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Blue light controls solar tracking by flowers of an alpine plant   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In at least 18 plant families, leaves or flowers can maintain a specific orientation with respect to diurnal movements of the sun. Previous work on heliotropic leaves has demonstrated that blue light (400–500nm) provides the cue for their tracking response. Floral heliotropism occurs in several families of arctic and alpine plants, but the spectral sensitivity of the response has not been studied previously. Moreover, no studies on the spectral sensitivity of any heliotropism have been conducted on wild plants growing in their natural habitat. Working under field conditions, we used coloured acrylic filters to determine whether heliotropism by flowers of the snow buttercup (Ranunculus adoneus) is responsive to broad-band blue or red light. Flowers were able to orient towards the sun under boxes made entirely of blue-transmitting filters and in red-transmitting boxes having a single blue side that faced the sun. In these treatments, solar tracking ability was not significantly different from that observed in adjacent control flowers. In contrast, the precision of solar orientation was significantly reduced in red-transmitting boxes and red boxes with a single blue side oriented away from the sun. In the early morning, flowers covered by red-transmitting boxes failed to orient in the direction of sunrise, suggesting that this floral response, unlike that seen in some heliotropic leaves, lacks a residual‘memory’ for previous solar movements.  相似文献   
Phagocytosis has been used to characterize on a functional basis leukocytes adhered to the aortic endothelium of the rat. After intravenous administration of particles, phagocytosis was observed microscopically in esterase-positive leukocytes adhered to the endothelium in whole mounts of aorta. PolybeadR blue and red, 0.5 and 1 μm particle size, were inadequate because they were insufficiently colored to be identified individually at 400. Fluoresbritetm YG 0.25 and 0.50 μm at doses of 0.2 and 2 ± 0.3 m1/100 g, respectively, produced endothelial lesions. The same occurred with Monastral blue BR (MbB) at 0.3 ml/100 g, red iron at 2 ± 16 mg/100 g and India ink at different concentrations depending on the supplier. At lower particle doses, lesions were not found. Deferoxamine mesylate 1.5 mg/100 g intravenous and allopurinol 5 mg/100 g intraperitoneal administered before the particles diminished the number and intensity of lesions. In none of the cases studied was the percentage of phagocytic cells greater than 50%. Clearance curves of MbB and Fluoresbritetm indicated rapid disappearance of particles from the blood. Results indicate that administration of particulate suspensions is not a good method for characterizing the phagocytic leukocytes adhering to the aortic endothelium because low doses produce rapid clearance of particles, thus impeding sufficient leukocyte loading, and higher doses produce endothelial lesions that often impair reliable counting of the adhering leukocytes.  相似文献   
Nitric Oxide Reversibly Suppresses Xanthine Oxidase Activity   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The effects of nitric oxide (NO) on xanthine oxidase (XOD) activity and the site(s) of the redox center(s) affected were investigated. XOD activity was determined by superoxide (O2-) generation and uric acid formation. NO reversibly and dose-dependently suppressed XOD activity in both determination methods. The suppression interval also disclosed a dose-dependent prolongation. The suppression occurred irrespective of the presence or absence of xanthine; indicating that the reaction product of NO and O2-, peroxynitrite, is not responsible for the suppression. Application of synthesized peroxynitrite did not affect XOD activity up to 2 μM. Methylene blue, which is an electron acceptor from Fe/S center, prevented the NO-induced inactivation. The results indicate that NO suppresses XOD activity through reversible alteration of the flavin prosthetic site.  相似文献   
Abstract: Cyclic GMP (cGMP) formation in rat pinealocytes is regulated through a synergistic dual receptor mechanism involving β-and α1-adrenergic receptors. The effects of N -monomethyl- l -arginine (NMMA), which inhibits nitric oxide (NO) synthase and NO-mediated activation of cytosolic guanylate cyclase, and methylene blue (MB), which inhibits cytosolic guanylate cyclase, were investigated in an attempt to understand the role of NO in adrenergic cGMP formation. Both NMMA and MB inhibited β-adrenergic stimulation of cGMP formation as well as α1-adrenergic potentiation of β-adrenergic stimulation of cGMP formation, whereas they had no effect in unstimulated pinealocytes. The inhibitory action of NMMA was antagonized by addition of l -arginine. On the basis of these findings it can be concluded that the adrenergic stimulation of cGMP formation involves NO synthesis followed by activation of cytosolic guanylate cyclase.  相似文献   
