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A definition of vegetation science is given, spanning 6 levels of integration and stressing the interrelations among them. The problems of realism are discussed. The selection of levels is related to the adequate correspondence between conceptualization and research aims. Pattern and process are introduced as the central concepts of vegetation science. The perception of reality is dependent on the spatial and temporal scale chosen. The concept of noise is discussed in relation to stochasticity and randomness of events. Traces of essentialism are found both in classification of communities and habitat ecology. Classification is important, particularly the coexistence of alternative classification approaches. Organicism as a basis of vegetation research is rejected because the organismic view is inadequate on higher integration levels. The concept of function is redefined in a non-teleologic way.Present vegetation ecological research is inductivistic. One possible alternative to inductivism is falsificationism. The major domain of this approach is hypothesis testing, which will become more important. Progress can only be reached by a maximum degree of communication among scientific individuals.Predictive ecology is partly based on historic explanation, partly on complementary approaches. Characters of vegetation worthwhile to be predicted are listed and the necessary requirements for vegetation science to become predictive are discussed. A major requirement is the development of succession and life-history theory. A further elaboration of the individualistic concept will be a main task of vegetation science in the near future.  相似文献   
For analytical purposes bioluminescence can be used in three main ways: 1. luminescence measurement of bioluminescent system components isolated in vitro; 2. determination of luminous organisms' reaction to the in vivo test-action; 3. measurement of bioluminescence in marine ecological systems. The majority of the reports of this Symposium are dealing with the first two topics. The aim of our presentation is to draw attention to the third one. The possibilities of bioluminescent analysis are wider than its traditional scheme of applications in the laboratory, when the emitting system is withdrawn from a native source and is placed in a cuvette of the light measuring device. The reverse scheme is also possible, i.e. the device can be introduced into light emitting system such as a marine biocenosis–the community of the sea inhabitants–where we obtain a highly sensitive and rapid means of gaining the information on the vital activity of marine ecosystems, i.e. their spatial structure, rhythms, man's influence upon them, etc. The present communication will consider the possibilities of this form of bioluminescent analysis.  相似文献   
本研究以爪蟾胚胎内胚层细胞间连接通讯发育的时程为指标,观察了cAMP和依赖cAMP的蛋白激酶催化亚基对这一发育的影响。将依赖cAMP的蛋白激酶催化亚基注射入爪蟾胚胎四细胞期的每一个细胞可使该胚胎内胚层细胞间连接通讯的发育明显加快,提示在正常状态下这一发育的进程是受细胞内依赖cAMP的磷酸化水平的制约。但用双丁酰cAMP和磷酸二酯酶抑制剂对胚胎进行培育,或将cAMP和磷酸二酯酶抑制剂注射入胚胎细胞,对这一发育并无影响,可能是由于这些胚胎细胞内依赖cAMP的蛋白激酶的实际有效含量较低而cAMP含量较高所致。注射这种蛋白激酶催化亚基所诱导的胚胎细胞间连接通讯在注射后约8.5小时出现。这一时间比前人在哺乳动物细胞培养中用cAMP或必需的信使RNA诱导出细胞间连接通讯所需要的时间(2—4小时)长得多,提示在胚胎中依赖cAMP的磷酸化对细胞间连接通讯发育的作用是从RNA转录的水平上开始的。  相似文献   
本文研究了人胃低分化粘液性腺癌细胞MGC 80-3不同周期时相中ConA受体的分布与侧向运动。MGc 80-3细胞经同步化培养,用F-ConA标记。被标记细胞中G_1、S和G_2期呈不连续的分布,但它们之间又存在显著的差异。M期呈较均匀的强荧光分布(与其它时相细胞比较)。荧光漂白恢复方法测定ConA受体复合物侧向运动表明:各个周期时相之间不仅运动方式不同,而且运动速率也有显著差异。M期与G_1期主要表现出扩散型运动;而S期与G_2期表现为流动型运动。G_1期的扩散系数大干M期的;S期的流动速率大于G_2期的。但可动分子百分比以G_2期最高。这些结果表明了ConA受体的动力学性质。它受到细胞周期的调节。  相似文献   
采用性腺败育(GD不育)作为标准检定方法。对我国20个地方的黑腹果蝇的P因子活性和细胞型进行了测定。结果表明我国北部沿海城市为Q型;南部沿海和内地皆为M型。各地的M品系所产生的GD不育能力各不相同,但表现出与地理位置相关的梯度变化。这一变化规律为研究我国黑腹果蝇的P因子起源及P和M品系的形成提供了重要的理论依据。  相似文献   
本文介绍了Barnett等1985年编制并由剑桥大学发行的计算机软件《酵母鉴定程序》,以及如何使用该程序在IBM PC DOS操作系统上进行酵母菌的分类鉴定。我们使用该程序对从云南鸡足山和紫金山两地森林土壤中分离到的82株酵母菌进行了分类鉴定,其中:鉴定到种的有47株,占总株数的57.3%;鉴定到属但未能直接定到种的有21株,占总株数的25.6%;暂未定名的有14株,占总株数的17.1%。  相似文献   
我们在前文中报道由整合的F'质粒所发动的大肠杆菌染色体的复制依赖于recA基因。本文报道有关recA、recB、recC以及lexA等在染色体复制中的作用,实验结果说明,recA基因通过同源重组途径而不是通过SOS途径参与复制,而且recA基因和Chi热点无关。实验结果还说明,RecBC酶的依赖于ATP的双链DNA外切核酸酶活性和recA基因的作用无关。  相似文献   
陈瑶生 《遗传学报》1991,18(3):219-227
针对混合家系遗传参数估计,本文在假定公畜方差组分和母畜方差组分相等这一理论基础上,通过对方差分析的期望均方组成分析,提出了新的遗传力估计方法,以及某些特殊情况下的近似估计方法。通过一个估测实例比较了几种遗传力估计方法,结果表明,本文方法与全同胞组分估计最为接近,而且遗传力标准误最小,本文近似估计方法的效果也较好。对各种方法而言,资料越不平衡其差异越大。本文方法可以在一定程度上弥补全同胞分析时,因实际资料的公母畜方差组分差异过大的缺陷,具有实际可行性。此外,由于本文方法是用单因方差分析解决二因方差分析问题,计算更为简便,并可免于计算混合家系平均亲缘相关系数。  相似文献   
真核生物体细胞染色体的空间排列   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
叶龄及树冠不同部位光强对黄花梨光合速率的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
笔者以黄花梨为试材,研究了叶龄及树冠不同部位光强对其光合速率的影响。结果表明:黄花梨叶片在展叶后约11天即有少量光合产物输出,25天时,单叶净光合速率接近最大值;密植梨树高光合叶幕厚度约125cm左右。  相似文献   
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