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雪花莲凝集素基因转化小麦及转基因小麦抗蚜性的研究   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
梁辉  朱银峰  朱祯  孙东发  贾旭 《遗传学报》2004,31(2):189-194
雪花莲凝集素对具有刺吸式口器的同翅目害虫具有毒杀作用。用基因枪法将1个新的雪花莲凝集素(GNA)基因转入普通春小麦品种中-60634和生产上正在推广的冬小麦高产品种——豫麦66中,分别获得了转基因小麦植株。抗蚜实验证明,转化gna基因的小麦植株对我国北方冬麦区的主要麦蚜——麦长管蚜和禾谷缢管蚜的抗性效果不尽相同。对禾谷缢管蚜,在接种当代即表现出明显的毒杀作用。对麦长管蚜,则表现为虫体发育减缓并且降低了其所生产的若蚜成活率。在自然放养条件下,gna基因则对这两种麦蚜的取食均起到了一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   
蚜虫迁飞的研究进展   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
蚜虫的迁飞能造成危害扩展、病毒病传播和防碍人们的正常生活。蚜虫迁飞有其生理生态基础。寄主营养、蚜群拥挤度、天敌以及气候条件是刺激有翅蚜产生的主因素。蚜虫迁飞与卵巢发育存在明显的共轭关系。蚜虫迁飞多发生在晴朗的白天 ,并且温度、光照和风是影响迁飞行为的主导因子。蚜虫可上升到逆温层并随气流迁飞到上百公里以外的地方。目前 ,昆虫雷达观察、天气学分析和分子生物学方法已应用于蚜虫迁学的研究中 ,文章对蚜虫迁飞的生理生态基础、迁飞行为、影响迁飞的生态因子以及研究方法进行了综述 ,以期为蚜虫这类小型昆虫的迁飞研究提供指导  相似文献   
Plant induced responses are activated by multiple biotic and abiotic stresses, and may affect the interactions between a plant and phytophagous insects. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of different stresses inflicted to potato plants (Solanum tuberosum) on the potato aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae). Abiotic wounding, biotic wounding by Leptinotarsa decemlineata and treatment with volatile methyl jasmonate (MeJA) were evaluated with regard to the orientation behaviour, the feeding behaviour and the development of the potato aphids. Dual‐choice olfactometry showed that plants treated with MeJA lost their attractiveness for the potato aphids, while both abiotic and biotic wounding did not alter the orientation of aphids. Electropenetrography revealed that the feeding behaviour of aphids was only slightly disturbed by a previous L. decemlineata wounding, while it was highly disturbed by mechanical wounding and MeJA treatment. Aphid nymph survival was reduced on mechanically wounded plants, the pre‐reproductive period was lengthened and the fecundity reduced on plants treated with MeJA. Our results bring new information about the effects of various stresses inflicted to S. tuberosum on M. euphorbiae. We showed that wounding and MeJA treatment induced an antixenosis resistance in potato plants against M. euphorbiae, which may influence aphid colonization processes.  相似文献   
To cope with pathogen and insect attacks, plants develop different mechanisms of defence, in both direct (physical and chemical) and indirect ways (attractive volatiles to entomophagous beneficials). Plants are then able to express traits that facilitate "top-down" control of pests by attracting herbivore predators. Here we investigate the indirect defence mechanism of potato plants by analyzing the volatile patterns of both healthy and aphid- infested plants. Important changes in the emitted terpene pattern by the Myzus persicae infested host plant were observed. Using Solid Phase MicroExtraction (SPME) and GC-MS, the (E)-fl-farnesene (EBF) appeared to be emitted by aphid-infested potato and not by healthy plants. To assess the infochemical role of these volatile releases after aphid damage on the aphidophagous predators Episyrphus balteams, the hoverfly foraging behavior was assessed using the Observer 5.0 software (Noldus, Wageningen, The Netherlands). Aphidfree potato plants were also used as a control volatile source in the predator behavioral study. While aphid-infested plants induced efficient searching and acceptation behaviors leading to egg-laying, no kairomonal effect of healthy potato plants was observed, leading to longer immobility durations and shorter searching periods in the net cage. High oviposition rate of E. balteatus was observed when aphid-infested potato was used (mean of 48.9 eggs per laying and per female). On the other hand, no egg was produced by the hoverfly on healthy aphid-free plants. The E. balteatus foraging and reproductive behaviors according to the volatile emission from aphid-infested plants are discussed in relation to the potential use of active infochemical molecules in integrated aphid pest management.  相似文献   
新疆石河子棉蚜越冬卵的发育规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王玲  张建华  王宏跃  贺福德  朱江  陈金红 《昆虫知识》2003,40(3):229-231,F004
棉蚜雌性蚜交配个体平均产卵量为 6 3± 1 1粒 ;未交配个体也产卵 ,卵亦变色 ,但卵量极少。越冬卵经 5 %NaOH浸泡 2 4h后卵壳透明 ,镜下观察可见受精卵胚胎发育到体躯分节期开始越冬。冬后胚胎发育仅处在颗粒团状的饱满卵应为无效卵 ,不会孵化 ;颜色发亮的卵处理后胚胎外貌清晰可见 ,此种卵当天即可破壳。棉蚜卵为滞育卵 ,春季降水对孵化有促进作用 ;室外棉蚜卵的饱满率和饱满卵的孵化率较低。该地区秋冬气候特点可能是石河子地区棉蚜卵低温条件下安全越冬的重要因素  相似文献   
