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稳定的边坡群落是公路边坡生态防护的目标,为探究高速公路生态护坡工程10 a演替后群落特征,该研究以泌桐高速公路为依托,布设自然恢复、单一狗牙根播种和5个不同播种密度的草灌混播生态防护措施,分析不同恢复方式对边坡群落组成、生活型和物种多样性的影响。结果表明:(1)调查样方内共有52种植物,分属于17科49属。禾本科、菊科和豆科植物共26属29种,占种总数的55.77%,表明这三大科植物在边坡群落演替过程中起着重要作用。(2) 10 a演替后不同恢复方式下群落中多年生植物比例高于一年生草本植物。(3)在草灌混播样地中,群落物种多样性指数随着播种密度的增加呈先增加后降低的单峰变化趋势,在播种密度为每平方米500株时达到最大。(4)草灌混播的生态恢复效果优于纯草本种植和自然恢复方式。(5)播种密度对草灌混播群落类型,地上生物量和物种多样性指数没有显著影响。从植物的生长效果及成本方面考虑,初播密度每平方米为500~600株的草灌混播可构建较为稳定的边坡植物群落,实现最佳的边坡恢复效果,可应用于类似区域边坡生态恢复工程。  相似文献   
Climate warming is leading to shrub expansion in Arctic tundra. Shrubs form ectomycorrhizal (ECM) associations with soil fungi that are central to ecosystem carbon balance as determinants of plant community structure and as decomposers of soil organic matter. To assess potential climate change impacts on ECM communities, we analysed fungal internal transcribed spacer sequences from ECM root tips of the dominant tundra shrub Betula nana growing in treatments plots that had received long‐term warming by greenhouses and/or fertilization as part of the Arctic Long‐Term Ecological Research experiment at Toolik Lake Alaska, USA. We demonstrate opposing effects of long‐term warming and fertilization treatments on ECM fungal diversity; with warming increasing and fertilization reducing the diversity of ECM communities. We show that warming leads to a significant increase in high biomass fungi with proteolytic capacity, especially Cortinarius spp., and a reduction of fungi with high affinities for labile N, especially Russula spp. In contrast, fertilization treatments led to relatively small changes in the composition of the ECM community, but increased the abundance of saprotrophs. Our data suggest that warming profoundly alters nutrient cycling in tundra, and may facilitate the expansion of B. nana through the formation of mycorrhizal networks of larger size.  相似文献   
Small research vessels are often used as platforms for tagging activities to collect behavioral data on cetaceans and they have the potential to disturb that group or individual. If this disturbance is ignored, results and conclusions produced by that study could be inaccurate. Here land‐based behavioral data of migrating humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) (n = 29) were used to determine the effect of close approaches for tagging by research vessels on their diving, movement and surface behaviors. Groups of whales were tagged, using digital recording tags, by small research vessels, as part of a behavioral response study. In groups that were approached for tagging, temporary changes in movement behaviors during close approaches were found, with subsequent recovery to “pre‐approach” levels. In female‐calf groups more long‐term changes in travel speed were found. Results suggest that, although close approaches for tagging by small vessels may cause behavioral changes in humpback whales, this change may be small and temporary. However, in female‐calf groups, the behavioral change may be greater and longer lasting. This study shows that when using small vessels for behavioral research, disturbance, and recovery should be measured to ensure integrity of data used for other analyses.  相似文献   
以中国北亚热带退化灌木林改造而来的木荷-青冈栎混交林和杜英纯林为对象,研究树种组成对常绿阔叶人工林生态系统碳储量的影响。结果表明:(1)退化灌木林改造成两种人工林生长11年后,生态系统植被、土壤碳储量均显著增加;植被碳储量的增加主要来自乔木层。(2)两种人工林碳积累能力有差异。杜英林植被碳储量比木荷-青冈栎林高99.4%,其中杜英林的乔木层碳储量比木荷-青冈栎林高27.75t·hm-2,是后者的2倍;杜英林土壤有机碳储量(0~50cm)显著高于木荷-青冈栎林10.17t·hm-2,其中在0~10、20~30cm土层杜英林均显著高于木荷-青冈栎林。研究表明,退化灌木林人工改造成常绿阔叶林后生态系统碳储量显著增加,杜英纯林碳蓄积能力明显高于木荷-青冈栎混交林,说明在以增加碳储量为目的的退化生态系统改造过程中,树种选择非常重要。  相似文献   
Chen H  Li Y Q  Zheng S W  Wang L  He F  Liu J  Mu C L 《农业工程》2007,27(5):1818-1825
