to 21/2 years to obtain information about plant growth and flowering, and about aphid densities on individual plants.
3. Aphid densities on individual plants were positively associated with several measures of plant vigour, including height, growth since previous year, and occurrence of flowers.
4. The colonization of plants by alate aphids was more highly correlated with plant height than with plant exposure. Aphid densities on individual plants were more strongly associated with plant height than with number of colonists.
5. In all years there were many hosts which were never colonized by aphids. Some of these plants produced shoots but did not flower. Experimental infestation of these plants showed that they were unsuitable for aphid growth and reproduction. Some plants which did flower and which escaped aphid infestation were nevertheless suitable hosts. Previously unsuitable host individuals were able to support aphids when grown under glass-house conditions.  相似文献   
We determined the age-specific fecundity and survival of the solitary parasstoid wasp,Aphidius ervi Haliday (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae), under constant laboratory conditions. Wasps were reared in each of the four nymphal instars of apterous pea aphids,Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Homoptera: Aphididae): L1 (age 24h), L2 (48 h), L3 (72 h), and L4 (120 h). Age-specific survival (lx) and fecundity (mx) differed between parasitoids developing in different aphid instars. The wasps’ life-time reproductive success, as indexed by the intrinsic rate of population increase (rm), varied non-linearly with adult biomass and host size at parasitization. A close agreement between larval growth rates in different host instars and adult reproductive performance suggests that, inA. ervi, fitness correlates may be significantly influenced by larval ontogeny and trade-offs in resource allocation.  相似文献   
Sitobion avenae (E) is an important cereal pest worldwide that can survive on various plants in the Poaceae, but divergent selection on different host plants shouldpromote the evolution of specialized genotypes or host races. In order to evaluate their resource use strategies, clones of S. avenae were collected from oat and barley. Host-transfer experiments for these clones were conducted in the laboratory to compare their fitness traits. Our results demonstrated that barley clones had significantly lower fecundityand tended to have longer developmental times when transferred from barley to oat. However, oat clones developed faster after they were transferred to barley. Clones fromoat and barley had diverged to a certain extent in terms of fecundity and developmental time of the nymphs. The separation of barley clones and oat clones of S. avenae was alsoevident in a principal component analysis. Barley clones tended to have higher broad-sense heritabilities for fitness traits than oat clones, indicating the genetic basis of differentiationbetween them. Barley clones showed significantly higher extent of specialization compared to oat clones from two measures of specialization (i.e., Xsp and Ysp). Therefore, barleyclones were specialized to a certain extent, but oat clones appeared to be generalized. The fitness of S. avenae clones tended to increase with higher extent of specialization. Theevolution toward ecological specialization in S. avenae clones, as well as the underlying genetic basis, was discussed.  相似文献   
Metapopulation dynamics in an aphid-parasitoid system   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Metapopulation theory makes a number of predictions concerning the effects of dispersal on the persistence of predator-prey or host-parasitoid systems. While the stabilising effects of dispersal have been shown in a number of laboratory studies, evidence from field studies remains scarce due to a lack of suitable model systems. I describe a host-parasitoid system that shows a classical metapopulation structure with frequent extinctions and colonisations consisting of the aphidiid Lysiphlebus hirticornisand the aphid Metopeurum fuscoviride. Both the parasitoid and the aphid are specialists on their respective hosts. I followed the dynamics of host and parasitoid on individually marked tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) plants, the host of M. fuscoviride. Dynamics of host and parasitoid populations were characterized by frequent extinctions and colonisations. Mean longevity of aphid colonies was only 3.1 weeks. Parasitism by L. hirticorniswas a main cause of extinction for the aphid as rates of parasitism often reached 100%, in particular towards the end of the field season. Patchiness in this system occurs at two spatial scales. Aphid colonies form on single tansy ramets = shoots but movements of aphid individuals among ramets within a particular tansy genet are frequent. Because aphids can persist on a genet for a large numer of generations, it is argued that local populations form on genets rather than ramets. The number of host and parasitoid extinctions described in this study exceeds the number of extinctions usually observed in field studies of host-parasitoid metapopulations. It is suggested that aphid-parasitoid systems such as the one studied in this paper may be good models to test the predictions of metapopulation theory.  相似文献   
The wolf spider Pardosa cribata Simon is the most abundant ground-dwelling spider inhabiting citrus orchards in eastern Spain. However, little is known about its activity-density and its predatory role in the citrus agrosystem. Here we report on the activity-density of P. cribata monitored by pitfall traps, and on its capacity to prey on two citrus pests that appear both in the citrus canopy and the ground cover, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemman) and Myzus persicae (Sulzer), respectively. Pardosa cribata was present in citrus orchards throughout the year, with a peak in spring and a higher peak in summer. Pardosa cribata preyed on adults and third-instar larvae but not on pupae of C. capitata. A type II functional response was obtained for teneral-like adults, with an estimated attack rate (a′) of 0.771 ± 0.213 days−1 and a handling time (T h) of 0.051 ± 0.013 days. Pardosa cribata also preyed efficiently on M. persicae, giving a type II functional response with an estimated attack rate and handling time of 2.833 ± 0.578 days−1 and 0.031 ± 0.001 days, respectively. The data reported here indicate that this wolf spider could play an important role in regulating both these pests, and therefore might contribute to developing conservation biological control strategies for citrus pests. Handling Editor: Arne Jenssen.  相似文献   
  1. Rhopalosiphum padi (Linnaeus, 1758) is abundant and has a broad geographic distribution. It is one of the most important cereal pests. In Brazil, the economic losses associated with this aphid result mainly from the transmission of the barley yellow dwarf viruses.
  2. Decision-making for the adoption of management measures must consider the initial population size, the potential for population increase, and the time when this population will reach levels at which the resulting damage is equal to the costs of control measures. Consequently, the establishment of management programmes and decision support systems should be based on models that estimate the potential population growth of this pest species.
  3. Temperature is one of the main factors that determine the growth rate of insect populations. Generally, controlled experiments are designed to examine the relationship of temperature at fixed intervals in relation to the development phases of insects. In nature, thermal regimes are not constant, and population growth is the result of a series of combined events.
  4. In this work, the effects of different thermal regimes on the population growth of R. padi were compared.
  5. An agent-based model was used to estimate population growth, and the parameters defined in controlled regimes were compared with fluctuating temperatures under natural conditions.
  6. The temperature-driven model presented here can serve as a tool to predict population growth and decision-making for aphid management.
  7. The model structure and the proposed experimental design allow the addition of modules and layers of factors that can progressively affect the populations of aphids to gradually improve the model.
Aphids infest many plants and cause damage by depriving them of nutrients and by transmitting many viral diseases. Aphid infestation and arbovirus transmission are controlled by establishment (or not) of a compatible reaction between the insects and the plants. This reaction is the result of defense reactions of the plant and counter-defense reactions of the parasite. Contrarily to plant-bacteria, plant-fungi and plant-herbivorous insects pathosystems, the plant-aphid pathosystem is understudied, although recent advances have begun to uncover some of its details. Especially the very early steps in plant-aphid interactions are hardly known. We here resume the present knowledge of these interactions. We discuss further how an aphid-transmitted plant virus that is transmitted during the first moments of the plant-aphid encounter, might help to study the very early plant aphid interactions.  相似文献   
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