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Summary Ammonium nitrate fertilizer, labelled with15N, was applied in spring to winter wheat growing in undisturbed monoliths of clay and sandy loam soil in lysimeters; the rates of application were respectively 95 and 102 kg N ha−1 in the spring of 1976 and 1975. Crops of winter wheat, oilseed rape, peas and barley grown in the following 5 or 6 years were treated with unlabelled nitrogen fertilizer at rates recommended for maximum yields. During each year of the experiments the lysimeters were divided into treatments which were either freelydrained or subjected to periods of waterlogging. Another labelled nitrogen application was made in 1980 to a separate group of lysimeters with a clay soil and a winter wheat crop to study further the uptake of nitrogen fertilizer in relation to waterlogging. In the first growing season, shoots of the winter wheat at harvest contained 46 and 58% of the fertilizer nitrogen applied to the clay and sandy loam soils respectively. In the following year the crops contained a further 1–2% of the labelled fertilizer, and after 5 and 6 years the total recoveries of labelled fertilizer in the crops were 49 and 62% on the clay and sandy loam soils respectively. In the first winter after the labelled fertilizer was applied, less than 1% of the fertilizer was lost in the drainage water, and only about 2% of the total nitrogen (mainly nitrate) in the drainage water from both soils was derived from the fertilizer. Maximum annual loss occurred the following year but the proportion of tracer nitrogen in drainage was nevertheless smaller. Leaching losses over the 5 and 6 years from the clay and sandy loam soil were respectively 1.3 and 3.9% of the original application. On both soils the percentage of labelled nitrogen to the total crop nitrogen content was greater after a period of winter waterlogging than for freely-drained treatments. This was most marked on the clay soil; evidence points to winter waterlogging promoting denitrification and the consequent loss of soil nitrogen making the crop more dependent on spring fertilizer applications.  相似文献   
Summary Plants from agricultural and natural upland ecosystem were investigated for15N content to evaluate the role of symbiotic N2-fixation in the nitrogen nutrition of soybean. Increased yields and lower δ15N values of nodulating soybeansvs, non-nodulating isolines gave semi-quantitative estimates of N2 fixation. A fairly large discrepancy was found between estimations by δ15N and by N yield at 0 kg N/ha of fertilizer. More precise estimates were made by following changes in plant δ15N when fertilizer δ15N was varied near15N natural abundance level. Clearcut linear relationships between δ15N values of whole plants and of fertilizer were obtained at 30 kg N/ha of fertilizer for three kinds of soils. In experimental field plots, nodulating soybeans obtained 13±1% of their nitrogen from fertilizer, 66±8% from N2 fixation and 21±10% from soil nitrogen in Andosol brown soil; 30%, 16% and 54% in Andosol black soil; 7%, 77% and 16% in Alluvial soil, respectively. These values for N2 fixation coincided with each corresponding estimation by N yield method. Other results include: 1)15N content in upland soils and plants was variable, and may reflect differences in the mode of mineralization of soil organics, and 2) nitrogen isotopic discrimination during fertilizer uptake (δ15N of plant minus fertilizer) ranged from −2.2 to +4.9‰ at 0–30 kg N/ha of fertilizer, depending on soil type and plant species. The proposed method can accurately and relatively simply establish the importance of symbiotic nitrogen fixation for soybeans growing in agricultural settings.  相似文献   
Summary Remobilization of15N from vegetative tissue of mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) into pods was measured during the reproductive phase of growth. Plant tissue was labelled with15N during vegetative development. Experiments were conducted in the field at two sites. At one site the soil provided cowpeas with most of their N but at the other site N fixation provided most of the N. Remobilized N from vegetative tissue to pods occurred soon after they began to develop. The quantity of the labelled N ultimately remobilized to the pods amounted to 50% for one cultivar (Tx33) at the high soil N site and 70% at the low N site. For the other cultivar (Tx13) the values were 25% and 30%, respectively. The two cultivars performed very differently with respect to partitioning of N into pods and the rate of N fixation. Even though more N was accumulated in the shoots of the high N fixing cultivar (Tx13) less total N was contained in the pods.  相似文献   
Abstract: Chronic etorphine treatment of neuroblastoma × glioma NG108-15 cells results in both an increase in adenylate cyclase activity (upon addition of the opiate antagonist naloxone) as well as an homologous desensitization of the opiate receptor. The continued ability of opiate agonists to regulate adenylate cyclase activity following opiate receptor desensitization can be understood by proposing that the catalytic subunit of adenylate cyclase in NG108-15 cells is under tonic regulation by both guanine nucleotide regulatory (Ni) and stimulatory (Ns) components. Inactivation of Ni by pertussis toxin (PT) treatment resulted in elevated adenylate cyclase activities comparable to those observed in control cells following chronic opiate treatment. This increased enzymatic activity could not be further induced by PT treatment of cells exposed to opiate previously. In addition, procedures that prevented receptor-mediated activation of Ns, i.e., treatment with NaF or desensitization of the stimulatory receptors (prostaglandin E1, adenosine) eliminated the increase in adenylate cyclase activity induced by naloxone following chronic opiate exposure. Hence, the increase in enzymatic activity observed following chronic opiate treatment may be due to a loss in tonic inhibitory regulation of adenylate cyclase mediated through Ni resulting in the unimpeded expression of Ns activity. This tonic inhibition of adenylate cyclase activity is one of the multiple mechanisms by which Ni regulates adenylate cyclase in this cell line.  相似文献   