The minimum sampling areas (MSAs) for the shrub communities in the arid valley in the upper reach of the Minjiang River, China, were studied by fitting community species-area relationships using 3 types of equations. The MSAs were determined at the proportional factor (ρ) 0.6, 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9. The proportional factors represent the proportion of the number of species within a sampling plot in the total number of species. The MSAs of the shrub communities at different elevations and on different slope faces for ρ = 0.6, 0.7 and 0.8 were all around 100 m2. Hence, the MSAs could be set to be 100 m2 (10 m × 10 m) at 60%–80% precision levels. For ρ = 0.9, that is, for a 90% precision level, the MSAs were less than 200 m2 (10 m × 20 m). The MSAs and species richness increased gradually with the rising elevation. At the elevation below 2000 m, the MSAs and species richness on the north-facing slope were larger than those on the south-facing slope. However, at the elevation around 2200 m, there was no difference amongst different facing slopes. For the shrub communities in the arid valley in the upper reach of the Minjiang River, the species-area curves by fitting the first two equations are better than that by fitting the third equation.  相似文献   
In arid environments, direct facilitation (microhabitat amelioration) and indirect facilitation (‘associational resistance’ via protection from herbivory) among plants of different species may act simultaneously. Little is known about their relative effects. One way to disentangle the effects is by evaluating spatial associations. We examined the relative importance of these two mechanisms of facilitation in the semiarid Chaco vegetation of north‐central Argentina, through an eight‐way observational study in which we quantified the degree of spatial association between saplings of each of two key tree species, Schinopsis lorentzii (Anacardiaceae) and Aspidosperma quebracho‐blanco (Apocynaceae), with shrub neighbours either possessing spines or without spines and in both an ungrazed site and a site with a long history of cattle grazing. We analysed data across 400 subparcels at each site with spatial analysis by distance indices. Saplings of both tree species showed positive spatial associations with spiny shrubs in the grazed site but not in the ungrazed site, and never with non‐spiny shrubs. This result suggests that spiny shrubs may indeed provide associational resistance for saplings of key tree species in grazed habitats in these dry subtropical forests, that is, that indirect facilitation may predominate over direct facilitation. If confirmed by experimental studies, this result can have implications for the silvopastoral management of rapidly expanding ranches in the semiarid Chaco, where current practice includes the near elimination of native shrubs.  相似文献   
具鳞水柏枝(Myricaria squamosa)是我国高寒地区广泛分布的优势河谷灌木, 具有维持河谷湿地系统稳定的功能。然而, 目前国内外有关具鳞水柏枝水分利用来源的定量研究很少。该文运用氢稳定同位素示踪方法, 分析了青海湖流域具鳞水柏枝茎(木质部)水和潜在水源(地下水、河水和土壤水)的氢稳定同位素比率(δD)的季节变化, 发现具鳞水柏枝在不同水文环境下的植物水分利用来源有明显差异。研究结果表明, 生长在河岸边的具鳞水柏枝在6、7月主要利用地下水与河水, 分别占其所利用水分的89%、86%和55%、65%, 8月主要利用0-20 cm土层的土壤水, 9月水源不详。生长在离河岸约100 m处的具鳞水柏枝在6月主要利用地下水与河水(91%、70%), 在7-9月以0-60 cm土层的土壤水为主要水源。这表明生长在河岸边的具鳞水柏枝对地下水和河水的依赖程度较高, 而距离河岸约100 m时对土壤水的利用量较多, 反映出生长在不同生境中的具鳞水柏枝对特定水分条件的特殊适应结果。  相似文献   
Anthropogenic disturbance can have important influences on the fitness and behaviors of wild animals, including their boldness when exposed to risky conditions. We presented spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) from two populations, each exposed to a different level of human activity, with a life-size model hyena representing an intruder from another clan. The high-disturbance population lived adjacent to human settlements, and the low-disturbance population inhabited a relatively undisturbed part of the same national park in Kenya. The mock intruder was presented to individual hyenas to assess their reactions to an alien hyena, and to determine whether their reactions varied with their exposure to anthropogenic activity. We found that human disturbance was indeed associated with hyena