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Abstract. During the annual life cycle of the bumble bee Bombus terrestris (L.) colony, there is a stage characterized by worker reproduction in the presence of the queen. It has been proposed that this is a result of a decrease in queen inhibition. This hypothesis was examined by studying the effects of queens taken from colonies at different stages of development on several aspects of worker physiology and behaviour: rates of Juvenile Hormone (JH) release in vitro , ovary development, and behaviour associated with reproduction. After optimizing and validating the radiochemical assay for JH release for bumble bee workers, we found that queenless workers had significantly more developed ovaries and higher rates of release of JH than did queenright workers, confirming and extending previous findings that suggest that bumblebee ovarian development is under JH control. Mated queens, separated from their colony and brood, can have the same inhibitory effect on the reproductive development of callow workers. In contrast, workers confined with virgin queens or in queenless groups demonstrated a significantly higher rate of release of JH, overt aggression and threatening behaviours. However, there were no differences in rates of release of JH between workers confined in groups in the laboratory with queens taken from colonies either before or after the onset of worker reproduction. Furthermore, overt aggression and threatening behaviours were similar and low in both types of groups. These results gave no support to the hypothesis that a decrease in queen inhibition is associated with the onset of worker reproduction. We also show that young workers reared in colonies either before or after worker reproduction occurs, or in queenless colonies, all demonstrated similar, low rates of release of JH. These results suggest that older workers may inhibit the corpora allata of younger workers in queenless colonies.  相似文献   
Two D. sinuata populations, established from the same seed batch, were cultured concurrently under ambient (2.5–8.9 kj m?2 d?1) and enhanced (4.7–11.4 kj m?2 d?1) ultraviolet-B radiation for two consecutive generations. The two populations, designated low- and high-UV-B cultivars, were each grown for an additional generation under both UV-B fluences at different alignments. Differences in plant performance were examined between UV-B treatments (immediate UV-B effects), cultivars (accumulated UV-B effects), alignments and their interactions. Accumulated UV-B had a greater effect on plant performance than immediate UV-B. The former induced earlier reproductive effort, substantial (up to 35%) reductions in dry mass (stems, leaves and reproductive organs), decreased stem and inflorescence production, and diminished steady-state fluorescence yields, chlorophyll a concentrations, pollen tube growth and germination of seeds set. The latter caused only diminished non-photochemical quenching, reduced chlorophyll a, soluble sugar and starch concentrations, decreased pollen germination, and increased carotenoid contents. Interactions between UV-B fluence level and alignment occurred for all measured dry mass parameters, leaf area, photosynthetic pigment and soluble sugar concentrations, and germination success of seeds set. These results indicate altered DNA integrity rather than an indirect UV-B effect of photomorphogenic origin.  相似文献   
A gene (pMON9617; Chi2;1) identified by screening a tomato pistil cDNA library has been found to encode a protein similar in sequence to class II chitinases. Using a baculovirus expression system we show that the Chi2;1 protein is an active endochitinase. The Chi2;1 protein is most similar in sequence to a previously described stylar chitinase (SK2) isolated from potato. Both proteins lack the diagnostic N-terminal cysteine-rich regions and the C-terminal vacuolar targeting signals of class I chitinases and appear to define a novel type of class II endochitinases associated with flowers. Chi2;1 is expressed predominantly in floral organs and its expression within these organs is temporally regulated. The highest level of expression is found in the transmitting tissue of the style where Chi2;1 mRNA begins to accumulate just prior to anthesis. In vegetative tissue, low levels of Chi2;1 mRNA were detected, and these levels did not increase in response to wounding or treatment with ethephon. mRNA from Chi2;1 orthologs was not detected in most other angiosperms tested, even including some members of the Solanaceae, and it is therefore unlikely that Chi2;1 is essential for stylar function. A fragment containing 1.4 kilobase pairs of 5-flanking DNA from the Chi2;1 gene was shown to drive high-level expression of an attached reporter gene in the styles of transgenic tomatoes. This fragment has utility for engineering expression of other coding regions in styles.  相似文献   
T cells in murine lupus: propagation and regulation of disease   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
