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Summary Chromaffin cells in the adrenal medulla are found in close proximity to capillary endothelial cells, thereby forming the classical endocrine complex. To examine the possible chemical basis of their interaction in more detail, we have grown bovine adrenal medullary endothelial (BAME) cells in monolayer cultures and added to them pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells, a chromaffin tumor cell line of rats. The PC12 cells were chosen because of the similarities they share with adrenal medullary chromaffin cells. PC12 cells rapidly attached to BAME cells cultures, their rate of adhesion being significantly enhanced over binding of PC12 cells to either uncoated plates or to monolayers of unrelated cell cultures. Consistent with this observation, we noted that the extracellular matrix (ECM) derived from the BAME cells did not enhance PC12 cell adhesion and did not promote neurite sprouting as previously described for ECM derived from corneal endothelial cells. The specific adhesion between PC12 and BAME cells could be abolished by cell surface extracts derived from these two cells but not by extracts derived from unrelated cell types. This activity was heat-labile, sensitive to trypsin and, to a lesser extent, to neuraminidase. We therefore conclude that PC12 cells may interact with BAME cells by specific proteinaceous adhesive factors associated with their plasma membranes. These interactions might represent the formative role of cell-cell contacts in the organization of the developing adrenal gland.Abbreviations BAME bovine adrenal medullary endothelial cells - DMEM Dulbecco's modified essential medium - ECM extracellular matrix - EMEM Eagle's modified essential medium - FCS fetal calf serum - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cells  相似文献   
Temporal changes in the egglaying behaviour of the Hessian fly   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Responses of mated female Hessian flies were investigated by analysing the behaviour of individual flies in wheat and oats. The behavioural repertoire of such females included: flying, alighting on leaves, arching of the body so that the tip of the abdomen touched the leaf surface, antennation, movements of the tip of the abdomen across the leaf at right angles to leaf veins, sitting with the ovipositor straight but still extended, and sitting with the ovipositor telescoped into the body. After alighting, females on wheat showed a higher frequency of transitions from arching to antennation and a lower frequency of transitions from arching to abdomen straight than females on oats. During the first 5 min of observations, individuals released into arenas with wheat arched and antennated 2–3 times more frequently than females released into oats. Time allotted to behaviours also differed; during the first 5 min, females in wheat spent 50 percent more time arching, whereas females in oats spent 50 percent more time sitting. Females in wheat also stayed longer and laid 4 times more eggs than females in oats. Temporal changes in egglaying were monitored by quantifying hourly rates of egglaying in no-choice assays for several hours following mating at 9:00 am. During the first and second hours post-mating, egglaying occurred infrequently. However, during the third hour post-mating (11:00 am to noon) females on wheat laid 5 times more eggs than females on oats. Rates of egglaying decreased on wheat but increased on oats during the fourth hour, and then during the fifth hour, decreased on both wheat and oats. Changes in egglaying responses were also evident when behaviours of individual females were measured 1–3 h vs. 3–7 h post-mating. Females deprived of host plants and released into wheat or oats later in the day showed higher frequencies of arching and antennation and laid more eggs before leaving the arena.
Résumé Les réactions de femelles préalablement accouplées de Mouches de Hesse ont été examinées en analysant le comportement de femelles isolées sur blé et sur avoine. Le répertoire comportemental de ces femelles comprenait: le vol, l'atterrissage sur feuille, la flexion du corps de sorte que l'extrémité de l'abdomen touchât la surface de la feuille, l'antennation, les mouvements de l'extrémité de l'abdomen sur la feuille à angle droit des nervures, le repos avec la tarière droite et encore dévaginée, le repos avec la tarière télescopée à l'intérieur du corps. Sur blé plus que sur avoine, les femelles après atterrissage ont présenté une fréquence plus élevée de passage de la flexion à l'antennation que de la flexion à l'abdomen droit. Durant les 5 premières minutes d'observation, les individus libérés dans des enceintes avec blé fléchirent et antennèrent 2 à 3 fois plus que ceux libérés sur avoine. Les durées des différentes séquences différaient aussi: sur blé, pendant les 5 premières minutes, les femelles passèrent plus de 50% du temps à fléchir, tandis que sur avoine elles passèrent plus de 50% du temps en repos. Les femelles restèrent aussi plus longtemps sur les feuilles de blé et y pondirent 4 fois plus d'oeufs que sur avoine.Les femelles de M. destructor ont montré une plasticité du seuil d'acceptation. Pendant les premières heures de ponte, elles ont été très sélectives et refusèrent, ou ne pondirent que quelques oeufs sur avoine, mais acceptèrent volontiers le blé. La discrimination s'est poursuivie tant que les femelles ont eu accès au blé en même temps qu'à l'avoine. Cependant, quand les femelles ont été privées de blé pendant plusieures heures, l'acceptation de l'avoine a augmenté. Cet accroissement de l'acceptation a eu lieu à peu près au moment où les femelles sur blé pondaient leurs derniers oeufs.
