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Chloroplasts and chlorophylls were isolated from the leaves of Dicranopteris linearis, a natural perennial fern sampled at rare earth element (REE) mining areas in the South-Jiangxi region (southern China). The inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) results indicated that REEs were present in the chloroplasts and chlorophylls of D. linearis. The in vivo coordination environment of light REE (lanthanum) or heavy REE (yttrium) ions in D. linearis chlorophyll-a was determind by the extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS). Results revealed that there were eight nitrogen atoms in the first coordination shell of the lanthanum atom, whereas there were four nitrogen atoms in the first coordination shell of yttrium. It was postulated that the lanthanum-chlorophyll-a complex might have a double-layer sandwichlike structure, but yttrium-binding chlorophyll-a might be in a single-layer form. Because the content of REE-binding chlorophylls in D. linearis chlorophylls was very low, it is impossible to obtain structural characteristics of REE-binding chlorophylls by direct analysis of the Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and ultraviolet (UV)-visible spectra of D. linearis chlorophylls. In order to acquire more structural information of REE-binding chlorophyll-a in D. linearis, lanthanum—and yttrium-chlorophyll-a complexes were in vitro synthesized in acetone solution. Element analyses and EXAFS results indicated that REE ions (lanthanum or yttrium) of REE-chlorophyll-a possessed the same coordination environment whether in vivo or in vitro. The FTIR spectra of the REE-chlorophyll-a complexes indicated that REEs were bound to the porphyrin rings of chlorophylls. UV-visible results showed that the intensity ratios of Soret to the Q-band of REE-chlorophyll-a complexes were higher than those of standard chlorophyll-a and pheophytin-a indicating that REE-chlorophyll-a might have a much stronger ability to absorb the ultraviolet light. The MCD spectrum in the Soret band region of lanthanum-chlorophyll-a showed a special peak, but yttrium-chlorophyll-a did not have this special peak, corresponding well to their double-layer and single-layer structure, respectively. Structural differences between lanthanum—and yttrium-chlorophyll-a might result from the difference in ion radius between yttrium and lanthanum. These data might be useful for understanding of both the properties of REE-chlorophyll-a complexes and the physiological roles of REEs in the hyperaccumulator D. linearis.  相似文献   
Postembryonic females and males Diaphanosoma brachyurum from Lake Glubokoe (Moscow) have 3–4 and 3 juvenile instars, respectively. Females and males of the first three postembryonic instars can be identified by the different number of setae and setal rudiments on the proximal and distal segments of the exopodite of the swimming antennae: 3 + 7; (i + 3) + 7; 4 + (i + 7), respectively (i = rudiment of seta). The subsequent instars have 4 + 8 long plumose setae on these segments, but the fourth instar has the proximal lateral seta of the distal exopod segment slightly shorter and thinner than the others. The antennules and copulatory appendages of males are instar-specific. Diaphanosomas show small increments in body length during the postembryonic molts. The largest increments (about 115 m) occur during the first or second molts. The allometric equation of Huxley (1924) was used for a comparison of the relative growth rate of different body parts. In the middle of summer, the head and swimming antennae with the body and the antennal exopodite with the antennal basipodite grow in isometry. At the same time, the branches of the swimming antennae and their setae show allometric growth: the exopodite and distal setae grow faster than the endopodite and the lateral setae, respectively.  相似文献   
We examined, under laboratory conditions, the influence of temperature (2 °C vs. 10 °C) on the physiological responses of two aquatic bryophytes from a mountain stream to artificially enhanced UV-B radiation for 82 d. These organisms may be exposed naturally to relatively low temperatures and high levels of UV-B radiation, and this combination is believed to increase the adverse effects of UV-B radiation. In the moss Fontinalis antipyretica, UV-B-treated samples showed severe physiological damages, including significant decreases in chlorophyll (Chl) and carotenoid (Car) contents, Chl a/b and Chl/phaeopigment ratios, Chl a fluorescence parameters Fv/Fm and PS2, electron transport rate (ETRmax), and growth. In the liverwort Jungermannia cordifolia, UV-B radiation hardly caused any physiological change except for growth reduction. Thus, this liverwort seemed to be more tolerant to UV-B radiation than the moss under the specific experimental conditions used, maybe partly due to the accumulation of UV-B absorbing compounds. The influence of temperature on the effects of UV-B radiation depended on the species: the higher the UV-B tolerance, the lower the influence of temperature. Also, different physiological variables showed varied responses to this influence. Particularly, the lower temperature used in our study enhanced the adverse effects of UV-B radiation on important physiological variables such as Fv/Fm, growth, and Chl/phaeopigment ratios in the UV-B-sensitive F. antipyretica, but not in the more UV-B-tolerant J. cordifolia. Thus, the adverse effects of cold and UV-B radiation were apparently additive in the moss, but this additiveness was lacking in the liverwort. The Principal Components Analyses (PCA) conducted for both species with the physiological data obtained after 36 and 82 d of culture confirmed the above results. Under natural conditions, the relatively high water temperatures in summer might facilitate the acclimation of aquatic bryophytes from mountain streams to high levels of UV-B radiation. This may be relevant to predict the consequences of concomitant global warming and increasing UV-B radiation.  相似文献   
