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Many exocrine products used by ground beetles are pheromones and allomones that regulate intra- and interspecific interactions and contribute to their success in terrestrial ecosystems. This mini-review attempts to unify major themes related to the exocrine glands of carabid beetles. Here we report on both glandular structures and the role of secretions in carabid adults, and that little information is available on the ecological significance of glandular secretions in pre-imaginal stages.  相似文献   
Gasterophilus nigricornis (Loew) (Diptera: Oestridae) is one of the most damaging obligate parasites of equids in Kalamaili, Xinjiang, China. The main olfactory organs of this stomach bot fly are paired antennae that bear microscopic sensillar structures. The external morphology of the antennal funiculus and sensilla of male G. nigricornis were studied using stereopic microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. A cross-sectional view of the funiculus shows it to be triangular, with an anterodorsal surface, a dorsolateral margin and a posteroventral surface. Almost the entire surface of the funiculus is densely covered with microtrichiae. Small patches lacking these microtrichiae appear as depressions or pits in the surface of the funiculus. Six distinct types of sensilla are recorded, including one trichoid, three basiconic, one auriculate and one clavate sensilla. Trichoid sensilla are the most abundant, followed by the basiconic, auriculate and clavate types in descending order. Only auriculate sensilla are found in pits on the funiculus. Distributions of different sensilla types located on the antennal funiculus are provided. These results are compared with equivalent findings in several other fly species. In addition, the possible functions of the various sensilla types are discussed.  相似文献   
前裂长管茧蜂是许多实蝇类害虫幼虫-蛹期的重要寄生性天敌。通过扫描电镜对其触角感受器进行超微观察,结果发现,前裂长管茧蜂雌蜂触角共发现7种感受器,分别为鳞型感器、Bhm毛、毛型感器、腔型感器、栓锥型感器、钟型感器及板型感器。其中,毛型感器具有3种形态(毛型感器Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ),锥型感器具有2种形态(锥型感器Ⅰ、Ⅱ),但在雄蜂触角上没发现锥形感器Ⅱ。毛型感器和板型感器是前裂长管茧蜂触角上的主要感器,数量较多,分布较广。  相似文献   
Summary During metamorphic adult development, neurons and glial cells in the developing olfactory (antennal) lobes of the moth undergo characteristic and extensive changes in shape. These changes depend on an interplay among these two cell types and ingrowing sensory axons. All of the direct cellular interactions occur against a background of changing steroid hormone titers. Antennal-lobe (AL) neurons dissociated from stage-5 (of 18 stages) metamorphosing animals survive at least 3 wk in primary cell culture. We describe here the morphological influences on AL neurons of (1) exposure to the steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone, (2) exposure to sensory axons, and (3) interactions among the AL neurons. Cultured AL neurons respond only weakly, if at all, to 20-hydroxyecdysone. They do, however, show greater total outgrowth and branching when they had been exposed in vivo to sensory axons. Because there is no direct contact between some of the neuronal types and the sensory axons at the time of dissociation, the increase in outgrowth must have been mediated via a diffusible factor(s). When AL cells (neurons and glia) are plated at high density in low volumes of medium, or when the cells are plated at low density but in the presence of medium conditioned by high-density cultures, neurite outgrowth and cell survival are increased. Nerve growth factor (NGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), fibroblast growth factor-basic (bFGF), transforming growth factor-β (TGF β ) and insulin-like growth factor (ILGF) had no obvious effect on neuronal morphology and thus are unlikely to underlie these effects. Our results suggest that the mature shape of AL neurons depends on developmental interactions among a number of diffusible factors.  相似文献   
Some physiological parameters of the antennal heart, an accessory circulatory organ in the head of Periplaneta americana and the effect of the neuropeptide proctolin on it were investigated. The beat frequency of the antennal heart in vivo or semiisolated is about 2–3 times slower than that of the dorsal vessel and not coordinated with the latter. The extracellular ECG of the antennal heart has a simple biphasic shape with a total duration of 588.7 ± 38.2 ms. Intracellularly recorded parameters showed characteristics typical of myogenic rhythmicity: a slow depolarization with a rate of rise of 7.5 ± 0.7 mV/s, followed by an action potential of 54.9 ± 1.2 mV with a relatively long duration of 201.6 ± 10.8 ms, absence of overshoots and resistance to TTX. Proctolin produced a marked enhancement of the frequency of beat of the antennal heart up to about 400% with a high sensitivity (threshold concentrations: 5·10?9M). The dose-response curve shows a linear relationship between the logarithm of the concentration and the percentage increase in beat frequency. The electrical event most influenced by proctolin was the slow pacemaker depolarization, whose rate of rise was enhanced up to 240%. The action potential remained unchanged; the depolarization of the resting potential was very small and the input resistance did not change. The antennal heart responds to neurohormone D, another neuropeptide in insects, in a similar way as it does to proctolin. The mode of action of proctolin on the antennal heart is discussed in comparison to that found in other systems.  相似文献   