risk-taking behavior in response to the model intruder. Hyenas tested in the low-disturbance area exhibited more risk-taking behaviors by approaching the mock intruder more closely, and spending more time near it, than did their counterparts living in high-disturbance areas. Hyenas that spent less time in close proximity to the model had greater survivorship than those that spent more time in close proximity to it, regardless of disturbance level. Furthermore, the individual differences in risk-taking measured here were consistent with those obtained previously from the same animals using a different set of experimental manipulations. However, the experimentally induced behaviors were not consistent with naturally occurring risk-taking behaviors in proximity to lions; this suggests that risk-taking behaviors are consistent within individuals across experimental contexts, but that exposure to lions elicits different responses. Although our results are consistent with those from earlier tests of anthropogenic disturbance and boldness in spotted hyenas and other predators, they differ from results obtained from birds and small mammals, which are generally found to be bolder in areas characterized by human disturbance.  相似文献   
以内质多刺植物霸王鞭(Euphorbia royleana)和仙人掌(Opuntia monacantha)为特征的具有荒漠植被景观的元江干热河谷肉质多刺灌丛是一种特殊的次生植被,是在近代原生植被的强烈破坏下,栽培逸生的霸王鞭和仙人掌在局部特别千热土薄多石之处发展而形成的。该群落外貌和结构特殊,可初步定为一个群丛,下分两个亚群丛。在种类组成上,该群落与热带亚洲干早植物区系联系密切,在区系起源上具有古南大陆残余背景,在群落形成和发展上又与人为活动相联系。  相似文献   
Abstract The large accumulation of organic matter in peatlands is primarily caused by slow rates of litter decomposition. We determined rates of decomposition of major peat-forming litters of vascular plants and mosses at five sites: a poor fen in New Hampshire and a bog hummock, a poor fen, a beaver pond margin and a beaver pond in Ontario. We used the litterbag technique, retrieving triplicate litterbags six or seven times over 3–5 years, and found that simple exponential decay and continuous-quality non-linear regression models could adequately characterize the decomposition in most cases. Within each site, the rate of decomposition at the surface was generally Typha latifolia leaves = Chamaedaphne calyculata leaves = Carex leaves > Chamaedaphne calyculata stems > hummock Sphagnum = lawn/hollow Sphagnum, with exponential decay constant (k) values generally ranging from 0.05 to 0.37 and continuous-quality model initial quality (q 0 ) values ranging from 1.0 (arbitrarily set for Typha leaves) to 0.7 (Sphagnum). In general, surface decay rates were slowest at the bog hummock site, which had the lowest water table, and in the beaver pond, which was inundated, and fastest at the fens. The continuous-quality model site decomposition parameter (u 0 ) ranged from 0.80 to 0.17. Analysis of original litter samples for carbon, nitrogen and proximate fractions revealed a relatively poor explanation of decomposition rates, as defined by k and q 0 , compared to most well-drained ecosystems. Three litters, roots of sedge and a shrub and Typha leaves, were placed at depths of 10, 30 and 60 cm at the sites. Decomposition rates decreased with depth at each site, with k means of 0.15, 0.08 and 0.05 y−1 at 10, 30 and 60 cm, respectively, and u 0 of 0.25, 0.13 and 0.07. These differences are primarily related to the position of the water table at each site and to a lesser extent the cooler temperatures in the lower layers of the peat. The distinction between bog and fen was less important than the position of the water table. These results show that we can characterize decomposition rates of surface litter in northern peatlands, but given the large primary productivity below-ground in these ecosystems, and the differential rates of decomposition with depth, subsurface input and decomposition of organic matter is an important and relatively uncertain attribute.  相似文献   
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