The photosynthetic pigments of twigs in five tree and shrub species possessing chlorenchyma under a well developed, stomata-less, and highly photon absorptive periderm were analysed and compared to those of the corresponding canopy leaves. We asked whether the unavoidable shade acclimation of corticular chlorenchyma results in photosynthetic pigment complements typically found in shade leaves. As expected, chlorophyll (Chl) a/b ratios in twigs were consistently low. However, carotenoid (Car) analysis did not confirm the initial hypothesis, since twigs generally contained increased Chl-based pool sizes of the xanthophyll cycle components. The contents of photo-selective neoxanthin and lutein were high as well. Yet, -carotene content was extraordinarily low. In addition, twigs retained high pre-dawn ratios of the deepoxidized antheraxanthin and zeaxanthin, although environmental conditions were not pre-disposing for such a state. The unexpected Car composition allows the conclusion that other micro-environmental conditions within twigs (hypoxia, increased red to blue photon ratios, and extremely high CO2 concentrations) are more important than shade in shaping the Car profiles.This revised version was published online in March 2005 with corrections to the page numbers.  相似文献   
Three-month-old mulberry (Morus alba L.) cultivars (salt tolerant cv. S1 and salt sensitive cv. ATP) were subjected to different concentrations of NaCl for 12 d. Leaf area, dry mass accumulation, total chlorophyll (Chl) content, net CO2 assimilation rate (P N), stomatal conductance (g s), and transpiration rate (E) declined, and intercellular CO2 concentration (C i) increased. The changes in these parameters were dependent on stress severity and duration, and differed between the two cultivars. The tolerant cultivar showed a lesser reduction in P N and g s coupled with a better C i and water use efficiency (WUE) than the sensitive cultivar. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The present study was undertaken to determine the influence of biochanin A, isoflavone characterised by estrogenic activity, upon the content of chlorophylls and carotenoids in the cells of green alga Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck (Chlorophyceae). On the 6th day of cultivation under the influence of 10−6 M biochanin A exerted the greatest biological activity and the most stimulating effect on the analysed parameters: growth of the alga expressed by the cells number and the content of photosynthetic pigments in them. The total content of carotenoids was stimulated on the 6th day of experiment in the range of 197 % but during the 9th day only in 179 % in comparision with the control group (100 %). At the same time content of carotenes increased to the level of 123 – 119 % and xanthophylls to 208 – 178 %. Among the carotenes, β-carotene was characterised with the 3.7 times higher content in regard to the content of α-carotene on the 6th day of cultivation and during the 9th day — the 5.7 times domination. The content of xanthophylls that contain two atoms of oxygene in molecule (oxygen — poor xanthophylls) was intensively stimulated in the range of 224 %. Moreover, the oxygen — rich xanthophylls content reached the value 179 % when compared to the control. The greatest stimulation of the content of chlorophylls and its isomers was observed during the 3rd day of cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris when it rose up to 166 % and to 156 % on the 6th day. The content of chlorophyll b and its isomers was stimulated in 181 % on the 6th day of culture and 155 % during the 9th day of algal culture. The evidence on the stimulating effect of biochanin A as the main representative of isoflavones on the growth and content photosynthetic pigments in eucaryotic alga C. vulgaris was demonstrated in these studies.  相似文献   
利用扫描电镜观察了3种食木性蜚蠊:滇南隐尾蠊、哈巴隐尾蠊和长白隐尾蠊的触角感器。在本文中对上述3种隐尾蠊的触角形态进行了详细的描述,3种隐尾蠊触角无明显差异。观察并测量了6种主要的感器类型:刺形感器、毛形感器、锥形感器、腔锥形感器、钟形感器和小头感器。结果发现,在3种隐尾蠊触角上毛形感器是最丰富的感器。统计表明感器在3种隐尾蠊种间和两性间存在一些差异。与其他蜚蠊和白蚁进行了比较,并讨论了它们在生活习性上的差异。综上所述,感器的形态描述和统计分析不足以对3种隐尾蠊进行分类鉴别,不宜作为种级单元分类特征。  相似文献   
In this study, Opuntia stricta, O. engelmannii, and O. humifusa, naturalized alien units in the Euganean Hills (North-Eastern Italy), are investigated. Different morphological and physiological features both in cladodes collected in summer and winter and in fruits arisen from two blooms are reported. The morphological observations showed a different organization in epidermis/hypodermis of cladodes collected in winter and in summer, probably correlated to the individual plant reaction to a stressful factor as low temperature. Scanning electron microscopy observations revealed no differences in the deposition of waxes and stomata distribution in the epidermis of cladodes. The betacyanin analysis showed that cladodes produce these pigments only in the winter season. In all the species, the higher content of betacyanins was reached in the fruits from the second bloom, with O. stricta being the most rich. The amount of betacyanins is comparable to some commercial red beets used as a common source of betacyanins as natural food color.  相似文献   
Photosystem I (PSI) is a multisubunit protein complex located in the thylakoid membranes of green plants and algae, where it initiates one of the first steps of solar energy conversion by light-driven electron transport. In this review, we discuss recent progress on several topics related to the functioning of the PSI complex, like the protein composition of the complex in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the function of these subunits and the mechanism by which nuclear-encoded subunits can be inserted into or transported through the thylakoid membrane. Furthermore, the structure of the native PSI complex in several oxygenic photosynthetic organisms and the role of the chlorophylls and carotenoids in the antenna complexes in light harvesting and photoprotection are reviewed. The special role of the ‘red’ chlorophylls (chlorophyll molecules that absorb at longer wavelength than the primary electron donor P700) is assessed. The physiology and mechanism of the association of the major light-harvesting complex of photosystem II (LHCII) with PSI during short term adaptation to changes in light quality and quantity is discussed in functional and structural terms. The mechanism of excitation energy transfer between the chlorophylls and the mechanism of primary charge separation is outlined and discussed. Finally, a number of regulatory processes like acclimatory responses and retrograde signalling is reviewed with respect to function of the thylakoid membrane. We finish this review by shortly discussing the perspectives for future research on PSI.  相似文献   
The review summarizes results concerning photosynthetic systems with chlorophylls and carotenoids obtained by means of spectral methods such as polarized radiation, photoacoustic spectroscopy, delayed luminescence, thermal deactivation, and leading to construction of model systems.  相似文献   
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