Insects are suitable model organisms for studying mechanisms underlying olfactory coding and olfactory learning, by their unique adaptation to host plants in which the chemical senses are essential. Recent molecular biological studies have shown that a large number of genes in insects and other organisms are coding for olfactory receptor proteins. In general, one receptor type seems to be expressed in each neurone. The functional characterisations of olfactory receptor neurones have been extensive in certain insect species, demonstrating a fine-tuning of single neurones to biologically relevant odourants; both insect and plant produced volatiles. Stained neurones of the same functional type have been shown to project in one and the same glomerular unit in the primary olfactory centre, the antennal lobe. This corresponds to molecular biological studies, showing projections in one glomerulus by neurones expressing the same receptor type. Comparison of these findings with physiological and morphological characterisations of antennal lobe neurones has indicated correspondence between input and output of the glomerular units. Examples are presented from studies of heliothine moths. From the antennal lobe, the olfactory information is further conveyed to the mushroom bodies, particularly important for learning, and the lateral protocerebrum, a premotoric area. The three brain areas are regions of synaptic plasticity important in learning of odours, which is well studied in the honeybee but also in species of moths.  相似文献   
中华蜜蜂Orco嗅觉受体基因的克隆、表达及亚细胞定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】克隆鉴定中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana的Orco嗅觉受体基因, 并对其在工蜂触角上进行免疫荧光定位。【方法】利用RT-PCR技术克隆中华蜜蜂Orco基因, 并对其编码的氨基酸序列进行生物信息学分析, 使用Real-time PCR技术鉴定其在中华蜜蜂不同发育时期及不同组织的表达谱; 利用免疫荧光定位技术在中华蜜蜂工蜂触角中对Orco进行亚细胞定位。【结果】获得中华蜜蜂Orco基因的全长cDNA序列, 命名为AcerOrco (GenBank登录号: JF968610.1), 其全长为1 434 bp, 编码477个氨基酸, 预测其含7个跨膜结构以及4个位于细胞膜外的亲水区。表达谱分析显示, AcerOrco在卵、 幼虫和蛹期呈低丰度表达, 1日龄及内勤蜂时期主要在触角和足中表达, 且在1日龄的触角中表达量最高; 采集蜂时期的触角、 头(去除触角)、 胸、 腹和翅中均有较高丰度的表达。亚细胞定位结果显示, AcerOrco不仅在采集蜂触角鞭节上大量表达(尤其在触角鞭节第1亚节中表达量较高), 而且常成对出现, 并且发现AcerOrco可能主要在触角毛形感器的外部神经元(outer dendrite, OD)以及板形感器的树突神经元中表达。【结论】成功克隆了AcerOrco基因全长, 获得了其表达谱, 且将其定位于工蜂采集蜂的触角感器神经元上, 最终推测AcerOrco与中蜂嗅觉发育和触角感器功能密切相关。  相似文献   
袁轲  朱慧  曲业宽  任炳忠  尤杨 《昆虫学报》2020,63(4):439-449
【目的】本研究旨在明确访花昆虫红腹毛蚊Bibio rufiventris触角感器的类型和分布。【方法】通过扫描电镜(scanning electron microscope, SEM)观察红腹毛蚊雌、雄成虫触角感器的种类、数量和形态,比较雌雄个体间的差异。【结果】红腹毛蚊雌、雄成虫触角均包含3部分,分别为柄节、梗节和鞭节,其中鞭节由8个亚节组成。雌成虫触角平均总长度为862.556±78.662μm,雄成虫触角平均总长度为880.361±83.253μm,雌、雄成虫触角各亚节的长度几乎相似,只有鞭节第8亚节长度有显著差异。红腹毛蚊的触角感器共有4大类,即刺形感器、锥形感器、毛形感器和B?hm氏鬃毛。其中,雌性红腹毛蚊触角感器共有6种亚型,即刺形感器、毛形感器2型、锥形感器(1, 2和4型)和B?hm氏鬃毛;雄性红腹毛蚊触角感器共有5种亚型,即刺形感器、毛形感器1型、锥形感器(2和3型)和B?hm氏鬃毛。【结论】红腹毛蚊雌、雄成虫触角感器在种类、数量以及形态特征方面存在一定差异。本研究为进一步探究红腹毛蚊触角感器的生理功能及其行为活动的分子机制提供了形态学基础。  相似文献   
Many hosts of parasitic wasps are, when attacked, either at an immobile stage, living in a concealed environment, or both, thus making their detection especially difficult. Cryptine ichneumonid wasps often parasitize beetle or moth larvae, prepupae or even pupae in tunnels in wood, and many others attack cocooned hosts in various states of concealment. The structure of the antennal tips shows a range of adaptations at least the most extreme of which appear to be involved in locating deeply concealed hosts through vibrational sounding (= echolocation through solid media). We show that, within the Cryptinae, the tips of the antenna are modified into a hammer-like structure that is suitable for knocking a substrate; this form of echo-location is typical to the tribe Cryptini, although it is also found in a few phygadeuontines and in the hemigastrine genus Echthrus . Electron micrographs are presented to illustrate the different degrees of antennal modifications found in the subfamily. Comparative analysis using independent contrasts was then used to demonstrate a statistically significant association between degree of antennal hammer development and attacking, typically wood-boring, beetle hosts of the families Cerambycidae and Buprestidae.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 82–102.  相似文献   
We investigated the neuroanatomy of the macroglomerular complex (MGC), which is involved in sex pheromone processing, in five species in the subfamily Bombycinae, including Ernolatia moorei, Trilocha varians, Rondotia menciana, Bombyx mandarina and Bombyx mori. The glomerulus located at the dorsal-most part of the olfactory centre shows the largest volume in moth species examined to date. Such normal glomerular organization has been observed in E. moorei and T. varians, which use a two-component mixture and includes the compound bombykal as a mating signal. By contrast, the other three species, which use another component as a single attractant, exhibited a modified arrangement of the MGC. This correlation between pheromone usage and neural organization may be useful for understanding the process of speciation.  相似文献   
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