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The maintenance of the immune system can be costly, and a lack of dietary protein can increase the susceptibility of organisms to disease. However, few studies have investigated the relationship between protein nutrition and immunity in insects. Here, we tested in honeybees (Apis mellifera) whether dietary protein quantity (monofloral pollen) and diet diversity (polyfloral pollen) can shape baseline immunocompetence (IC) by measuring parameters of individual immunity (haemocyte concentration, fat body content and phenoloxidase activity) and glucose oxidase (GOX) activity, which enables bees to sterilize colony and brood food, as a parameter of social immunity. Protein feeding modified both individual and social IC but increases in dietary protein quantity did not enhance IC. However, diet diversity increased IC levels. In particular, polyfloral diets induced higher GOX activity compared with monofloral diets, including protein-richer diets. These results suggest a link between protein nutrition and immunity in honeybees and underscore the critical role of resource availability on pollinator health.  相似文献   
Improving immune status in neonates is crucial to health and production. Gut active carbohydrates (GAC) have been associated with increasing immunoglobin levels and immonucompetence development in mammals. The objective of the following studies was to evaluate whether GAC (mannan-oligosaccharides) applied orally to progeny immediately following parturition, improved blood plasma immunoglobulin (Ig) type G concentrations in piglets and calves. Three trials were conducted comparing control groups with those receiving GAC orally. The first two trials used piglets that were monitored for blood IgG at 2 days of age and for changes in body weight (BW), and the third trial monitored calf IgG from birth to 21 days of age. Piglets in the experimental group received 0.75 g GAC in 10 ml saline at birth and 24 h of age. The calf trial compared the control group against calves that received 22.5 g GAC mixed into 4.5 l of colostrum (to give 5 g/l) in the first 24 h after parturition. Blood serum samples were taken at 2 days post partum in piglets, and at several time points from 6 h to 21 days of age in calves, and were analysed for IgG levels by radial immunodiffusion. In the first piglet trial, significantly higher levels (32%) of IgG were observed for piglets fed GAC (P < 0.001), and in the second, IgG concentration was elevated by 23% (P < 0.01) and BW increased by 9% (P = 0.023) with GAC supplementation. Significant improvements for calves were recorded at all time points in those fed GAC (P < 0.05), with an increase in serum IgG observed after the first day, which was maintained throughout the sampling period, resulting in a difference of 39% at the end of the trial (21 d). These findings form a basis for further studies, which are required to investigate possible modes of action involved in enhancing blood immunoglobulin concentrations in young animals, and the longer-term effects this may have on the development of the immune response.  相似文献   
The probiotic effects ascribed to lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and their fermented dairy products arise not only from whole microorganisms and cell wall components but also from peptides and extracellular polysaccharides (exopolysaccharides) produced during the fermentation of milk. There is a lack of knowledge concerning the immune mechanisms induced by exopolysaccharides produced by lactic acid bacteria, which would allow a better understanding of the functional effects described to them. The aim of this study was to investigate the in vivo immunomodulating capacity of the exopolysaccharide produced by Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens by analyzing the profile of cytokines and immunoglobulins induced at the intestinal mucosa level, in the intestinal fluid and blood serum. BALB/c mice received the exopolysaccharide produced by L. kefiranofaciens for 2, 5 or 7 consecutive days. At the end of each period of administration, control and treated mice were sacrificed and the numbers of IgA+ and IgG+ cells were determined on histological slices of the small and large intestine by immunofluorescence. Cytokines (IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, IFNgamma