Long days (short nights) (LD 16:8) and high temperatures (> 15°C) have an apterizing effect on the short day (LD 12:12) induced, presumptive gynopara of Aphis fabae. Transfer of presumptive gynoparae to long days (15°C) or to 25°C (short days) at varying times during postnatal development demonstrate that the adult form is determined by the second day of the second instar, i.e. 5 days after birth at 15°C. Transfer on day 1 induces maximum apterization with the proportion of aphids affected decreasing with age at transfer.Apterization induced by long days immediately after birth can, to some extent, be cancelled by return to short days but only up to day 4. Thus long days are morphogenetically more potent than short days at the beginning of larval development. At temperatures above 15°C the proportion of aphids apterized increases almost linearly.Apterized insects can be distinguished from juvenilized insects in the fifth-instar. Topical application of juvenile hormone (JH) induces both apterization and juvenilization of presumptive gynoparae but at different times during larval development, JH treatment during the early-instars promotes apterization but induces little juvenilization, whereas maximum juvenilization, without apterization, is produced by middle-instar treatment. The apterizing effects of JH are, thus, not due to its neotenic action.The response profile of JH-induced apterization is similar to that observed with long days and 25°C. It is suggested that such conditions increase endogenous JH levels in A. fabae. The three naturally occurring JH's differ in activity in the order JH I > JH II > JH III. Both long-day and JH-apterized insects switch from the normal ovipara production of the adult gynopara to vivipara production.  相似文献   
以切花菊'神马'叶片为外植体,采用根癌农杆菌介导法将长筒石蒜凝集素基因LLA导入菊花.结果表明,'神马'叶片对潮霉素(Hyg)十分敏感,叶盘再生筛选以8~10 mg·L~(-1)为宜,生根筛选以18 mg·L~(-1)为宜;羧苄青霉素抑菌浓度早期以500 mg·L~(-1)为宜,后期以250~300 mg·L~(-1)为宜.Hyg抗性再生植株经PCR、RT-PCR检测初步证实外源基因已转入7个转化株系的植物基因组DNA中并发生转录.转基因植株幼苗人工接种蚜虫实验表明,不同转化株系的抗蚜性差异较大,蚜口密度抑制率为12.2%~76.8%不等,平均蚜口密度抑制率为41.8%.  相似文献   
天敌对麦长管蚜和麦二叉蚜种群数量影响程度的分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对1993~1996年两种麦蚜种群数量及其天敌数量的系统调查,并采用灰色关联分析法,研究各种天敌对两种麦蚜种群数量的影响程度,得出对麦长管蚜种群数量影响最大的是龟纹瓢虫、蚜茧蜂和食蚜蝇;对麦二叉蚜种群数量影响最大的是草间小黑蛛,其次是龟纹瓢虫.  相似文献   
Six blackberry or hybrid berry cultivars and 19 raspberry cultivars were assessed for their infectibility with, and sensitivity to, graft inoculation with 10 distinct viruses found infecting Rubus in the UK. Cultivars were grafted with each of, two isolates of the pollen borne raspberry bushy dwarf virus (RBDV), five aphid borne viruses: black raspberry necrosis, raspberry leaf mottle (RLMV), raspberry leaf spot (RLSV), rubus yellow net and raspberry vein chlorosis (RVCV); and isolates of the nematode transmitted nepoviruses, arabis mosaic, raspberry ringspot, strawberry latent ringspot and tomato black ring. All tested cultivars were infectible with a resistance breaking isolate of RBDV but only about half of that number with the Scottish type isolate of the virus. The raspberry cvs Autumn Bliss, and occasionally Glen Garry and Glen Prosen, developed leaf yellowing symptoms following infection with RBDV, but none of the other infected cultivars showed obvious leaf symptoms when kept in a heated glasshouse during the growing season. All tested cultivars were infectible with each of the four viruses transmitted in nature by the aphid, Amphorophora idaei. Most were infected symptomlessly, but seven cultivars developed severe leaf spotting symptoms due to infection with RLMV or RLSV. All but one of the raspberry cultivars were infectible with RVCV, which is transmitted in nature by the aphid Aphis idaei, and almost all infected plants developed leaf symptoms; only one of the hybrid berry or blackberry cultivars tested was infected with RVCV. In tests with the four nepoviruses, all tested cultivars, except Tummelberry, were infectible with at least one or more of these viruses. However, cultivars responded differently to challenge inoculation with different isolates of individual nepoviruses. Several cultivars developed chlorotic leaf mottling following infection with some nepovirus isolates. The implications of these results for virus control are discussed in the light of the changing pattern of virus and virus vector incidence in the UK.  相似文献   
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