A method is presented that enables studies to be made of single nematode-fungal interactions under conditions where fungal growth at the expense of external nutrients is prevented. The nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys ologospora was used as a model organism in these studies. The method is based on removal of the traps from the vegetative mycelium, immediately after a nematode was captured and transfer of the trap with the captured nematode into a droplet of sterile distilled water placed in a moisture chamber. In the absence of external nutrients, such isolated traps of A. oligospora were fully effective in penetrating and subsequently digesting the captured nematode. Solely vegetative mycelium was formed at the expense of the digested nematode; this developed from the trap that originally had captured the nematode. One advantage of the present method is that studies on various stages of the nematode-fungal interaction can now be performed under conditions that exclude major influences of external nutrients which otherwise could be communicated to the trap cells by way of the vegetative mycelium.  相似文献   
The effect of mouse anti-mosquito antibodies, present in the bloodmeal, on the infectivity of Plasmodium berghei Vincke to Anopheles farauti Laveran was investigated. Significantly fewer oocysts developed in mosquitoes feeding on mice immunized with sugar-fed mosquito midgut antigens than in mosquitoes feeding on control mice. Mosquitoes feeding on mice immunized with the midgut antigens derived from sugar-fed mosquitoes also showed reduced mortality and had lower infection rates than those fed on unimmunized mice. Blood-fed midgut antigen was less effective in producing these effects than sugar-fed midgut antigen.  相似文献   
Summary This paper reports the occurrence of an accumulation of lethally altered lymphocytes in the subcapsular sinus of a compartment or compartments of some lymph nodes, an unusual feature best developed in nodes of the mesenteric site in aging athymic animals. Many of these cells are rod-like. In other compartments, similar lymphocytes occurred at various depths in the nodal parenchyma. This was accompanied by the disappearance of a compartment's populations of normal lymphoid cells. The observations reveal that lymphocytes, altered in a tissue, may reach the subcapsular sinus of the draining node compartment and migrate into its parenchyma which then undergoes atrophy. The likely involvement of mast cells is discussed.This work was funded by the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   
Synopsis The behaviour of three piranha species,Serrasalmus marginatus, S. spilopleura, andPygocentrus nattereri, and their prey fishes was studied underwater in the Pantanal region, Mato Grosso, Brazil. General habits, predatory tactics, feeding behaviour, and social interactions while foraging, as well as defensive tactics of prey fishes were observed.S. marginatus is solitary whereas the other two species live in shoals; their agonistic behaviour varies accordingly, the simplest being displayed by the solitary species. Predatory tactics and feeding behaviour also vary:S. spilopleura shows the most varied diet and highly opportunistic feeding strategy, which includes aggressive mimicry. The solitaryS. marginatus, besides fin and scale-eating, occasionally cleans larger individuals ofP. nattereri. Several cichlid species display defensive tactics clearly related to piranha attacks: tail protecting, watching, and confronting the predator are the most commonly observed behaviours. Piranhas seem to strongly influence use of habitat, social structure, and foraging mode of the fish communities.  相似文献   
Copper absorption was measured at two levels of dietary zinc in six healthy young men who were confined to a metabolic unit for a 75 d study of zinc utilization. A diet of conventional foods was fed, providing either 16.5 or 5.5 mg zinc and 1.3 mg copper daily. Copper absorption was determined by feeding65Cu, a stable isotope of copper, once during the 16.5 mg Zn diet and near the beginning and end of the 5.5 mg Zn diet. Apparent copper absorption averaged 48.1% when the 16.5 mg Zn diet was fed. This was significantly higher than the averages of 37.2 and 38.5% when the 5.5 mg Zn diet was fed. Absorption also differed significantly among subjects. Fecal copper did not differ between diets or among subjects. All subjects were in positive copper balance at both levels of dietary zinc. These results suggest that a dietary zinc intake slightly above the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 15 mg/d does not increase fecal copper loss and does not interfere with copper absorption.  相似文献   
