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Background: Range expansion often results in colonisation bottlenecks that should both deplete genetic diversity and increase genetic differentiation towards the margins of a species' geographic distribution.

Aims: We tested whether genetic differentiation increased among populations of the annual plant Mercurialis annua after its colonisation of the Iberian Peninsula from Morocco. Previous work showed that this colonisation resulted in a decrease of phenotypic and genetic diversity from the core in North Africa towards the distribution margins of M. annua in north-eastern and north-western Spain.

Methods: Seeds were sampled from 20 populations located across the hexaploid range of M. annua. Patterns of phenotypic and genetic differentiation among experimentally grown populations were analysed and compared between the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa.

Results: The level of phenotypic and genetic differentiation among populations in the expanded range of the Iberian Peninsula was similar to that in the core range in North Africa.

Conclusions: Our findings imply that the observed effects of range expansion on genetic differentiation may be independent of the effects on genetic diversity. They point to the importance of taking both historic and contemporary processes of migration into account when predicting the results of range expansion.  相似文献   
Competitive diversification, that is, when increasing intraspecific competition promotes population niche expansion, is commonly invoked in evolutionary studies and currently plays a central role in how we conceptualize the process of adaptive diversification. Despite the frequency with which this idea is cited, the empirical evidence for the process is somewhat limited, and the findings of these studies have yet to be weighed objectively through synthesis. Here, we sought to fill this gap by reviewing the existing literature and collecting the data necessary to assess the evidence for competition as a diversifying force. Additionally, we sought to test a more recent hypothesis, which suggests that competition can act to both promote and inhibit dietary diversification depending on the degree to which a consumer depletes its resources. The surprising result of this synthesis was that increasing competition did not have a mean positive effect on population‐level diet breadth or the degree of individual specialization. Instead, we found that increasing intraspecific competition had a restricting effect on population‐level diet breadth in as many cases as it had a diversifying effect. This wide disparity in the effect of competition on consumer diet variation was negatively related to a metric for consumer resource depletion. Altogether, these findings call into question a long‐standing assumption of basic evolutionary models and lend some support to recent theoretical predictions. Specifically, these findings support the idea that competition is primarily diversifying for species with a small effect (per unit biomass) on their resources and that resource depletion limits the diversifying effect of competition for consumers with larger ecological effects.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to compare the climatic responses of three tree rings proxies: tree ring width (TRW), maximum latewood density (MXD), and blue intensity (BI). For this study, 20 cores of Pinus sylvestris covering the period 1886–2015 were extracted from living non-damaged trees from the Eastern Carpathian Mountains (Romania). Each chronology was compared to monthly and daily climate data. All tree ring proxies had a stronger correlation with the daily climate data compared to monthly data. The highest correlation coefficient was obtained between the MXD chronology and daily maximum temperature over the period beginning with the end of July and ending in the middle of September (r = 0.64). The optimal intervals for the temperature signature were 01 Aug – 24 Sept for the MXD chronology, 05 Aug – 25 Aug for the BI chronology, and both 16 Nov of the previous year – 16 March of the current year and 15 Apr – 05 May for the TRW chronology. The results from our study indicate that MXD can be used as a proxy indicator for summer maximum temperature, while TRW can be used as a proxy indicator for just March maximum temperature. The weak and unstable relationship between BI and maximum temperature indicates that BI is not a good proxy indicator for climate reconstructions over the analysed region.  相似文献   
Many flavoenzymes catalyze hydroxylation of aromatic compounds especially phenolic compounds have been isolated and characterized. These enzymes can be classified as either single‐component or two‐component flavin‐dependent hydroxylases (monooxygenases). The hydroxylation reactions catalyzed by the enzymes in this group are useful for modifying the biological properties of phenolic compounds. This review aims to provide an in‐depth discussion of the current mechanistic understanding of representative flavin‐dependent monooxygenases including 3‐hydroxy‐benzoate 4‐hydroxylase (PHBH, a single‐component hydroxylase), 3‐hydroxyphenylacetate 4‐hydroxylase (HPAH, a two‐component hydroxylase), and other monooxygenases which catalyze reactions in addition to hydroxylation, including 2‐methyl‐3‐hydroxypyridine‐5‐carboxylate oxygenase (MHPCO, a single‐component enzyme that catalyzes aromatic‐ring cleavage), and HadA monooxygenase (a two‐component enzyme that catalyzes additional group elimination reaction). These enzymes have different unique structural features which dictate their reactivity toward various substrates and influence their ability to stabilize flavin intermediates such as C4a‐hydroperoxyflavin. Understanding the key catalytic residues and the active site environments important for governing enzyme reactivity will undoubtedly facilitate future work in enzyme engineering or enzyme redesign for the development of biocatalytic methods for the synthesis of valuable compounds.  相似文献   