and TNFalpha) were also determined in the gut lamina propria as well as in the intestinal fluid and blood serum. There was an increase of IgA+ cells in the small and large intestine lamina propria, without change in the number of IgG+ cells in the small intestine. This study reports the effects of the oral administration of the exopolysaccharide produced by L. kefiranofaciens in the number of IgA+ cells in the small and large intestine, comparing simultaneously the production of cytokines by cells of the lamina propria and in the intestinal fluid and blood serum. The increase in the number of IgA+ cells was not simultaneously accompanied by an enhance of the number of IL-4+ cells in the small intestine. This finding would be in accordance with the fact that, in general, polysaccharide antigens elicit a T-independent immune response. For IL-10+, IL-6+ and IL-12+ cells, the values found were slightly increased compared to control values, while IFNgamma+ and TNFalpha+ cells did not change compared to control values. The effects observed on immunoglobulins and in all the cytokines assayed in the large intestine after kefiran administration were of greater magnitude than the ones observed in the small intestine lamina propria, which may be due to the saccharolytic action of the colonic microflora. In the intestinal fluid, only IL-4 and IL-12 increased compared to control values. In blood serum, all the cytokines assayed followed a pattern of production quite similar to the one found for them in the small intestine lamina propria. We observed that the exopolysaccharide induced a gut mucosal response and it was able to up and down regulate it for protective immunity, maintaining intestinal homeostasis, enhancing the IgA production at both the small and large intestine level and influencing the systemic immunity through the cytokines released to the circulating blood.  相似文献   
Immunocompetence, the general capacity of an individual host to mount an immune response against pathogens, is commonly assessed by the response to a challenge of the immune system by injection of phytohaemagglutinin (PHA). The response to PHA is commonly considered a reliable estimate of the T-cell mediated immune response. We investigated the temporal pattern of the PHA response in 10 rodent species from the Negev desert, Israel. We hypothesized that the temporal dynamics of the PHA response would differ among species with different natural patterns of flea parasitism. We injected PHA subcutaneously in the footpad of each rodent and measured its PHA response 6, 24 and 48 h after injection. Rodent species showed two types of PHA response. One type was rapid and characteristic of rodents that had either species-poor flea assemblages, or that are rarely attacked by fleas. This response peaked approximately 6 h after PHA injection. The second type of response was delayed and was typical of rodents that have either species-rich flea assemblages or high abundance and prevalence of fleas or both. Their response to PHA peaked 24 h after injection. Furthermore, rodents that responded promptly had a lower maximum response than rodents with a delayed response. Our results suggest the occurrence of a trade-off between intensity and latency of the PHA response and, therefore, the necessity to account for the relationship between maximum PHA response and time after injection when making interspecific comparisons of immunocompetence.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Interleukin-21 (IL-21) plays important roles in the regulation of T, B, and natural killer (NK) cells. We hypothesized that the cytokine may provide a novel immunotherapy strategy for cancer by stimulating both Th1 and Th2 immune responses. In this context, antitumor immunity induced by IL-21 was examined in mice bearing subcutaneous head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC). METHODS: A plasmid vector encoding murine IL-21 was injected intravenously into mice with pre-established HNSCC tumors, either alone or in combination with a vector construct expressing IL-15. Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) and NK killing activities were evaluated by chrome release assays, while HNSCC-specific antibody was examined by flow cytometry and ELISA. RESULTS: Significant antitumor effects were obtained by repeated transfection with either the IL-21 or the IL-15 gene. Co-administration of both cytokine genes resulted in increased suppression of tumor growth, significantly prolonging the survival periods of the animals. Thirty percent of the tumor-bearing mice that received the combination therapy survived for more than 300 days, completely rejecting rechallenge with the tumor at a distant site. IL-21 induced significant elevation of HNSCC-specific CTL activity, while IL-21 and IL-15 augmented NK activity in an additive manner. IL-21 gene transfer also promoted the production of tumor-specific IgG. CONCLUSIONS: In vivo transduction of the IL-21 gene elicits powerful antitumor immunity, including both humoral and cellular arms of the immune response, and results in significant suppression of pre-established HNSCC. Co-transfer of the IL-15 gene further improved the therapeutic outcome, mainly by augmenting NK tumoricidal activity. The biological effects of IL-21 may be in sharp contrast to those of conventional Th1 and Th2 cytokines, suggesting intriguing implications of this cytokine for the classical concept of Th1 vs. Th2 paradigm.  相似文献   
分析减毒鼠伤寒沙门菌口服感染后在小鼠体内定位的情况.将构建的红色荧光蛋白(RFP)原核质粒pYA33-DsRed,以电穿孔法转化减毒鼠伤寒沙门菌X4550,重组菌命名为X4550(33-DsRed).重组菌分别感染巨噬细胞RAW264.7和骨髓源树突状细胞(BMDC),并用流式细胞术检测红色荧光细胞荧光强度.此外,以不同剂量重组菌口服免疫BALB/c小鼠,并于免疫后1d、2d、3d、5d、7d取小鼠脾、肝、肠系膜淋巴结(MLN)、派伊尔氏结(PP)、腹股沟淋巴结(ILN)细胞,检测各组织器官中的红色荧光阳性细胞百分率.重组菌对RAW264.7细胞和BMDC均具有良好的侵袭力.口服小鼠后,第1d,仅在MLN及PP中检测到RFP阳性细胞,其中PP中阳性细胞达到1.4%;第2 d,在ILN中达到0.4%;第3 d,各个组织器官中RFP阳性细胞均有上升趋势,此时在脾、肝中也检测到RFP阳性细胞.第5 d,RFP阳性细胞均减少,第7 d则未检测到任何RFP阳性细胞.减毒鼠伤寒沙门菌具有良好的侵袭力,其黏膜移行方式以及对免疫组织器官靶向定位性,在优化黏膜疫苗以及提高疫苗免疫效力等方面都具有重要作用.  相似文献   
植物抗病反应的信号传导网络   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
植物由抗病基因介导的防卫过程存在一系列生理生化和分子生物学反应,这些反应从病原菌侵染点开始的超敏反应(HR)并延伸到远处组织的系统抗性或获得性抗性(SAR),受制于一种信号传导网络的调控。这个信号系统由抗病蛋白和病原菌非毒性蛋白在一种配体-受体的互作模式下激发,并由信号分子H2O2,NO和系统信号分子SA,JA和乙烯和通过关键调控基因传递和放大,最终诱导一系列防卫反应基因的表达和代谢的变化而产生抗性。植物防卫信号的产生有类似于动物免疫系统因子的介导,并可由非寄主病原菌或诱导子诱发。这些信号途径所产生的广谱抗性为植物抗病基因工程的应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Guinea pigs immunized with 500 μg of either Ascaris suum or Toxocara canis egg extracts, emulsified with Freund's complete adjuvant, were skin tested with both the homologous and heterologous antigens. Cross-reactions were observed in both groups. Migration of macrophages from sensitized animals was more inhibited by homologous than by heterologous antigens. Lymph-node lymphocytes from sensitized animals were stimulated to incorporate [8H]thymidine similarly by both antigens.  相似文献   
《Journal of Asia》2022,25(1):101860
In 2019 and 2020, ten rice (Oryza sativa) cultivars including check commonly grown in the Kharif-II season (June-November) were in-situ screened against rice leaf folder (RLF, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis) in RLF-prone experimental plots in Bagerhat, Bangladesh, following RCBD (Randomized Complete Block Design) with three replicates and physicochemical analyses in the lab to evaluate their innate immunity to the pest. Of ten cultivars, only BRRI (Bangladesh Rice Research Institute) rice 72 and 87 tended to be moderately resistant (damage scale 3.00–4.99), while BRRI rice 73, 80, and 90 were susceptible to RLF (damage scale 7.00–8.99) and none appearing to be highly resistant or susceptible. In-field evaluation of Kharif-II rice cultivars against RLF, principal component analysis identified 14 key variables of 30 contributing maximum variance of PCA1 and PCA2. Cluster analysis grouped studied rice cultivars into four clades with clade II of BRRI rice 72 and 87 belonging to resistant club with high tannin and phenol contents (mg/g) assuring relatively higher yield (MT/ha) over others. A 3-D surface plot demonstrated, upsurge of larvae/ hill speeded up RLF incidence and severity (%) while bubble plot depicted, tiller infection (%) and RLF-fold length (cm) enhanced by leaf width (cm) limited the grain yield (MT/ha) in rice, well-supportive to correlation analysis. As per regression analysis, unit increment of tannin and phenol content (mg/g) declined tiller infection by 11 and 14%. Identified these two resistant cultivars could be used as potential parents in further breeding programs to develop an elite high yielding Kharif-II rice line by combining their novel resistance through hybridization.  相似文献   
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