Mangroves are among the most carbon-dense ecosystems worldwide. Most of the carbon in mangroves is found belowground, and root production might be an important control of carbon accumulation, but has been rarely quantified and understood at the global scale. Here, we determined the global mangrove root production rate and its controls using a systematic review and a recently formalised, spatially explicit mangrove typology framework based on geomorphological settings. We found that global mangrove root production averaged ~770 ± 202 g of dry biomass m−2 year−1 globally, which is much higher than previously reported and close to the root production of the most productive tropical forests. Geomorphological settings exerted marked control over root production together with air temperature and precipitation (r2 ≈ 30%, p < .001). Our review shows that individual global changes (e.g. warming, eutrophication, drought) have antagonist effects on root production, but they have rarely been studied in combination. Based on this newly established root production rate, root-derived carbon might account for most of the total carbon buried in mangroves, and 19 Tg C lost in mangroves each year (e.g. as CO2). Inclusion of root production measurements in understudied geomorphological settings (i.e. deltas), regions (Indonesia, South America and Africa) and soil depth (>40 cm), as well as the creation of a mangrove root trait database will push forward our understanding of the global mangrove carbon cycle for now and the future. Overall, this review presents a comprehensive analysis of root production in mangroves, and highlights the central role of root production in the global mangrove carbon budget.  相似文献   
Cryoconite, the dark sediment on the surface of glaciers, often aggregates into oval or irregular granules serving as biogeochemical factories. They reduce a glacier's albedo, act as biodiversity hotspots by supporting aerobic and anaerobic microbial communities, constitute one of the organic matter (OM) sources on glaciers, and are a feeder for micrometazoans. Although cryoconite granules have multiple roles on glaciers, their formation is poorly understood. Cyanobacteria are ubiquitous and abundant engineers of cryoconite hole ecosystems. This study tested whether cyanobacteria may be responsible for cryoconite granulation as a sole biotic element. Incubation of Greenlandic, Svalbard, and Scandinavian cyanobacteria in different nutrient availabilities and substrata for growth (distilled water alone and water with quartz powder, furnaced cryoconite without OM, or powdered rocks from glacial catchment) revealed that cyanobacteria bind mineral particles into granules. The structures formed in the experiment resembled those commonly observed in natural cryoconite holes: they contained numerous cyanobacterial filaments protruding from aggregated mineral particles. Moreover, all examined strains were confirmed to produce extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), which suggests that cryoconite granulation is most likely due to EPS secretion by gliding cyanobacteria. In the presence of water as the only substrate for growth, cyanobacteria formed mostly carpet-like mats. Our data empirically prove that EPS-producing oscillatorialean cyanobacteria isolated from the diverse community of cryoconite microorganisms can form granules from mineral substrate and that the presence of the mineral substrate increases the probability of the formation of these important and complex biogeochemical microstructures on glaciers.  相似文献   
The mechanism of the aniline hydroxylase activity of methaemoglobin in a monooxygenase system consisting of NADH as electron donor, riboflavin, FAD, FMN or methylene blue as electron carrier and methaemoglobin as the terminal oxidase has been studied. Hydrogen peroxide is produced from oxygen in a methaemoglobin-independent process. 4-Aminophenol is subsequently produced peroxidatively by an NADH-dependent process; NADH prevents a further oxidation of 4-aminophenol in the presence of haemoglobin. In the absence of electron carrier, NADH slowly reduces haemoglobin and then oxyhaemoglobin reacts with aniline to give 4-aminophenol. In the absence of electron donor and electron carrier, oxyhaemoglobin and aniline give rise to the reversible production of 4-aminophenol.  相似文献   
Clostridium pasteurianum has two distinct hydrogenases, the bidirectional hydrogenase and the H2-oxidizing (uptake) hydrogenase. The H2-oxidizing hydrogenase has been purified (up to 970-fold) to a specific activity of 17,600 μmol H2 oxidized/min·mg protein (5 mM methylene blue) or 3.5 μmol H2 produced/min·mg protein (1 mM methyl viologen). The uptake hydrogenase has a Mr of 53,000 (one polypeptide chain). Depending upon how protein was measured, the Fe and S= contents (gatom/mol) were 4.7 and 5.2 (by the dye-binding assay) or 7.2 and 8.0 (by the Lowry method). Both reduced and oxidized forms of the enzyme gave electron paramagnetic resonance signals. The activation energy for H2-production and H2-oxidation by the uptake hydrogenase was 59.1 and 31.2 kJ/mol, respectively. In the exponential phase of growth, the ratio of uptake hydrogenase/bidirectional hydrogenase in NH3-grown cells was much lower than that in N2-fixing cells.  相似文献   
A simple and sensitive method for the determination of polylysine in solution is described. Polylysine is quantitatively precipitated with trypan blue. The absorbance of unbound dye in the supernatant is inversely proportional to the concentration of this polyamino acid. The precipitation is identical for all sizes of polylysine of molecular weight 13,000 or higher, and is prevented by the addition of either polyanions or serum. The measurable range of polylysine hydrobromide is between 1 and 10 micrograms/ml, which is about 10-fold lower than that by the published methyl orange precipitation method.  相似文献   
alpha 1-Acid glycoprotein (AGP) was purified to homogeneity by a 3-step procedure using pseudo-ligand affinity chromatography on immobilized Cibacron blue F3GA, Procion red HE3B, and preparative column isoelectric focusing. The overall yield of the combined techniques was 88%. Analysis of the purified AGP by lectin affinity chromatography on immobilized Con A and immunoaffino-electrophoresis indicated that the most acidic form did not interact with the lectin, while the two more basic fractions possessed different affinities for Con A. In addition, 3 different populations of AGP were clearly separated by Con A affinity chromatography.  相似文献   
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