MRL/Mp-lpr/lpr mice develop a spontaneous lupus syndrome, including hypergammaglobulinemia, autoantibodies, glomerulonephritis, and lymphadenopathy. To investigate the role of lymphocyte subsets in the pathogenesis of disease, lupus-prone MRL mice deficient in T cells, T cells, or both were generated. Mice deficient in T cells developed a partially penetrant lupus syndrome, characterized by lymphadenopathy, elevated levels of class-switched immunoglobulins, an increased incidence of antinuclear antibodies, and immune deposits in kidneys which progressed to renal insufficiency over time. In comparison to wild type animals, T cell-deficient animals developed an accelerated and exacerbated disease phenotype, characterized by accelerated hypergammaglobulinemia and enhanced autoantibody production and mortality. Repertoire analysis of these latter animals identified polyclonal expansion (V) of CD4+B220-cells. Mice lacking both and T cells failed to generate class-switched autoantibodies and immune complex renal disease. First, these findings demonstrate that murine lupus in the setting of Fas-deficiency does not absolutely require the presence of T cells, and they also suggest that a significant basis for MRL/lpr disease, including renal disease, involves T cell-independent, T cell dependent, polyreactive B cell autoimmunity, upon which T cell-dependent mechanisms aggravate specific autoimmune responses. Second, these data indicate that T cells partake in the regulation of systemic autoimmunity, presumably via their effects on CD4+B220-T cells that provide B cell help. Finally, these results demonstrate that MRL/lpr B cells, despite their intrinsic abnormalities, cannot per se cause tissue injury without T cell help.Abbreviations snRNPs small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles  相似文献   
The effects of rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations on natural plant communities will depend upon the cumulative responses of plant growth and reproduction to gradual, incremental changes in climatic conditions. We analysed published studies of plant responses to elevated CO2 to address whether reproductive and total biomass exhibit similar enhancement to elevated vs. ambient CO2 concentrations, and to assess the patterns of plant response along gradients of CO2 concentrations. In six annual plant species, mean enhancement at double ambient vs. ambient CO2 was 1.13 for total biomass and 1.30 for reproductive biomass. The two measures were significantly correlated, but there was considerable scatter in the relationship, indicating that reproductive responses cannot be consistently predicted from enhancement of total biomass. Along experimental CO2 gradients utilizing three concentrations, there was a great diversity of response patterns, including positive, negative, non-monotonic and non-significant (flat) responses. The distribution of response patterns differed for plants grown in stands compared to those grown individually. Positive responses were less frequent in competitive environments, and non-monotonic responses were more frequent. These results emphasize that interpolation of plant response based on enhancement ratios measured at elevated vs. ambient CO2 concentrations is not sufficient to predict community responses to incremental changes in atmospheric conditions. The consequences of differential response patterns were assessed in a simulation of community dynamics for four species of annual plants. The model illustrates that the final community composition at a future point in time depends critically on both the magnitude and the rate of increase of atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   
A basic but rarely tested assumption in optimal foraging theoryis that positive relationships exist between the foraging patternof an animal, its short-term benefits in feeding, and its long-termfitness. We present evidence for these relationships for a centralplace foraging situation. We studied the foraging behavior ofadult water pipits (Anthus sp. spinoletta) feeding nestlingsin an Alpine habitat near Davos, Switzerland, with the followingresults: (1) searching effort decreases with increasing distancefrom the nest, (2) the amount of prey and the proportion oflarge items brought to the nest increases with increasing foragingdistance, (3) water pipits do not forage according to habitatavailability, but prefer vegetation types with the highest fooddensity (mainly grass and herbs) and avoid those with the lowest,and (4) this selectivity is only expressed when the birds foragemore than 50 m from the nest, i.e., usually outside the territory.Among the several potential interpretations of these results,the most parsimonious is that foraging decisions are based onprofitability, i.e., on the net energy gain per time unit. Additionally,we found that food conditions translate into fitness: the numberof fledglings per nest is related positively to the averageprey biomass at the foraging place and negatively to the averagedistance between the foraging place and the nest. Maximum economicdistances, which were predicted from this food-fitness relationship,agreed well with the actual foraging distances observed. Thissuggests a dose connection between foraging decisions and fitness.In addition to the theoretical issues, some conservation issuesare also briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Adaptive mate choice in species lacking male resource control and/or paternal care might be maintained by selection because preferred males sire genetically superior offspring. For such a process to occur, some male phenotypic trait(s) must both reliably indicate male genetic quality and influence the pattern of mate choice by females. In American toads, Bufo americanus, male body length has been documented to influence female mating patterns: females usually mate with males that are larger than average. However, the relationship between male size and male genetic quality is unknown. We conducted a controlled breeding experiment using 48 sires and 19 dams to determine if larger males sire offspring with superior larval performance characteristics (greater survival to metamorphosis, larger mass at metamorphosis, and earlier metamorphosis). We also aged each sire to test the hypothesis that older males are, on average, genetically superior to younger males. We crossed each female with three sires representing three body size categories (mean and 1 SD ± mean snout-ischium length). Hatchlings (500 from each cross) were reared to metamorphosis in seminatural ponds in the field. Metamorph weight (log transformed) and age at metamorphosis showed significant heritability and were genetically correlated with each other. Hence, sires differed in genetic quality. However, none of the three measures of offspring performance was correlated with sire body size or age. Thus, we obtained no support for the prediction that sire body size or age is related to genetic quality.  相似文献   
Mark Crane 《Hydrobiologia》1994,281(2):91-100
Gammarus pulex were sampled from five English streams during April 1992. The population density, number of precopula pairs and incidence of parasitic infection were recorded, and the biomass was estimated from subsamples by relating body area to dry weight. Physical and chemical measurements were taken from each stream. The abundance and standing crop biomass differed significantly between streams, probably due to the influence of pollutants or the physical structure of the stream bed. The size of individual G. pulex also differed significantly between streams, although there was no obvious causal explanation for this. Few individuals were visibly parasitised in any of the populations. Males were significantly larger than females, both in precopula pairs and in the general populations. The sex ratio differed between populations and may explain inter-stream differences in the relationship between precopula male and female size.  相似文献   
The age, growth and reproduction of Chondrostoma polylepis willkommi , an endemic cyprinid from the Iberian Peninsula, was studied for 2 years in a seasonal stream in the Guadalquivir River basin. Annual growth was low. Maximum ages observed were 5+ in males and 7+ in females. There was no significant difference in growth between sexes. Seasonal growth period started in May and continued for 2 to 6 months depending on age. The mean lengths of 1 + and 2+ age-groups decreased once the growth period had finished, probably related to reproductive stress and adverse ecological conditions, and this could explain the occurrence of Rosa Lee's phenomenon. Both sexes matured at the end of their second year of life (1+). There was a significant difference from 1: 1 in the overall sex ratio of 334 males to 464 females. Reproductive period started in March and lasted until May. Ch. p. willkommi was a multiple spawner that released two batches of eggs per female each year. The regression between fecundity ( F ) and fork length (l., mm) was: F =6.20 103 L.2.78. In females from age 2 + onwards, relative annual investment in somatic growth and reproduction was equivalent, implying that the same energy was allocated to reproduction as to maintenance/growth. Compared with other Ch. polylepis populations, the life-history patterns of this population, located in a small and seasonal stream in a southern latitude, were characterized by a low annual growth, a trade-off between reproduction and growth/maintenance, early maturity, low number of age-groups and high fecundity from multiple spawnings.  相似文献   
  • 1 Seed beetles (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) are commonly used to study the influence of reproduction on life-span and senescence. To study the physiological trade-off between reproduction and mortality, many experiments rely on manipulating access to oviposition substrates to manipulate the reproductive rate of females.
  • 2 The presence of host seeds, independent of reproduction, results in increased mortality of female Cullosobruchus muculutus. This influence on mortality varies between two host seed species, suggesting a role of either allelochemicals or energetic costs associated with behaviour on hosts.
  • 3 The influence of host seeds on survivorship, independent of reproduction, confounds the interpretation of cost-of-reproduction studies with seed beetles. This complication must thus be considered in the design and interpretation of life-history studies of seed beetles and other insects.
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