Success of alien plants is often attributed to high competitive ability. However, not all aliens become dominant, and not all natives are vulnerable to competitive exclusion. Here, we quantified competitive outcomes and their determinants, using response‐surface experiments, in 48 pairs of native and naturalised alien annuals that are common or rare in Germany. Overall, aliens were not more competitive than natives. However, common aliens (invasive) were, despite strong limitation by intraspecific competition, more competitive than rare natives. This is because alien species had higher intrinsic growth rates than natives, and common species had higher intrinsic growth rates than rare ones. Strength of interspecific competition was not related to status or commonness. Our work highlights the importance of including commonness in understanding invasion success. It suggests that variation among species in intrinsic growth rates is more important in competitive outcomes than inter‐ or intraspecific competition, and thus contributes to invasion success and rarity.  相似文献   
表观遗传修饰参与了药物成瘾的形成过程,而在药物成瘾过程中组蛋白泛素化水平的变化仍未可知。药物成瘾过程中常表现为多巴胺(dopamine, DA)表达量的升高,因此本研究欲探讨多巴胺升高对神经细胞组蛋白泛素化的影响及其机制。Western印迹结果显示,在终浓度0.8 mmol/L的多巴胺作用8 h后,人神经母细胞瘤细胞系SH-SY5Y细胞中环指蛋白20(ring finger protein 20, RNF20)表达量降低(0.29±0.032 vs. 1.0±0.025,P<0.0001),泛素化组蛋白H2B(H2Bub1)表达量下降(0.28±0.032 vs. 1.0±0.017,P<0.0001)。但是RT-PCR结果显示,多巴胺处理SH-SY5Y细胞后,RNF20在mRNA水平的表达无明显变化。在SH-SY5Y细胞中沉默RNF20的表达,H2Bub1在蛋白质水平的表达明显降低(0.20±0.069 vs. 1.0±0.060,P=0.001)。在加入多巴胺的基础上,分别加入蛋白酶体抑制剂MG132、自噬体形成抑制剂3-MA以及空泡型H^+-ATP酶特异性抑制剂Baf-A1等药物来检测RNF20的降解途径,结果发现,加入MG132、3-MA以及Baf-A1后,RNF20表达量均比DA处理组显著上升(1.51±0.095,P=0.0003; 0.89±0.075,P=0.0021; 2.74±0.099,P<0.0001;vs. 0.27±0.044)。上述结果表明,在SH-SY5Y细胞中,RNF20对H2Bub1具有调控作用,多巴胺可通过泛素化及自噬两种途径促进RNF20降解,从而抑制组蛋白H2B泛素化。  相似文献   
Temperature sums are widely used to predict the seasonal timing of yearly recurring biological events, such as flowering, budburst, and hatching. We use a classic energy allocation model for annual plants to compare a strategy for reproductive timing that follows a temperature sum rule (TSR) with a strategy that follows an optimal control rule (OCR) maximizing reproductive output. We show that the OCR corresponds to a certain TSR regardless of how temperature is distributed over the growing season as long as the total temperature sum over the whole growing season is constant between years. We discuss such scenarios, thus outlining under which type of variable growth conditions TSR maximizes reproductive output and should be favored by natural selection. By providing an ultimate explanation for a well‐documented empirical pattern this finding enhances the credibility of temperature sums as predictors of the timing of biological events. However, TSR and OCR respond in opposite directions when the total yearly temperature sum changes between years, representing, for example, variation in the length of the growing season. Our findings have implications for predicting optimal responses of organisms to climatic changes and suggest under which conditions natural selection should favor photoperiod versus temperature control.  相似文献   
Mass spectrometry of disaccharides in the negative-ion mode frequently generates product anions of m/z 221. With glucose-containing disaccharides, dissociation of isolated m/z 221 product ions in a Paul trap yielded mass spectra that easily differentiated between both anomeric configurations and ring forms of the ions. These ions were shown to be glucosyl-glycolaldehydes through chemical synthesis of their standards. By labeling the reducing carbonyl oxygen of disaccharides with 18O to mass discriminate between monosaccharides, it was established that the m/z 221 ions are comprised solely of an intact nonreducing sugar with a two-carbon aglycon derived from the reducing sugar, regardless of the disaccharide linkage position. This enabled the anomeric configuration and ring form of the ion to be assigned and the location of the ion to the nonreducing side of a glycosidic linkage to be ascertained. Detailed studies of experimental factors necessary for reproducibility in a Paul trap demonstrated that the unique dissociation patterns that discriminate between the isomeric m/z 221 ions could be obtained from month-to-month in conjunction with an internal energy-input calibrant ion that ensures reproducible energy deposition into isolated m/z 221 ions. In addition, MS/MS fragmentation patterns of disaccharide m/z 341 anions in a Paul trap enabled linkage positions to be assigned, as has been previously reported with other types of mass spectrometers.  相似文献   
The clerodane diterpenoid salvinorin A (1), the main active component of the psychotropic herb Salvia divinorum, has been reported to be a potent agonist at the kappa-opioid receptor. Computer modeling suggested that splendidin (2) from S. splendens, as well as related compounds, might possess similar activities. In the present study, this hypothesis was tested by determination of the binding properties of a series of structural congeners, compounds 2-8, at the mu-, delta-, and kappa-opioid receptors. However, none of these compounds showed significant binding to any of the opioid-receptor subtypes, thus disproving the above hypothesis. The novel compounds 7 and 8 were obtained semi-synthetically by selective modification of salvifarin (5), isolated from Salvia farinacea, upon epoxide-ring opening with AcOH in the presence of indium(III) triflate. Also, the X-ray crystal structure of salvifaricin (6; Fig.), obtained from S. farinacea, was determined for the first time and used, in combination with in-depth NMR experiments, to elucidate the absolute configurations of the new products. Our experiments demonstrate that the relatively well-accessible diterpenoid 6 could be used as starting material for future studies into the structure-activity relationship at the kappa-opioid receptor.  相似文献   
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