A model is proposed for the effect of gramicidin A on the order and structure of phospholipid dispersions. According to this model, the addition of gramicidin A influences the surrounding lipids via two independent mechanisms. The first arises from a drop in surface pressure for those lipids substantially bounded by gramicidin A. The second mechanism arises from the increase in the phospholipid headgroup spacing due to the small polar region of the polypeptide. The model provides an explanation for the currently available NMR, X-ray diffraction and Langmuir monolayer results. The model also suggests mechanisms for the ability of gramicidin A to trigger a transition of the lipid from the lamellar to hexagonal II phase, the dependence of this transition on the lipid chain length and the formation of a lamellar phase with lysophosphatidylcholine.Abbreviations NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - DMPC dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine - S molecular order parameter - CSA chemical shift anisotropy - DPPC dipalmitoylphosphati-dylcholine - LPC lysophosphatidylcholine  相似文献   
The native molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) present in adult Drosophila heads were characterized by sedimentation analysis in sucrose gradients and by nondenaturing electrophoresis. The hydrophobic properties of AChE forms were studied by comparing their migration in the presence of Triton X100, 10-oleyl ether, or sodium deoxycholate, or in the absence of detergent. We examined the polymeric structure of AChE forms by disulfide bridge reduction. We found that the major native molecular form is an amphiphilic dimer which is converted into hydrophilic dimer and monomer on autolysis of the extracts, or into a catalytically active amphiphilic monomer by partial reduction. The latter component exists only as trace amounts in the native enzyme. Two additional minor native forms were identified as hydrophilic dimer and monomer. Although a significant proportion of AChE was only solubilized in high salt, following extractions in low salt, this high salt-soluble fraction contained the same molecular forms as the low salt-soluble fractions: thus, we did not detect any molecular form resembling the asymmetric forms of vertebrate cholinesterases.  相似文献   
Summary An associational plant refuge occurs when a plant that is susceptible to herbivory gains protection from herbivory when it is associated with another plant. In coastal North Carolina, the abundance of the palatable red alga Gracilaria tikvahiae is positively correlated with the abundance of the unpalatable brown alga Sargassum filipendula during times of increased herbivore activity. To see if grazing by the sea urchin Arbacia punctulata could generate this pattern, controlled experiments were conducted in out-door microcosms and in the laboratory. Gracilaria beneath a canopy of Sargassum was eaten significantly less than Gracilaria alone. When Arbacia were excluded, Gracilaria alone grew significantly more than Gracilaria beneath Sargassum, demonstrating that Sargassum is a competitor of Gracilaria. Experiments investigating Sargassum's deterrent role indicated that Sargassum decreased the foraging range of Arbacia and the rate at which it fed on Gracilaria. Additional experiments with plastic Sargassum mimics indicated that the decreased grazing on Gracilaria was not a result of Sargassum morphology, but was probably attributable to some chemical characteristic of Sargassum. The pattern of increased grazing in monocultures (only Gracilaria present) versus polycultures (both Gracilaria and Sargassum present) demonstrated in this study also has been demonstrated for plant-insect interactions in terrestrial communities. In these communities, insect density is higher in monocultures than in polycultures because insects find and immigrate to monocultures more rapidly, and once in a monoculture, they emigrate from them less often than from polycultures. In this study, urchins did not find and immigrate to monocultures more rapidly, nor did they tend to stay in them once they were found; in fact, they emigrated from monocultures of Gracilaria more rapidly than from Gracilaria and Sargassum polycultures. Increased grazing in Gracilaria monocultures resulted from increased rates of movement and feeding of individual herbivores, not from increased herbivore density as has been reported for terrestrial systems.  相似文献   
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