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An experimental rodent model was used to demonstrate the viability of the coccoid form of Helicobacter pylori. Concentrated suspensions were prepared for the two different morphologies: at 2 days incubation for the bacillary forms and at 20 days incubation for the “dormant” forms. The strains used for incubation were two fresh isolates from humans with duodenal ulceration, and two collection strains. Five hundred microliters of culture (OD550 = 5 Mc Farland) of Helicobacter pylori with bacillary (2-5×109 CFU/ml) and coccoid (0 CFU/ml) morphology were inoculated intragastrically in BALB/c mice. The gastric mucosa of the mice was colonized by Helicobacter pylori with the administration of fresh bacillary and coccoid cultures and not with the established cultures. Helicobacter pylori was isolated at 1 week after inoculation with the administration of fresh bacillary cultures, while fresh coccoid Helicobacter pylori was recovered in mice stomachs after 2 weeks of inoculation. After colonization, histopathologic changes occurred after 1 month from inoculation; all colonized mice showed a systemic antibody response to Helicobacter pylori. These results support the thesis of the viability of coccoid Helicobacter pylori non-culturable in vitro and confirm that concentrated bacterial suspensions are able to colonize and to produce gastric alterations in this suitable animal model.  相似文献   
Adherent recombinant BHK cells were cultivated at temperatures between 30 and 37°C. Batch and repeated-batch-cultivations in a 2-litre bioreactor showed a significant influence on metabolism and cell growth. The low-temperature-cultivations showed a lower growth rate and a lower glucose consumption rate and, therefore, less lactate production. On the other hand, the maximum cell density and productivity seemed not to be affected by the temperature reduction.  相似文献   
Several groups have reported protection against experimental SIV infection in macaques immunized with a whole inactivated virus vaccine. The aim of the current study was to investigate whether five macaques vaccinated with whole inactivated SIV and previously shown to be protected against challenge with two divergent strains of SIV grown on human cells could resist challenge with a subsequent homologous SIV grown on macaque cells. We show here that this same vaccine did not protect when the challenge virus was grown on primary cells of monkey origin.  相似文献   
The population dynamics of plants in a lattice structured habitat are studied theoretically. Plants are assumed to propagate both by producing seeds that scatter over the population and by vegetative reproduction by extending runners, rhizomes, or roots, to neighboring vacant sites. In addtion, the seed production rate may be dependent on the local density in the neighborhood, indicating beneficial or harmful crowding effects. Two sets of population dynamical equation(s) are derived: one based onmean-field approximation and the other based onpair approximation (tracing both global and local densities simultaneously). We examine the accuracy of these approximate dynamics by comparing them with direct computer simulation of the stochastic lattice model. Pair approximation is much more accurate than mean-field approximation. Mean-field approximation overestimates the parameter range for persistence if crowding effects on seed production are harmful or weakly beneficial, but underestimates it if crowding effects are highly beneficial. Dynamics may show bistability (both population persistence and extinction) if the effect of crowding is strongly beneficial. If there is a linear trade-off between seed production and vegetative reproduction, the equilibrium abundance of the population may be maximised by a mixture of seed production and vegetative reproduction, rather than by pure seed production or by pure vegetative reproduction. This result is correctly predicted by pair approximation but not by mean-field approximation.  相似文献   
Summary Many females morphologically intermediate between queens and workers were found in a northernmost population ofMyrmecina graminicola nipponica Wheeler. Dissection and morphological observation revealed that there were three categories of intercastes. Major intercastes were as large as queens in body size, with seven or more ovarioles, but had only one ocellus, unlike queens, which had three ocelli. Medium intercasts had an enlarged mesonotum, one or no ocellus and 2 to 12 ovarioles. Minor intercaste was very simlar to workers in external morphology, but had a spermatheca, unlike workers. Inseminated females constituted 75%, 40% and 28.6% in the major, medium and minor intercastes respectively. Many of the virgin medium and minor intercastes had a small disfunctional spermatheca.In queenright colonies, a single queen was inseminated and had an active ovary. In queenless colonies where the intercastes reproduced, however, some colonies were functionally monogynous, but the others polygynous. The ratio of polygynous colonies to monogynous colonies was lowest in July and highest in September, suggesting that polygyny results from newly inseminated intercastes remaining in their natal nests, although they leave those nests in the season of colonial budding. Queenless colonies containing inseminated intercastes exclusively produced intercastes, while queenright colonies almost exclusively produced queens.  相似文献   