Induction and expression of interleukin 2 (IL 2) receptor have been studied using a poly( Glu60 Ala30 Tyr10 ) (GAT)-specific T cell clone of mouse origin. This clone (52-3) has been characterized and it exhibits functional properties of T helper (TH) cells: it leads to a specific anti-DNP response in the presence of DNP-GAT and DNP-primed B cells and it secretes biological activities which can induce polyclonal B cell proliferation and IgM secretion. In vitro this clone mimics the activation stages of normal T lymphocytes and can be obtained under two states of differentiation. depending on the antigen-specific signal provided by antigen-presenting cells (APC). The expression of IL 2 receptor by this clone has been studied by (i) its response to IL 2, (ii) its capacity to absorb IL 2 bioactivity, and (iii) its reactivity with monoclonal antibody 7D4 specific for mouse IL 2 receptor. All the results indicate that the unstimulated state does not express the IL 2 receptor while the activated state does. Clone 52-3 has been compared with clone 14-1.6 that derives from a TH cell line and expresses the IL 2 receptor constitutively. 52-3 offers a good experimental model for studying in vitro, in a clonal TH cell population, the detailed mechanism of IL 2 receptor induction.  相似文献   
Addition of 15L-hydroperoxy-5,8,11,13-eicosatetraenoic acid (15-HPETE) to human leukocytes led to the formation of a novel series of compounds containing four conjugated double bonds. The yield of tetraenes was increased approx. 100-fold when ionophore A23187 (5 μM) was added simultaneously with 15-HPETE. The structure of the major tetraene was established by physical methods as well as by chemical degradation and found to be 5,6,15L-trihydroxy-7,9,11,13-eicosatetraenoic acid.  相似文献   
Phytochrome (120 kdalton or 60 kdalton) was isolated from etiolated seedlings of Avena sativa L. cv. Pirol (Baywa München). Irradiation with red light of the Pr form at −23°C in aqueous medium or at −40°C in 66% glycerol leads to the intermediate meta-Rb. Acidification of the glycerol solution at −40°C leads to the absorption of the 15(E) phytochrome chromophore (= Pfr chromophore). Subsequent irradiation transforms this into the 15(Z) chromophore (= Pr chromophore). The presence of the 15(E) chromophore was demonstrated by the same methods also in phytochrome bleached either as Pfr in the dark by 4 M urea, methanol, acetone, ethylene glycol, 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonate, or as Pr by irradiation with red light in the presence of the same agents. Phytochrome bleached by sodium dodecylsulfate or by dehydration was also investigated. It was concluded that bleached phytochrome contains the Pfr chromophore without specific interaction with the protein.  相似文献   
Under certain growth conditions, some strains of Escherichia coli accumulate toxic levels of methylglyoxal. This report characterizes a strain which synthesizes a mutant cAMP receptor protein in an adenylate cyclase deletion background. When cultured in glucose 6-phosphate minimal medium, this strain (222) was prematurely growth arrested due to methylglyoxal production; growth inhibition did not occur when the strain was grown in glucose minimal medium. A comparison of a variety of enzyme and cofactor levels in the related strains 222 (mutant) and 225 (wild-type) grown on either glucose or glucose 6-phosphate medium was carried out. The only difference found that might explain an increase in methylglyoxal accumulation was an elevated level of phosphofructokinase in strain 222 grown on glucose 6-phosphate. Since this enzyme activity probably limits hexose phosphate metabolism, it is suggested that growth inhibition in strain 222 may be due to increased production of triose phosphate, some of which is converted to methylglyoxal.  相似文献   
The biosynthesis of arylsulfatase A was studied in cultured fibroblasts by pulse-chase labeling with [2-3H]mannose; the enzyme was isolated by immunoprecipitation and denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In normal fibroblasts, and in fibroblasts from a patient with multiple sulfatase deficiency, the enzyme was synthesized as a glycoprotein of apparent molecular weight of 59,000; half of it was processed over a period of 4 days to Mr= 57,000. The precursor chain of Mr= 59,000 was secreted in the presence of 10 mM NH4Cl. An immunoprecipitable glycoprotein of normal size was synthesized by fibroblasts from two unrelated patients with metachromatic leukodystrophy, but this material disappeared within twenty hours. In fibroblasts from an individual with pseudodeficiency of arylsulfatase A, the immunoprecipitable precursor glycoprotein was smaller (Mr= 56,000). The synthesis of cross-reactive proteins with altered properties supports the concept of allelic mutations as the genetic basis of metachromatic leukodystrophy and of arylsulfatase A pseudodeficiency.  相似文献   
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