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A technique was developed, which permitted the rapid determination of antibiotic resistance of bacterial pathogens in diseased material. The method involved use of an antibody-based antigen capturing system, exposure to antibiotic solutions, and thence the determination of viability by reduction of thiazolyl blue.  相似文献   
氮素和水分是荒漠生态系统的两个主要限制因子, 研究两者对荒漠植物的效应有助于深入了解荒漠生态系统对全球变化的响应。该文选择准噶尔盆地荒漠地区两种常见的一年生植物涩荠(Malcolmia africana)和钩刺雾冰藜(Bassia hyssopifolia), 设置0、0.18和0.72 g N·m -2·week -13个施氮浓度和湿润与干旱两个土壤水分处理, 研究模拟氮沉降增加和干旱对其生长和光合生理的影响。结果表明: (1)两种植物的根长、根重、叶片数、叶面积、总生物量和冠根比均随着施氮浓度的增加而增加, 干旱能够抑制氮对植物生长的促进作用, 但是, 氮的增加同时也能部分缓解干旱对植物生长的影响。与钩刺雾冰藜相比, 涩荠的根长、生物量和冠根比更易受氮增加和干旱的影响。(2)两种植物的最大净光合速率、叶绿素含量、可溶性蛋白含量随着氮浓度增加而增加, 但涩荠和钩刺雾冰藜对氮增加和干旱的生理响应也有所不同, 涩荠的响应更加敏感。两种植物对氮沉降和干旱胁迫响应的差异可能是其生活型等生物学特性差异所引起。通过对两种一年生植物的生长和光合生理分析表明, 在古尔班通古特沙漠, 春季丰富的降水和氮素增加将有利于涩荠和钩刺雾冰藜的生长和生产力的增加, 相对地下生长, 地上部分增加更显著。当干旱季节来临时, 氮的增加又能够在一定程度上降低干旱对这两种植物的负效应, 说明其对干旱具有一定的生态补偿作用。  相似文献   
近年来, 生物多样性监测网络的建设得到广泛重视, 全球、地区或国家生物多样性观测网不断组建。生物多样性观测的理论框架得到发展, 提出了生物多样性核心监测指标(Essential Biodiversity Variables, EBV)。鱼类多样性监测的理论框架包含于生物多样性核心监测指标之内, 在遗传、物种、生态系统等多层次进行。基于鱼类监测提出的生物完整性指数(index of biotic integrity, IBI)强调不同物种的生态功能, 可以综合反映群落结构和功能的变化, 得到广泛应用。鱼类多样性的监测方法是传统网具和现代水声学等方法的结合。监测结果的分析可以进行简单的指数比较, 也可以进行长期的趋势分析, 寻找关键节点, 探讨宏观生态格局的变化。中国内陆水体鱼类多样性监测网隶属于中国生物多样性监测与研究网络, 拟选取长江、黄河、黑龙江、珠江、澜沧江、怒江、塔里木河及青海湖8大流域, 对25个重要区域和24个重点物种(类群)进行监测, 从重要区域鱼类群落结构、重点物种(类群)种群动态和个体生物学特征、遗传多样性、早期资源等不同层次, 全面监测我国内陆水体鱼类生物多样性状况。  相似文献   
Development of fish communities in lakes after biomanipulation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Biomanipulation measures in the Netherlands are usually a combination of a drastic fish stock reduction and an introduction of pike fingerlings. In three small shallow lakes (Noorddiep, Bleiswijkse Zoom and Zwemlust) these measures resulted in a clear water state and the development of macrophytes. After the measures the fish community developed differently because of the new physical and biological conditions. Results of lake Noorddiep and lake Bleiswijkse Zoom showed that the fish community became more divers. Bream and carp became less dominant and were partly replaced by roach and perch. The importance of the main predator pike-perch was strongly reduced and replaced by pike and perch. The share of piscivorous fish in the total fish stock increased at all sites. The recruitment of young-of-the-year was similar or even higher in the clear overgrown areas than in the turbid water before the measures, but the recruitment of young-of-the-year to older fish differed between the species. Predation by pike and perch could not control the young-of-the-year cyprinids, but their predation may have contributed to the shift from bream to roach, because of selective predation on bream in the open water, while roach was hiding in the vegetation. The macrophytes provide new refugia and feeding conditions that favour roach and perch, but offer relatively poor survival conditions for bream and carp.  相似文献   
目的确定引起安徽省部分湖泊养殖鱼类暴发性出血病的病原,为防治该病提供理论依据。方法随机取濒死期鲫鱼和白鲢的肌肉组织分别进行细菌和病毒分离培养,联合采用细菌表型鉴定法和16S rRNA基因序列分析法鉴定分离菌株,并使用分离菌株进行人工感染实验。结果从5尾患病鱼的肌肉组织中分离获得5株细菌,综合分离菌株的形态特征、理化特性和16S rRNA基因序列与系统发育学分析的结果,确定L1菌株为温和气单胞菌、L2菌株为维氏气单胞菌、J1、J2和L3菌株为嗜水气单胞菌。人工感染实验表明这5个气单胞菌分离株均具有较强的致病性。结论气单胞菌是该次鱼类暴发性出血病的病原,水温剧变、水质恶化和缺氧是疾病暴发的诱因,应采取改善环境、加强饲养管理、提高鱼体抵抗病力和及时杀灭病原体的综合措施防控该病。  相似文献   
Live fish capture by wild chacma baboons is described. Fish were captured from drying desert pools and then covered with sand to immobilize active fish or to facilitate handling. Possible reasons omnivorous primates elsewhere do not capture live fish are considered.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial DNA haplotypes (control region, partial cytochrome b and ATPase6 genes) indicate a sister relationship between Vrljika and Neretva softmouth (Adriatic) trout Salmo obtusirostris . This relationship was supported by a tree of individuals based on microsatellite results [allele sharing distances ( D AS)], which revealed three distinctive clusters, corresponding to Jadro softmouth, Neretva brown trout Salmo trutta and Neretva softmouth trout. Within the latter taxon, Vrljika trout are clearly separated from other trout. The genetic results contradict the synonymy of Jadro with Vrljika softmouth trout, as recently proposed in the Red Book of Freshwater Fish in Croatia. Vrljika softmouth trout appear to have originated from a vicariance that split a common ancestor into large (Neretva) and small (Vrljika) fragmented populations 135 000–270 000 years ago. Vrljika softmouth trout can be distinguished by an array of derived phenotypic and molecular character states. For conservation, this population should be recognized formally at the same taxonomic level as the other geographically separated populations of softmouth trout.  相似文献   
The molecular order of brain and liver membranes isolated from deep sea and continental shelf fish species have been estimated and compared using the fluorescence polarization technique in order to determine whether life in a high pressure habitat is associated with an adjustment of membrane order. Fish were trawled at depths between 200 m and 4000 m, liver and brain membranes were fractionated, and fluorescence polarization was measured at 4°C and ambient pressure. Polarization of the brain myelin fraction provided a statistically significant regression with depth of capture (P<0.001) with a slope of ?0.004 km?1. This change in polarization with depth was sufficient to offset approximately half of the pressure-induced increase in polarization and thus represents the first structural evidence of homeoviscous adaptation to pressure. Polarization of the brain synaptic and liver mitochondrial fraction was not significantly related to depth. This may be due, at least in part, to a high individual variability of polarization compared to laboratory-acclimated freshwater fish.  相似文献   
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