The reproductive potential of the tetrasporangial phase of Gelidium robustum was studied for 16 months at two sites off Santa Barbara, California. In all samples tetrasporangial thalli were always more abundant than gametangial ones. Tetratrasporangial sori were present throughout the duration of the study but relative fecundity was highest [300–400 sori g–1 (w. wt)] in spring/summer samples of consecutive years, as a result of increasing numbers both of tetrasporangial branchlets per plant and of sori per branchlet. On the other hand, laboratory experiments showed that tetraspore release per sorus was highest (150–250 spores sorus–1 d–1) in winter. Inferring from these field and laboratory data plants released up to ± 34 000 tetraspores g–1 (w. wt) d–1 in the spring/summer of the second study year. Tetraspore germination, under defined culture conditions, also showed a marked seasonality increasing sharply from less than 10% in winter up to almost 60% in spring/summer, thus coinciding with the period of maximal spore output per plant. These results suggest that although relatively high numbers of tetraspores may be released by G. robustum plants all year round these might not always have the potential to germinate and recruit.  相似文献   
Recombinant human kidney epithelial 293 cells were cultivated as aggregates in suspension. The concentration calcium ion, in the range of 100 muM to 1mM, affected the rate of aggregate formation. During the course of cultivation the size distribution of aggregates shifted and the fraction of larger aggregates increased. This effect was more profound in cultures with a high calcium concentration. Scanning and transmission microscopic examination of the aggregates revealed that cell packing was greater in the high calcium cultures and that ultrastructural integrity was retained in aggregates from both low and high calcium cultures. Confocal microscopy was applied to examine the viability of cells in the interior of the aggregates. High viability was observed in the aggregates obtained from exponentially growing cultures. Aggregates from the high calcium culture in the stationary phase exhibited lower viability in the interior. With its ease of retention in a perfusion bioreactor, aggregate cultures offer an alternative choice for large-scale operation. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Pamela Roe 《Hydrobiologia》1993,266(1-3):29-44
I studied the distribution, feeding biology, and reproductive biology of Pantinonemertes californiensis, described as a semi-terrestrial nemertean, along the central California coast. At the sites used in this study, maximal tidal height is about 2 m, and P. californiensis typically occurred under boulders between 1.3 and 1.7 m tidal height. Worms fed primarily on the semi-terrestrial amphipod Traskorchestia traskiana. Distribution of nemerteans was similar to that of the prey, although prey extended higher on the beach than did the worms. Nemerteans were largest and most abundant at the site with highest abundance of T. traskiana and smallest and least abundant at the lowest prey abundance site. In laboratory feeding trials, nemerteans from the site with lowest prey abundance fed most readily. Non-reproductive nemerteans lived for at least a week when submerged in sea water; some prey died within a week of being submerged. Nemerteans only lived minutes when submerged in fresh water; 50% of prey lived 4.5 h. Eggs are approximately 90–100 μm in diameter and hundreds to thousands are shed per female. Larvae are planktonic and apparently planktotrophic, and are morphologically similar to other marine hoplonemertean larvae. At the sites studied life history characteristics of P. californiensis provided little evidence of adaptations to terrestrial life in these worms and were not helpful in elucidating the role of semi-terrestrial nemerteans in the evolution of terrestrial nemerteans.  相似文献   
Summary Six islands, each less than a hectare in area, were isolated in about 1913 from the mainland of central Panamá by the rising waters of Gatun Lake. By 1980, the diversity of trees on all but one of these islands was far lower than on mainland plots of comparable size. A restricted subset of tree species has spread on these islands, notablyProtium panamense, Scheelea zonensis, Oenocarpus panamanus andSwartzia simplex. We constructed a null model to predict how chance would change tree diversity and the similarity of tree species compositions of different islands, assuming that each mature tree has equal chances of dying and/or reproducing, regardless of its species. This model cannot account for the diminished diversity of the changes in vegetation on these islands: some factors must be favoring a particular set of tree species.Two factors, exposure to wind and absence of mammals, seem needed to bring about the vegetation changes observed on these small islands. Their vegetation shows many signs of wind damage and of adaptation to resist wind, reflecting its exposure to dry season winds and storm winds sweeping across the lake from the west. Their most common tree species appear to have spread because mammals rarely visit these small and isolated islands. Seed of these common species are normally much eaten by mammals and do not need burial by mammals to escape insect attack.A thorough grasp of plant—animal interactions is needed to understand the events that have taken place on these islands. Identifying those keystone animals essential for maintaining plant diversity is a necessary element of reserve design and forest management in the tropics.The US government has the right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper.  相似文献   
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